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The Little Black Book
The Little Black Book
The Little Black Book
Ebook52 pages40 minutes

The Little Black Book

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Being ridiculed, belittled and embarrassed while the entire community sat and listened, everything seemed to spiral out of control for Bev. Feeling as though she had to flee, she wasn’t aware of the chain of events that was about to unfold.

When everything that is considered to be perfect is turned on its head, things will change. When direction changes, an evolution occurs. Follow Bev as her entire life twists and turns and moves in a direction not even she would believe.

Packed with power and punch, experience everything you would like to find in a family saga. Contemporary women paving the way. Military men and the most amazing angel who will open your eyes and bring change to those who least expect it.

In bite-size parts, enjoy FAMILY COMES FIRST as the journey evolves.

Release dateMay 27, 2024
The Little Black Book

Bridgitte Lesley

Hello from Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa!Having survived an attempt at being murdered, I have plunged myself in to my writing. After my gruesome ordeal, I live life from day to day. Appreciating every minute and moment. Yes, I have the scars from an axe being driven in to my head repeatedly. I suffer from PTSD and OCD. But, I am here to tell the tale. And I have a lot to tell!I am currently revamping my older titles and will be adding a few. In a nutshell, you will find a mix of romance, adventure, lots of witty banter and a happy ever after. All round, expect a feel-good read.Thank you for reading and for your support!Bridgitte

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    The Little Black Book - Bridgitte Lesley



    BOOK 4


    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are a creation of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously

    First Printing: 2024


    P O Box 258, Annerley, 4230, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Republic of South Africa


    The Little Black Book

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

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    Having cleared out their bank accounts, and closing them, life suddenly changed for the better. Bev had removed the children from the local school and every person in town knew the real truth. The grapevine had been severed. They had no contact with the community but had a handful of true friends who supported them. Things on the ranch would change at a rapid rate.


    Lance and Rory, the ranch manager, sat and counted out the wages for the weeks and months to come. Rory had a few weeks’ wages locked away in his safe. Every safe on the ranch was used for a few weeks’ wages. Being safety conscious, the money was not kept in one safe. All the money was kept under lock and key and the keys were kept in different cottages. They were sitting on a lot of money.


    Len and Max, ranch hands on the Benson spread, felt rather proud when they made their way to town to collect the little black books and the envelopes of cash. A brand new system Bev had implemented. It was almost considered a secret society, only for a select few. They arrived at the pub and Eric, the pub owner, handed them two packets of takeaways for the family. It was always busy in the pub with people walking in for a quick drink. So, this packet is for you and Max, Eric said as Len took the last packet.

    Len looked at the packet, and expected two takeaway boxes but noticed there were three. He slowly nodded as Eric looked at him with a meaningful look in his eye.

    Thanks. They climbed in to the van and made their last stop at the farm next door to the Benson ranch. Margaret, the owner, came running with her little black book and an envelope of money. Max could feel there were only a few notes in the envelope and a few coins.

    Thanks, Margaret. We will deliver.

    Thank you, Max!

    Len sighed as he looked at Margaret’s list. One pack of meat, Max. Hell!

    Mrs Benson is sure to spot that. If I had enough I would buy things for them. My money goes straight in to the bank and pays for my investment and the rest goes in to my savings account.

    Mine too. I send money to my parents. And you?

    As much as I can.

    They arrived at the ranch and climbed out of the van. They walked inside and handed everything to Bev. Max

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