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Business Manager Career: 11 miles to develop yourself as a fast-food restaurant manager
Business Manager Career: 11 miles to develop yourself as a fast-food restaurant manager
Business Manager Career: 11 miles to develop yourself as a fast-food restaurant manager
Ebook166 pages1 hour

Business Manager Career: 11 miles to develop yourself as a fast-food restaurant manager

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About this ebook

 Today I am here, sharing my work experience and from where I can tell you in great detail how to operate a restaurant with the highest standards. Additionally, I can help you achieve excellence in areas of operations and how to protect the interests of franchise brands, both from a corporation's point of view and also from the franchisee's side.
Release dateMay 22, 2024
Business Manager Career: 11 miles to develop yourself as a fast-food restaurant manager

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    Business Manager Career - Marisol Segura


    Business Manager Career

    11 miles to develop yourself as a fast-food restaurant manager

    Marisol Segura

    All rights reserved

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in an y form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author and – or publishers

    Business Manager Career

    11 miles to develop yourself as a fast-food restaurant manager

    Copyright © 2024, Marisol Segura

    D.R. © 2024 Innovación Editorial Lagares de México

    Rosas No. 316 PB

    Fracc. La Florida

    Naucalpan, Estado de México

    C.P. 53160

    Teléfono: (55) 5240- 1295 al 98





    Cover Design: Dascha Segura Hernández

    Edition and correction: Nelly Acosta Vázquez

    Editorial Supervision: Rosaura Rodríguez Aguilera

    Translation: Israel Yanez

    ISBN Electronic version: 978-607-410-844-4

    First Published: may, 2024


    Hello, I am Marisol Segura, Franchise Executive, Health Coach, Therapist and writer. I have over 30 years of experience working in the franchise industry, during which I have had the opportunity to understand the core of this type of business, which have a lot of similarity in their structure, organization, and performance standards.

    I have instructed numerous directors and managers on creating effective business plans, ensuring compliance with standards, and most importantly, collaborating with many individuals in the operational aspect.

    I love talking about the subject, but I frequently lack the time to engage in discussions with new managers and directors about their roles and responsibilities, much less to convey to them the basic principles of being a great manager.

    So, I chose to document in this book all the activities that the manager needs to perform in the most fundamental position to ensure the success of the business they operate.

    Additionally, I would love to help you develop management skills so that you can communicate with your team, lead them, monitor them until you have the highest standards in your operation.

    So, let’s dive right into the topic!

    The Business Manager Career

    When you start your work stage, regardless of age, you don’t know what you’re going to face. There are many mixed feelings such as excitement, fear, uncertainty... and all of that leads you to be who you want to be from the first day.

    If you can determine your career path from a young age, you can begin by walking, then running, and eventually completing your first race of 5, 10, 15 miles, and even participating in a half marathon and a full marathon as a manager.

    I love talking with metaphors about careers because they are a clear and simple example for the topic of work, since one never knows where to start: first you have to overcome the laziness, yes, the mental laziness of doing it, and once you give that jump you can start to warm up to do your first short race (2 or 5 kms) and thus, little by little, you become someone unstoppable.

    You might be wondering, what does this have to do with anything? A lot. Your work life is a race! Initially, you overcame laziness, then you selected a path; your first kilometer involved considering where you wanted to work, and your first day on the job was where you began your successful career.

    Can I tell you a secret? Runners use their minds much more than their physical strength, because while physicality will get them to the finish line, the mind is the most important thing. And let me tell you why: you can be in very good physical condition, but if you let that little voice in your mind accompany you and let it tell you: You’re not good. You are not enough. Surrender. You’ve reached your limit. Stop, don’t go on!. You’re surely going to desert.

    However, if you let that little voice guide you throughout your career and let it tell you: Yes, you can. Not much longer. Enjoy the race. You are enough. You are very good. Feel how your body moves in sync with the wind, glide gracefully as you’re going to complete the race. That is to say, if you stay focused on the goal, you will surely achieve it.

    This is exactly what happens in the work life: some say it’s a jungle. Perhaps yes, but, today you have started the best reading to cross the first marathon of your lifetime.

    Now you know which little voice will map out your journey.

    If you’re reading this, you likely hold a position that involves leading others, but how do you do it?

    I will guide you through the first miles of the race, so get ready to learn what your leadership style is, what style you should use with such diversity in organizations, and how you can get the best out of each element and give your best version as a leader.

    11 miles to develop yourself as a fast-food restaurant manager

    This book is designed in such a way that you can learn the basic managerial principles. It will equip you to fulfill the functions and meet your new responsibilities as a manager, but most importantly, it will help you become a great leader with your own style.

    I want your team to be led in the best way possible, that you can accompany them in their development and help them to be better every day.

    I will guide you by the hand through 11 chapters, following this route:

    PART 1 - Develop your own managerial style

    1LEADERSHIP STYLES. You will learn how to lead the generations entering management positions and how to adapt to changes in order to lead teams of workers who have their own ideas about a leader.

    2THE WORD. The importance of communication in technological times and how to make your instructions understood so that the task is executed.

    3THE ART OF DELEGATION. Delegating is an art and a unique opportunity to give part of your tasks to others: it is working through others. Delegating helps you lighten the workload.

    4SUPERVISION. The supervisor must have certain skills to ensure that tasks are completed. You will learn how to conduct an inspection of the work you assigned to others.

    5MOTIVATION. A challenge for companies is employee retention, especially where young people work. Here, you will learn how to have motivated work teams.


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