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Taxi Driver
Taxi Driver
Taxi Driver
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Taxi Driver

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"Driving a taxi and carrying passengers makes me stronger?"

"The stronger the guest, the more I can learn?" "The more money the guest is willing to give the better the abilities I acquire?"

Hades sighed helplessly, looked at the fat green man who had just escaped ...... should I say killed his way out of the military's heavy siege, t

Release dateJan 10, 2024
Taxi Driver

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    Taxi Driver - Dorothy Schroeder

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    Taxi Driver

    Copyright © 2024 by Dorothy Schroeder

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-8983-1

    Cover designed by Dorothy Schroeder

    Edited by Dorothy Schroeder

    Taxi Driver

    Chapter 1: The Taxi Driving Grim Reaper

    Hey, hey, cab!

    A man in a suit most common to New York office workers beckoned an oncoming yellow cab and hurriedly pulled open the door and sat in the backseat after the cab stopped, Go to Stark, get me there in twenty minutes and I'll give you a hundred dollars!

    It would take a full half hour to get there from here at the earliest, the driver, who wore one of the ducktails, shook his head helplessly, There's a fine for speeding, and I'd have to risk having my license revoked, so it's hard for me to do your job for you with this amount of money, sir.

    Five hundred dollars! That's the maximum fine for speeding, and I'll add another hundred dollars to your fare!

    The man pulled out six large bills and handed them to the driver, naturally he was well aware of the time it would take to get from here to Stark as well as the cost, but it was too late, he had to make it to that meeting that was about to start!

    You can get reimbursement from the editor-in-chief later for the traveling expenses, but if you don't make it to this important news, you're going to lose your job!

    Wow, what can I say, money is God, don't you think so, sir?

    The driver caught the six large bills, scanned them and put them in his pocket, then took off his duck-tongued hat, revealing a face with enough face value to make a name for himself in Hollywood, his tone and attitude changed instantly, and he smiled with a gentle reminder, Pleased to work with you, fasten your seatbelt, sir, welcome to the Hades Taxi, the charge for this trip is six hundred dollars, have a good Have a nice trip.

    Hurry up, don't dawdle or you won't get a penny! The man impatiently urged Hades, although he was also a little surprised as to why someone with such a high face value would actually be a cab driver, but right now his main concern was his job.

    Okay, Hades said with a kind smile on his face before warming up again, please fasten your seat belts.

    Fark! The man huffed, yanking aside a seatbelt and plugging it in handily, Are you satisfied now? Hurry up and get going for me!

    Yes, please sit tight, Hades said, still smiling kindly, and then his next words were drowned out by the ear-splitting sound of tires rubbing the ground quickly.

    Welcome to the Reaper Taxi.


    Inside the car, the man in the suit screamed in terror.

    Everything was normal, the cab was driving down the road quite normally and was delivering him smoothly to his destination at Stark.

    Well, maybe there is a little bit of an anomaly, and the word smooth might be up for discussion.

    At least, in the eyes of the man in the suit, the scenery out of the window swept back so fast that it was a bit blurred, as well as the rest of the cars driving on the road that looked like they were about to hit but were avoided in the next second, and even his own body that almost fell to the ground or even flew up even if he had his seatbelt fastened on, what he was experiencing was not so normal.

    Sir, sir, actually we don't need to be in such a hurry, the car can slow down a little bit. The man in the suit took out his big heart as a reporter and forced himself to calm down a little, his scalp trembling a little as he tried to persuade Hades to slow down.

    The man in the suit just barely glanced at the speedometer, the speed of the car at least a hundred and twenty yards or more, if placed on the highway is nothing, the problem is that this is the city ah!

    Still midday in downtown New York City!

    Anyone who dares to race at that speed here is either crazy or insane!

    This is no longer a question of whether to fine or suspend your license, it's a question of whether to live or not!

    The man in the suit winced and tried to make his tone as gentle as possible, persuading Hades, who in his opinion was trying to drag him along with him on the leash, to come around.

    Although this job means a lot to him, he can find another job if he loses it, but if he loses his life, he really loses it.

    Don't worry sir, I've charged you so much money, naturally I should give you the service that matches it! Hades smiled kindly and turned his head, his tone was still gentle, but in the ears of the man in the suit it sounded like a summons from the same God of Death that shared his name, Don't worry, I will definitely deliver you on time!

    You are going to deliver my body to the bar??

    The man in the suit roared inwardly and was about to continue to gently persuade Hades, yet realized a few things.

    First, Hades turned his head to speak to him.

    Secondly, Hades is the driver of this cab he is riding in.

    Third, normal people like this can't see the road ahead.

    Fourth, the cab was traveling at a speed of one hundred and twenty yards or more through the midday New York City area.

    A wave of rational analysis

    Look at the road, look at the road! The man in the suit hissed in a wide-eyed voice, what gentle tone, what patient persuasion, were completely out of the question, because he saw the car in front of him that was about to collide.

    At ease, at ease, generous sir, Hades said in a still gentle tone as he unhurriedly steered to the right and managed to avoid the big Ben that was immediately ahead of him, I can assure you that there will be no safety issues, even if we collide with the President's car, we'll be be safe and sound.

    Hmmm the man in the suit was in a bit of a trance, after hearing Hades' words he affirmed his inner suspicions and began to miss the good old days of his life, I miss you so much mom

    An ear-splitting sound of tires scraping against the ground rang out, and the Hades cab managed to pull up to the plaza in front of Stark with a nice tail-wagging stop.

    Generous sir, with a total time of fourteen minutes, you even have some time to straighten up your grooming and by the way, solve your physical problems again, Hades seemed to solidify that kind smile on his face, with a tone so gentle that it was like he was expressing his inner love for his beloved girl, I am grateful for your six hundred dollars and look forward to your next visit.

