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Fear Terror And Anguish
Fear Terror And Anguish
Fear Terror And Anguish
Ebook164 pages1 hour

Fear Terror And Anguish

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Embark on a Spine-Chilling Odyssey into the Realm of Fear, Terror, and Anguish


In the shadowy realm where reality intertwines with superstition, I invite you to immerse yourself in the pages of Fear, Terror, and Anguish - an epic journey that defies human comprehension and ventures beyond the boundaries of the known. From the childhood fears that haunted our nights to the legends that have endured through generations, this book will transport you on a captivating veil through the shadows of the inexplicable.


On this intriguing expedition, we will unravel myths and tales that have transcended borders, exploring the narratives that have kept humanity on edge since time immemorial. What lies beyond death? Is it possible that malevolent entities lurk among us, defying the laws of reality? With every word etched in print, I will lead you to explore the mysteries that have challenged our understanding, from the eternal wails of "La Llorona" in Mexico to the macabre processions of the "Santa Compañía" in Spain.


Each Country Holds a Haunting Entity


Each nation harbors its own entity, a manifestation of the deepest fears that have left an indelible mark on the collective imagination. The illustrations accompanying these narratives will invite you to confront macabre imagery, as ghosts and spirits capture your imagination and leave an everlasting imprint on your deepest dreams. Are you ready to question your beliefs and delve into a realm even more intriguing and mysterious? Fear, Terror, and Anguish will challenge your perception and take you on an exploration into the abyss of horror, where the line between the real and the supernatural blurs. Let your senses immerse themselves in this unique experience, where the whisper of the unknown awaits to captivate your soul. Do you dare to confront the truth that lurks in the shadows?

Release dateMay 21, 2024
Fear Terror And Anguish

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    Book preview

    Fear Terror And Anguish - Ricardo Gallego


    TO THE LOVERS OF ENIGMAS and shadows, to those who find fascination in every dark corner of imagination. To my readers, who have chosen to embark on this intricate journey filled with unexpected twists and mysteries without explanation. May each page immerse them deeper into suspense and leave them yearning to decipher the final riddle. This book is dedicated to those who find pleasure in the subtle dance between light and darkness, between the paranormal and secrets. May the quest for truth be as exhilarating as the mystery itself.


