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AFRICA - Black Man's Hope or Peril
AFRICA - Black Man's Hope or Peril
AFRICA - Black Man's Hope or Peril
Ebook188 pages2 hours

AFRICA - Black Man's Hope or Peril

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About this ebook

Having lived and worked in Africa for almost 10 years of my life, I had encountered so many social- and labor-relevant issues, over the years, with more open questions than answers; this life situation inspired me to write this E-Book about Africa and the African People and Tribes.


In addition to this, I also did my own research to find answers to the typical human character of the African People, next to their "Creator-Gods" and their genetic-engineers, who actually "genome-labbed" the African-Worker-Race into being.


Additionally, I touched down on topical issues, such as Neo-Colonialism, Pan-Africanism and the Chances of a future "United-States-of-Africa" .


This, my high-content E-Book, describes and illustrates, in detail, what's in store for the beautiful-continent of Africa. For the Seeking-African-Individual, this E-Book is definitely worth reading.


Release dateMay 22, 2024
AFRICA - Black Man's Hope or Peril

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    AFRICA - Black Man's Hope or Peril - Ronny

    Table of Contents

    AFRICA - Black Man's Hope or Peril

    Chapter  1

    Chapter  3:  Colonialism / Neo-Colonialism  &  Black-Enslavement-Period

    Chapter 4 :  Neo-Colonialism

    Chapter  5:  Pan - Africanism

    Chapter  6:  Morals,  Ethics  and  Human-Values  in  Africa

    Chapter  8:

    Chapter 9:  Future  Perspectives  for  Africa

    About the Author

    Table of Contents

    Introduction  &  Foreword

    Having  lived  and  worked  in  many  countries  of  Africa  for  over  10  years,  I  had  come  to  love  this  great  continent  and  its  stunning-  and  unique  natural beauty  and  landscapes. 

    From  Morocco  to  West-African  countries,  such  as  Senegal,  Mali  and  Ivory Coast,  next  to  having  handled  some  business  projects in  Nigeria,  having  worked  as  General  Manager  over  in  Nairobi, Kenya  and  finally  worked  and  lived  in  Southern-Africa (Botswana,  South-Africa, Namibia),  I  had  gained  great  insights  into  various  African  cultures,  peoples  and  their  traditions,  which  are  being  practiced  to  the  very  day. 

    Over  the  years,  I  developed  a  liking  in  African  Socio-economics  and  African  politics,  as  I  could  simply  not  bear  the  constant- painfully-contrastful- sight  of  such  resource-rich-countries  versus  such  ugly-low-poverty  of  majority  of  the  people  of  Africa. 

    Having  a  deep-  and  huge  heart  and  compassion  for  African  nations,  countries  and  its  people  deserving  better  -  better  living  conditions,  better  infrastructure,  better  education,  better  housing  and  social  welfare  and  definitely  a  Higher-Quality-of-Life  I  have  invested  lots  of  Thought-Power  into  Scenarios  that  could  help  AFRICA  to  move  out  of  this  Poverty- and  Misery-Swamp  ! 

    It  is,  as  if  GOD  has  cursed  the  Black-Continent,  himself, but  thinking  deeply  about  this,  it  is  actually  not  GOD  or  any  Infinite-Creator  who  can  be  made  responsible  here,  it  is  the  African-Tribal-System, itself,  and  with  it ,  their  power-hungry  and  materialistically-greedy  Tribal-Chiefs  who  initially (some 400  years  ago)  sold  their  very  own  tribal-people  into  overseas-slavery;  of  course  with  the  help  of  the  White-Slave-Traders  and  their  connections  to  the  AMERICAS. 

    Since  the  latter  60 -  70  years,  most  of  the  African Nations  had  re-gained  their  independence  from  their  White-Colonizers  -  (US  or  EU-Colonizer-Countries) -  yet  many  of  those  Colonizer-Countries  never  truly  let  go  off  their  African-Nations,  but  operated-in-the-shadows  with  their  African-sided  political-puppets  in  Power.

    This  did  not  work  well,  as  merely  the  Political-Elites  across  all  African-Countries ,  networked  themselves  rich-  and  powerful,  while  the  rest  of  their  people  in  Africa  remain  poor,  to  the  very  day.

    Of  course,  now,  since  the  new  millenium  of  2000  and  beyond,  many  African  countries  and  their  citizenry,  voice-out  for  more  polito-economic  justice,  so  the  new-politicians-on-the-block  found  only  the  Whities  to  be  blamed  for  all  the  economic-misery  and  resultative  poverty,and  triggering  outrageous  Racism  among  the  Black-Population,  when  in  fact,  it  is  the  Black-Politicians and  their  immediate  organisational  downlines,  who  developed  an  incredibly-high- corruption-system,  for  their  immediate political  friends,  and  not  many  more,  during  the  last  50 - 60  years, or  so .

