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Falling For an Alpha Billionaire
Falling For an Alpha Billionaire
Falling For an Alpha Billionaire
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Falling For an Alpha Billionaire

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anelle has position, money and a dominating attitude. She has everything a woman could want...except love. Falling in love had brought her nothing but hurt, scars, and a broken heart. She wasn't interested in love.

Unfortunately, her father, Cliffton Baxter, did not agree with her choice to live her life on her own terms and chose to interfere. When she meets Edwin, she is reluctant to let go and be wooed by his charm and good looks. However, she soon finds that some things even her stubborn attitude and cool demeanor cannot combat.

Edwin is the ultimate Alpha Billionaire. He has the looks, the connections, the money and the reputation of being able to get whatever woman he set out to claim. He was just the one to overcome Janelle's defense and aversion to being loved, according to Mr. Baxter. And if he's lucky, Edwin would be an even richer man if he accomplishes his mission to win her heart.

Edwin takes on the challenge, thinking that it will be an easy way to increase his wealth and maybe provide him with some entertainment in the process. Unfortunately, he greatly underestimated Janelle's allure and the power of love.

Release dateMay 21, 2024
Falling For an Alpha Billionaire

Christine Gray

Christine Gray is an author, publisher, and entrepreneur. Beginning her career under the pen name, Sapphire, her list of books include Don't Tell My Husband, One of a Kind Love, Sweet Obsessions, the paranormal series, Relentless; A Vampire King's Desire, and many more. Christine Gray is a very creative writer that's heating up the Interracial Romance scene with her talent for creating books that pull her readers into the story, allowing them to experience every emotion. Her gift for original story lines laced with mystery, humor and erotic moments combined with strong women, and devilishly handsome men, has brought her a large fan base since her start in fall 2014 with Royalty Publishing House. Now as a CEO of After Hours Publications, it's her desire to push the boundaries of the Lit world by offer stories in the Paranormal, Erotica, and Historical Fiction, even Sci-Fi genres which are areas that many African American characters aren't featured.

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    Book preview

    Falling For an Alpha Billionaire - Christine Gray


    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Falling For an Alpha Billionaire

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    A Novel By,


    ©2024 Published by After Hours Publications

    All rights reserved.

    Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express permission by the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 17+




    Chapter One

    I think I'll hang around a little longer before I get to my mission, father.

    Really?! So you're going to do it for me? his dad said, full of excitement.

    Shit, why not. It seems my brothers and you have luck betting on black. So, why the hell not?

    You have no problem doing the job, then? It might end up being a lot more than you can handle, Frannie warned.

    How can you say that with a straight face? Edwin laughed.

    You are one proud punk, Frannie chuckled in response. But, she knew that her grandson's match was out there, and this just might be the one job he might end up regretting.

    "But really Ed, I'm not worried about if you can do it. Hell, you’ve been dicking the ladies down left and right as it is. I'm more concerned with the how and the aftermath. If it wasn't for it being such a good friend, I wouldn't have even considered such a crazy thing." Collier had been shocked when his friend from his youth came calling. Well, begging him, really to help him out with his daughter. The man was at his whit’s end, and after meeting Edwin months earlier, he felt that Edwin was the answer to his prayers.

    Don't worry, Dad. I know what I'm doing. This isn't my first time, you know. I know how to make a lady feel good about herself. And I’ve walked away from them enough to know how to let them down even if it means paying out a few dollars to pick up their spirits after I’m gone. You just make sure that you keep your end of the bargain. The vineyard and all it entails will be mine, correct? Edwin pressed.

    When his father came to him with this crazy ass scheme, he laughed it off. That was, until his father offered to make him the sole owner of a very lucrative business that had gone globe three years ago. Sure, he had money, but everything belonged to either his father or his fucked up mother. Now, he would have his own. With that offer on the table, he would have seduced and fucked a corpse.

    No need to worry. I'll draw up the papers and go over them with you before you leave, his father answered.

    Good, I’ll be back in a few weeks, three tops.

    Now, a week later, Edwin was lounging in the spacious office of Clifton Baxter in Palm Beach, Florida. The sun was blazing through the third floor of the five-story building, all owned by the man. He loosened his tie and opened the first two buttons of his black shirt, realizing too late that black was a mistake in this heat.  He sat with his legs stretched out before him in the fabric chair. He was thankful that the chair wasn't leather. He could only think that he had no desire to be stuck to it as he tossed his suit jacket on the chair next to him.

