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Redefining Time: A Practical Guide to Achieving Success Through Tasks
Redefining Time: A Practical Guide to Achieving Success Through Tasks
Redefining Time: A Practical Guide to Achieving Success Through Tasks
Ebook178 pages1 hour

Redefining Time: A Practical Guide to Achieving Success Through Tasks

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Step into a world where time becomes your ally, not your enemy. In Redefining Time, Marya Wright invites readers on a transformative journey informed by her distinguished career as a social worker, consultant, educator

Release dateMay 20, 2024
Redefining Time: A Practical Guide to Achieving Success Through Tasks

Marya Wright

Marya Wright, DSW MSW, is a nationally distinguished Black social worker, international trainer, and consultant. Throughout her career, Marya has been recognized for her innovative approaches to addressing complex social issues and commitment to empowerment. As an entrepreneur, doctoral student, mother of two, and wife, Marya has mastered the art of task management, realizing that success lies not in managing time but in cultivating the right mindset. Drawing from her diverse experiences, Marya embarked on writing Redefining Time as a platform for personal storytelling, motivation, and practical guidance to help others unlock their full potential. She is passionate about the transformative power of literature and believes in using words to shape perspectives, spark change, and ignite ambition. With a keen eye for detail and a dedication to self-improvement, Marya crafts stories that transcend entertainment, offering readers invaluable insights into the art of task management, goal setting, and pursuing their dreams.

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    Book preview

    Redefining Time - Marya Wright


    Welcome to the journey of mastering the art of task management. In today’s fast-paced world, where distractions abound and demands on our time seem endless, the ability to effectively manage our tasks is crucial. This book is a guide to help you navigate the complexities of modern life with clarity, focus, and efficiency.

    As the pace of life accelerates, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks vying for our attention. From professional responsibilities to personal commitments, it can sometimes feel like we’re drowning in a sea of to-dos. But there lies an opportunity to take control of our time, to prioritize what truly matters, and to achieve our goals with purpose and intention.

    Drawing on insights from psychology, productivity experts, and real-world experience, this book offers practical strategies and actionable tips to help you optimize your task-management skills. Whether you’re a busy professional juggling multiple projects, a student striving to balance academics and extracurriculars, or simply someone looking to reclaim control over your time, the principles outlined in these pages can help you unlock your full potential.

    Throughout these chapters, we’ll explore various techniques for organizing your tasks, prioritizing effectively, overcoming procrastination, and staying focused. From the Eisenhower Matrix and time blocking to goal setting and habit formation, each concept is designed to empower you to make the most of every moment and achieve your objectives with confidence.

    But mastering task management isn’t just about checking items off a list; it’s about cultivating a mindset of intentionality and purpose. It’s about aligning your actions with your values, staying true to your priorities, and finding fulfillment in the process as much as in the destination. As you embark on this journey, I encourage you to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to embrace change.

    So whether you’re flipping through these pages in search of a quick productivity hack or embarking on a deep dive into the principles of task management, I hope you’ll find something here that resonates with you. May this book serve as a beacon of guidance and inspiration as you navigate the ever-changing landscape of life, and may it empower you to seize each day with purpose and passion.

    Here’s to unlocking your full potential and mastering the art of task management.


    In the hustle and bustle of modern life, time is our most precious commodity. It slips through our fingers like grains of sand, leaving us wondering where the hours, days, and years have gone. Yet in the chaos and frenzy lies a glimmer of hope—a beacon of possibility.

    Welcome to Redefining Time, a journey into the heart of effective time management and personal transformation. In these pages, you’ll discover the power of seizing control of your schedule, harnessing the fleeting moments, and sculpting your destiny with purpose and intention.

    But this book is more than just a guide to managing your time. It’s a manifesto for reclaiming your life. It’s a call to arms for those who refuse to be slaves to the clock, who dare to dream big and chase their ambitions with unwavering determination.

    So join me as we embark on this odyssey together. Let us unlock the secrets of time, unravel the mysteries of productivity, and rewrite the story of our lives. In the end, it’s not about how much time we have but how we choose to use it. Together, we’ll redefine time and create a future filled with limitless possibilities.


    In the scorching summer of 2011, with dreams of modeling and content creation, I sought refuge at my girlfriend’s home in Phoenix, Arizona. The heat was unbearable. Even the pool offered little solace. As I lay in my friend’s bed, exhausted and unwell, little did I know my world was about to take a drastic turn.

