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The COMPLETION of Revelation's 7 Seals: Earth's destruction begins after a great earthquake, and accelerates when there is a "one-world" government & currency
The COMPLETION of Revelation's 7 Seals: Earth's destruction begins after a great earthquake, and accelerates when there is a "one-world" government & currency
The COMPLETION of Revelation's 7 Seals: Earth's destruction begins after a great earthquake, and accelerates when there is a "one-world" government & currency
Ebook133 pages1 hour

The COMPLETION of Revelation's 7 Seals: Earth's destruction begins after a great earthquake, and accelerates when there is a "one-world" government & currency

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If you learned that most of the 7 Seals of Revelation were already completed, and that the rapture of Christians from earth to Heaven "could" occur as soon as next month, just prior to the final 7th Seal's complete destruction of the earth begins . . . would you do

Release dateJun 11, 2024
The COMPLETION of Revelation's 7 Seals: Earth's destruction begins after a great earthquake, and accelerates when there is a "one-world" government & currency

Jonason O. Hekili

Jonason O. Hekili is a sincere, yet imperfect, Christian. Increasingly concerned about the lack of focus on the completion of Revelation's 7 Seals and evangelical teachings in Christian churches, he presents The COMPLETION of Revelation's 7 Seals as an urgent warning to mankind.

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    The COMPLETION of Revelation's 7 Seals - Jonason O. Hekili


    The primary purpose of this book is to show that most of the 7 Seals (events/phases) that occur during the human race’s time on earth as described in Revelation, may have already been completed, or are nearly completed. But only God knows the exact times when the rapture(s)/resurrection(s), the end of this earth, and the final judgement described throughout Revelation will occur. But what is most critical, is IF the events of the final 7th Seal began to occur 1 month or 1 year from now…are YOU ready…and are all of YOUR family, friends, and acquaintances ready?

    Before writing this book, I really struggled with the thoughts of I’m a nobody, so who am I to share my observations and perspectives. But what ultimately motivated me to write this book, were the following thoughts that kept coming to me over and over and over again:

    What if my observations regarding Revelation are correct? That many events that have already been completed on earth (or are currently in process of being completed) do align with the 7 Seals of Revelation…and that the end of this world and human life as described in the 7th/Final Seal could potentially BEGIN to occur as soon as next month or next year. And that if I did not share these observations today, I wondered that when I’m judged by God/Jesus in the future, He might ask why I didn’t warn more people to wake up since our time to turn to God and accept Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for their sins appears to be extremely short?"

    It also took me a long time to publish this book, because every month while I was researching many Bible verses, it seemed I would find something new to add or to slightly modify from what I had already written. But per the previous paragraph, I felt convicted that getting this book published to warn the unsaved about the urgency to turn to God was by far more important than this book being perfect. So this book may not be exactly correct on every minor point, especially considering all of the minor differences of opinions that have resulted in so many different Christian denominations, BUT the most critical point of this book is that there are many signs that the prophecies of the end of this world from Revelation could be completed very soon…so are YOU ready…and are all of YOUR family, friends, and acquaintances ready?

    Many Bible verses are referenced throughout this book, but not the specific text from those verses. When I read articles or study materials on a topic that lists the full text of every Bible verse referenced, it distracts me enough that I forget the point the author is trying to make. This thought just crossed my mind…maybe read this book twice. One time just read it straight through without looking up the references to better follow the flow of observations throughout the book, and then read it a second time to really dig into the references - but that is completely up to you. So whenever you are ready to dig into the references, just set your Bible out next to you to look up the verses referenced. For those of you who don’t have a Bible, a website I often use is when I want to compare the wording from different translations of the Bible. The three versions of the Bible that I reference the most are the King James Version (KJV), the New International Version (NIV), and occasionally the Geneva Bible (GNV). The main reason I’ve mostly read the KJV and NIV during my lifetime, is that I had read those were the main versions used by Billy Graham.


    God does Love You!