    And  yes,  Africa,  is  mainly  functioning  through  social-psychological-group-networking  combined  with  highest  degress  of  Nepotism  and  Corruption;  ca. 85%  of  Africans  are  lazy  by  blood-  and  genetics,  only  wanting  to  become  rich  by  exercising  friend-to-friend-favors  and  their  respective  favor-returns ,  not  by  actual  physical  work  but  simply  by  friendship-relationship-networking. 

    Most  of  the  African  Countries  had  done  well  economically  before  the  COVID-PLAN-DEMIC,  but  are  devastated  after  the  COVID-Period.  Since  2022  the  Panafricanism-Movement  has  started  with  Masses  of  Africans  now  demanding  more  of  the  Resource-Wealth and  Riches  from  their  respective  political-parties  and  governments. 

    Not  much  had  been  accomplished,  other  than 

    TALK - ONLY,  thus  far.

    African  People  are  getting  tired  of  being  ripped-off  by  their  governments  and  politicians,  resulting  in  a  wave  of  social-riots  and  protests,  out  of  poverty  and  hopelessness. 

    Some  African  countries  had  it  easy  to  get  rid  of  their  political-opponents  during  the  COVID-PERIOD,  just  by  poisoning  them,  and  declare  they  had  died  of  COVID-Disease .  How  conveniently  simple  that  was ?

    During  the  Post-Covid- time - period, however,  the  Great-Change  also  hits  Africa,  and  Panafricanism,  at  least  on  a  regional-scale,  might  have  a  real  chance  of  surviving  and  actually  developing,  for  the  very  benefit  of  the  suffering  people. 

    My  E-Book  here,  identifies  key  problems  and  provides  key-solutions  in  all  aspects  of  African-Life,  and  for the  betterment  of  all  Africans. 

    I  am  an  equal-opportunity-provider,  not  a  White-Racist,  after  all  ! 

    Chapter  1

    Creator - Gods  &  African  Race


    Though scholars know the Anunnaki as the gods of ancient Mesopotamia, fringe theorists believe they are ancient alien invaders from the planet Nibiru.  Before the Greeks exalted Zeus or the Egyptians praised Osiris, the Sumerians worshipped the Anunnaki.  Some  500,000  years  ago,  the  first  Annunaki - Sub-GODS  from  Heaven  to  Earth  came;  namely  those  were  the  2  sons  of  King-Anu  of  Nibiru,  Enki  and  Enlil. 

    These ancient gods of Mesopotamia had wings, wore horned caps, and possessed the ability to control all of humanity. Sumerians revered the Anunnaki as heavenly beings who shaped the destiny of their society.

    But were they more than deities? Some theorists claim that the Anunnaki were aliens from another planet. Even more shocking, they use ancient Sumerian texts to back up this wild idea. Here’s what we know. 

    Despite being an ancient civilization, their reign was marked by a number of impressive technological advancements. For example, the Sumerians invented the plow, which played a huge role in helping their empire grow.

    annunakiler-1-1400x797 They also developed cuneiform, one of the earliest known systems of writing in human history. In addition, they came up with a method of keeping time — which modern people still use to this day.

    But according to the Sumerians, they didn’t do it alone; they owed their historic breakthroughs to a group of Sub-Gods called the Anunnaki. According  to  their  story, the Anunnaki mostly descended from  KING - ANU , a supreme deity   and  King  of  Nibiru,  who could control both the fate of human kings and his fellow gods.

    Though much remains unknown about the Sumerians and their way of life, they left evidence of their beliefs in ancient texts, including the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest written stories in human history.  According  to  the  Lyrics  of  Gilgamesh,  the  Annunaki-Gods  came  down  to  Earth  in  search  of  Gold  (incl.  Mono-nucleic-Gold-Powder)  and  established  several  Gold-Mining-Operations  across  the  Ancient-Earth,  such  as  in  Mesopotamia,  in  Mali  and  in  Zimbabwe  and  Eastern-South-Africa. 

    Their  Mine-Workers  were  the  IGIGI-Humanoids,  who  were closely-related  to  the  Annunaki-Sub-Gods.  The Igigi were a group of lesser gods who were responsible for the day-to-day tasks of maintaining the cosmos. They were often depicted as working hard to keep the universe running smoothly, and were considered to be the helpers of the more powerful Anunnaki  Sub-Gods.

    The Anunnaki, on the other hand, were a group of higher gods who were responsible for major events and decisions in the cosmos. They were considered to be the rulers of the gods, and were often depicted as being more powerful and influential than the Igigi.  According to Mesopotamian mythology, the Anunnaki were led by the god Enlil, who was considered to be the king of the gods. The other Anunnaki gods included the god Enki, the god Anu, and the goddess Inanna, among others.  According  to  Mesopotamian  Mythology , the  Annunaki  were  led  by  Enlil,  being  one of  the  sons  of  King  Anu  of  Nibiru  and  the  other Anunnaki gods included the god Enki, the god Anu, and the goddess Inanna, among others. 

