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Salvation Organization
Salvation Organization
Salvation Organization
Ebook1,478 pages22 hours

Salvation Organization

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Traveling to his parallel world self, Bering looks down and realizes that he is a walking corpse with a hole in his chest and blood all over his body.

To investigate why, he looks through his journal.

Release dateApr 2, 2024
Salvation Organization

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    Salvation Organization - Sala Faruq

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    Salvation Organization

    Copyright © 2024 by Sala Faruq

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-8782-0

    Cover designed by Sala Faruq

    Edited by Sala Faruq

    Salvation Organization

    Chapter One: The Bloody Hole in the Chest

    So cold.

    Bai Ling felt like half of his body was immersed in ice water, from the ends of his limbs to his brain, every part of his body was transmitting the message of ice cold.

    His body was extraordinarily heavy, his consciousness was hazy, and it was as if he had been pressured by a ghost, not to mention getting up, and he didn't even have the strength to lift a finger.

    Unconscious will to survive so that he is dead to keep his consciousness awake, this feeling is not good, now his will as if drifting in the raging waves of the sea in a lonely boat, the waves of the death of the sky to wear down his will, an inattentive, Bailin will completely fall into the abyss.

    But luckily, Bering barely held on.

    Hiss ......

    Subconsciously twitching his fingers, Bering opened his eyes blankly and reluctantly.

    This is ...... my room?

    He slowly rose from the ground, and despite his weakness, his body staggered and nearly stumbled as he fell back to the ground, he always managed to get up.

    While inhaling softly, Bering looked around at the environment he was currently in.

    It was not too large a room, and the decorations and furnishings felt familiar, for it was furnished by Bering himself.

    That means this is indeed his room.

    With that thought in mind, Bering looked over toward the body he had just stood up under.

    Then the next second, looking at the ground, Bai Ling's child hole shrunk slightly!

    Because he saw something at his feet.

    The shape that fits in the palm of your hand, the blood-stained silver body of the gun, the yellow bullet, and the puddle of crimson blood.

    Is this ...... gun?!

    Bering subconsciously took half a step backward, then almost fell to the ground.

    The situation at hand left him a bit unresponsive for a moment, and in his bewilderment and panic, he subconsciously glanced at his body.

    Then there was the sight of a tiny hole in the white shirt he was wearing and the large bright red blood stain next to this bullet hole.

    Fingers burrowed along the inside of the hole and felt around, Bering retracted his hand after rubbing himself for a while.

    He took another look at the pistol that had fallen at his feet, and an absurd and bizarre thought rose from his mind, Could it be that ...... 'I' used this gun and took a shot towards my own body?

    Otherwise that wouldn't even explain the cool bullet hole in his body and the puddle of blood underneath him, huh?

    It's not possible that a man himself has come to have relatives too, is it?

    The situation at hand was just too unconventional, so much so that Bai Ling's thoughts that had just come out of bewilderment and chaos didn't react for a moment, and her entire brain went down.

    It was only after several minutes of emptying her brain that Bering slowly came back to her senses, her disorganized consciousness being pulled back into her body once again.

    He covered his chest - where the bullet hole had left its mark: Calm down ......

    The present state of affairs is that 'I' took a hard shot at myself with a pistol not long ago, and pulled a small gash in my body, and that I felt cold before because of the loss of blood from my body.

    At the thought, Bering scratched his hair in bewilderment, But why is this situation happening?

    He remembered that before he lost consciousness, he should have been inside the university finishing his thesis for his graduation design, fighting fiercely until dawn.

    How is it that in the blink of an eye, one is back in one's own home from the dormitory with an extra gash on one's body and even a pistol in one's hand?

    Does that mean I've traveled?

    Rubbing his head, Bai Ling finally and reluctantly came to the conclusion that he seems to have traveled.

    Desperately pressing down on his tiger's mouth, Bai Ling felt his body freezing cold, and even his mind felt like it was frozen: That means I've actually 'died' now, and with this coldness on my body, does it mean that the body I'm possessed by is a corpse?

    A Tomato Novel

    No, must find some clues.

    With such thoughts in mind, Bering once again carefully searched the room.