    Huh? The man in the suit had a demented smile on his face, and it took half a day for him to snap out of his memories, and after looking around, he saw Hades' kind smile before reacting and jerking his body back, I'm not dead?

    What are you talking about, how could I possibly let my generous guest die? Hades smiled, fished out a pill from the side as well as a card and handed it to the man in the suit, For the sake of you being so generous, this is a motion sickness pill, as well as my business card, you are welcome to take my cab next time oh

    With shaking hands, the man in the suit took the medicine and the card Hades handed him, then tried several times to push the car door open, and walked unsteadily toward the trash can, where, not long afterward, a sound of vomiting rang out.

    In fact, based on the speed alone to speak is not much faster, but this is in the city, a lot of vehicles, in order not to cause safety accidents, of course, it is necessary to frequent left and right to change lanes to avoid, and the man in the suit is sitting in the backseat, which makes it even easier to dizzy.

    Smiling benignly as he watched the man in the suit enter inside Stark, Hades sighed in relief, rubbing his face, which had gone a little stiff with laughter, and resuming his expressionless look as he started the car and moved out of the way.

    Chapter 2: I am Hades, the god of death, now a cab driver.

    Death Rentals Sixth Sixth Sixth Single:

    Task Normal: Maintain a professional smile and a soft conversational tone to deliver reporter Sissy Diane to Stark in NYC

    Task Status: Completed

    Task factor: six percent

    Please select the type of physical qualities and skills to be added

    In order not to water the word count, all the data calculations are placed in this chapter of the writer said, please pay attention to check, think the writer said the word is small you can also go to the front of the work related to look inside

    PS: I'm so conscientious and still don't give me a recommendation and collection? ヘ

    Hearing the voice coming from his mind, a satisfied smile finally appeared on Hades' face.

    By now he had pulled the cab into a parking spot on the side of the road, and after hearing this, he put the seat back and laid down flat, closing his eyes as if he was taking a lunch break, however, in reality, he was selecting the mission reward bonus in his head.

    The first is to choose the physical quality, Hardy looked down that reporter Sith's physical quality, after decisively chose a slightly higher sixty-three points of body.

    Hades was currently not very clear on how exactly his system gave body evaluation points, however, judging from the fact that even those who were soldiers didn't have more than a hundred points within their past six hundred or so single passengers, one to a hundred points was the range of an ordinary person.

    Sixty-three, not bad, barely pass, after all, is a reporter, still need to run around, there is exercise to the body.

    Then, Hades looked inside the Sith's skill list again.

    The first thing to do was of course to exclude all the level 1's and look directly at the level 2's and above, and very quickly Hades picked out the level 2 Calm Thinking which had the highest points and was also the more useful.

    Well it's no wonder that the highest point count of Calm Thinking is only two hundred and fifty points, no wonder it's so nonchalant, acting so excited about a car ride. Hades thought darkly.

    After selecting the bonus physical qualities and skills, Hades' own data panel changed.

    Grim Reaper: Hades

    Physical fitness:

    Body: 8328284

    Wisdom: 653

    Act: 99


    Level V: Driving a vehicle

    Level 4: None

    Level 3: Calm Thinking

    Level II: Culinary Arts

    Level 1: Golf

    After using the system for so long, Hades still learned quite a bit of information, such as the item of physical quality increase will have a bracket, the list of skills each time to show is the most recently updated one, the ellipsis indicates that there is more than one kind of not to be listed yes, so far Hades only has one level five skill, which is still the system attached to the newbie rewards.

    However, after completing the task of giving a professor a ride to the airport, Hades saw that the professor's highest skill, Physics Literacy, was only at level three, and had a vague standard for the level grading of skills, while realizing how horrible his own level five skills were.

    Level 1 Mastery, Level 2 Proficiency, Level 3 Expert, Level 4 Movie Protagonist, Level 5 Divine.

    This was in Hades' own understanding of skill levels, and why Hades was so confident in his driving, because when it came to driving, he was a god! Death God Hades!

    Uh-huh. Driving a cab now.

    Ahem, driving a cab or something, Hades said he was helpless.

    Who made this a rigid requirement of their system?

    If it wasn't for the fact that the only way to get a reward was to use this cab to get the customer to their destination, Hades would have quit long ago.

    Although this system is an artificial retard, only know how to passively release the task, they ask and never answer, what things do not explain the harm they can only slowly grope speculation, but its rewards are good ah!

    It's the same thing as I'm never moved by money, but he gives too much.

    As soon as you complete the quest, you can choose one of the physical qualities on the guest as well as a skill to add to yourself.

    Although because of the relatively low task factor and the reason of the ordinary nature of the guests themselves, each time the physical quality could only add a few points, or even most of them were one point, but the accumulation of small amounts became a lot, and in these two months of more than six hundred orders, Hades had accumulated a body and intellect that exceeded that of an ordinary person many times over.

    Hades himself tested and came to some conclusions, the body refers to the physical body, including strength, speed, responsiveness and so on, including a series of collection of comprehensive coordination to strengthen the wisdom refers to thinking, accelerate the learning speed of thinking ability to memory and so on the collection of coordination to strengthen the method well

    So far, it was still the same ninety-nine points that Hades had started with, and it hadn't changed since then, and he guessed that it was supposed to be the spell aspect of the ability.

    It wasn't that Hades didn't want to add points, the main reason was, firstly: he had absolutely no idea how magic was released, and having a high law would be a waste; secondly: within his guests, he hadn't seen a single one that had more than ten points of law.

    The vast majority of them are zeros.

