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Chrysalide: The Butterfly Killers, #1
Chrysalide: The Butterfly Killers, #1
Chrysalide: The Butterfly Killers, #1
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Chrysalide: The Butterfly Killers, #1

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The Dreamscape is a place where reality easily twists and turns. Where the boundaries of the imagination blur, reshaping itself through the power of ones will. Where both dreams and nightmares reside, locked in an eternal battle for influence. There has never been an imbalance of power…until now.

One fateful night, teenage Aggie falls asleep only to find herself reawakening inside the world of dreams! As she beings to navigate through the surreal landscapes of this subconscious world, she discovers that her dreams are more than mere figments of her imagination—they are reflections of a sleeping worlds deepest desires.

With each new night, and each new dream she encounters, Aggie must learn to unravel the mysteries surrounding her past, defend those she loves most, and find a way to stop an evil power from destroying the Dreamscape forever!

Release dateJun 11, 2024
Chrysalide: The Butterfly Killers, #1

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    Chrysalide - Jennifer Adair


    The night had been long and filled with terrors.

    I almost hadn’t made it out alive. If I hadn’t risked potentially getting lost in the forest when I did, I wasn’t sure the child and I would have made it out at all. But luck had been on my side and Karma had taken care of the rest; giving me just enough time to escape.

    After passing through the portal, I found myself back in the Waking world. It all seemed so strange and unfamiliar now. How long had it been since I was last here?

    A year?

    A decade?

    Time passed so strangely now; it was hard to remember just how much of it had actually passed. I had gotten so used to the other side, to how things were there, that this place felt jarring and foreign. The smells were duller. The people were stranger, almost too real. The sights were so lacklustre that I had a hard time remembering this place was actually the real one.

    I shook my head to clear the darkness that had begun to settle there. I couldn’t stay here long. The shadows were already beckoning. Incessant and tireless, they would summon the very marrow of my bones back to where I belonged. It hurt the very core of my soul to be here. This was no longer the place I had once called home. This place...had become the strange and unnatural.

    A shiver ran down my spine, promising pain and unnatural urgency. I cradled the child in my arms close to my chest; knowing my future depended on it. She had been worth it.

    Worth the flight through the Woven Territories. Worth the run in with the Portal Guards. Worth the temporary ache in my bones, and the lull of my mind. Completely worth the risk to my own life.

    As if sensing my distressing thoughts, the child snuggled a bit deeper into me. I pressed my right hand to the back of her head, gently stroking the silken locks beneath my palm.

    Its alright little Star Chaser. We’re almost there.

    My words come out in what I hope is a soothing tone.

    She had come into my care only days before, and I had already fallen in love with her. She was now bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh.

    Even if we were worlds apart, she had become an inseparable part of my very soul. Nothing would come between us, and I would do anything to protect this little light from ever being extinguished.

    The child relaxed in my arms and raised her head just enough so I can see into her beautiful eyes.

    Almost too round for her small face, big and bright like the night sky, filled with the sparkling vastness of the cosmos. Those eyes stared up at me with complete trust.

    Those little eyes blinked up at me, before a slow smile lifted her lips. She leaned back into me just as I shifted her higher up onto my shoulder. She weighed very little, being only a tiny slip of a thing. She had been very malnourished by the time she had come into my care. Her previous caretakers unaware of her special needs. That is why they had come seeking me out. They knew I was her best chance for survival.

    They had not been wrong.

    The child suddenly giggled near my ear, and I couldn’t help but smile at the sound.

    Everything in this world would seem wonderous to her eyes. Whatever the Dreamers had taken for granted, seemed to delight the child to no end. Although it was safe enough for a few giggles to escape, anything more would attract too much attention. I hushed her with a gentle rub to her small back.

    A soft wind caressed the long and tattered hem of my dress. So much for the unravelling threads. I knew the merchant had been lying through his teeth when I had purchased the garment; but what other choice had I had? This was time sensitive, and I had needed a disguise.