    After a bit of examination, he eventually found a journal from somewhere on the bookshelf.

    Looking at this diary, Bering's eyes were a little complicated.

    As far as he could remember, the thing seemed to be a diary that he had started keeping when he was in high school, and then abandoned when he got to college.

    I also wonder if I can find any clues from this journal ......

    Sighing softly, Bering turned to the first page of this journal.

    And then, the next second.


    Looking at those strange ghostly symbols on this diary, Bai Ling froze, Isn t this stuff ...... some random characters I made up when I was a kid?

    In the past, Bering had once made up some character drawings that were completely unrecognizable to others. These character drawings were completely unorganized, messy and complicated, and the handwriting was so ugly that other people could not read it at all.

    Upon seeing these strings at eye level again, Bering was surprisingly a bit nostalgic at first: Let's see, this character means 'two', and this one is 'zero'... ...

    After putting all these characters together, Bai Ling looked at the information in front of him and fell into deep thought.

    These glyphs, after being spliced together, form a sentence.

    "On May 16th of the 15th year of the new calendar, a meteorological disaster occurred in Shinsegae City.

    Scroll down.

    On the 23rd day of the 6th month of the 15th year of the New Calendar, the first Origin-level Fae, the Red Spider, was born in Morning Breeze.

    Keep turning.

    The Pale Lady advances to origin level on July 6, the 15th year of the new calendar, in Yorkshire, M.

    On July 8 of the 15th year of the new calendar, in Tokyo, country J, the third Origin-class Fae, the Splitwoman, was born.

    [17th day of the 8th month of the 15th year of the new calendar year ......]

    [September 13th, 15th year of the new calendar year ......]

    Every page of the journal contains this information, covering the entire planet, from the birth of the Fae to natural disasters.

    Looking at the journal, Bering glanced at the electronic alarm clock on his desk.

    It's March 15 of the 15th year of the new calendar, a little over two months before this goes up ......

    No, no, no, this stuff could be something I just wrote down when I had a stroke, Bering thought, I remember I used to like to write this kind of chronicle-like stuff, I just didn't realize that the 'me' in this world ' likes to make some disasters ......

    After flipping through all the pages, Bering finally turned to the last page.

    After converting the characters on this page into words, Bai Ling was completely stunned.

    [If you're reading this line, my plan worked, I'm dead, you replaced me]

    [The following is very important for you to remember.]

    [I am a prophet, the diary is true, very important, disaster related!]

    Because these characters are not written language systems, they are merely substitutes for certain words, and therefore when converted into text, they often appear flat without modifiers.

    But even these plain words had left Bering utterly bewildered!

    Chapter 2: Foreseeing the Future Without Limits

    Flipping through the journal, Bering's expression was blank and overwhelmed.

    Prophet ......?

    If we really follow the literal meaning of the word prophet, then this prophet probably refers to a person who has foreseen certain information in advance.

    In history, there have been many people who claimed to be prophets, and such people have not only been prominent in the myths, but even now, there are still frauds who make use of the name of prophecy to cheat people.

    It can be said that human beings have always been quite enthusiastic about knowing the outcome of an event in advance.

    But this journal says I'm a prophet? Bering was a bit confused, No, or more accurately, the 'me' before I died was the Prophet ......

    Rubbing his temples, Bering felt his thoughts were confused.

    Might as well scroll down, he sighed, there seems to be more content in the back.

    Thinking so, Bai Ling slowly turned the next page.

    Then soon, the expression on his face was as colorful and cloudy as the dye he was grinding.

    After twenty long minutes of translating and consulting, Bai Ling finally cracked out all the information on the last side of this diary, and completely understood everything about the previous owner of this diary.

    According to the diary, the person who used the diary previously was also Bering. There is no difference in age, appearance or habits from Bering himself.

    If I had to describe it in words, it would probably be another Bering in a parallel time and space.

    However, although both are essentially one person, the Bering of this world is slightly different in the details.

    First of all, the Bering of this world is indeed a prophet. A person who can foretell the future.

    However, this ability to foretell the future comes at a price, and according to the Bering of this world, every time you want to foretell the future, you need to pay for your life.

