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The Adventures of Fieora Radcliff
The Adventures of Fieora Radcliff
The Adventures of Fieora Radcliff
Ebook183 pages2 hours

The Adventures of Fieora Radcliff

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Fieora Radcliff, a complex young girl struggling and searching for her own identity in a broken family. Intelligent and resourceful, but also impetuous, sometimes implacable and impish, often pushy and self-centered, Fieora seems to be on a self-absorbed mission to make herself happy while punishing everyone else. She is overweight and overbearing with very few friends. Come, read all about it.

PublisherJeanne Linton
Release dateMay 20, 2024
The Adventures of Fieora Radcliff

Jeanne Linton

I was born in Vancouver, B.C. Married when I was 22 and moved to the midwest with my husband. While living in Michigan I had four children. Although I liked living in the U.S. after I was divorced, I returned to B.C. with two of my children where I have lived ever since, only returning to visit my family still in the U.S. I am retired now, enjoying my life, and continuing to write stories.I have written three young adult novels, a book where the main character is a chicken, but mostly science fiction novels. The science fiction novels ;'Seeds of the Galaxy' deals with the roots of humanity as they are forced from their world because of a changing environment and migrate across the cosmos.My books are listed on Smashwords under Jeannelinton.

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    The Adventures of Fieora Radcliff - Jeanne Linton

    The Adventures of Fieora Radcliff


    Jeanne Linton


    Copyright 2023 Jeanne Linton

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

    This novel is a work of fiction. Names, descriptions, entities and incidents included in the story are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, events and entities is entirely coincidental.

    The opinions expressed by the author are hers alone.


    The Adventures of Fieora Radcliff is a fast-paced story about a precocious young girl caught up in the dynamics of a broken family. The short chapters make for easy reading.

    ---Gwen, Sechelt, British Columbia

    The story line is magnetic. I especially enjoyed the development where the kidnappers discover that they are now the captives of this forceful young girl and they must do her bidding. Their only escape is into the hands of the law.

    ---Irene, Richmond, B. C.

    I have a habit of reading to my daughter before bed each night. When I started to read this story, I found I couldn’t put it down until I finished the entire book. I lost my daughter to dreamland somewhere around chapter ten.

    ---Darren, Howell, Michigan

    I love reading and Fieora Radcliff is a very good story. The characters came to life and so did the scenes. Short chapters made the story easy to follow and fun to read. I’ve recommended it to my friends.

    --- Natalie, Lebanon, Ohio

    Fieora Radcliff is such a believable character, I felt as though I knew her personally. Mrs. Linton tells a great story that was hard to put down. I’m anxious to read her next books.

    --- Emily, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania


    People are not meant to live alone because by nature we are social creatures that need companionship. Even so, living together in harmony is not an easy task. In fact, it is a skill that must be learned; an elusive goal we all strive to achieve.

    In 1960 singer/songwriter Joan Baez penned the lyrics to a song devoted to this theme of human longing, belonging and oneness: No Man Is an Island. The song became popular and touched the hearts of many who heard it. Words are indeed powerful and can lift the human spirit to great heights. Herein lays my admiration for the writings of Jeanne Linton. Her easy innocent style is clearly understood by young people striving hard to grow up in a tough world. She relates to them, gives voice to their dreams and fears, and her words chart a path paved with powerful values and real choices. Learning to live together in harmony is not an easy task, but Jeanne knows it can be done and a lot of fun.

    In this very engaging novelette, The Adventures of Fieora Radcliff, characters created by Jeanne Linton live in real world. We can see them in our imaginations, feel their emotions, and we must wait to see how each will respond to the challenges of the moment – just like in our own world. There is much to be learned in this simple story. Enjoy your visit with Fieora and watch her grow before your eyes. Get ready for the next marvelous adventures penned by Jeanne Linton soon to follow: The Elliott Mobile and Summer at Stillwater Lake.