    I had barely escaped the notice of the Gate Guardians. A few seconds more and they would have spotted me. But I managed to slip past them before they could stop me. During my hasty escape from the Dreamscape, I had unfortunately clipped my foot on the Gates outer section, effectively bruising my ankle. Although I was thankful it was not broken, I now had a pronounced limp. It really didn’t help the picture any Dreamers happening to pass by would see. I imagined they would see a crazed woman, wearing a tattered black dress, clutching a small child in her arms as if she was afraid someone might snatch her away.

    Well...the last part was probably an accurate depiction of how I looked right now.

    Hair dishevelled, sweat streaked hair over one eye. Tied back by a thick cord and a nasty looking metal clip in the shape of a star.

    Bruises under each eye because I hadn’t properly slept in a few days.

    A cloak, looking like it was straight out of a fantasy novel, fluttering out from behind me.

    It really wasn’t a pretty picture.

    The child yawned in my arms and settled her cheek against my shoulder.

    I snuggled her close, savoring every second I had her.

    Although I had only met her days ago, she had become so precious to me. I would do anything to protect her, the future of the Dreamscape depended on her survival. This was the only way to keep her safe.

    I knew this was the right thing to do, I just hated the fact this would be the last time I would probably ever see her.

    A sudden ache formed in the hollow of my heart, and instinctually I clutched the child closer. She didn’t seem to mind. I took in a steadying breath and pressed on.

    ‘Just a little further little one; and then you’ll be safe,’ I thought, although it was more to reassure myself than the child.

    Maera! I heard a voice cry out from nearby.

    As I looked for the source, I couldn’t help the tears that began forming.

    I soon spotted a pair of shadows standing beneath the bright spotlight of a lamppost. I felt my knees go weak with relief.

    I had made it in time.

    It wasn’t too late! They were here!

    Kate...I made it, I nearly whisper.

    Thank God!  the woman I addressed as Kate said with relief.

    She looked up at me, and we both smiled.

    She wasn’t alone. A man stood next to her, his eyes surveying the shadows around us, ever watchful for danger. He was a good match for Kate’s gentler nature.

    I had always approved of their union.

    Without another word, Kate rushed forward and hugged me tightly. The feel of her arms made this world seem so much more real. I take in a slow breath just as the child began to squeal with displeasure.

    Oh! I’m sorry Lovey. Is this her? Kate asked with a gentle smile.

    Her eyes were already shining with love. It eased that worrisome part of my heart to see it.

    Yes. This is the one Karma told you about; the one who needs you, I said with urgency.

    What a wee flower; may I hold her? Kate asked, already beginning to reach her small arms out.

    Of course, I reluctantly said before shifting the child away from myself.

    She turned her small head towards Kate.

    I watched intently, hoping for a good reaction. These people were to be the child’s new family. I needed this to go well. I waited with baited breath as the child stared at Kate and the man beside her.

    Kate cooed softly before gently reaching all the way, and without hesitation, the child reached back.

    Edging forward, I leaned into Kate and let the child go.

    It was like a piece of my own heart had left my chest when she’s pulled from my arms.

    The madness edges a little closer, dragging its claws along the doorways of my mind. I shrug it off and focus my attention back onto the moment at hand. There would be time enough later to indulge in the whisperings.

    Oh Maera! She’s a beauty, Kate gushed, as she turned and faced the man, ‘look Bae! Isn’t she?"

    The man at her side looked down at the child and smiled when she yawned deeply, rubbing one eye with a small white fist.

    She really is, he said with the puffed-up air of a new father.

    I silently blew out a sharp breath.

    This had been the real test. I knew Kate would accept anything I placed in her capable hands. She had been a naturally born mother and nurturer. Able to care for even the smallest of creatures, whether they flew, swam, or crawled.

    But the man. He had been a different story. Not born of the Bloodline, Gerald had fallen for Kate even before he knew of her connection to the Dreamscape. They had eloped, despite the misgivings of the Family. To bind oneself to one not of the other four Bloodlines was often frowned upon, especially since the Bloodlines were getting so thinned out.

    But Kate had made her choice, stuck to it, and the family had welcomed two beautiful girls. The Family had been delighted at the news of new potential Dream Walkers. The Eldest was already making a name for herself as one of the best Hunters seen in generations; her younger sister likely not far behind.

    Jillian and Muriel are going to love her! as if she had read my thoughts, Kate squealed with motherly delight.

