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The Theory of Material Mind: The Rediscovery of Metaphysics
The Theory of Material Mind: The Rediscovery of Metaphysics
The Theory of Material Mind: The Rediscovery of Metaphysics
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The Theory of Material Mind: The Rediscovery of Metaphysics

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In this ground-breaking theory, the mechanisms behind parapsychological phenomena are analysed and logical proof is provided for the truth of astrology and the existence of the soul and spirit. The personal conscious is revealed to be motivated by a metaphysical intelligence, known as the “god within,” which is the root of all paranormal phenomena. The theory also introduces the concept of “psycho-plasma,” a medium that connects all life past and present and is the source of telepathy and other paranormal phenomena. The existence of intelligent design is proposed as a complement to natural selection, with ID providing the motive force for change and NS serving as the template for design. Atheism is rejected and the existence of a supreme being and the afterlife is affirmed.
Release dateMay 24, 2024
The Theory of Material Mind: The Rediscovery of Metaphysics

Philip Hodgetts

I started my working life in the electronics industry and trained in telecommunications, but switched to fine art a few years later, and am now a fully qualified practising visual artist. I studied art at Goldsmith’’s college school of art and was awarded an honours degree. I have always been interested in the paranormal and my belief in telepathy was confirmed at age 17 when I had a clear telepathic communication with my mother. I was also fascinated by the symbolism of astrology - magic- despite my technological background, and my theory contains a watertight logical proof that there is a measure, at least, of truth in astrology. In 1974 I left my job teaching art at Goldsmith’s to live in my studio and deal in antiques. It was at this point that I began to get my first low-level manifestations of paranormal activity. These took the form of clicking noises emanating from the furniture which could have been due to temperature changes, but which I rapidly concluded were psychokinetic in origin. During the next 30 years or so these minor manifestations grew into extremely dramatic and varied forms, and I began to take notes and think seriously about their origin. I gradually began to see connections and a distinct pattern emerged from which I developed my theory. The raw material of my theory, my own experiences, were utterly fantastic, and included visits from ancient greek philosophers and a seven million years old hominid, the discovery of, and visits to, the afterlife, contacts with long dead famous personages, the possibility of resurrection of the departed, teleportation, and travelling in time. My final discovery, the root and cause of the phenomena, was the ‘god within’, a powerful, purposive intelligence which animates the unconscious, and whose nature and function are to supply enthusiasm and feeling to the organism. The nature of the god within is essentially good though it can be very mischievous as is shown in the book. The existence of the god within was discovered, I believe, by the ancient Greeks and their word for it was ‘enthousiasme’ which means, of course, enthusiasm, the god’s chief characteristic. The word is derived from the ancient Greek, ‘en thous’, which means ‘to be possessed by a god’.

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    The Theory of Material Mind - Philip Hodgetts


    I am not qualified in any scientific discipline though I did complete four years of a five-year course leading to a degree-level qualification in telecommunications and electronics, in which sphere I spent the first ten years of my working life. My actual work was the development of electronic instrumentation and servo-mechanisms, connected with the aircraft industry.

    An unsatisfied longing for adventure brought my brother-in-arms, a journalist, and myself to the capital as a first stop in the young man’s proverbial ‘journey around the world’. It was not to be. Love stepped in and he disappeared in the direction of Bognor Regis with a lady on his arm and I found myself alone in a stopgap job as a TV repairman. This did nothing to satisfy my intellectual and creative longings so, being blessed with a talent for drawing, I decided to switch careers and train as an artist, so here I am, a professional, practising fine artist with a host of other interests, specifically and mainly parapsychology.

    The theory contains a lot of material on the afterlife – which I have discovered to exist – and for which I’ve found an interesting ‘quasi­ proof’, and the rather exotic phenomenon of teleportation, (beam me down, Scotty!) which I have found also to be perfectly possible, even straightforward in theory.

