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Luna's Journey
Luna's Journey
Luna's Journey
Ebook55 pages30 minutes

Luna's Journey

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About this ebook

Tim and Julie knew they had made the right choice in rescuing Luna when she rested quietly in her favorite location by the patio window, her eyes reflecting the love and security she felt. Their lives had been greatly enhanced by Luna, who had not only found a place to call home but had grown to be an essential member of the family.

For anyone thinking about adopting a rescue animal, Luna's story is a ray of hope and a call to action. It serves as a reminder that all animals have the right to a happy and meaningful existence, and that we have the capacity to grant their dreams with kindness, love, and tolerance.

Release dateMay 22, 2024
Luna's Journey

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    Book preview

    Luna's Journey - Timothy Spears

    Dedicated to the Northeast Ohio Collie Rescue

    Elyria, Ohio

    "Luna's Journey:

    The Heartwarming Tale of a Rescued Collie"

    A black text with a white background Description automatically generated

    2024 Timothy Spears

    All Rights Reserved

    A dog lying on a rug Description automatically generated

    Luna after she was with us for a few weeks



    Luna's Existence Prior to Being Saved

    Luna, a stunning Collie, was born in a busy little city with eyes that gleamed with secrets and a coat as brilliant as the morning sun. Despite the mistreatment and adversity of her early years, she never lost hope. This is the tale of Luna's amazing journey from the shadowy backstreets of the city to the cozy embrace of a devoted family.

    The mayhem of the streets dominated Luna's early memories. She was only one of countless vagrants who were fighting for daily survival. A young dog had to navigate the hard environment of the metropolis, where perils were present everywhere. There was little food, and it was difficult to locate a place to stay. Luna's compassionate spirit came through despite these difficulties. Even though a lot of people had failed her, she never gave up hope or faith in others.

    Throughout the day, Luna would explore the streets, looking for food scraps and the occasional nice person to give her a scratch on the head or a morsel of food. Her nights were spent attempting to stay warm and safe by cuddling together in dim places. Nevertheless, Luna showed incredible fortitude despite these dire conditions. The little pleasures in life, like a beam of sunshine on a chilly day, the aroma of freshly baked bread from a local bakery, or the fleeting company of another wanderer, were somehow always apparent to her.

    The search and rescue mission

    Luna's life abruptly changed one day. When she was three years old, a neighborhood animal rescue group made the decision to take action after becoming aware of the increasing number of stray dogs in the region. With a lot of patience, food, and water, the rescue group's volunteers started gathering up the stray animals. Luna immediately drew their attention with her dazzling appearance and kind manner.

    The rescue operation was not a simple one. Luna was cautious around strangers because of her past experiences. Nonetheless, the rescuers exhibited tenacity and empathy. With calming tones and sweets in hand, they walked cautiously toward her. After a while, Luna gave in to the compassion of others and let herself be taken.

    Luna's life took on a new chapter as she was carefully lifted into the rescue van. She was brought to the

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