    Hades quickly understood through his own projections that this system of his had this mechanism of rounding up when adding points and calculating the mission coefficients, but he didn't think that it would also round up when the number of points was zero because he had tried it once and the system prompted that it could not be selected.

    (nonverbal grunt as interjection)

    What can be done about it? Hades is desperate too!

    However, this was the Marvel world, so surely it was possible to meet wizards in the future, and wouldn't it be nice to have a wizard like Strange take a ride in his car when the time came?

    So for now it's better to accumulate body and intellect and improve your strength to prepare for the era of strife that will soon begin.

    Hades' little plan snapped.

    Hades, reborn in the world of Marvel, was a twenty-year-old student in his original world.

    After dying in a car accident and being reborn here as an elementary school student, after hearing the story of Captain America and confirming that it was the Marvel world, Hades then got motivated and studied hard, wanting to strive to turn himself into a successful person who could emigrate to or settle in a distant ancient country in the East.

    Before there was the golden finger that comes standard with the net, China was the perfect choice, whether out of longing for his homeland or for the safety of his own life.

    It's better to fight the fifty percent chance than to be in a country where superpowered people are everywhere and mutants are like dogs in a happy gunfight every day, and besides, didn't the Reunion later resurrect all the people who were raised from the ashes for snapping their fingers?

    However, just as Hades had been inheriting the nicknames of the ultimate student and the girl's dream man and so on and so forth, he jumped grades one after another, became a shining star of MIT, and at the same time obtained several doctoral degrees and then graduated, and he was planning to get a few technologies so as to immigrate back to his country. He was planning to get a few techs so he could emigrate back to his home country when his gold finger arrived.

    Yes, it was at this time that Hades' golden touch arrived.

    The God of Death Rental System is activated to bind the host God of Death: Hades.

    Reward: Reaper Taxi

    Skill Level 5 Driving a Vehicle

    Please complete the registration as soon as possible for the host to become a cab driver and complete the initial task

    Hades: ーー!!!

    Cab driver?

    Holding the attitude of always giving it a try even if the golden finger came, Hades secretly registered a cab company, modified the information within the Authority, making this company quickly obtain an operating license and operating vehicle license, and then tried to run a single on the road.

    (nonverbal grunt as interjection)

    I am Hades, the god of death, and from now on I am a cab driver.

    Chapter 3: It's hard to get customers

    It had been two months since Hades had become a cab driver, but until now he hadn't been able to figure some things out.

    For example, why is it obvious that he is the same name as Hades, the king of the underworld, but the system has to call himself the god of death, is there something wrong with that; another example, why does it have to be a cab driver; and double obeisance to that, what would that mission be if the normal behind it turned into a special one

    However, Hades was confident that he would figure out the reasons for this someday, and, with what was happening inside the Stark Industries building right now, that process was only going to get faster.

    Some time ago, newspapers and TV stations were full of reports about Tony Stark kidnapped and unaccounted for, and now this reporter rushed to the Stark Corporation, so there is no doubt that a certain playboy who is changing has returned here and is going to carry out a conference that will shock the whole United States and even the whole world. Even the whole world will be shocked.

    Of course, this one pales in comparison to the subsequent press conference that symbolized the official opening of the big story of the entire Marvel Universe.

    But who knows, Hades opened his eyes and straightened his seat, having heard the cacophony of reporters asking questions and flashing photos and such in the distance, Tony Stark ah

    How am I going to get him into my cab, thought Hades thought thoughtfully, and inside his head he began to think of what plans could be arranged.

    We can't do it by force. We have to let the guests come up on their own.

    But Tony's own car has been placed all over the garage, not to mention that after the Mark War Armor even after the car is rarely sit, and his status is even more unlikely to sit in a cab ah, to go to where is not a special car to send?

    Hades said that as a cab driver himself, it was really hard work to get passengers.

    Mr. Stark, were you serious about what you just said about your decision to shut down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries?

    Mr. Stark, have you considered what this might do to Stark Industries?

    Mr. Stark, what prompted your decision?

    A bunch of reporters with long guns aimed at the man in a suit with his right hand bandaged, followed him out of the circle, and from their questions it was clear who this man was.

    The third question stopped Tony, who had been ignoring them as he walked quickly out the door.

    You, say that again. Tony pointed to the man who had asked the third question, which was none other than Sith Diane.

    Uh, Mr. Stark, what prompted you to make such a decision? Sith had almost recovered, and after hearing Tony's words, he barely suppressed his inner excitement and immediately repeated his question once again.

    It's a Tony Stark-assigned problem! The one that could get himself a promotion and a raise!

    The meaning of life, Tony's tone was a little low, he thought of his experience inside that cave, of the dead Ethan, of so many people who had died under his own weapons, made me completely awake, made me realize that I could have more, a meaningful contribution to the world than just building weapons that only explode, and that's why I'm going to decide to shut down Stark Industries' weapons manufacturing division. meaningful contribution to this world, not just building weapons that only explode, which is why I'm going to decide to shut down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries.

    Said, Tony once again to their own special car to go, a few bodyguards quickly separated a crowd of reporters, Tony's personal bodyguard Happi is also a full-time driver immediately opened the door to him, to be Tony got into the car, Happi also got into the car to start the car quickly left.

    Good show, Hades grinned, then started the Death Cab, intending to pick up two more orders so he could go home for the rest of the day.

    Sith waved his hand smugly, trying to flag down a passing cab, now amused at the thought of the promotion and raise he could face when he got back.

    Then a cab came slowly toward him at his beckoning and stopped beside him.

    Pulling away, the Sith, lost in his own fantasies, didn't notice the strange look Hades was giving him as he didn't even look towards the driver's seat, instead he just pulled away and sat in the backseat, Go to the Kling Mansion, and call the meter.

