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Don't Look Inside
Don't Look Inside
Don't Look Inside
Ebook260 pages3 hours

Don't Look Inside

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Don't question the lies. Don't investigate. And most importantly, Don't Look Inside


Elena Pierce's junior year of college unfolds with a precarious situation—a mysterious new roommate named Mara. Despite her best efforts, Mara remains distant. Elena becomes increasingly wary as a string of unsettling disappearances rocks the campus.


Amid the chaos, Elena's boyfriend exhibits strange behavior. Elena teams up with her friends Joe and Logan to unveil the truth. As they dig deeper, a shocking revelation emerges. Elena is forced to consider the unimaginable: Is someone close to her responsible for the vanishing girls?


In this gripping psychological thriller, Elena must confront the unsettling reality—the true culprits may be hiding in plain sight, ready to shatter her world forever.


Don't Look Inside is an upper YA psychological thriller for ages 16+. It's perfect for fans of Single White Female and The Perfect Stranger by Megan Miranda.


Note: This book contains swearing, underage drinking, torture, murder, a hit-and-run, drugs, sexual assault, and rape.

Release dateOct 31, 2023
Don't Look Inside

Nichole Heydenburg

Nichole Heydenburg is the author of Don't Look Inside and other thriller books for adults and teens. She also owns Poisoned Ink Press, where she provides editing services to authors. In 2014, she earned her Bachelor's Degree in English with an emphasis in writing from Adrian College. When she isn't writing, Nichole enjoys exploring new cities, reading, and drinking iced mochas. She currently resides near Asheville, NC with her husband Zed and their crazy rescue dog Mr. B.

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    Book preview

    Don't Look Inside - Nichole Heydenburg

    Chapter 1: Elena

    Three months ago – May of sophomore year


    Elena stumbled out of the fraternity house with the entire world spinning around her. Spots danced in front of her eyes. She held out a hand and braced herself against the doorway to catch herself from falling. Blinking a few times, she waited for her vision to return to normal.

    Dean came up behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing the back of her neck. She turned around to smile at him, noticing the door was still open.

    Walk me back to my dorm? I think I drank too much.

    I’ll do a lot more than walk you back there, he promised in a low voice.

    Oh, yeah? she prompted.

    Before Dean elaborated, Elena saw a petite woman with brown hair being half-dragged into a bedroom by a football player. Elena whirled around to step back into the house, but Dean blocked her view with his large, muscular frame. He slammed the door.

    Hey! Why did you do that? Did you see that girl? She was unconscious. We need to help her.

    Dean placed his hand in hers and tugged her down the steps. Come on, Elena, let’s go back to your place where it’s quieter.

    I can’t just leave her in there! Elena shook his hand away and reached for the doorknob.

    This time, Dean clamped down on her shoulder and forcefully turned her body away from the frat house. We’re leaving. Now.

    Dean, why are you acting like this? She might be taken advantage of. She might get hurt or . . . or . . .

    Or what, Elena? What exactly do you think goes on at our frat parties?

    Elena chewed on her lip. Well, I don’t know, but—

    You trust me, don’t you? That was Taylor’s girlfriend. I bet she drank too much, and he’s letting her crash in his bed. He’s a good guy. You’ve met him.

    Yes, but—

    It’s none of your business what goes on in their relationship. She’ll sleep it off tonight and be fine tomorrow, Dean said.

    You’re probably right, Elena whispered, wanting to believe him.

    Nothing bad has ever happened at one of our parties. You know that. You went to more than a few last semester before you got up the nerve to talk to me. Dean smirked.

    Okay, Elena said, dropping the subject.

    A heaviness settled over her. Her foot missed the last step in front of the house, and she tripped.

    Dean caught her and scooped her up into his arms, where she had felt safe for the past three months. His green eyes bore into hers. I’ll get you home safely, I promise.

    Elena leaned into his chest and let him carry her home.

    She must have drunk too much because when she woke up, the events of the past night were a blur. She didn’t dwell on it. Dean assuaged her fears, telling her that he brought her back to her dorm and stayed the night to make sure she was okay. Nothing bad could have happened if her boyfriend was with her all night.