    John W. LaCroix

    Saint Paul’s Press, LLC


    Life is a most precious gift. Each life is unique. We get one chance to live it. There is no practice session to prepare for our future, no Owner Operating Manuals, no How to Live instruction pamphlets. However, this life does come with two marvelous standard features: a certain degree of intelligence and an exhilarating freedom to choose from an endless array of possibilities. We share one thing in common: the ability to observe and learn from each other. Herein lays both our greatest challenge as well as the pathway to our individual success, understanding and adapting to our world and each other. The Adventures of Fieora Radcliff is a story of one life, not unlike our own, searching for answers in her world. It is a story of struggle, turmoil, danger, opportunity, and hope. Enjoy the experience of Fieora.


    The Bad Girl


    A strong autumn wind whips the leaves about as Fieora Radcliff and Dora Chapman stroll along the wooden sidewalk that crisp day in November. With school dismissed, they’ll spend the rest of the afternoon in Fieora’s bedroom where they’ll finish their homework, listen to the radio, and gossip about the new girl with the red hair. As they pass the general store, Fieora grabs Dora’s hand and literally pulls her through the front door.

    Why are we stopping here? Dora asks.

    Fieora heads straight for the candy bins. I like the red ones. Do you like the red ones, Dora? scooping jellybeans into a paper sack.

    Did your father say you can help yourself to the jellybeans, Fieora? Martha asks sternly.

    You’re the salesclerk, Martha and this is my store, she snaps rudely. I can do as I please!

    Randal Radcliff, a skinny little man with piercing black eyes approaches. His eyes narrow as he glares through the wire spectacles resting at the end of his nose. What are you up to now, Fieora?

    I’m taking some candy, but Martha is trying to stop me, she whines.

    Fieora, you eat far too many sweets. It’s unhealthy and it must stop. DO YOU HEAR ME?

    From between tightly clenched lips, I like jellybeans. I want jellybeans. I deserve jellybeans. They make me HAPPY.

    Fieora, it’s my responsibility to see you don’t eat things that are not good for you.

    I like jellybeans, I want jellybeans. If I like jellybeans and I want jellybeans, I shall HAVE jellybeans. If you try to stop me, I’ll hold my breath till I turn blue and die. I will… I will… I will… she screams defiantly.

    Radcliff’s face flushes, That’s enough, Fieora.

    Fieora breathes in deeply three times, clamps her mouth shut, and holds her breath. Her face turns red, her eyes bulge, she staggers against the counter and her knees buckle while her cheeks suck in and out. Finally, she falls to the floor in a heap.

    Stop it, Fieora. You’re trying to scare me so you can have your way. Stop it this instant, Radcliff demands. He waits for a moment, Fieora, that’s ENOUGH.

    Fieora pounds her fist against the floorboards as her eyes spin.

    Alright, alright, he screams. Take the jellybeans! Turning abruptly, he marches into his office and slams the door… defeated again.

    Fieora picks herself up. Honestly, I don’t know why he puts us through this. I always win. Shaking her head, He’s so silly.

    Fieora, how can you be so mean to your father? And then to do it in front of his employee!

    Dora don’t QUESTION results, as she throws several more scoops into the paper bag. Grabbing Dora’s hand, she drags her out of the store.

    They hurry along the street to the white two-story house with the white picket fence giggling all the way; they skip through the gate and into the house. I’m home, Mrs. Minerva, as she slams the front door and darts into the kitchen. Fieora’s eyes light up, My favorite treat in the whole world—Boston Cream donuts with chocolate frosting! Fieora reaches into the box and practically throws a donut down her throat. With chocolate frosting dripping from her fingers, she reaches for a second.

    NO, Fieora! Put that back right now, Mrs. Minerva commands.

    Fieora bolts out the kitchen door with the donut held tightly between her fingers. I’ll eat my supper, I promise.

    Mrs. Minerva yells, Fieora, you’re going to blow up like a balloon and your teeth will fall out of your mouth.

    Fieora grabs Dora’s arm and drags her up the stairs to her room. As Dora sets her books on the end table, Fieora reaches for a tissue to wipe the chocolate frosting from her fingers. Shall we start with math? Not wanting to open her books, I think the new girl’s hair is ridiculous, as she throws herself on the bed and stares up at the ceiling.

    But it’s a pretty color, Dora states.

    RED! Since when is red hair a pretty color? Well, maybe it’d look better if she cut it. Why, it hangs down to the middle of her back.

    But Fieora, she IS cute.