    I silently watch the couple begin to dote on the child, and something stirs deep inside my chest. Something familiar, and yet very distant. Like hearing the ringing of a bell amidst a downpour. The fluttering of whispered laughter; shadowed images of three little girls playing amidst the mud and reeds; of a father singing an old folk song about the giants in the hills, and the Faeries in the flowers.

    I feel my world shift, as if I have been spun around. I shift my feet to quicky regain my balance. I look up at the couple, but they have not noticed my sudden change in stance, or seen the panic now behind my wide eyes.

    It was time. I needed to leave, for fear the darkness would swallow me whole.

    I...I can’t stay. Karma won’t be able to hold them off for long, and I have to get as far away from here as possible, I say quickly, drawing their attention.

    Of course; We will take care of the child. Have no doubts that she will be safe in our care, the man spoke softly, and I knew there was truth behind his words.

    She would be safe. They would insure it.

    Thank you, I manage to get out.

    Will you take the Dreamscape Pathways? Or... Kate asked, also keeping her voice soft.

    I don’t know if I should dare travelling through there again; I might have to find a different way back.

    Whatever you need to do; just know we’ll be hoping for your safe return, the man said.

    Before I could turn away, he quite unexpectedly reached over and drew me into a fierce hug. I blinked in surprise, but slowly hugged him back, savoring the closeness and human connection he offered.

    He finally pushed back, and I reluctantly let him go.

    "Thank you. The Child...she can’t know anything about any of this. The Dreamers, the Nightmares, the Council, nothing," I firmly insist.

    We understand completely. Have you heard anything about Jillian? Have you seen her? Kate asked, and the hope in her voice was heartbreaking.

    I...I don’t know...the Council have her right now. I tried getting her out, but... I couldn’t bring myself to say the rest.

    We’ll deal with that when it comes. I’m sure things will blow over and she will be released soon. This is our problem. Don’t worry about anything else, just get back home safely, the man said as he stepped back to stand behind Kate.

    Thank you, I said, barely holding back my tears.

    "Now go; and remember that we love you, no matter what happens," Kate said and shifted the child up onto her hip.

    I know...goodbye, my friends, I turned away before the pair could see the anguish on my face.

    This was it. The goodbye I was dreading, but needed to make.

    I stepped out of the lamplight and disappeared into the darkness beyond. Just after I knew I was completely out of sight, I turned back.

    Bae...why do I have a feeling that we are never going to see her again? I heard Kate say sadly.

    The man said not a word in reply, as he led Kate back towards a parked car. As they neared it, the back door opened, and a teenaged girl stepped out.

    She was wearing a pair of pink sneakers, a flowing pink tutu dress, and a fake looking golden crown on her head. Her young face showed both, question at the child in Kate’s arms, and relief that they had returned.

    Muriel, come here, the man called softly.

    The call was met with a big smile as Muriel rushed over to them. When she had reached them, the girl stopped and said, Da, who’s that?

    I hide a chuckle at the intrigue in her young voice. I had never had the pleasure of meeting the youngest Brightman daughter in the Waking world. And seeing her now, I liked her immediately.

    A little girl, I heard Kate say.

    Oh...but, why do you have her Mum? Muriel asked with a frown.

    Very direct. Just like her father.

    He must be very proud.

    Because; she is going to be your new baby sister. Isn’t that lovely? Kate coaxed gently.

    Oh...okay. But...what do I call her? Muriel continued to question.

    I don’t know. Little one, do you have a name? Kate finally asked the child.

    I watched as the child simply looked up at her, and mouthed something I couldn’t hear. It looked like her small lips formed three syllables.

    Did you say, A-ga-tha? Kate asked, clearly astounded by the name.

    The child nodded her head slowly.

    Oh...right...I hadn’t told them her name. A small oversight on my part, since I had just fought my way across the four realms of the Dreamscape to get myself and the child safely into the Waking World.

    Like Great Grandmother? Muriel asked, suddenly drawing me out of my thoughts.

    The man beamed with realization.

    Jillian... he whispered so softly I almost didn’t hear him, ‘Great Gran was always giving her cookies and milk whenever she visited. She had always said that Great Gran was really nice. Well! I guess Agatha it is then!"