    Chapter 2: Elena

    Present day– August of junior year


    A face peeked through a window on the first floor. Blue eyes like the endless depths of the ocean stared directly at her, and pin-straight, fiery-red hair framed the pale face. As soon as Elena registered the face, the blinds snapped shut, and the woman disappeared.

    Mom! she yelped, anxiously tugging on the sleeve of her mom’s sweater.

    Yeah? Her mom was carrying one of the many boxes from her SUV, helping her move into her new dorm. She huffed and set the box down. Do you have your key?

    Someone’s already in there. I saw them in the window a second ago. She darted another glance at the window, but no one was there.

    Oh, well, that’s probably your new roommate, her mom said with a small smile.

    Great. Elena rolled her eyes and dug through her purse to find the key.

    Be nice to her, Elena. You didn’t have anyone else to live with this year after Nina transferred. You’re in the same situation. This will be good for you. You could make a new friend.

    Doubtful. Elena finally found the key and unlocked the door.

    She glanced sideways at her mom, who gestured for her to enter the building first.

    Elena went inside and walked down the hallway to the third door on the left. This was it. Her new dorm for her junior year of college, where she would live with a stranger. She resented the fact that she couldn’t live with Joe or Logan just because they were men. Stupid college rules didn’t allow for men and women to live together. Some of the college’s policies were so outdated it was ridiculous. Like it was her fault that her two best friends were men?

    When Elena entered the dorm, she focused on the main room—the sitting area. There were two bedrooms, one on each side of the room. The bathroom was to the right of the entrance. Past the bedroom on the left, there was a tiny kitchen with a sink, microwave, and a stove. Elena’s parents had bought her a mini fridge too, but they still had to carry it inside.

    The dorm was small, but it was better than the regular dorms on campus. That was what had made it so difficult for her to find a new roommate. Few college students could afford the upgraded dorms with the kitchenette and private bathroom. Elena couldn’t bear the thought of living in one of the ancient, musky-smelling dorm rooms for two more years and sharing a bathroom with dozens of other women, so she had taken out a loan to afford this one.

    Upon inspecting the room, the one thing she didn’t see was her new roommate. Maybe she was already in a bedroom? Well, that’s rude. Elena had convinced her mom to leave early in the morning to arrive on campus before her roommate, so she had first dibs on her bedroom. She wanted to make sure she chose the better bedroom. Apparently, that plan had backfired.

    Her mom peered around the room, scrutinizing it all. She put her hands on her hips and frowned. There isn’t any furniture out here. We only brought the love seat. I guess you’ll have to make do until we can go shopping.

    It’s fine. I’ll probably be at Dean’s most of the time, anyway.

    Her mom pursed her lips. "Be careful around those fraternity guys. They aren’t all as . . .  nice as Dean."

    I know, I know. Don’t worry. Campus is safe. Nothing bad ever happens here.

    Hmm. Is Dean here yet? Do you think he can help with the love seat? I’m not sure if we can carry it by ourselves.

    I’ll text him and double-check. Elena bent down to grab her phone from the counter.

    Okay, well, we can make another trip in the meantime. Her mom headed back to her SUV.

    Elena followed behind her mom, sending a text to her boyfriend. She tried not to think about the fact that he had barely texted her the last few weeks and hoped he replied.

    After several more trips of carrying Elena’s belongings inside, they still hadn’t seen her new roommate or heard from Dean. In a last-ditch effort, Elena texted Joe and Logan. Joe texted her back almost immediately.


    Joe: Why didn’t you tell me sooner you were here?! Be there in 5!

    Elena: Dean was supposed to help me move in, but he’s not answering... :(

    Joe: What a dick.


    Joe’s coming over to help, Elena told her mom, leaning against the black SUV to wait for her friend.

    Her mom’s face brightened, and she practically squealed with delight. That’s so nice of him. I can stick around for a while and take you two out for lunch if you want?

    Elena nodded. Sounds good. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.