    In other words, if Bering wants to know the future in advance, he will have to lose his life.

    Under such harsh conditions, Bering had to reduce the use of ability. After all, he had already made a lot of prophecies before, and if he really counted, he was estimated to have only half a life left.

    But this year, 2018, after a certain prophecy, Bering accidentally realized that something seems to be growing rapidly with this year as the dividing line.

    Although I can't understand the concept of origin level for the time being, my intuition tells me that the emergence of this kind of thing will bring unimaginable disasters to the human race. This is something I absolutely cannot recognize, after all, I am at least a member of the human race.

    I had to continue to predict the future, yet the more I predicted, the more the future frightened me. I began to realize that if the future continues unchanged, not only mankind, but also the world may end.]

    [However, I'm getting weaker and weaker now. My body functions have been completely replaced by my Prophecy ability, and I can hardly walk, let alone use my ability.]

    [So I came up with an idea]

    Since I need to consume my lifespan to use my power, and my lifespan is reflected in the collapse of my body's functions, wouldn't it be possible for me to commit suicide and fill up this body with a me from another world to make perfect use of this power by changing the object of payment for this power, just like a bug?

    Thinking of this, Bering searched for a lot of ways, and finally found a means of summoning otherworldly homunculi.

    After he had set up the means, he took a shot towards his own chest, right in the home where he had set it up.

    Immediately followed by the descent of his other-worldly self ......

    Looking at the journal, Bering scratched his hair, That is to say, I am a means summoned by my self in this world to resolve the limitations of my abilities?

    He touched his chest, rubbing his cold face in the process, and tsked, No wonder I feel so cold right now, so it's because I'm a 'corpse'.

    This body had previously died, and the Bering that had been populated into this body was occupying the stiff body.

    Tilting his head back and looking at the ceiling, Bering's eyebrows knit together, Another world's self, it's really giving me a hard time ah ......

    "The Sword Comes

    At the end of the journal, his other-worldly self asks Bering to use this ability wisely and find a way to avoid the collapse of human society.

    [I'm sure you'll agree, after all, your friends and loved ones exist in this world as well, and they're basically no different from your world. Even if it's just for their sake, I hope you'll come to their aid]

    Having said that, what reason did Bering have not to help?

    What's more, this guy was still his own self from another world in the end. Although he had hung up now, as himself, Shirin felt the need to fulfill his wish.

    Well, nodding softly, Bering pressed her hand to the journal, you ...... no, I should say my wish, I already know.

    When I was young, I had more or less fantasized about saving the world, but now that I've really encountered this situation, I always feel a little short-changed if I don't play a part in it.

    Scratching his hair, Shirin looked through the journal once more, Right, since this guy's aim is to use the ability perfectly, I'll have to see if the ability still works now too ......

    The other world's self for the sake of the ability to die, then Bering always have to see their sacrifice is worth it or not, right ......?

    With this thought in mind, Bering continued to mull over the contents of the journal, Oh, so this is how it works ......

    After roughly viewing the method recorded in the journal for a while, Bering nodded.

    He now understands exactly how the ability to see the future is activated.

    With one hand pressed to her temple, Bering closed her eyes.

    Consciousness was sinking slowly, as if it were returning to that lonely sea, drifting on the surface, the reins swinging.

    Only this time the depth of consciousness sinking was much shallower than before, at least Bailin now felt that his mind was incomparably clear.

    With the aid of his conscious mind, he soon saw pictures appearing before him.

    It was the last remaining image of his vision before he closed his eyes to his alarm clock.

    Only slightly more than before, the numbers on this alarm clock are fast-forwarded for a while.

    When she opened her eyes again, Bering redirected her eyes to the alarm clock.

    He had an odd look on his face, Ten seconds ......

    Did I really see the future ten seconds from now?

    Chapter 3: Ten Seconds

    Ten seconds.

    This was what Bering had discovered after testing his abilities.

    His ability seems to be judged by how much his consciousness can dive, and right now his consciousness can only dive a very shallow distance, which is reflected in his ability to see the future ten seconds from now.