    Before proceeding further, I would like to make it clear that I did not set out with the express purpose of discussing the existence of the afterlife or the possibility of teleportation, These matters came up simply as a result of my main discovery, that both the conscious mind and the unconscious one are material and extend into the space around the body, connect with other minds and are composed of two substances which I call bioplasma and psychoplasma. An equally important and actually more fundamental discovery – and here is where I risk being laughed out of court – is that there are two metaphysical entities in the human body, which deploy and motivate the conscious and unconscious minds, namely and respectively, the spirit in the heart and the god within.

    It is not generally known by parapsychologists, I think, that the great J.B Rhine who was the first to put the study of psi on a secure scientific footing, concluded from his researches that there must be a metaphysical component in the constitution of the human being (Ref. 10a and 10b) which I quote here:

    The question is merely: ‘Is there anything extra-physical or spiritual in human personality?’ The experimental answer is yes. There now is evidence that such an extra-physical factor exists in man. The soul hypothesis as defined has been established, but only as defined:

    What has been found might be called a psychological soul. It is true that, as far as we have gone, there is no conflict between this psychological soul and the common theological meaning of the term. The first step was essential, however modest. It has established a point that millennia of argumentation have failed to make. This beginning represents the turning of three centuries of domination of our science of human nature by physicalistic theory. (Author’s italics). It will eventually have the most revolutionary significance, though the full effect may be slow in being seen. The turning of tides is never sudden. End of quotation.

    This fact constitutes the essential difference between parapsychology and science in general, which, supported by philosophers such as David Hume and the advent of the ‘age of reason’ in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, relegated metaphysics to the status of delusion and self-deception.

    I happened to stumble upon a great part of the raw material, the empirical data of my theory, as the results of a psychological trauma which led to a period of acute loneliness, brought on by my adoption of a hopelessly idealistic philosophy of living. During this period, various strange things began to happen, and being already interested in such things, I tried to find in them some explanatory and, hopefully, unifying structure.

    The raw material unearthed by my crazy, lonely life, although painful, put me in a distinctly advantageous position vis-a-vis other researchers. They were researching the experiences of others, whereas I was dealing with my own private and extraordinarily revealing ones. Having discovered the main elements of my theory, I felt like a dog whizzing around with a juicy bone between his teeth, of which he simply would not let go. I knew that I had the truth in my hands and that I was on the right track. I saw, however, that I would have to relate my undoubted findings, my knowledge, to other phenomena, as I encountered them in the course of my daily life, to build up a theory. This I have done, and here is the result to date. I still find myself making more and more mental connections, seeing more and wanting to add to and refine the theory, but I can see this going on for many years yet, so I am presenting my theory as it stands, knowing that it is only the basis for a far more comprehensive and sophisticated treatment by myself and others in the years to come.

    Now we come to the difficult bit. My theory, which is the result of fifty years of thought, reading and a lot of personal experience, requires the acceptance of a number of concepts already touched upon, e.g. the discoveries of J.B. Rhine, which assert the existence and reality of the soul, plus my own contribution to the array of metaphysical entities which inform the body and Nature in general, namely, ‘The God Within’. This may appear somewhat unscientific in so far as it claims and asserts the reality of intelligences and divinities which abound in Nature and in ourselves. The nature of these entities is apparent from their behaviour which always tends to promote harmony and good feeling. It was suggested by friends that I should refer to them as ‘creative forces’ but I couldn’t since this would be dodging the fact that they really are intelligent and divine, that is, they are divinities and possess all the attributes thereof and, as such, are truly good. Also, as gods, their activities transcend the boundaries of space and time, which are in fact themselves questionable concepts. They are naturally warm, expansive and gregarious, tending to join forces, which means that taken as a whole they are omniscient but, I’m afraid, not omnipotent, since each god is obliged as part of its function: to obey the dictates of the particular heart or spirit to which it is bound, which is not always above directing it into immoral actions, self-aggrandisement and worse. That is, each god has access to the total knowledge and power of the group, whose numbers run into billions, the population of the planet, one to each human being. Each higher animal also has a god within, which behaves in its own unfathomable and mysterious way, and I believe with William Blake, that holiness (not a creator God but something which is to be approached with reverence and awe) in some form is found in all forms of life. This also means that learning to recognise and analyse their behaviour is fairly straightforward but their origin and inner nature remain essentially unknowable, a mystery, which necessarily places limits on the extent of knowledge to which science can aspire. This means that the ‘grand unified theory’ (GUT) sought by physicists is impossible since even if a theory were to be developed which unified the three fundamental physical forces and gravity, it would still be neglecting parapsychological phenomena, which are all real and actual, though not always capable of demonstration or experimental replication, the reason for which I have discovered and included in the essay. I do believe, actually, that physics is basically on the right road to the truth, insofar as it is beginning to accept the reality of metaphysics, but it would be the same truth that I, through a series of chance occurrences, hard times and a wide-open mind, am now promulgating.

