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Surviving Erica
Surviving Erica
Surviving Erica
Ebook231 pages3 hours

Surviving Erica

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In the quiet suburbs of Tacoma, Washington, lives a seemingly ordinary woman named Erica. By day, she works as a dedicated midwife, bringing new life into the world and caring for expectant mothers with a gentle touch. But Erica's lifestyle of lying low harbors a dark secret—one that could unravel her carefully constructed life.


Unknown to her neighbors and colleagues, Erica is actually the female Dracula, a powerful vampire who has walked the earth for centuries. Her husband, James, is her devoted companion, turned by her long ago and bound to her through eternity. Together, they masquerade as a normal, churchgoing couple.


Everything changes when Nadine arrives in town and befriends Erica and James at the local zoo. As Nadine spends more time with the couple, she begins to notice strange occurrences and unsettling behavior. Erica's carefully guarded secret starts to unravel, and Nadine finds herself drawn deeper into a world of darkness and desire.


Nadine discovers the truth about her new friends and the dangerous world they inhabit. But Erica is desperate to keep her secret hidden, fearing the consequences of exposure, and she goes to the ends of the earth to keep it.


PublisherJodi Chow
Release dateMay 22, 2024
Surviving Erica

Jodi Chow

Jodi lives in the PNW with her husband and her daughter.  They have two doggos, and they enjoy spending time outdoors.   Jodi earned her Master's Degree from Southern Nazarene University, and now writes full time thanks to Bitcoin.  

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    Surviving Erica - Jodi Chow

    Surviving Erica

    By: Jodi Chow

    A Female Dracula Story

    In the quiet suburbs of Tacoma, Washington, lives a seemingly ordinary woman named Erica. By day, she works as a dedicated midwife, bringing new life into the world and caring for expectant mothers with a gentle touch. But Erica’s lifestyle of lying low harbors a dark secret—one that could unravel her carefully constructed life.

    Unknown to her neighbors and colleagues, Erica is actually the female Dracula, a powerful vampire who has walked the earth for centuries. Her husband, James, is her devoted companion, turned by her long ago and bound to her through eternity. Together, they masquerade as a normal, churchgoing couple.

    Everything changes when Nadine arrives in town and befriends Erica and James at the local zoo. As Nadine spends more time with the couple, she begins to notice strange occurrences and unsettling behavior. Erica's carefully guarded secret starts to unravel, and Nadine finds herself drawn deeper into a world of darkness and desire.

    Nadine discovers the truth about her new friends and the dangerous world they inhabit. But Erica is desperate to keep her secret hidden, fearing the consequences of exposure, and she goes to the ends of the earth to keep it.

    Chapter One- The Crimson Exile

    In the quiet and sunny village of Oakwood, anchored amidst the rolling hills and lush forests of the English countryside, Erica woke up on her sixteenth birthday with a heart full of excitement. The sun peeked through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. She stretched her arms out, enjoying the fresh air circulating throughout her room.  The sounds of the farm arousing her from her slumber. The homestead was nestled in the fields, where Erica and her family lived in a charming cottage which was surrounded by intense greenery and blooming flowers.

    The days passed like butter, soft and enriching.  There was a permanent golden glow around everything the light touched.  Oakwood was far enough away from the influence of the royal family, but sophisticated enough to operate with a level of comfort not found elsewhere.  The Peterson family was privileged to reside in the countryside and adored the charming village.  In turn, the community loved having the family’s stable presence and work ethic. 

    That morning, along with many others, Erica Peterson’s mother was up early tending to the chores. She had already fed the chickens and prepared breakfast by the time she sat down on Erica’s bed, a premium hairbrush in hand. Erica, still in her night clothes, sat beside her mother, her eyes filled with admiration. Her mother's hair, a cascade of golden locks, shone in the morning light as she gently brushed it with care.

    You have such beautiful hair, Erica, her mother said, turning the brush to her daughter, her voice soft and soothing. It reminds me of the golden fields of wheat that sway in the breeze. Erica smiled, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort in her mother's presence. Thank you, Mother. You always know how to make me feel special.

    As her mother continued to brush her hair, Erica looked around their humble abode. The walls were adorned with quilts and paintings, each telling a story of their family's history as tenant farmers. The furniture was simple yet elegant, crafted with care by her father's skilled hands. Outside, the sounds of nature filled the air. Birds chirped merrily, and the distant sound of a cow mooing could be heard from the nearby pasture. It was a peaceful and idyllic setting, and today was just as special for Erica’s mother as it was for her. Her mother was a proud woman, who took great care in orchestrating beautiful ideas and peaceful days into her children’s lives. She enjoyed this day and wanted it to be perfect for her daughter.

    AFTER ERICA’S HAIR was brushed to perfection, Erica’'s mother stood up and kissed her forehead. Time to start the day, my dear. There's much to be done, but first, let's enjoy this time together. Erica beamed. Thank you, Mother. I can't believe I'm sixteen already.