    Kate looked up and smiled thoughtfully, I like...Aggie for short; what do you think?

    Her question had been directed at the little girl in her arms.

    I felt myself smiling warmly as Agatha nodded her head sleepily before resting her cheek on Kate’s shoulder.

    That was the last needle to my heart. I couldn’t take any more.

    I turned away, knowing this would be the last time I ever laid eyes on the child. If my heart was breaking before; it shattered into a million tiny pieces as I smothered down a sob.

    The Night swallowed me up completely, and I vanished from the Waking world.

    Most likely, for the very last time.

    Chapter 1


    This world was strange ; ever changing, and yet always the same.

    The colors were dull and nearly lifeless compared to home. The Dreamers didn’t seem to mind the changing seasons, even preparing themselves for it the best they could. Their world was broken up into sections, much like my own. There were languages, cultures, and people of different colors, shapes, and sizes.

    In all the years that I had been coming here, and it now ranged over ten, it always seemed to surprise me.

    Although I missed my home, I kept coming back to this place for two reasons.

    The first had been a favor asked of me by Karma. The second, a young Dreamer by the name of Britian. He and I had become an unlikely duo, one brought together by happenstance. It was not him, exactly, which had brought me into the Waking World.

    That reason was altogether for another. One I hoped to see very soon.

    I stole a quick glance up at the sky; it was a perfectly blue sphere surrounding the Earth today, not a cloud in sight.

    I knew based on where the sun was located that the hour was growing closer to noon.

    Although the passing of moments within my own realm was often fluid, here, it was enforced by an invisible entity the Dreamers referred to as Time. Although I would never truly understand this being’s power and influence over the Dreamers; I had grown accustomed to it’s keeping.

    I still could not stay within the Waking world for more than a few hours. Each one becoming more precious than the last.

    This was because my commission had started out simply; watch over the Brightman family, and report anything strange back to Karma.

    But everything had changed. My body was curled up against the trunk of a large tree as I waited for the boy to exit his Skool. I was not exactly inconspicuous; but I did try my best to stay small and hidden.

    I did possess a sort of mirroring magic that made me appear invisible to the veiled eyes of the Dreamers. Unless you were one of the Lunarian Academy Hunters, no one would be able to see me. Even if they happened to stumble into me physically, I would still be unseen.

    I heard the shuffling of sneakered feet coming from nearby, and my ears perked up. I looked over at the source of the sound. It was coming from a pair of young, female Dreamers. They were laughing to each other, and paid me no mind. It had taken me many months in the beginning of my coming here to remember they would not see me. It had been a hard learned lesson. Once the girls had wandered past, I settled back down and laid my chin upon my front paws.

    The time was coming soon, when the young Dreamers would be allowed to exit their classrooms. They would wander about the halls of the Skool or lunching area. This was a time of feasting and merriment, at least for most of them. Brit had told me there were the occasional bully, but that he was never one of the ones getting bullied.

    For this I was very grateful. I was not allowed to directly interfere with the lives of the Brightman family.

    When a loud bell rang, my ears twitched back round towards the Skool.

    I scanned the front, side, and then the backdoors of the large building. I did not see him right away. I knew he would be coming our shortly though; I just never knew which door he would be coming out of.

    I perked my head up when the doors burst open and the young Dreamers all began milling outside. It was always a chaotic event, and it somehow had its own rhythm and consistency. It was fascinating to watch.

    I heard a familiar voice call out, and my ears swivelled round towards its source. My head followed, and soon, I had spotted a boy with shaggy brown hair carrying a blue backpack over his slender shoulders. He was quickly making his way to the street in front of the Skool.

    I watched Brit stop just at the edge, click the crossing button on the large street light, look both ways, then hurry across.

    When he had made it safely to the other side, I chirruped my greeting to let him know where I was. He turned at the sound and ran over. I knew, even with my mirrored magic keeping me safely hidden from others, Brit could see me clearly. He was of the Bloodlines, and unlike other Dreamers, his eyes were unveiled.

    Hi! I didn’t think you would be here today, he said, as he reached me.

    I promised yesterday I would be.