    First of all, God does love you, but like an excellent parent who uses tough love to help their children mature into unselfish and responsible adults. Also like an excellent parent, God is not going to ignore or reward you for being disobedient/sinful. And excellent parents also warn their children of the consequences of being disobedient while raising them. God has done the exact same thing by giving us the Bible to instruct us of His expectations, and to warn us of the consequences for being disobedient to His instructions. Many people view His warning of the consequence of Hell as hateful…but warning people of extreme danger ahead is an act of love. What would actually be hateful or sadistic, would be to NOT warn people of the extreme danger ahead. But like children who throw tantrums for receiving punishments from their parents as they had been warned if they did not obey their parents’ expectations…many people today think that God should just ignore their rebellious attitude. That doesn’t work with good parents, and definitely doesn’t work with a great and holy God.

    It seems that many people today think God should worship and love us AND our sin, no matter how much we rebel against Him and His instructions in the Bible. But God always has been and always will be. God created everything out of nothing (including the unimaginable massive universe, and the complex microscopic designs that makes life possible), and only God is perfectly holy¹…so we are to be reverent and obedient to God the creator of all.⁵,⁶,⁷,⁸ Because God is perfectly holy, He cannot tolerate the presence of sin, so has given us the Bible to instruct us on how we should and shouldn’t act, and has warned us of the consequence of Hell¹² if we choose to reject His instructions and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. God uses tough love to help us become more Christ-like…where we actually put God first and love others as much as we love ourselves (treat others the way we want to be treated), as Jesus so brilliantly simplified in St Matthew 22: 34-40 and St Luke 10: 25-37.

    God also demonstrates His love for all of us, in that he didn’t create us to be brainless drones/robots who are automatically loyal and reverent to Him. The following might be a dumb analogy, but if you paid people to tell you they love and respect you…would you truly believe they actually felt that way? And if you were created to be a drone/robot, you would have no control over your own life here on earth - and most of us would hate that. God has given us the free-will choice to live our lives how we choose, including whether or not to follow Him and all of His guidance/instructions in the Bible. If you are reverent to Him and choose to follow all of His instructions,⁵,⁶,⁷,⁸ your consequence will be eternity in Heaven; but if you choose to reject/ignore Him and all of His instruction in the Bible, your consequence will be eternity in the lake of fire of Hell.¹²

    You might think God giving us free-will is unfair, but He is being perfectly consistent. Before God created us, He created the angels of Heaven, and He also gave the original angels the free-will to choose whether or not to be loyal and reverent to Him. In Job 38: 1-7 it indicates that the angels already existed, for them to have celebrated when the creation occurred. In St Luke 10: 18 and in Isaiah 14: 12, both Jesus and Isaiah refer to seeing Lucifer/Satan being cast out of Heaven to earth sometime in the past…and in Revelation 12: 3-4, 7-9 it also refers to Satan and his angels (1/3 of all angels) being cast out of Heaven to earth for rebelling against God. Satan and his angels (demons) would not have been able to choose to be irreverent and disobedient to God, unless they had been given the free-will choice on whether or not to be loyal and reverent to God. So God is being consistent and fair, in giving us the same basic consequences as He did he did the original angels and people of the Old Testament as briefly described in 2 Peter 2: 4-9 (also reference chapter 13 in this book for more detailed references to many of God’s past judgements and warnings of Hell).

    If you’re disobedient and irreverent to God while you’re here on the earth, why would God (or anyone) expect you to act any differently in Heaven? And why would God allow anyone else into Heaven who would be disruptive and create strife, after already kicking out Satan and his demons for being disruptive and creating strife in Heaven (Revelation 12: 3-4, 7-9)?³ Maybe another way to look at this, is that if you choose to ignore or rebel against God while you’re living here on earth, God is going to honor your free-will choice after you die.

    Many people may not even realize they’re rebelling against God, because they have never read the Bible or gone to church (but that is evidence that they have chosen to ignore God). Another way God has shown His concern for the unsaved, was that in Matthew 28: 16-20, God has instructed Christians to reach out to the unchurched/unsaved to warn them about the consequence of Hell if they don’t obey all that God instructs us in

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