    Death Rentals 6th, 6th, 7th single:

    Task Normal: Maintain a professional smile and a soft conversational tone as you deliver reporter Sissy Diane to the Kling Building in New York City.

    Mission status: Not completed


    The system mission had been released, but if you failed or gave up, you would lose a bonus.

    Wow, generous sir, it makes me so happy to see you again, it's truly God's arrangement that we meet again here, receiving her assignment, Hades had to adjust her facial expression to a professional smile before saying in a gentle tone once again, Please fasten your seatbelt, sir , welcome to take the Hades cab again, also, may I ask if you have a time request this time?

    Sith: !!!

    At the sound, Sith's body went a little limp.

    For the trip the owner of the voice was driving was without a doubt the closest the Sith had come to death in all his years, as was the name of his car.

    After looking up to confirm that the owner of this déjà vu voice was really that Hades, Sith subconsciously placed his hand on the right switch and just pulled.

    The car door was not opened, but remained locked tightly.

    Once the mission starts, unless Hades voluntarily abandons the mission, the Death Cab is locked straight away and no one can open it.

    Hmm? Hades' eyes narrowed slightly.

    You want to make it difficult for me, Fat Tiger, to cross out Hades, the God of Death?

    But then, Hades remembered the mission requirements and had to immediately resume his professional smile.

    Sir, can you let me out of the car? The Sith flinched back at Hades' Huh? The Sith flinched back in shock, forgetting for a moment that he was supposed to be on the right side of the argument.

    Relax, Mr. Generous, look, I'm not a bad guy, no need to be nervous, Hades argued reasonably seeking to keep the mission, I was only driving that fast last time in order to fulfill your request, think about it, right? This time, as long as you don't have a time requirement, I promise I won't speed and I'll definitely deliver you safely.

    Really? Hades' face with that gentle tone and sunny smile was still very convincing, Sith calmed down and thought about it, it did seem to make a bit of sense, slightly letting go of a bit of the raised heart, Promise not to speed?

    Of course! I, Hades, never lie!

    Chapter 4: It's not easy for Hades.

    Goodbye, Mr. Sith, Hades waved and smiled as he watched Sith leave, You're welcome to take my cab next time.

    This time, on the way to drive the car back from Stark's company, Hades played up his appearance advantage and verbal charm, at the same time, slowed down the car's speed, which was perfectly in line with the requirements of laws and regulations, thus letting Sith relax and talk with himself, and finally succeeded in guiding him to give himself one hundred and fifty dollars for the fare.

    In fact, it's usually just fifty or so dollars to get from Stark Industries to the Kling Building.

    Of course, there was likewise another reason for this, and that was that Sith suddenly remembered that if it wasn't for Hades delivering himself in time, there would have been no way for him to participate in this press conference, and not only would he have lost his job, but there would have been no way for him to get the Tony Stark designated to answer the questions that were coming up later on.

    That's even less of a way to get a promotion or a raise.

    Thinking about it that way, and with Hades' sunny appearance and gentle tone, Sith instantly felt that Hades wasn't easy.

    Obviously with such a casually rich woman can be capitalized, but they have to come to do such a hard work, and there is such a dedicated work attitude, this is not the spirit of hard work, do not eat food in contempt of the paradigm?

    Sympathizing with Hades, the Sith gave him a little more money, thinking that he had done a great kindness, giving a young man to continue to insist on the belief that maybe one day the young man from nothing to become rich and remembered that he had to carry himself into the rich and powerful life.

    Sith broke out of his fantasy and pressed the elevator button, ready to declare his way to the editor-in-chief to mention a promotion and raise in passing.

    Um how much is a good quote for the road?

    It's not too much to pay 800 dollars to get a driver to speed to get to Stark in time, is it?

    Witnessing the Sith enter the Kling building, Hades moved his face before pulling all the money out of his pockets, opening the passenger side storage box a tiny crack and stuffing all of the day's haul inside.

    If you don't, the pile of money in there will explode.

    Ah, it's almost full again, let's find some time tomorrow to give it to the Dean. Hades scratched his head, and just then, the system in his head started talking again.

    Death Rentals 6th, 6th, 7th single:

    Task Normal: Maintain a professional smile and a soft tone of voice to deliver reporter Sissy Diane to the Kling Building in New York City

    Task Status: Completed

    Task factor: 2%

    Please select the type of physical qualities and skills to be added

    The choice was naturally business as usual, and Hades nodded in satisfaction as he watched his body become 8348322.

    In the future, if it is not an important skill upgrade will not be listed, physical fitness is only listed to strengthen the one, this author try not to water the word count!

    It's three o'clock, well one more pickup at the Science Institute and then home. Hades glanced at the watch on his hand before starting the car again.

    For a while now Hades wanted to strengthen his intellect a bit, since his intellect and body were already a hundred and eighty points apart, and it wasn't right to develop out of balance, so he was going to go over to the Institute to see if he could squat a few professors or something.

    The coefficient of addition aside, the higher the base number the better, of course.

    Professor Smith! Hades luckily squatted on a professor who happened to be an old favorite he'd hitched a ride with before, Where are we going this time?

    Ah, Hades, what a coincidence, the gray-haired Professor Smith sat down in the passenger seat, just drive me home, I've got a visitor today and have to get back early.

    Yes? Hades smiled, for old guests, that is, people who had triggered more than three quests, the quests wouldn't ask for professional smiles and gentle tones, so now Hades's tone of voice was normal, as if he was joking with an old friend, So, make it quick?

    No, no, no, I can't afford to be tossed around in this car of yours, Prof. Smith hastily shook his head, just normal speed.