    Yeah, I know, but sometimes people don’t keep their promises; I know Da doesn’t, Brit answered with a soured scrunch of his nose.

    Ah. I said solemnly in reply.

    I hated to admit it, but sometimes Brit said, and did things, I did not quite understand the meaning of. Especially when his face showed one thing, and his mouth said another.

    How was your class this morning? I asked, rising slowly from my position on the ground.

    Okay, I guess. It was math. Are you hungry today? Aggie packed my lunch again.

    I nodded my head and took a moment to stretch out my wings. I ruffled my feathers and eased them back down till they were settled along my back.

    Brit had waited until I was ready to move again before he led us to our usual eating table. He had once called it a pic-nick table, and after trying to explain it to me several times, we had settled on just calling it what it was. A table for eating.

    Brit took his usual seat, and I sat opposite him, tucking my tail beneath my right back paw.

    I waited patiently as he placed his backpack onto the bench and unzipped the top. He shuffled the contents about before pulling out a large grey lunch pack. Placing this on top of the table, Brit unzipped it, then flipped it open with a flourish. I leaned up onto my back paws and propped myself higher along the tables edge.

    I peeked past Brit’s hands and spied the contents of the pack. There was a plastic wrapped sandwich, a green apple, a granola bar, four long carrots sticks, a juice box, and a small bag of salty chips.

    Did your sister really pack your lunch today? I asked eagerly.

    Yup; can’t you tell? Brit asked as he began to inspect our lunch selection.

    After deciding on where to begin, Brit divided the lunch into sections. He placed half the sandwich, half of the carrot sticks, and half of the granola bar on the table top, then slid them across it towards me.

    All done? I asked, eager to begin.

    Yup! Brit stated with finality.

    Although these foods had little appeal to me taste wise, but knowing they had been hand picked by her, gave them special meaning. I would enjoy them purely on that note alone.

    As we began to eat the prepared lunch, other children ran about the playground, trading lunchables and unwanted food items amongst themselves. Brit and I were always left alone to eat in silence or converse amongst ourselves. I could tell the other children watched us with wary eyes, but could never put into words  that feeling of oddness.

    I supposed watching a young boy eat lunch alone at a table and converse with something one could not see would be very disconcerting to a Dreamer.

    How is Skool going this year? I asked after swallowing a bite of my sandwich half.

    Okay, I guess, Brit answered through a piece of half chewed crust.

    His brows furrowed, as he took another bite. Seeing this, I attempted to distract him by pawing at one of my carrot sticks.

    Brit watched me, and then smiled. He recognised I had made an upside-down house. Absentmindedly, while still staring at my carrot creation, he reached for the unassigned juice box. Pulling off the straw, he stuck it aggressively into the top, then sucked it back till it began making a sputtering sound.

    Hey. Save some for me! I chirruped quickly.

    Sorry... Brit mumbled an apology, the straw still stuck between his teeth.

    My eyes watched the straw bob up and down as Brit chewed on it. I could tell there was something clearly wrong with him.

    How are things with your friends? I asked, trying to distract him from whatever was bothering him.

    Its okay; we play video games on Saturdays over at Shareef’s house; his big brother wants to be a streamer one day. We get to play all the latest games. It’s fun. isn’t his friends. I thought.

    How is your Da? I asked.

    He’s really tired lately, and always working late. I think he wants to do something really nice for Aggie. Maybe he’s trying to buy her something expensive or something. He hasn’t told me anything yet, Brit answered  almost woodenly.

    Ah, I am getting closer? I thought, as a tiny tear began to form in the corner of his left eye.

    Does he share things with your sister, instead of you? I asked, carefully watching the emotions shift across Brit’s face.

    No, I don’t think so,’ his nice became scrunched up with thought, but then he said ‘maybe?

    Maybe what? I asked and reached for my half of the granola bar. It was stickier than I first thought, and had to use my tongue to get a bitten off piece to just the right spot between my canines.

    Maybe... it has to do with Aggie’s birthday coming up. It’s on Saturday this year,

    Your sister’s birth-day? Even as I said the words, I silently chastised myself.

    "Yeah; she’s going to be sixteen; it’s supposed to be a big deal. Cory’s older brother just turned sixteen last week, and there was

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