    Capítulo 1: POLTERGEIST.............................11

    Capítulo 2: THE SOULS ALONE...................14

    Capítulo 3: THE GHOUL ..............................17

    Capítulo 4: THE YOWIE................................20

    Capítulo 5: THE KRAMPUS...........................23

    Capítulo 6: SHAKCHUNNI.............................26

    Capítulo 7: CUCA SOBRA...............................29

    Capítulo 8: WENDIGO................................... 32

    Capítulo 9: THE TRAUCO..............................35

    Capítulo 10: THE JIANGSHI..........................38

    Capítulo 11: THE BOLAFUEGO.....................41

    Capítulo 12: THE GUMIHO ..........................44

    Capítulo 13: THE DECAPITATED PRIEST .. 47

    Capítulo 14: THE COVERED LADY ..............50

    Capítulo 15: ANUBIS......................................53

    Capítulo 16: NUCKELAVEE.......................... 56

    Capítulo 17: ASUANG.....................................59

    Capítulo 18: THE NÄKKI............................... 62

    Capítulo 19: THE LADY IN WHITE.. ............65

    Capítulo 20: COBLYNAU................................68

    Capítulo 21: MEDUSA....................................72

    Capítulo 22: ZOMBIES...................................75

    Capítulo 23:  WITTE WIEVEN.......................78

    Capítulo 24 :  BOSZORKÁNY.........................81

    Capítulo 25:  CHUREL.. .................................84

    Capítulo 26:  POCONG....................................87

    Capítulo 27:  THE BANSHEE ........................90

    Capítulo 28:  YULECAT..................................93

    Capítulo 29:  DYBUK .....................................96

    Capítulo 30:  THE STREGHE ........................99

    Capítulo 31:  YŪREI......................................102

    Capítulo 32:  AISHA KANDISHA.................105

    Capítulo 33:  LA LLORONA..........................108

    Capítulo 34:  TANIWHA...............................111

    Capítulo 35: THE DRAUGR.........................114

    Capítulo 36: Baba Za Zvezdara ....................117

    Capítulo 37: PICHAL PERI ..........................120

    Capítulo 38: STRZYGA ................................123

    Capítulo 39: LOBISOMEM...........................126

    Capítulo 40: EL CHUPACABRAS.................129

    Capítulo 41: BUBÁK.....................................132

    Capítulo 42: THE STRIGOI..........................135

    Capítulo 43: BABA YAGA.............................138

    Capítulo 44: MORANA.................................142

    Capítulo 45: LA  SANTA  COMPAÑIA.........145

    Capítulo 46: TIKOLOSHE............................148

    Capítulo 47: GJENGANGER........................151

    Capítulo 48: MAE NAK PHRA KHANONG.154

    Capítulo 49: KARABASAN...........................157

    Capítulo 50: BLOODY MERY.......................160

    Fear Terror and Anguish

    Malevolent entities in global folklore

    In the early stages of our lives, we all, still young, have experienced that unmistakable whisper of fear. Perhaps an irrational fear of the dark, of being alone at home, or of witnessing objects moving inexplicably? Maybe the sight of a doll that, without warning, turns its head, making us feel the piercing gaze of its eyes? Though our experiences may vary, the undeniable truth is that from a young age, we have feared something.

    As we tread the path of adulthood, a persistent curiosity remains. Are all those stories and urban myths real, or merely tales passed down orally? The reality is that in every country, in every culture, there exists a terrifying tale that, simply by uttering the name of the entity in question, sends shivers down our spine.

    In this era of technology and advancement, we still grapple with uncertainty regarding what happens after death. Is it possible for us to choose to linger and haunt the world? Curiosity persists, fueled by the incessant question that resonates in the depths of our minds. In this journey, my dear reader, we will venture beyond ordinary perception and immerse ourselves in the murky waters of the inexplicable. We will explore narratives that have transcended generations, where every written word brings us one step closer to unraveling the mysteries that, since time immemorial, have challenged our understanding.

    Within these pages, we will embark on a journey through the shadows, exploring the legends that have endured through generations and left an indelible mark on the collective imagination of humanity. Join me on this odyssey through the darkest pages of history, where the most terrifying and disturbing apparitions intertwine with reality itself.

    Every country harbors its own malevolent entity, a being that embodies the deepest fears and stands as a silent witness to restless nights. From the Mexican lands, where the eternal wail of La Llorona echoes along the rivers, to the dark corners of Spain, where the Santa Compañía drags its chains in a macabre procession, each entity beckons us to plunge into the abyss of the unknown. Let your eyes confront these macabre images, allowing your mind to immerse itself in the abyss of horror that each illustration exudes.

    The ghosts and spirits contained within these pages yearn to captivate your imagination, leaving an eternal mark on your deepest dreams. Are you ready to question your own beliefs and confront the possibility that, beyond mortality, a realm even more intriguing and mysterious may lurk?





    IN THE SHADOWS THAT lurk behind the veil of the paranormal, emerges an entity that has instilled terror in humanity throughout the centuries: the poltergeist. Its origins trace back to ancient eras when the thin line between the physical and spiritual worlds became fragile and susceptible. Born from negative energy and suppressed emotions, this unsettling spirit transforms into personified chaos.

    The word poltergeist originates from German, translating literally to noisy spirit or mischievous spirit. Belief in poltergeists and accounts of poltergeist phenomena have been documented in various cultures and historical periods worldwide. However, their history and notoriety are believed to have begun in Europe, particularly in Germany, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

    Poltergeists find their dwelling in places steeped in tension and conflict. Nourished by anger, fear, and distress, they unleash with insatiable ferocity, triggering inexplicable phenomena that torment those unfortunate enough to cross their path.

    Their manifestations take on varied and sinister forms: doors slamming violently, objects moving without human intervention, eerie knocks and sounds filling the air, and guttural voices whispering in the darkness.

    The poltergeist delights in playing with the psyche of its victims, sowing chaos in their lives and flooding them with paralyzing fear. As its power intensifies, its influence expands, even reaching to manipulate the minds of individuals. Murky dreams, lived nightmares, and terrifying visions form its arsenal to consume the sanity of those who dare to confront it.

    Popular belief maintains that the poltergeist primarily manifests through teenagers, those immersed in emotional turbulence. However, its wrath knows no bounds and can choose any individual

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