    The Theory of Material Mind, taken as a whole, is largely an analysis and description of the ‘nuts and bolts’, of the physical and metaphysical aspects of the human organism and the way in which it relates to others and its environment, and is as close, I think, as we shall ever get to the ‘grand unified theory’ sought by physics. I should make it clear that the subject is looked at from a metaphysical, spiritual and conceptual point of view rather than a holistic one. This may give the impression that the theory is in parts a little naive, even perfunctory, but this is not so. It means simply that due to my limited knowledge of human physiology, I have not been able to explain exactly how the god within and the spirit connect or interface with the body. In a completely holistic treatment, the metaphysical and physiological aspects of the human being would be related and explained as a mutually dependent and integrated whole. This is a task for the future and it will probably take many decades, even centuries, to complete, assuming that is, that it will be possible, i.e. allowed by the god within. Finally, I would like to anticipate and disarm the scepticism which my theory is bound to encounter by giving a quotation attributed to Albert Einstein. If an idea is not at first absurd, it has no hope.

    Philip Hodgetts. London 2017.

    Chapter 1

    The Universe

    1. The interconnectedness of the universe; 2. The god within; 3. The materiality of mind; 4. Bioplasma, psychoplasma and the bioplasmatic envelope; 5. The Kirlians’ absent leaf lobe; 6. Psychoplasmatic recordings.

    1. The Interconnectedness of the Universe

    It is to be taken as an axiom, not a hypothetical or heuristic one, but a real one, that the universe is a space-wise and time-wise interconnected whole. Everything hangs together. All things, physical, mental and spiritual interact. Everything in the past, present or future is connected and more or less directly affects every other thing. Here is linked with there and now is linked with then.

    Each private universe or world overlaps with that of the others to form common ground which is the ‘public’ universe, real and familiar to all of us, and each private universe contains phenomena of which inhabitants of other private universes are unaware. All this is surrounded and contained by the Universal Unconscious of which no one is aware. These things will be described later in the essay. (diag.1).

    2. The God Within

    There are, in the human body, not only physical or material organs, heart, lungs, glands, intestines and such, but two additional entities which are entirely metaphysical. They have no physical existence whatsoever. They are the god within and the spirit. The first is based in the abdomen and centred on the solar plexus while the second is centred in the heart and expands throughout the rib cage into the neck and head. (fig.2)

    The existence of the spirit, an essential part of religion (which I see as an obstructive anachronism) was brought into doubt by the rise of science starting with Roger Bacon, Galileo, Newton, Leibniz, Hooke and philosophers such as David Hume, aided and abetted by Darwin and the Victorian scientists, Michael faraday, James Maxwell, Heinrich Herz and so on. (Ref.l0a.b.)