    Prof. Smith had experienced the speed of Hades' driving, when he was also in a hurry to get to the airport, and then almost had a heart attack from Hades.

    After that, the most amazing thing was that when he came back, he came back from the airport in Hades' car.


    Well, actually it was Hades who hacked into the airport's information site and then monitored Prof. Smith's information, picking him up right when the flight he was coming back on arrived and took a ride out of the airport.

    As the holder of a PhD in information security from MIT's School of Computer Science and one of the world's top network information security engineers, it was too easy for Hades to do this unnoticed.

    And Hades didn't even need to think about the reason why he was so concerned about Professor Smith, of course it was because of his high 363 points of Wisdom and his third level Physics Literacy skill.

    Ride so many guests, Professor Smith's wisdom is the highest Hades has seen, so Hades of course is to focus on Professor Smith this point master father.

    But if only I could hitch myself up, Hades mused, it would be just as good as stepping on the right foot to get to heaven with the left.

    After arriving at Professor Smith's residence at the normal speed of the car and reaping the reward of one hundred dollars, Hades watched Professor Smith enter the gate before he left.

    Going home, going home, going home is the best gift of all With no one in the car, Hades was in a good mood, humming a little song as he began to drive towards home.

    On the way, according to the original plan this time, Hades chose Professor Smith's Wisdom and Physics Literacy as the bonus items, and managed to raise Wisdom by four points to 657.

    Hades himself originally has a doctorate degree in physics, so now this physics knowledge still adds up to the third level, breakthrough to the fourth level do not know to get the monkey years and months to go.

    Quickly, Hades arrived at an upscale villa area and drove in unimpeded.

    Are you sure it's right? Inside the gatehouse, a new security guard asked the older, more relaxed guard at the side with a confused look on his face, But that was a cab!

    Of course that's right, the cab belongs to one of the residents here, said the older guard, Remember that license plate and don't make any mistakes in the future.

    Why would the residents inside this kind of high-class villa area drive a cab? The new security guard was a bit puzzled.

    What do you care, rich people will always have some quirks, maybe they just want to drive a cab for fun, the older security guard shook his head helplessly, Let's just mind our own business and not make any mistakes.

    Chapter V. Research records

    Hades of course could not possibly enjoy a life of poverty, and although he lived in poverty for a long time after coming to this world, he managed to get himself into the ranks of the rich after being able to have self-economic control.

    In this world, Hades started out in an orphanage as a baby.

    But that was fine, Hades didn't want to call another human being mom and dad, so with his deliberate behavior, he had never been adopted away and hadn't gone looking for his birth mother or father in this body.

    However, the dean did treat him well as a child and returned the favor, Hades had been making regular donations to the dean when he had the money, and now he had been donating the money he had gotten from driving a taxi to the dean.

    As for where he gets his own money from?

    Even when there was no gold finger, the already gifted Hades could easily get money, and all the regular way.

    With his twenty-first century and 20's insight and way of thinking, coupled with the advanced level of knowledge he himself has, engage in some small inventions to get some small patents, and then speculate and invest a little bit, and then occasionally help some companies to design firewalls or do some research in a variety of ways randomly optional, simply do not be too easy.

    It's nothing compared to Tony Stark, but it's at least in the multimillionaire category!

    Don't lack of money, too much money will be another kind of trouble, satisfy the needs of the OK, Hades for this point is very clear and practiced very well.

    Driving the Reaper Taxi to Villa 012, on the villa's gate, the camera detected Hades and his vehicle, and the long-set program kicked in and the gate opened automatically.

    When the Hades vehicle drove in, the gate automatically closed and the garage door automatically opened.

    Inside the garage, there was nothing more than a bunch of strange tools and another Hades daily driver.

    Hades drove the Reaper rental into the garage, and after the garage door closed automatically, he got out of the car, then hummed a little tune as he stepped aside and picked up a small book.

    Opened the small book, skimmed over the previous records of what bat blows, electric drill, 7.62 bullets rifle shot, aqua regia corrosion, alcohol blowtorch fire, liquid nitrogen freezing, sulfur dioxide gas interaction and so on a lot of words on the page, Hades turned to the page. Alcohol blowtorch fire, liquid nitrogen freezing, sulfur dioxide gas interaction and so on a whole lot of words on the page, Hades flipped to the a new page, then picked up a pen and began to take notes.

    "After a number of experiments, the preliminary conclusion that the exterior materials of the Reaper Taxi are resistant to blows, strong corrosion resistance, fire prevention, resistance to low temperatures and other attributes, and the internal environment of the vehicle seems to be completely unaffected by the external environment, whether it is the temperature or the gas.

    A preliminary conclusion was drawn that the defense of the Reaper Taxi, which is tied with the Level 5 Skill Bonus, is high, but due to the restricted conditions of the experiment, further experiments on the anti-penetration factor, the shock absorption factor, and the anti-explosion factor could not be conducted."

    When he wrote this, Hades raised his head again to look at the pile of used experimental equipment, then lowered his head again to write, Until we have the resources to carry out further experiments, we don't need to worry about the occurrence of ordinary gunshots and ordinary crashes, but we should pay attention to guarding against special bullets, explosions, and high-speed impacts.

    Hades originally wanted to go get some armor piercing bullets to try, but thought better of it, this kind of thing must be tightly controlled, and although his own had the confidence to get it, there was no need to risk exposure for it.

    After putting this small book away, Hades pulled out another small book and started recording.

    Strength test, third time.

    After a beatdown, Hades resumed recording.

    "The specially modified force measuring device is already sufficient to withstand my current force, and the force of a straight punch at full power reaches an average of 2.34 tons, with an upper limit of 2.53 tons, which already clearly exceeds the ordinary human limit.