    What good is cute if you can’t catch a ball? Did you see her miss the pop-fly into center field? She’s clumsy. Sometimes she falls over her own feet. Besides, she thinks she’s SO FINE, but I know better. Did you catch her making eyes at Casey? As if Casey would give her the time of day, Fieora laughs.

    Fieora, I saw you trip her. Besides, Casey was talking to her.

    He may have talked to her but he likes ME. He talks to ME all the time. I know he wants to be my boyfriend but he isn’t good enough. I want someone cool.

    Fieora, he went over to her house yesterday after school, Dora grimaces expecting to be slapped down by Fieora.

    Not wanting to be embarrassed, Listen to this song, as Fieora bounces her hips on the bed. Singing along with the radio, I’m so fine, just like wine. She gives Dora a poke to lighten the atmosphere.

    After Dora leaves, Fieora saunters into the kitchen. Will Daddy be home soon? Fieora asks Mrs. Minerva.

    He should be. The elderly woman reaches for the laundry basket, You may have another donut after you eat your dinner. Starting up the stairs, I’ll be right back. With that, she leaves Fieora sitting at the dinner table with her supper in front of her.


    Witherspoon is a quiet little village sitting on the banks of the Missouri River about fifty miles east of Jefferson City. Although nothing much happens during winter, Witherspoon is a vacation Mecca in the summer. It’s the pearl of the Missouri, with quaint streets lined with towering black walnut trees and architecture dating back to the early 1800’s. Water sports, fishing, and boating draw tourists from all over the United States. The high point of the summer is the county fair when the circus comes to town featuring its big top with high-wire acts, exotic animal shows, and clowns.

    Although there’s not a great deal of wealth in Witherspoon, still its inhabitants are happy and content. Family values are the heart of the community. There is, however, one exception, Randall Radcliff, who is keenly committed to making money no matter what the cost. When Ginger married the quiet little man, he was sweet and loving. But something happened. Something sparked in his inner self that drove him to desperation. Perhaps it was when he was a child; he was always the last to be picked for the team. Even at dances, Randall was a wallflower and only Ginger recognized his value. But once they married, family life didn’t interest Randall one iota. All he thought about was money and social status. He went at it with such vigor and dedication it became his life’s quest. Then one day something happened… why it must be more than five years since Ginger disappeared. No one knows what happened but people do gossip and many speculate what could have happened.

    In spite of everyone’s speculation, the real tragedy was Fieora was left without a mother and in the hands of a neglectful father. Radcliff would rather cater to Fieora’s demands than deal with her tantrums. The closest thing Fieora has to a mother is the housekeeper, Mrs. Minerva.


    A thunderous shriek breaks the night’s silence. The front door of the stately home bursts open as the elderly lady dashes through the gate and up the street into the dusky twilight. She runs as fast as she can to the sheriff’s office several blocks away. Breathless, she rushes into the office. Sheriff Kramer looks up as she staggers to his desk, eyes wild. It’s Fieora, she says breathlessly. She’s been TAKEN, as she almost collapses on the desk.

    What do you mean, Fieora has been taken? Taken where?

    KIDNAPPED, she shrieks!

    Why would anyone kidnap Fieora?

    For RANSOM, of course, what else? It’s well known how wealthy Randall Radcliff is. Why else are people kidnapped, she says in dismay.

    Is there a ransom note? Surely this fiasco isn’t because Fieora’s not where Fieora’s supposed to be? Fieora’s never where she’s supposed to be!

    She left her supper unfinished and the donut she was to have for dessert. Leave her supper—maybe, her donut—never! The back door was wide open when I came from upstairs. Her coat and shoes are still in the hall. Fieora’s not that brave; she’d never leave the house without her shoes and coat.

    Puzzled, Sheriff Kramer grabbed his coat. Come on, let’s have a look. My guess is she’s playing a trick on you. If she were mine, I’d punish her for being so cruel.

    Although not a large man, the sheriff carries a commanding presence. He has a certain air of confidence which makes others think he knows what he’s doing at all times.

    Offering little conversation, he follows Mrs. Minerva back to the Radcliff home. As they enter the home, he can see directly through the house into the kitchen. The back door stands wide open, allowing the cold evening

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