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Savage Lust
Savage Lust
Savage Lust
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Savage Lust

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About this ebook


Luke has a job to do, but his hot new neighbor was a distraction he wasn't fighting. Stella Braun is too controlled, too broken, and too beautiful for him to resist. It started out as lust. An infatuation for his kitten neighbor. But lust is savage. It may begin as lust, but then turns to love before you even know what hit. And love? Luke had no time for love.



Lust is an addiction that leads to trouble, or so Stella's grandmother had warned. Stella had too many things to deal with to fool around with men like Luke Prince. But who can resist a bad boy with an equally hot brother as a bonus? The rugged biker next door with a kink for threesomes makes her feel things she knows she should stay away from. And Luke makes her want to get very close.


This is an insta-love, a little taboo, HEA story. It contains strong language, violence, and explicit sexual content, including MFM. Reader's discretion is advised. Previously published as Wild Rose by Jane Leigh.

Release dateMay 28, 2024
Savage Lust

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    Book preview

    Savage Lust - Faye Fen

    Chapter one

    Stella walked past the couch holding her passed out father. Her mother was probably at a bar looking for a dick that worked. At nineteen, Stella was used to it. Her parents had been like this her whole life. She’d raised herself, and at many times had been the parent in her family. Her parents were close to being useless. The little money they earned was spent on alcohol and cigarettes. Once Stella became old enough to get a job, it had become her responsibility to pay the bills. Growing up, there’d been plenty of times when the power had been cut off because her parents hadn’t paid the bill. She was the only one paying the bills now because she didn’t have a choice. She didn’t have anywhere else to live. She didn’t make enough to afford to live on her own. The shitty old trailer they lived in had been given to them by her grandmother. When her grandmother had been alive, life had been okay. After her grandmother had died, there’d been no one to keep her parents from falling into addiction. Her money now went straight to rent for the trailer park lot, water and utility bills, and food. She’d been trying to save, but it was nearly impossible.

    She had on her diner uniform, a tight black shirt with Ted’s Bar & Grill stamped on the breast pocket and an even tighter black, mini skirt. Her boss probably chose this outfit to get some kicks. It was probably the most skin he saw on a woman. She’d barely managed to graduate high school, and she’d been too busy working to do well in school. She didn’t have time for teenage drama either, so she hadn’t kept in touch with the friends she’d had in school. She was too busy being an adult while most of her classmates were going to dances and football games or filling out college applications.

    Not bothering to lock the door—there was nothing worth stealing anyhow—she stepped out of the dirty, old mobile home. She didn’t have a car, and she didn’t even have a cellphone. She couldn’t afford either luxury and continue to pay the bills. The bus stopped just down the street on a regular schedule.

    She heard the rumble of motorcycles as she stepped off the old front porch. Her new neighbor had rented Mrs. Coggan’s mobile home. She’d recently moved into a retirement home after breaking a hip. Last week, two motorcycle-riding brothers moved in, and they have had plenty of other bikers come visit them. They all looked rough and wore the same black vest with the words Scalus on the back. She hadn’t met the brothers yet, but she’d heard from some of their neighbors that they were savage looking and hotter than the Devil, himself. She found the description hilarious.

    As she headed out to walk to the bus stop, her new neighbors had just parked their bikes, and the riders were just taking off their helmets. She’d have to pass them. The polite thing to do would be to say ‘hello,’ but she’d never done things she thought were useless. She had planned to walk by, but then she happened to lock eyes with the most piercing blue gaze she’d ever seen. He was tall and handsome. The intensity of his stare shocked her. His smirk had her frowning. She took in the rest of him. Short dark brown hair, very tall with broad shoulders. He looked strong. Gorgeous in a rough sort of way. He had a wild look about him that perhaps did bring the word ‘savage’ to mind. He wore dark blue jeans with a white shirt and the ever-present, black vest. She saw tattoos peaking from beneath his shirt up to his neck, and she had the sudden urge to lift his shirt so she could see the whole design.

    She looked at the other rider. He was just as tall, wearing black jeans and a black shirt with the same black vest but looking bulkier and just as handsome but with slightly lighter colored hair. Besides being attractive and having the same body build, the two didn’t really look alike. Brothers? Really? Damn gossipers. They looked like trouble. She didn’t have time for trouble. She gave a nod in greeting and continued to walk past their mobile home.

    Howdy, neighbor, the one with the lighter haired greeted, walking towards her. Damn, she’d have to stop. Despite the southern greeting, he didn’t have an accent.

    Hello, she returned. They stopped near her, leaving a polite distance, and they dwarfed her.

    I’m Dean, he introduced himself, holding out his hand. She had no choice but to shake it or appear to be rude.

    My brother, Luke. He pointed at the man who stopped her in her tracks. Luke didn’t say anything but held out his hand. The touch of his skin sent a shock through her veins.

    Stella. Nice to meet you, she almost stammered.

    Met your pa yesterday and your ma last week, Dean explained.

    Wonderful. Don’t take her up on the offer, Stella replied bitterly, knowing her mother. The comment made Dean smile and Luke frown.

    Duly noted, Dean replied.

    Well, welcome to the neighborhood. I’d love to stay and chat, but I’m going to be late for work. Stella knew she sounded bitchy, but she was never one for pleasantries, and she did have a bus to catch.

    Thank you. See you around, Dean replied, polite as ever.

    That made her

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