    The conversion method for converting points of the body to force remains unclear, it is not clear how the system converts the judgment, perhaps tests on reaction speed and body coordination should be added, and at the same time analogous experiments as well as the number of experimental groups should be increased."

    After writing here, Hades paused and thought for a moment before continuing, What kind of changes will occur after the body breaks through 1,000 points? I have a vague feeling that it will be a sudden advancement in the level of life perhaps the answer can be found from the Hulk or Thor, but the Hulk is too dangerous and should be avoided as much as possible before finding a way to appease his emotions, it's better to make Thor the first target.

    After writing this paragraph, Hades shook his head and put the little book away as well, then stretched out and entered the house through the garage access.

    As Hades entered the home, the lights in the house automatically came on and the curtains were automatically pulled back, letting in the afternoon sunlight and coloring the house with a golden color.

    Master, welcome homeヾ a gentle, melodious woman's voice rang out.

    Ah, Hades flopped down on the soft couch and sighed comfortably, then said in a lazy voice, Lorax, delete today's violation.

    Yes master. A gentle female voice rang out, and then, among the records of the DMV, the violation record with regards to Hades' Reaper Taxi disappeared without a trace.

    Luo Shen is Hades own drummed up a class of artificial intelligence, able to complete some simple commands, down to the control of the gate garage door, light switch, air conditioning temperature adjustment, up to through the back door Hades before the preset to enter the corresponding system to delete the violation of the record, it can do all of these.

    The reason why it was an AI-like was because it could only do things according to Hades' pre-programmed voice commands, and if you compared it to the kind of AI Tony's Jarvis had, it would instantly be reduced to slag.

    However, the reason Hades designed it out was originally just to make life easier, and didn't go overboard to enhance its functionality and put effort into designing it.

    Functionality requires a corresponding hardware base to support it, others Jarvis can get that strong, that's because there are so many satellites in space for him, Hades can't just get a satellite specifically for the purpose of upgrading Lorax, right?

    Not to mention whether or not there was that much money, even if there was, Hades had absolutely no need to spend it!

    What's the point of making Lorax that advanced? Fall in love with an AI or fight Jarvis?

    In general, unless it was over something necessary, Hades upheld the principle that there was always enough to go around.

    There is indeed nothing wrong with pursuing what is necessary, but it is greed if unnecessary things are still so pursued and wanted.

    Chapter 6: Hades is a talented man.

    Like this villa, in reality Hades could have bought a large estate to live in, but was that necessary?

    The place is small enough to just clean it up, but get an estate and the hassle of housekeeping, cleaning, plumbing, food and such will ensue.

    So a cottage that is big enough to live comfortably is perfectly adequate.

    Lorcan, turn on the TV. Hades changed his position so that he was facing up to be able to see the TV.

    Yes master. Luo Shen immediately turned the TV on.

    There is no doubt that what was reported on TV was exactly what Tony Stark said today at the top of the press conference in an amazing statement.

    It is important to understand that Stark Industries is essentially a military industrial complex, and the largest in the United States, with ninety-five percent of its turnover coming from the U.S. Department of Defense, other U.S. federal agencies, and foreign militaries.

    This instant, Tony shut down the Stark Industries Weapons Division with a single sentence, which can be said to have directly cut off one of the legs of Stark Industries.

    Although the core business of Stark Industries had aviation, electronics, information technology, space systems, and so on, in addition to weapons, there was no doubt that among them, weapons accounted for the largest proportion.

    Hades was watching the TV host's comment on Tony's closing of Stark Industries' weapons division with great interest when his cell phone rang.

    Hello? Hades picked up his cell phone and saw that it was none other than Professor Smith, who he had piggybacked on earlier, and picked up, Professor Smith, what can I do for you?

    As soon as Hades picked up his cell phone, Lorcan muted the TV.

    Hades, yes, my friend and I would like to make a trip to the Institute of Science tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, Professor Smith said cheerfully into the phone, if you're not busy tomorrow, could you come and pick us up?

    Of course there's no problem! Hades was certainly willing when such a good thing came to him, Nine o'clock in the morning is it? I'll be waiting for you guys downstairs at that time, Professor!

    Okay, that's a problem, bye. Professor Smith hung up the phone after saying that, and then said to a man in his forties or fifties beside him, Done!

    But you obviously have a car, the man asked, rather strangely, why did you ask someone else to pick you up? Did the car break down?

    Haven't you always wanted to meet that genius? Professor Smith grinned like an old fox, That's him, he's the Hades!

    What? The man's eyes widened, He's driving a cab? The man with a dozen doctorates is driving a cab?

    I only found out not too long ago, Professor Smith was a bit helpless, The information shows that he is an orphan who grew up in an orphanage, as for why he drove a taxi maybe because he was rather short of money?

    Lack of money? Are you kidding me? The man looked incredulous, The scholarships he got when he was in school and the prizes from all those competitions definitely exceeded a few million! Not to mention the offers he received from a bunch of large corporations and high-end research labs, he would have received millions of dollars a year from any of them!

    I know that too, Professor Smith shrugged, the problem is that he's driving a cab right now, is there any other reason other than a lack of money that would make it even remotely possible?

    No, no, I have to go and persuade him, it's a great waste for such a talented person to not continue to shine in the study of academics, and instead go and become a cab driver! The man said with a blowing beard.

    Maybe someone else is experiencing life preparing to write some poetry prose? Professor Smith shook his head breathlessly, Don't forget, he still has a doctorate degree in Chinese from the Department of Foreign Languages, so maybe he's engaging in that whole human sentiment thing or whatever, trying to find inspiration from everyday life.

    Seems like it, oh, the man thought about it carefully, and suddenly it made a bit of sense too, but that's really wasteful!