    Please don't judge me, son, because my actions are pure. Something has to be done to snap my Janelle out of this destructive way of life she's taken up.

    Why don't you tell me what's going on? Of course, I did some research, but I would like to hear it from you, asked Edwin, sounding like a therapist.

    Clifton hesitated a bit, not knowing how much to reveal to the handsome young man. He didn't want to scare the boy away or make him feel like it was a hopeless cause.

    My daughter, Janelle, is twenty-eight, strong-willed and she has gotten it in her head that finding true love is a helpless cause. She had been in relationships and there was one time that she was even engaged, but when that fell through... he trailed off with a shrug.

    And after looking for love and being hurt, she has closed herself off from the idea, Edwin said with a nod of understanding. And this accident, was one of her boyfriends to blame?

    I must commend you on your research. Yes, her fiancé was involved. Now, she's getting into drugs and sexual activities that are very unsavory. Although she's very secretive about it, I have ways of finding out what she's up to.

    Speaking of sex... If she and I are in a relationship, we may indulge in some of that ourselves.

    Just as long as it's consensual, I am fine with that. I just want her to get her confidence back and come back to life, Mr. Baxter said with so much emotion that Edwin felt sorry for the man. Edwin gazed at the fifty-something-year-old businessman over the large, polished, walnut-colored desk. It was obvious that at one time, he was on the chunky side and he had lost a lot of weight from the way the loose skin on his cheeks hung. His brown face was peppered with dark freckles that looked like tiny chocolate chips. 

    Wanting to change the subject, Edwin looked down at his Rolex. Shouldn't she be here by now? he asked.

    The girl was fifteen minutes late.

    Yes, she usually is on time. We might be black, but we don't do that CPT crap, Clifton laughed.

    What's so funny? came a smooth voice from behind him. 

    The two of them had been laughing so loud that neither one of them had heard the heavy wooden door unlatch and open. Instantly, Edwin’s radar kicked in. The sound of her voice alone had caused a sense of excitement to stir in his loins. Her voice was soft, smooth, deep for a woman, and held a southern drawl that seemed to be music to his ears.  With a smile still on his face, Edwin got to feet and swung around to face the woman he was there to seduce. That's when his entire world came crashing down. Instantly, he realized just why his skills were requested. In a millisecond, he also realized that this strange mission might take a little more time than what he had thought.

    What the fuck is this? Oh, my Lord!  he was screaming mentally, even though his winning smile hadn't dropped in the least. He was so fucking mad at the fact that everyone seemed to think it was alright to leave out one very important fact about his target: her face!

    JANELLE'S STEPS STUMBLED at the sight of the handsome stranger that was standing in front of her father's desk. She had thought that when her dad had arranged the morning meeting to discuss their vineyard in Saint Augustine that it would just be them. She hadn't prepared herself for guests. She wouldn't have barged into the office with her hair pulled up. But in spite of seeing her, she had to give the man props for not showing the feelings that she was sure he must be feeling at the sight of her. His blues eyes were trained on hers. Her thin eyebrow shot up as she inspected the handsome male flesh in front of her. He was truly something nice to behold. 

    I'm sorry for entering. I'll-

    No, come on in and let me introduce you to Edwin Gibbs. Edwin, this is my daughter, Janelle, Clifton said calmly, just as he had practiced.

    Hello, Janelle. I've heard a lot about you, Edwin said casually.

    Sighing, she walked into the room and took his outstretched hand. The man was beyond handsome; she noticed upon closer inspection that he was gorgeous. With her being 5'5, she surmised that he had to be at least 5'11 or taller. The finely tailored suit stretched nicely over his toned, tanned, muscular physique. Even so, he wasn't grossly muscular, but mid-built. The dark hair on his chiseled jawline was cut low to form a light beard that connected to his hair that was cut short all around with it a bit longer on top. A pair of full lips and deep blue eyes finished off his sexy features. His looks reminded her of Jared Leto before his Jesus-looking phase, but this man was more on the meatier side. 

    "He's the reason I called the meeting.

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