    The gods within and also, possibly, the gods without if such entities exist, and their ramifications, are the unvarying absolute of all life on the planet, past or present. One’s own personal metaphysical absolute and that of all other humans and higher animals is the god within (GW), which is located in the gut, and which is a vital active presence, whose chief characteristic, which includes its innate and unfailing goodness, is enthusiasm. It is the engine or motor of the unconscious just as the spirit is the motor of the conscious mind. It never tells a lie, doesn’t make mistakes and is the active element in the so-called ‘gut-reaction’. It is also the locus of sexual and other appetites and in matters of love, it is incorrigibly promiscuous and omnisexual, but in this respect, as in all others, it must follow the dictates of the conscious mind (spirit in the heart plus head), so its sexuality will obey a personal or moral directive, that is, the person will be either hetero, homo or bisexual (or other). Expressed simply, any given person or higher animal possesses:

    a spirit in the heart which works in tandem with the head to form the conscious mind, and:

    a god within which resides in the gut, and of who’s presence its owner the person is normally unconscious.

    The god within works in tandem with the spirit in the heart and the head i.e. the conscious mind and obeys its every instruction. That is to say, for instance, that when I go to make a cup of tea (in obedience to a bodily desire), the physical energy will be supplied by food in the stomach and gut reacting with acid and enzymes, but the emotional or metaphysical energy, the desire for and the feeling of relief or elation at the thought of a rest and a cup of tea, will be supplied by the enthusiastic god within. The god within is infinite, and it transcends the laws of physics and operates beyond space and time. It is responsible for the faculty of intuition which is the matrix of all creativity.

    3. The Materiality of Mind

    The mind, as conceived of hitherto, has generally been imagined in all kinds of shapes and guises, and my conception of it is as an entity possessing a conscious component and an unconscious one, as does the presently accepted orthodox one. My concept, however, is of a material mind whose both components are composed of a substance: the conscious one I call ‘psychoplasma’ (PP) and the unconscious one ‘bioplasma’ (BP). Each mind is animated by a metaphysical agency. The conscious one is the spirit which is the basis of personality, and the unconscious one is the god within (GW) which is the locus of desire and enthusiasm. In such a mind, it will be seen that spatial concepts, e.g. tables and chairs etc., and thoughts and feelings are larger or smaller volumetric forms in psychoplasma while other things such as ideas or perfect geometric figures are immaterial, i.e. metaphysical. This latter includes, of course, the two metaphysical entities the spirit(S) and the god within (GW).

    This model of the mind was discovered, not invented, just as was the circulation of the blood by Harvey and the unconscious mind itself by Freud. It is not a hypothesis, but a real, existing and substantial (material) thing which has grown in tandem with the body through all stages of evolution. The fact of its being largely material and closely integrated with the body leads on to some extremely strange and unexpected revelations. (See addenda items 47 and 48).

    4. Bioplasma (BP), Psychoplasma (PP) and the Bioplasmatic Envelope (BPE)

    In the past, philosophers sometimes referred to the concept of ‘mind-stuff’ in the absence of a clear idea of what and where the mind was. I myself spent many years pondering and making observations on this question and one evening, in 2004 I think, (recorded in my journal but hard to locate) I was rewarded with a dramatic revelation, an avertable epiphany. I was thinking about the spirit (on which more later) as a presence in my heart, having already reached the conclusion that all mental activity originates there, when I felt a sudden uprush from this locality, the centre of my chest, and it was as if a gushing stream of dear, airy, semi-gaseous fluid flew up and encapsulated my head and upper body. I realised immediately that this was the stuff of the mind, upon which I had been brooding and pondering so long. I realised later that it was only part of the mind, the spiritual basis of it, and that there was an additional, denser, heavier fluid created, I believe, in the cells of the body.

