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The Last Round: The Sorcerer's Almanac, #1
The Last Round: The Sorcerer's Almanac, #1
The Last Round: The Sorcerer's Almanac, #1
Ebook27 pages14 minutes

The Last Round: The Sorcerer's Almanac, #1

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About this ebook

Kian faces his biggest challenge in the Grand Arena. In the final match of a legendary tournament, Kian fights against Finnian "The Phantom" Keane, a mysterious opponent with dark powers. As Finnian uses his sinister magic, Kian must draw strength from his mentor Declan's teachings and his promise to his sister Siobhan to never give up. In an arena filled with ancient energy, Kian's battle is not just physical but also a test of his spirit. Blood will be shed, limits will be pushed, and only one fighter will become the true champion of Emberhold.

Release dateMay 22, 2024
The Last Round: The Sorcerer's Almanac, #1

Chuck Anderson

Chuck Anderson is an author and artist based in Colorado. Chuck can often be found trail-running through the stunning Colorado landscape when he's not crafting imaginative tales or creating artwork. An avid outdoor enthusiast, he enjoys camping in the majestic Rocky Mountains with his trusty little trailer. Chuck's love for the natural beauty of his home state infuses his creative work with a strong sense of place and adventure.

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    Book preview

    The Last Round - Chuck Anderson



    Ten… Nine… Eight…

    Kian O'Rourke lay sprawled on the ring mat. The crowd’s deafening roar faded into a distant hum. His body ached, every muscle screaming in protest as he struggled to find the strength to rise. The world around him seemed to blur, the edges of his vision darkening. He could hear the referee's voice, each count a hammer striking an anvil, echoing through the Grand Arena.

    The sun had set, casting a golden glow over the ancient city of Emberhold. The weathered, rune-adorned stone structures hummed with anticipation, their magic palpable in the evening air. The Grand Arena, the heart of Emberhold, was packed with eager spectators from all corners of the realm, all eyes fixed on the center ring where the final bout climaxed.

    Seven… Six…

    Kian's mind drifted, the present moment slipping away as memories flooded his consciousness. He saw himself in the fighters' preparation room moments before the fight began. The distant roar of the excited crowd echoed through the thick walls as he methodically tightened his well-worn gloves. Each tug reminded him of the grueling training that led him to this pivotal moment. His reflection in the tarnished mirror had

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