    My friend, a new mother herself, noticed my discomfort and questioned whether I could be pregnant. Startled by the suggestion, I quickly dismissed the idea, explaining that I had just finished an entire day of shooting my model promo video. But she persisted, adamant that I take a pregnancy test. Even though I did not want to, I agreed, and she promptly scheduled an appointment at the Planned Parent Pregnancy clinic.

    On the way to the clinic, nausea overwhelmed me. I think I’m going to throw up, I muttered. Unfazed, my friend assured me we were almost there. Just as she parked the car, I flung open the door and emptied my stomach into the parking lot. Despite my discomfort, we made our way inside, where the staff ushered us into a room to explain the process and next steps.

    Moments later, a staff worker entered the room with a mix of excitement and tears in her eyes. Congratulations! You’re pregnant, she announced.

    I sat there in shock, unable to comprehend the reality of it all. Laughter bubbled up from within me, perplexed by the tears of joy around me. To my surprise, the staff handed me a gift bag containing knitted infant booties in a soft blue color. In jest, I said, But how do you know I’m going to have a boy?

    That night, as I lay in my friend’s house, the weight of the situation settled in. Unable to sleep, I found myself in the bathtub, munching on a banana and fixating my gaze on my growing stomach.

    In 2012, just two months before my graduation from San Diego City College, I welcomed my first child into the world. As a twenty-one-year-old, single parent, and first-generation college student, the odds seemed stacked against me. But nothing would deter me from pursuing my academic aspirations. A week before my classes at San Diego State University (SDSU) began, I made the difficult decision to end an unhealthy intimate partner relationship. Determined to forge ahead, I refused to let adversity hinder my pursuit of an undergraduate social work degree from SDSU.

    Reflecting on my time at SDSU, I realized how those years had prepared me to thrive and instilled in me invaluable time-management skills. Balancing my coursework, I also took on leadership roles, managing campus, local, and state events. The recognition I received as an SDSU student-of-the-week twice during my senior year served as a testament to my dedication and resilience. With my bachelor’s degree in hand, I wasted no time. I relocated my family to the Bay Area, driven by acceptance into the Master of Social Work (MSW) program at Cal State East Bay.

    Once again, I embraced the challenge with unwavering determination. The path I forged provided me with the means to support my son and secure a future for both of us. These personal anecdotes offer a glimpse into the hurdles I have triumphed over while navigating leadership roles and group management during my college years. But my journey didn’t end there.

    Since earning my MSW from Cal State East Bay, I have dedicated myself to the realm of leadership and management in my professional career. Armed with the experiences of my past, I embarked on a path that allowed me to combine my passion for social work with my innate leadership abilities. I recognized that true success lies not only in mastering the intricacies of my field but also in effectively leading and managing others.

    The challenges I faced as a young student and single parent taught me the importance of effective time management, adaptability, and resilience. These skills have propelled me toward new heights in my professional endeavors. They have empowered me to navigate complex situations, inspire and guide others, and create meaningful change within organizations and communities. I carried these invaluable lessons with me as I ventured into my career, where I continue to grow as a leader, manager, and entrepreneur.

    So why do people fail to achieve their goals, even when they devote countless hours to them and think they are managing their time? I have a hunch these individuals have been conditioned to believe they lack the necessary skills for managing their time, leaving them devoid of confidence in their own abilities. Consequently, they may choose not to attempt to improve their time-management skills.

    Furthermore, the widespread belief is that success is unattainable for those who dare to take breaks, exhibit procrastination tendencies, or embrace moments of laziness. However, my research has led me to challenge this misconception. I have come to realize that success can be achieved by breaking down time management’s grandiose concept into smaller, manageable tasks. By doing so, individuals can strike a balance between self-care and progress, debunking the notion that success requires relentless and unwavering hustle.

    As I embarked on a quest to find the answers, I stumbled upon a revelation that would transform my approach to time management forever. It wasn’t about magically conjuring up extra hours in the day or finding elusive pockets of time. Instead, it was about a mindset shift—a shift from finding time to managing tasks. This realization unlocked a new world of possibilities and empowered me to accomplish more than I thought was possible.

    So if you’ve felt overwhelmed by the pressure to conform to society’s expectations, or if you’ve been led to believe that success is out of reach due to your perceived shortcomings in time management, it’s time to rewrite the narrative. Are you constantly wondering how some people juggle multiple roles and responsibilities effortlessly? Do you find yourself struggling to find the time to pursue your passions, be a loving parent, excel in your career, or embark on that entrepreneurial journey you’ve always dreamed of? If so, this book is tailor-made for you.

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