    Oh, I can’t wait to see him! When I texted him the other day, he didn’t say much about how his summer was and—

    An expression of complete horror flickered across Elena’s face before she pushed it away. Um, what?

    How is he? her mom asked.

    Mom, he’s fine. Why are you texting him? And how did you even get his number? Elena gritted her teeth. Do you text Dean too?

    Her mom shook her head. You know, Joe is always there for you, and Dean is . . . well, nowhere to be seen. I thought he agreed to help today after you told him your dad couldn’t come. Her mom tapped her sneaker against the concrete as they waited.

    Elena bit her lip to refrain from voicing her honest thoughts. It would make it real if she said it out loud to her mom. The lack of response from her supposed boyfriend had already darkened her mood. Instead, she simply said, Joe’s a good friend.

    He could be more than that if you—

    Elena scratched her arm anxiously, trying to come up with a nice enough response. Here we go again.

    Thankfully, in that exact moment, a man with light brown hair parted to the side, deep brown eyes, and black-framed glasses strode over to them with a beaming smile.

    Elenaaa! he screamed as he sprinted the rest of the way to her, picked her up, and spun her around in his arms.

    Elena couldn’t help but smile back at his excitement over seeing her. Sometimes it felt good to be wanted. Hey, Joe, she said as he put her back on the ground.

    Hello, Joe, her mom greeted him, and she leaned in for a hug.

    Joe threw his arms around Elena’s mom and squeezed her tightly. It’s great to see you, Mrs. Pierce.

    Elena’s mom shook her head with a lilting smile. Don’t make me feel old. How many times do I have to tell you? Call me Sara. Her blue eyes twinkled at Joe as he ended the hug.

    Elena almost gagged. Her mom was probably thinking, And someday, you can call me Mom.

    It was disturbing how much her parents liked Joe. They constantly asked about him and wondered why they weren’t together. Poor Dean had to deal with being second choice. And, of course, Joe soaked up all the attention. As an actor, he thrived on it.

    You two grab one end of the couch, and I’ll get the other side, Joe directed them with a flourish of his hand.

    Joe moved toward the love seat. They lifted it as a team and carried it into the dorm.

    When they set the love seat down, they maneuvered it to face the one blank wall so they could position the TV across from it. As they slid the couch into place, the bedroom door on the left side of the room opened. Elena had placed all of her belongings in the sitting room because she didn’t want to spook her new roommate and walk into her bedroom if she wanted privacy.

    Elena moved toward the red-haired woman who had just stepped into the room.

    Forcing politeness into her voice, Elena stuck out her hand and smiled. Hey, I’m Elena. You must be Mara. Nice to meet you.

    Mara stared down at Elena’s hand and half-smiled. She hesitated for a moment before she shook Elena’s hand. Nice to meet you too.

    Elena retracted her hand, slightly uncomfortable. Maybe Mara was shy. That was fine. She could work with shyness. Elena got along with everyone. It was just a matter of finding common ground, a connection that she could forge a bond over.

    We were about to go out for lunch. We wanted to check out the new burger place in town that opened over the summer. Wanna join us? Elena offered with a glance at her mom and Joe, hoping they would take the hint to agree with her idea.

    Yes, we would love for you to come with us! Elena’s mom chimed in with an inviting smile. We want to get to know you, since you’ll be living with Elena this year, and hopefully next year too, if things go well.

    Elena shot a concerned look at her mom. That was not part of her plan. She wanted to live off campus with Dean during her senior year.

    Mara hesitated and ran her hands through her long red hair that fell past her butt. Elena didn’t think she had ever seen someone with hair so long in real life. Like, does she ever cut her hair? She has to have massive split ends.

    No, thanks, Mara squeaked, her face turning almost as red as her hair.

    Oh, you have plans already? Joe inquired.

    No. I’m fine staying here, Mara replied before turning around and retreating into her bedroom. She shut the door with a loud bang that rattled the entire room.

    Joe shrugged a shoulder. Maybe she’s vegan?