    They chatted the morning away, and Erica mentioned James, her boyfriend, who lived down the dirt road from her family’s cottage. They had been sweethearts since they were children and shared a dream of going away to study medicine together. I saw James yesterday, and he gave me this, Erica said, showing her mother a small bouquet of wildflowers that James had picked for her. He's the sweetest.

    Their eyes twinkled with amusement together. It sounds like you two are inseparable. Have you talked about your plans for the future? Erica nodded eagerly. Yes! We both want to go to the university in London and study medicine. Can you imagine? Dr. Erica Peterson and Dr. James Smith, healing the sick and saving lives?

    Her mother chuckled. That would be quite the sight to see.

    As Erica's mother quietly left her room, Erica continued getting ready for the day. She had a large party planned, and she wanted to look perfect. She carefully selected a beautiful skyblue dress made of the finest fabric, a gift from her grandmother, and slipped it on, feeling like a princess. The dress was distinguished by rich blue dyes in a variety of shades, adorned with intricate lace and embroidery that was woven down the bodice, accentuating her slender figure.

    Next, she sat down at her vanity, where an array of cosmetics and perfumes awaited her. She applied a light layer of makeup, enhancing her natural beauty, and dabbed on her favorite perfume, a delicate floral scent that lingered in the air around her. Her hair, already brushed to perfection by her mother, cascaded down her back in soft waves. She decided to leave it down, allowing it to showcase her face in a mature fashion.

    Finally, she added a few accessories—a pearl necklace, matching earrings, and a bracelet that adorned her wrist. Each piece added a touch of elegance to her ensemble, making her look like a true lady in the mirror. Satisfied with her appearance, Erica stood up and admired herself, with not a soul around or a peep to be processed.  She felt a surge of excitement as she imagined the festivities that awaited her. Today was not just a celebration of her birthday, but also a celebration of life, love, and the bonds that held her family and friends together. She couldn't wait to share this special day with everyone she held dear.

    ERICA MADE HER WAY down the wooden staircase, and she noticed that one of their beloved Labradors, Sailor, had managed to slip out of the house. Without hesitation, Erica sprang into action, chasing after the playful pup with a determined stride. She caught up to Sailor and, with a firm yet gentle hand, led him back inside, all the while laughing at his antics. Her father, seated at the kitchen table, looked up from his cup of coffee and chuckled at the sight of his daughter wrestling with the dog. He couldn't help but admire her grace and resolve, even in such a simple task.

    When Erica entered the kitchen, her father stood up in shock at her beauty. Happy Birthday, my dear! he exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with pride. He enveloped her in a warm hug, his heart overflowing with love for his daughter. Erica smiled, feeling grateful for her father's love and support. Erica innocently exclaimed, I cannot believe he got away! as she fixed her hair, still reeling from Sailor's escapade. I cannot wait for tonight, Papa! she added, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

    Her father walked over to her and gave her a hug, smiling warmly. You will have a wonderfully enchanted evening, he said, his voice filled with devotion and love. As her father walked away, Erica couldn't help but wonder what would be so thrilling about her party. With a sigh, she resigned herself to reading a book, eager to pass the time until the festivities began. Erica sat engrossed in The Gentlewoman's Companion, the words of the book weaving their spell around her, she lost track of time. An hour slipped by unnoticed, her mind absorbed in the wisdom and advice contained within its pages.

    But as she closed the book and rose from her chair, Erica felt a wave of weakness wash over her. The hours of reading had taken their toll, leaving her drained and in need of sustenance. With a sigh, she made her way to the dairy, where a pitcher of fresh milk awaited her.

    She noticed the cows, smiled, and grabbed a glass. Erica drank deeply, feeling the cool liquid revive her tired body. The milk was rich and creamy, a comforting reminder of the simple pleasures of home.  Setting the empty glass aside, Erica returned to her book, the words now imbued with a new significance. Sailor lay at her feet.

    Later that day, Erica’s family and friends gathered for a grand celebration. Her father, a respected farmer in the village, beamed with pride as he watched his daughter interact with her guests. He had a special gift for her, a beautiful pendant engraved with her initials, ‘EP’. Happy birthday, my dear Erica, he said, placing the pendant around her neck. You are the apple of my eye, and I am happy for the young woman you have become.

    As the festivities continued into the evening, Erica felt grateful for the love and support of her family and the bright future that awaited her and James. They danced under the stars, dreaming of the adventures that lay ahead. Under the light of the moon, a young and handsome James came over to Erica. He charmingly asked her to dance and took her hand, leading her to the center of the dance floor. They moved gracefully together, their steps in perfect sync with the music.

    When they danced, their own joy bubbled over, and it seemed as though no one else existed in the world. The crowd around them fell silent, and Erica began to feel a sense of importance, as if she were the center of someone’s attention. Feeling a bit odd, Erica stopped their dance and suggested they take a break. They walked over to a wooden table and sat down, away from the crowd. James looked at her with concern and asked, Are you alright?

    Just feeling a bit dizzy, Erica replied, trying to brush off the feeling.  She felt a bit confused, thinking that the attention was coming from James, but now as they sat, she wasn’t quite so sure. Blushing, she took a deep breath, hoping to shake off the strange sensation that had come over her. The night was cool and crisp, the air filled with the sounds of schoolgirl laughter and music as Erica and James stole away from the crowded party that was being held behind their village’s post office. The excitement of the evening had stirred something wild within her.