    It's not like other people have anything to do with you, what do you care what other people like to do? Professor Smith shook his head helplessly, then the smile belonging to an old fox appeared on his face once again, I'm talking to you, I have a way that might work!

    What way?

    I thought you had some kind of science study this year, the one you said was some kind of heavenly wonder, in what state?

    The one in New Mexico?

    Yeah, yeah, aren't you going to bring that student of yours with you?

    There's another one from another college along with it.

    I see that student of yours seems to be quite pretty, and I'm telling you, you're going to seduce him with that, you know what I mean?

    That's not very nice, is it?

    What's wrong with it? Does that student of yours have a boyfriend?

    No not really, she's quite passionate about research, and that previous boyfriend seems to have split up recently.

    Then it won't be enough! According to my intelligence, Hades, he doesn't have a girlfriend right now either, as long as you let the two of them get along for a while and fall in love over time, after the two of them get together, Hades will naturally be pulled back to the path of academic research!

    And what if my student gets pulled into driving a cab instead? The man was a little worried.

    Prof. Smith: ????

    Are you serious?

    Under Professor Smith's gaze, the man shrunk his neck, then weakly explained, Think about it, Hades is so smart and so talented a genius, somehow he went to drive a cab, then there must be a reason that makes him feel that driving a taxi is more beneficial than anything else, what if my students find out about it and get dragged there too?

    That seems to make some sense when you put it that way. Professor Smith blinked, realizing that what the man had said was indeed reasonable and irrefutable, and for a moment didn't even know what to say.

    But this is still a way to try. The man said.

    Prof. Smith: ????

    So what was the point of all that talk before?

    Why are you willing again? Professor Smith covered his head, feeling as if he was a little confused about his old friend's brain circuits.

    Hades is a talented man, the man said rightfully, Think about it, a talented man like him, even if he's driving a cab now, he can't always do something like this later, can he? There's absolutely no harm in my students being with him anyway.

    Prof. Smith: "

    Why didn't you say that before?

    Are you really not afraid of being beaten to death by the readers?

    Diary of a Punt:

    Waited from morning until evening and never came to sign up for a short stop.

    Could it be that the writing was so bad it was rejected by the editor-in-chief?

    ¡¡︵ ┻━┻

    chapter vii - jane and daisy

    Hades naturally could not know that two professors who were already middle-aged and old were calculating how to pull him back to the right path, but also to use the beauty plan in such a way, if he had known, he would have gladly accepted it.

    After a few moments of watching a bunch of reports about Stark Industries on TV and some expert comments, Hades turned off the TV.

    It was only about 7:00 p.m. and Hades couldn't afford to go to bed now, so he was going to go to the bar and have some fun.

    Although tomorrow morning at nine o'clock to pick up Professor Smith Professor them, but Hades is not worried at all, with his current physical quality, even if he drinks a night of wine can not get drunk, a few days without sleep will not have any tired feeling.

    Eight hundred points of body gave Hades too much reinforcement.

    After changing his clothes, Hades leisurely made his way to the garage and fumbled with the keys to turn on the other car in the garage, a silver-gray AMG Vision Gran Turismo, and headed outside.

    Logically you shouldn't drive when you go out drinking, but with Hades' current physique, drinking isn't much different than drinking water, so it doesn't matter much.

    And it's not like Hades was going to the bar to get a drink, his main purpose was something that was well known.

    This car was the car of Master Wayne in the movie Justice League that Hades used to watch, and Hades had loved this car since then.

    No one else, just the marshal.

    Jane, why are you working on that thing of yours here?

    Daisy, this isn't something, this is my life's work, all my research is here.

    But this is a bar! Why are you doing research here?

    I didn't want to come in the first place, you're the one who insisted on dragging me here, okay?

    In one of the bar's booths, a pretty girl with a thick notebook said innocently to the big mean girl in front of her with her arms crossed.

    Come on Jane, don't be like that, the guy left you that was his loss, Daisy naturally knew why Jane was like that, she sighed and put her hands on Jane's shoulders, you deserve better, but you've got to put some of your focus on your daily life first instead of all that celestial research on it.

    Okay, Jane said helplessly, taking the little book back into her bag, what now?

    Inside the bar, of course you have to look for handsome men! Daisy said glowingly, Come on, I'll take you to Yan!

    Daisy pulled Jane out of the card table and only just made it a few steps before Daisy stopped.

    What's wrong? Jane asked a little curiously.

    Look at that one! That one over there in the white jacket! Daisy pulled Jane over with glowing eyes and quietly pointed to a man at a bar not far away, That one's so handsome!

    It is quite handsome. Jane looked in the direction Daisy was pointing, and after seeing the face of the man in the white jacket, she gave her conclusion quite decisively.

    And that outfit he's wearing must be at least ten thousand dollars, Daisy's excellent eye recognized the brand of the clothes the man was wearing, definitely a cockney who doesn't have a lot of money!

    Go on then, Jane laughed, nudging a drooling Daisy, what are you waiting for?

    No, no, it's for you today, you should be the one to go, Daisy swallowed hard, then shook her head and pushed Jane instead, Go, go, go, go, go, don't you want to give such a good piece of meat to others to grab?

    I I'm not in the mood, Jane shook her head hesitantly, It's better if you go.

    Aiya, what's so good about that scum, why are you still thinking about him? Daisy stomped her foot anxiously, Look at this one in front of you, he is more handsome and richer than him, why are you still thinking about him? Hurry up and go!

    I'd rather not, Jane ruffled a strand of hair that was hanging down, then forced a smile, Geez, go ahead and leave me alone, okay?