    This stuff of the spirit (S), I realised, was the basis of consciousness, and the cell-generated stuff, which I call bioplasma (BP), was the stuff of the unconscious mind. The spirit never exists on its own, when existent in a material body, but is always combined in a mixture or compound with BP to form a substance which I call psychoplasma (PP). This mixing takes place mainly in the body, I believe, and is exuded through the skin as PP. The spirit on its own, I think, is incapable of affecting inanimate matter but operating as PP, it can do exactly that by virtue of the materiality of BP which is one of its constituents, and when it does the phenomenon, it is called psychokinesis (PK), the conscious, voluntary exercise of ‘mind over matter’. When I say the ‘conscious, voluntary’ exercise, I don’t mean staring at the object concentrating hard on ‘willing’ it to move; it is more, for me at any rate, a matter of relaxing and ‘wanting’ or waiting for the reaction. I quickly realised that BP, generated in the cells of the body, must be generated in all living cells and connects together every speck of living substance on the planet (a fact which is deductible, in hindsight, from the information related to Ref.6), thus, forming an Earth-enveloping blob which I called the Bioplasmatic Envelope (BPE) (Ref.6). This, mixed or compounded with (S) to make psychoplasma (PP), is the fluid posited by Arthur Koestler by means of which telepathic communication and much, if not all, other psi takes place. (Ref.4a). It is also the material embodiment of Carl Gustav Jung’s ‘collective unconscious’. The sum total of BP + S = PP on the planet, I call the ‘psychosphere’ (PS). Although the unconscious works through BP, in its telepathic and other psi activities, and the conscious mind works through a compound of BP plus S (i.e. PP), seen objectively, both the unconscious and the conscious minds operate through the medium of psychoplasma (PP) since BP and S will have mixed to become PP which changes its shape, density and BP to S ratio according to the circumstances to saturate and totally surround the body, especially the head and thorax.

    Diag. 1: The Universe

    NOTE: The ratio of BP to S will decrease with altitude (since BP is material, subject to gravity and much denser than S) so that at, let us assume, eight kilometres above sea level the density of the CC will be at the basal level (see chapter 5 item 12). Any further increase in altitude and it will drop sharply to zero, rather than fading away, thus defining the boundary of the BPE, which can be visualised as a large, shimmering soap-bubble containing, not only air, but PP, enveloping the Earth.

    The BPE, though permeating and connecting all living things, things by which it is generated, remains essentially the medium of the unconscious. The terms BP plus S, in the little equation just now referred to, add to make PP, the medium of the unconscious mind (BP) plus the conscious one (S) and which also, of course, permeates all living things, and unlike the BPE, it also permeates the greater part I believe, if not all, non-living things such as rocks, water, metals, crystals above and below ground, man-made artefacts, dice, furniture, clothing, rooms and public spaces, glass, plastic, etc. They are all embraced, filled or permeated by the spiritual component of PP depending on circumstances, and this fact I think is central to all parapsychological phenomena. The only part of the Earth that will not be so permeated, I suspect, is the Earth itself below a certain depth although this could be several thousand metres. This point will be further explained in Chapter 4 (item 12) and Addenda (item 26)

    It seems probable, as explained just now in different terms, that the basic, pure BPE, although still existing in its entirety, will be suffused throughout with S though the ratio of the quantity of BP to that of S, (BP:S), will vary depending on terrain and other circumstances. I think, as explained, that the outer surface or topmost level of the BPE must remain as I perceived it in my first astonishing vision of it – i.e., a sharp cut-off point rather than a gradual fading away, and until this point of cessation is reached, the density of the BPE plus its admixture of spirit must vary between maximum possible and basal as in Graph 1. I think, also, that the ratio of S to BP (S:BP) will be proportional to the altitude at which they are measured, but this quantity too will depend on the propinquity or otherwise of other living organic material.