    They found a secluded spot beneath an ancient oak tree, and their hearts were racing with hormones- they never imagined that their lives were about to change forever. Still exhilarated from their dance, they collapsed onto the soft grass beneath the tree, their hearts pounding in sync with the rhythm of nature around them. The air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers, and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze was like a soothing melody.

    Erica leaned back against the rough bark of the oak tree, feeling its strength and age beneath her fingertips. She closed her eyes, letting the cool shade and the earthy scent of the forest envelop her. James sat beside her, his presence comforting and reassuring.

    They sat in silence for a while, simply basking in each other's company and the peacefulness of the moment. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them and the oak tree standing sentinel over them. After a time, James broke the silence. Do you ever wonder what the future holds for us? he asked, his voice soft and contemplative.

    Erica opened her eyes, turning to look at him. She smiled, a gentle warmth filling her heart. I think the future is whatever we make of it, she replied. As long as we're together, I know we'll make it. Hearing what she said, she giggled.

    James reached out, taking her hand in his. I believe that too, he said, his eyes filled with love and commitment. As long as we have each other, we can weather any storm.

    They sat together under the oak tree, their hands entwined, watching as stars shot through the night sky. From the shadows emerged a figure cloaked in darkness, his eyes burning with an otherworldly light. It was Dracula, drawn by the scent of youthful blood and the promise of new vampires to join his ranks.

    With a swift and silent movement, Dracula descended upon Erica, sinking his fangs into her delicate neck as she sat in shock. She gasped in pain, but before she could utter a sound, Dracula's hypnotic gaze held her in thrall. The air was thick with the scent of decay and the chill of the night sent shivers down her spine. She had come here seeking answers, but what she found was something far more sinister.

    The pain was excruciating, a fiery agony that seemed to consume her whole being. She tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips. She was trapped, helpless, as Dracula drank deeply of her blood. As he withdrew, Erica fell to her knees, gasping for breath. She could feel the darkness creeping in at the edges of her vision, threatening to consume her. But as she looked up at Dracula, she saw something in his eyes—a glimmer of remorse, of regret.

    I am sorry, my dear, he whispered, his voice like silk against her skin as he gently caressed her youthful face. But you are now one of us. Erica felt the icy venom of Dracula coursing through her veins, she turned to James, her eyes alight with a hunger she could not understand. She was now a predator, a creature of the night, and without hesitation, she bit into his neck, sharing the curse of vampirism with him.

    Under the ancient oak tree, bathed in moonlight, Erica and James experienced a transformation unlike any other. The moment they were turned into vampires, their skin became instantly pale, their blonde hair even blonder, and their eyes a deep hue of molten lava. Their incisors elongated into sharp fangs, a sign of their immortality.

    The two stared at each other, the realization of what they had become sunk in. They were no longer mere mortals but creatures of evil, with powers and abilities beyond human comprehension. Time seemed to stand still as they took in their new forms, their senses heightened and their bodies filled with a newfound strength.

    Erica reached out to touch James, feeling the coolness of his skin against hers. They both knew that their lives would never be the same again, but in that moment, they felt a sense of exhilaration and freedom unlike anything they had ever experienced. As they stood together under the oak tree, their gaze locked in a silent promise, they knew that they would face eternity together, embracing their immortality and all the wonders and challenges that it would bring.

    Dracula, a dark and mysterious figure, appeared before Erica and James as they stood under the oak tree, their newly transformed bodies tingling with the power of their new  nature. His presence was mesmerizing, his eyes still glowing. With a wave of his hand, Dracula began to hypnotize them, weaving a spell of lust and desire that neither could resist. They were drawn to each other like magnets, their bodies moving together in a dance of passion that transcended the physical realm.

    However, Erica, with all of her willpower, was able to resist Dracula's influence to a greater extent than James. She fought against the hypnotic spell, her mind clear and focused even as her body responded to the dark magic. Angered by Erica's resistance, Dracula cursed them, his voice echoing with power and malice. The ancient vampire looked upon them with eyes that seemed to pierce their very souls, his voice smooth and mesmerizing.

    You have both been changed, Dracula began, his voice echoing through the dimly lit forest. I have granted you the gift of immortality, to protect you from the grasp of death.

    Erica and James exchanged a glance, uncertainty flickering in their eyes. Immortality was not a gift they had sought, and the thought of living forever filled them with a sense of unease.

    But there is a price, Dracula continued, his tone growing somber. Your spirits, they offend me. They are too pure, too bright. They remind me of all that I have lost, of the humanity I once possessed.

    Erica felt another chill run down her spine. She could sense the darkness in Dracula's words, the underlying threat of his curse. She knew that whatever was to come, it would not be pleasant.

    With a wave of his hand, Dracula uttered a curse, his words filled with ancient power. From this day forth, your spirits shall be tainted, he declared. Your souls shall be bound to mine, forever linked in darkness.

    The curse took hold, and Erica felt a surge of darkness

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