    How can you let me go like this! Daisy rolled her eyes, Alright, alright, let's go back and drink, alright, hey, I knew I shouldn't have dragged you out today, I should have gotten drunk with you inside the hotel to clear your head.

    Can drinking clear your head? A very magnetic man's voice suddenly sounded next to him.

    Of course not, Daisy replied subconsciously, how can you be sober when of course the more you drink, the drunker you get?

    After answering, Daisy then realized something was wrong, whose voice was that?

    So Daisy and Jane turned around together.

    It was the handsome and rich man in the white jacket that they called Hades.

    I wonder if I would have the honor of buying you both a drink? Hades said with a smile.

    Hades' hearing was excellent, and his eight hundred plus point body allowed him to hear the discussion between the two, Daisy and Jane, even inside the bar.

    Plus, both of them had high face values and good bodies, which were completely up to Hades' standards, so he came over.


    As they chatted, the conversation suddenly seemed to turn in a different direction, and Hades asked with some surprise, And you are?

    What, it doesn't look like it? Jane blinked.

    That's not true, Hades shook his head, I just didn't think I'd be able to meet a fellow traveler like this.

    You too? It was Jane's turn to be surprised.

    No doubt. Hades grinned, turning on the pretense, That's one of my degrees.

    One?! Daisy asked in surprise, Meaning you have many other degrees?

    Too much time on my hands in college, just a few more random readings, Hades said with inhuman remarks, You can quiz me if you don't believe me?

    I don't get it, I'm just a regular political science major, Daisy shook her head decisively, Jane, it's time for you to play, you're a PhD student in astrophysics who can apply for an independent externship.

    Daisy is still dishing out assists.

    Jane was naturally obliging, a qualified academic becomes very rigorous in matters of his or her relevant specialty, so naturally she couldn't possibly tolerate someone who wasn't capable of bragging about it as such, and she posed the question decisively, An alias for Einstein's Rosenbridge? I'm rambling, I'm too lazy to look it up, don't spray it

    Hades: Wormholes.

    Jane: A tool often used by theoretical astrophysicists?

    Hades: Analytical models, computer simulations.

    Jane: Big Bang Model Theory Building Blocks?

    Hades: Principles of General Relativity and Cosmology.

    Jane: Fundamentals of General Relativity?

    Hades: The Principle of Equivalence and the Principle of Generalized Relativity.

    Daisy: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Why can't I understand any of the words when they're obviously saying them? Daisy thought with some sadness before she started to drown her sorrows in alcohol and kept starting to gulp it down.

    Diary of a Punt:

    It was finally noticed by the editor at 10am, yet no next step has come so far

    Could it have been axed because the writing was too flaky?

    Chapter 8: Hades, the King of the Underworld, is the first to be killed.

    That's how it's been since then:

    Jane: What's xx?

    Hades: xxxx.

    Daisy: Gulp.

    Jane: What's xxx?

    Hades: xxxxxx.

    Daisy: Gulp.

    After this continued for a meal, and after Jane confirmed that Hades' academic level was not a disguise, but had real material, the two began to discuss around some academic issues again.

    It was only when Hades and Jane, intent on stopping for a drink with the intention of wetting their throats, that they realized that Daisy had drifted off to the side and fallen asleep.

    Hahaha! The two of them looked at each other and laughed unanimously.

    Has she always been so forthcoming? Hades asked with a smile.

    Something like that. Jane cocked her head and nodded after a moment of furtive thought, drawing another laugh from Hades.

    After all this talk, I don't think we've gotten to know each other formally, Hades laughed for a moment and shook his head, My name is Hades, what's yours?

    Jane Foster, Jane said her name subconsciously, before reacting, Wait, Hades? Is that the Hades?

    Well that depends on which Hades you mean by that Hades, but I don't think I'm Hades the King of the Underworld. Hades joked, raising an eyebrow and raising the wine in his hand to touch it with Jane before taking a drink.

    Hades didn't have any special reaction to Jane's name Jane Foster, not that he didn't know what it meant.

    From the moment he confirmed that he was in the Marvel world, Hades had used a small notebook to keep track of most of the plot characters and where things were going that he could remember, so that he could try not to forget.

    Of course, in reality, Hades later realizes he doesn't need this at all, as this world is naturally unforgettable to him.

    As for the reason for unforgettable?

    When he first completed the system quest to gain the bonus, Hades understood when he saw his initial five hundred points of Chi.

    This explains why he has always been number one in his grades since he was a child; when a person has superhuman talent and also knows how to work hard, success will of course always be in his favor.

    So, Jane Foster, Thor's future girlfriend, is a female god of thunder in the comics, and even Valkyrie, the new Valkyrie of Asgard later on, but how does that affect Hades' actions?

    When it comes to things like picking up girls, you're late to the party, so don't blame others for making the first move.

    No, no, no, you're the King of the Underworld, Hades the King of the Underworld, Jane was already a bit tipsy, but nonetheless drank the glass of wine, and then laughed, Hades the King of the Underworld, the King of the Underworld who specializes in killing the first place, hahaha!

    I would have let you off the hook if I'd known you were there, Hades naturally understood Jane's meaning and shook his head and laughed, Maybe a tie for first place?

    It wasn't surprising that Jane knew who Hades was, and it wasn't surprising that she knew how good Hades was, because ever since Hades had started school until he graduated, all the tournaments he'd been in, no matter what the tournament was, he'd been number one.

    Since his name was the same as Hades, the king of the underworld in Greek mythology, his title Hades, the king of the underworld who specializes in killing the first one had been circulating among the students at that time.

    It means that as long as he participates, the life of the first place will be harvested away, so whoever it is, except Hades, will be second at best.

    In the beginning, the nickname came to be mixed with some malicious psychological factors

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