    I think that PP, as the medium of the collective conscious which can be loosely defined as the sum of all conscious minds (more exactly defined in chapter 2), must extend to a height of seven or eight kilometres. It is clear that birds must be enveloped in it, and even passengers in jet aircraft. It is a fact that there are people living in the international space station, which is so far from the Earth’s surface (220 miles) that one would think of it as being outside the planet’s PP, but I think in fact that it must remain connected by a long ‘funnel’ of PP (see Chapter 7 item 9). It would, in any case, be interesting to do a series of telepathy experiments between the ISS and Earth: if they proved negative, giving only chance results, this would suggest the idea that in these circumstances, there would be a small ‘mini-BPE’ which connected the astronauts aboard the ISS. This also could be checked by doing telepathy experiments between crewmembers which should prove positive, that is, better than chance. One should bear in mind, however, whenever proposing an experiment in the paranormal, that such experimentation is always open to the mischievous refusal by the god within to oblige and by doing so to withhold its power, a power that is the very essence of life itself (Chap.8 item 10 and Chapter 2 item 2). I used to believe, and still do I think, that an organism which was not included in the BPE, or at least a ‘mini-BPE’, could not survive, which raises the question of Yuri Gagarin’s solitary orbit of the Earth; it is clear he must have stayed attached in some way via the spiritual component of BP, probably a ‘funnel’ or ‘tube’ (see Chap. 7 item 9).

    While we are on the subject of funnels and tubes, I might as well reveal another recent insight, into ‘astral travelling’, a practice embraced by certain students of the occult, and which I think is simply an extension of the OBE. It has occurred to me that if the subject/spirit in an OBE floats or travels more than 50 to 100 metres away from the body, the PP which keeps it connected with it must, or may, assume the form of a long, shimmering cord exactly as described in literature on the occult, and the cord’s cross sectional area would be inversely proportional to the distance involved, I would think. The cord’s surface would be at the basal level which is why it would shimmer. It is obvious, as expressed in the literature of the occult, that if this cord is broken, the organism dies and the spirit goes to the afterlife followed, I would think, by its permanently attendant god within.

    Bioplasma, as stated, and psychoplasma too, is a clear fluid with a consistency which varies between being thin and watery/sticky on the skin via a light, clear consistency to very fine and rarefied. Its consistency also varies in accordance with the identities of the people involved and the existing circumstances; it mixes with the substance, if such the spirit (S) be (see addenda 109) emanating from the heart to make psychoplasma as already written. This, PP, is the stuff of the conscious mind and it is material – hence the title of the essay – a substance possessing mass, probably only because of its proportion of BP which is definitely material. Like BP, its nature is myriad and it can exist in many forms, and although its usual state varies between thin and sticky near the body, and tenuous, its density can vary between these values to the basal density, which is only a fraction of that of the air in which it floats. During the last stages of a teleportation (which I am sure is possible and shall describe later), it would gradually (or instantly see Chap. 5 item 13) ‘condense’ to become the materialised flesh, blood and bone of the teleported body. It can sometimes be felt on the skin as being cool and slightly sticky and it can vary, depending on circumstances, between the forms of a tenuous placid lagoon or a rolling ocean. When one wakes from sleep in the morning and slowly comes to consciousness, the sleepy, thick and groggy state that one may find oneself in, I think, is simply the mass of PP that the cells of one’s body and the spirit have generated during sleep; in fact, it could be that replacing psychoplasma is one of the important functions of sleep. At first, the reader may find it difficult to perceive and, thus, believe in the existence of PP, but if he bears in mind the logic of what I have written and is patient, he may find himself becoming more sensitive to its presence. The first revelation of the presence of the BPE came to me five or six years ago, but it was only last year, in 2010, that I clearly observed a group mind – a beautiful experience. (Chapter 7 item 8).