    The relationship between the Igigi and the Anunnaki was complex and multifaceted. On one hand, the Igigi were often depicted as being subservient to the Anunnaki, performing menial tasks and serving their needs. On the other hand, the Igigi were also depicted as being respected and valued by the Anunnaki, and were seen as an important part of the divine hierarchy.  Overall, the Igigi and the Anunnaki were integral parts of Mesopotamian mythology, and played a significant role in the beliefs and rituals of the ancient Sumerians and other Mesopotamian cultures.  Those  Igigi  were  huge,  even  taller  than  the  Annunaki-Gods,  but  not  as  graceful  as  the  Annunaki-Gods.  They  had  strong  facial  features  and  lots  of  hair.  They  were  ca.  245 million  years  older  than  the  Annunaki, in  terms  of  galactic  civilization. 

    The  Igigi  rebelled  against  the  Annunaki,  because  they  had  been  assigned  to  take  care  of  field-work,  digging  trenches  and  feeding  the  Annunaki-Subgods.  This  physical  labor  became  too  much  for  the  Igigi-Race.  Eventually,  the  Annunaki  decided  to  create  a  Slave-Race  to  do  their  hard -  physical  work  in  the  Gold-Mines.

    The Creation of Man:  The  Iggigi  created  the  1st  quasi-humans.  Their  first  genetic  experiments  were  catastrophic, to  say  the  least.  The  Iggigi’s  creation  of  the  first  humans  looked  awful, bestial,  very  ugly,  even  frightening.  This happened  because  the  Iggigi  were  more  the  natural-researchers,  not  the  scientific-geneticists.  At  one  point,  the  Igigi  were  ferocious  towards  the  early-quasi-humans,  treated  them  very  badly,  since  they  considered  them  a  working  class  without  intelligence.  It  took  those  quasi-humans  thousands  of  years  to  evolve  into  an  early  human-form;  even  then  they  were  not  entirely  human,  but  more  hairy  and  resembling  more  the  APE-MAN.  Some  of  them  had  bizarre  skulls  and  facial  bones.  The  ANNUNAKI, however,  were  much  more  advanced  Geneticists  and  Engineers  with  a  strong  appreciation  of  Esthetics. 

    But the mining had to continue. An  alternative solution  to  create  a  more  esthetic-human-being  had  to  be  found,  after  the  Igigi  only  showed  disastrous  Ape-like-Humanoid-Creations ;  the  Annunaki  took  over  this  important  task  with  NIN.TI  —  she who gives life  —the female who was in charge of medicine—was  to  create a primitive worker. She needed the help of the chief scientist. The Being you want—he said—it already exists! They extracted the genes of a young member of the Nefilim and fused them into the egg of a captured hominid, an Ape-woman. They implanted the fertilized egg in the ovum of a female member of the Nefilim. There still  was trial and error with  this  genetic-experiment ; imperfect beings came out. Finally a perfect model of Man was achieved. Similarly fertilized eggs were implanted in batteries of females of the Nefilim: Adams and Eves were thus created—the first Homo sapiens. They were at once put to do the hard work, in the mines of southern Africa.

    The  first  robotic-quasi-humans  were  functional,  but  not  pretty  to  look  at;  the  early  humans  were  not  much  more  than  biological-machines,  with  very  limited  mental  faculties.  This  was  at  approx.  250 000  years  ago,  when  the  first  successful  bicameral  species  of  Homo-Sapiens  was  created  by  the  Annunaki,  merging  their  own  Alien-Genes  with  that  of  Homo-Erectus (ApeMan) .  Those  humans  were a  hybrid-species  not  being  able  to  procreate.  However,  as  demand  for  Primitive-Mine-Workers  increased ,  the  Annunaki, once  again,  genetically-manipulated  ancient  mankind , so  they  could  reproduce  on  their  own. 

    It  seemed  that  the  original  Adams  &  Eves  which  had  been  created  by  the  Annunaki-Sub-Gods  had  lighter- light-brownish skin-colors;  yet  when  those  Primitive-Worker-Humans  were  exposed  to  the  strong-UV-light  around  Earth’s  equator  (+/- 10 degrees  north and  south  of  it),  their  body  developed  more  skin-pigments  resulting  in  darker-  and  darker  skin-colours,  eventually.  While  the  Igigi-Race  initially  created  the  Primitive-Worker’s  Hair-Type (being  super-curly  and  spongy-when  grown),  this  very  Hair  of  the  Primitive-Worker  had  not  been  changed  by  the  Annunaki-Master-Geneticists,  ever  since;  this  being  said  the  African-Descendants  of  the  Primitive-Worker-Race/Gold-Mine-Slave-Race  have  to  live  with  this  Hair-Type,  to  the  very  day,  even  though,  many  of  them  are  not  happy  about  it .  This  Hair-Type, however,  renders  the  best  protection  of  the  Skull,  while  working  in  the  rough-mining-environment. 

    Another  strong  assumption  that  is  undeniable  is  that 

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