    Elena nearly hit her forehead with her palm in exasperation. Shit. I should have asked. Should I knock on her door and offer to go somewhere else? Don’t you think the restaurant has a vegan option, though? Most places do now.

    Elena’s mom moved to her side and squeezed her shoulder. Let her be. This is an adjustment for both of you. She might miss her old roommate too. Let’s go out to eat, and perhaps by the time we get back, she’ll be ready to talk to you.

    Elena picked up her purse from where she had flung it on the window ledge, then slung it over her shoulder. I hope so, she said, forcing herself to sound cheerful.

    But she couldn’t fight the feeling that something was off about Mara. She was probably imagining it . . . but what if she wasn’t? She wanted to get along with her new roommate, so she only hoped the woman she was forced to live with for a year wasn’t a freak.

    Chapter 3: Elena

    Her mom stood next to her SUV, wisps of her white-blonde hair flying around her face from the wind. She hugged Elena and let go after a moment.

    I guess this is it, her mom said. Tears shined in her blue eyes.

    Mom, please don’t cry, Elena complained. If her mom started crying, she wouldn’t be able to hold back either. It was always hard saying goodbye.

    We’re only three hours away if you need us. You can always call me if you want to talk. Her mom opened the driver’s side door of her SUV, then turned back to her. And be nice to Mara. You don’t know much about her; she might have a difficult home life or something traumatic going on. That’s enough to make anyone uneasy, never mind the idea of living with a stranger and sharing a space with them.

    Like I would ever be mean? I’m sure we’ll be friends once we get to know each other.

    That’s my girl. I love you! Her mom blew her a kiss and climbed into the SUV.

    Love you too, Mom.

    Her mom drove away, waving as she did so. Elena went back into her dorm to find Joe sprawled across the love seat.

    When she entered the room, he sat up and eagerly leaned forward. So, what do you want to do now? What are you up to today?

    Surveying the room, Elena swiped a hand across her sweat-streaked forehead. I need to move everything into my bedroom and unpack, set up the streaming device for the TV, then find an upperclassman to buy us some alcohol. Not necessarily in that order.

    I can set up your TV. Isn’t Dean twenty-one, though? Can’t he just get us something to drink?

    Yes, but I still haven’t heard from him since I got back, Elena replied glumly.

    No worries. I can def help with the alcohol. Joe smirked. I have my sources.

    You’re the best.

    You don’t need to tell me twice. Joe hopped off the love seat, picked up the TV, and placed it on the TV stand. He waved her toward her bedroom. Go unpack. I’ve got this.

    Thanks, Joe. Elena beamed at him before picking up the first box of many to take into her bedroom.


    Three hours later, Elena was more settled. She had made the bed and organized her clothes in the dresser. Then she hung the rest of her outfits in the closet. Only a few boxes of random items remained to be unpacked. Joe had left after setting up the TV, so he could go unpack his own stuff and say hi to Logan. They planned to meet up later for dinner, then they were having a movie night in her dorm, since she was the one with the nicer dorm and the sitting area—the perfect space for entertaining.

    Elena still hadn’t heard from Dean and was becoming increasingly irritated at his lack of response. First, his texts, phone calls, and visits had become less frequent over the summer while they were long-distance. Then, he bailed on her and her mom when he had promised to help her move in. And now, he couldn’t even text her back to tell her what he was doing? She hadn’t pictured her first day back on campus like this. She had imagined Dean would impress her mom, so she finally approved of him, then he would help her unpack. There was supposed to be some making out on the itinerary too.

    Then there was Mara. She hadn’t made another appearance yet, but Elena planned to invite her to hang out with her friends to watch movies and drink later that night. She was determined to be friendly with her. If they weren’t best friends, that was fine. That was why she had Joe and Logan.

    Since her old roommate, Nina, had transferred schools, that was more of a long-distance friendship, and it was the reason she was in this awkward situation.

    Rummaging through her tiny closet, Elena shoved aside multiple clothing options. Besides Joe and Mara, no one else on campus had seen her yet, and she needed the perfect outfit to start her junior year of

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