    Sometimes the mind, at times of stress and insecurity I think, loses the vague softness of its boundary where it fades into the CC and its boundary to become sharp and clear-cut like the surface of a soap bubble (the surface of the BPE also has this quality), and in so doing must, I think, be cutting itself off from the possible dangers inherent in free association with its neighbouring minds, although, I think, it must always retain a tenuous connection with one or more of them. (fig.7). PP, I would think, will be male or female depending on the gender of the individual in question. This requires more thought i.e. the two defining sexual poles are male and female but there would be, I think, a whole spectrum of relative strengths between these opposites so that the PP of the collective conscious would be neutral, as would be, without doubt, that of the collective unconscious. Although it is material, PP is usually tenuous although it can exist at any density up to thin and sticky in and near the organism. All substances, as far as I know, brick, wood, plastic, glass, lead are transparent to its spiritual component it in its more tenuous states. If one wants to weigh air, one extracts all the air from a container to create a vacuum which will tend to make it rise and then notes how much weight must be applied to hold it down. One cannot do this with PP because it would permeate the walls of the container. I have, however, devised an experiment which may make it possible to demonstrate its existence. It involves the construction of an instrument which I call ‘the Vacuum Wheel PP detector’, which should make it possible to detect the presence of BP and PP. Details of its construction and mode of operation appear later in the essay. This device was conceived long before I discovered the reason for the difficulty in replicating psi experiments, and may, therefore, be subject to the same limits.

    Graph 1: Effects of Altitude and Locality on Psychoplasma Density.

    My mind, therefore, originates in my body, which it completely surrounds, and extends into the surrounding space mixing with other minds as it does so and/or merging into the collective conscious. It may be helpful, though perhaps unnecessary, to inform the reader that as I describe the phenomena of BP and PP, he/she should be understanding that he is himself immersed in a sea of PP just as a fish is immersed by the sea in which it swims except that the PP permeates the body while the sea does not permeate the fish. He should, of course, also understand that this plenitude of PP saturates his/her body, and permeates the walls, floor and ceiling of the room wherein he sits, to join with and become part of the CC and the CU. And lastly, he should understand that he is connected to all the life in his immediate locality. The people next door and those upstairs, the mice under the floorboards, if there are any, spiders, flies, woodlice in the woodwork, squirrels, robins, blackbirds, in the trees outside, earthworms in the garden and microorganisms in the kitchen sink outlet pipe; all of these organisms are connected via PP and are mutually affecting to a greater or lesser extent. (Ref. 6).

    Here is an account of an experience which should help to understand the nature and function of PP. Many years ago, I was feeling very low in spirits and could see little point in being alive. I was driving towards Welshpool near the border of Wales. Suddenly I saw a beautiful girl standing on a hillock some yards away from the roadside, and my spirits lifted. I saw beauty, friendship, love, meaning – life was not bottomless and insubstantial but, as revealed by the girl, was full of meaning and love, enveloping all things…substance…bioplasma, and in tandem with spirit…psychoplasma! (It doesn’t sound very romantic but BP is the very stuff of love and desire and it underpins our every action). Psychoplasma, which is inescapably involved with sexuality, is about living and creating life and is fundamental and essential throughout the living world. Psychoplasma is responsible for the warm feeling of friendship that one gets from one’s social contacts and its absence is the cold feeling of loneliness.

    5. The Kirlians’ Absent Leaflobe

    My first introduction to the phenomenon of bio-plasma was through the work of the famous Semyon Davidovitch Kirlian and his wife Valentina. They developed a system of photography using, instead of light, a high-voltage alternating electrostatic field. This system has been used to produce colourful pictures of the ‘aura’ of plants and other living things. The most dramatic, as far as I know, of these experiments, was an occasion when they irradiated a leaf which had five clearly defined ‘lobes’. After the irradiation they cut off one of the lobes, and were surprised to find that in the space previously occupied by it, there was a faintly glimmering, luminous image of it. This suggested that the plant had some kind of spirit or ‘aetheric body’ to use somewhat outdated language (Fig. I).

    They gave the name ‘bioplasm’ to the substance of which the ‘spirit body’ was made, and suggested also that it could be a fourth state of matter. It seemed obvious at the time to assume that it was identical with the substance that I had discovered which I therefore also called bioplasm (BP); but since ‘plasm’ denoted a solid substance I felt that ‘plasma’ was more accurate for my purposes, since BP is a fluid, or, depending on circumstances, something between the two. Its density varies. It is generated, I believe,

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