    Compared to this world's Bering, this ability can simply be said to be so ribbed that people can't help but choke on it ......

    Although I don't know how deep the original world's Shirin could dive in the ocean of consciousness and how far into the future he could see, based on the information in the diary about three years from now, Shirin felt that he was probably a hundred million points stronger than he was.

    Well, it's a Galaxy Between the Fingers kind of thing, and it's still easy to make up for it with more practice!

    Rubbing his temples and pressing his palms on the diary, Bering's eyes became serious once more, However, it's not entirely without good news.

    According to Bering in the original world, every time he used his power, he would feel very weak and tired, as if his whole body had been emptied.

    This is the price of using abilities, and the reason why the original world itself was previously reluctant to use them more often.

    But Bering realized that he didn't seem to be bothered by that.

    Although it could also be because the ability is too weak right now, I've used it almost a hundred times this morning and never felt tired. And according to the original world, when the ability was weak, he would only use it twice at most in an hour ......

    Rubbing his chin, Bai Ling came to a conclusion, That is to say, the plan to card ability bugs seems to be a success?

    You are now a dead man and no longer need to pay for your life to be able to use unlimited abilities?

    If that's true ......

    Slapping the desktop hard, a happy smile spread across Bering's pale face, So I can already be called a superpowered person now?!

    Wuhu, take off!

    The ability to foretell the future was a bug in any work, and in order to limit such bugs, creators had to desperately put locks and restrictions on this ability. But now, as an authentic prophecy power user, he was not subject to these restrictions!

    In other words, one is able to see the future however one wants to know it!

    Touching the bullet hole in his chest, the smile on Bering's face faded away.

    But this world seems to be quite dangerous, he looked out the window at the sky, and according to the top of the journal, it's going to get even more dangerous in the next little while ......

    The number of monsters called Fae will increase, and so will the number of disasters. In a few years' time, the conditions for human survival will gradually shrink, weaken, and even die out.

    Lying down on the table, Bering let out a long sigh, Even though I'm a superpower now, I'm always at a loss.

    He looked at his pale, colorless palms, unable to find the veins of the blood vessels in them at all, Now it is imperative to find a way to effectively circumvent future disasters, and at the moment I am a 'corpse'.

    Even though it looks like you can run and jump at the moment, you're going to stink if you just leave it alone ......

    And it's not unlikely that as time passes, one will slowly experience some swelling, blowing up, intestines all over the place, or even turning into a skeleton ......


    Just the thought of it made Bering feel scared!

    Yes, ways must be found to circumvent this!

    At least you can't make yourself stink!

    Bering, who thought about this, continued to look through the diary.

    It had to be said that perhaps because of the prophetic ability, his original world self was quite a bit more thoughtful and prepared.

    At least some of the methods Bering had found left for him from the journal were ideas that the original world itself had provided that seemed to work.

    Like finding a coffin to bury yourself in, maintaining the necessary physiological needs, or giving yourself glucose, or even sucking some blood or some other messy whims ......

    Slapping her hand heavily on the journal, Bering gritted her teeth, Am I a vampire?!

    Sitting back in his chair, Bering continued to look down.

    After looking at it for a while, he let out a soft eek.

    It seems like it was just funny before, and the account is going to seem slightly more serious later in the diary.

    Establishing an organization? Looking at the line, Bai Ling's eyes flickered slightly, That's right, after all, it's probably hard to solve so many difficulties just by relying on me alone.

    But the words of the organization.

    Although it is said that a qualified organization can bring a lot of convenience to people, and it can also improve the means of response in the face of danger, but how to set up the organization and how to operate it are all a difficult for Bering ......

    However, it's not completely out of the question.

    Fingers tapping on the desktop, Bering's eyes fell back to the spread out diary.

    It was to prevent similar situations, so his original world self had already provided Bering with a number of excellent talents. The past, present, and future of these talents were summarized in a highly concise manner, lying quietly in the diary.

    Finding talent is often a simple matter for those with precognitive abilities.

    A seer is a person who can look beyond the river of time and break the backward flow of the years. Time, which is beyond human comprehension, is only a clock that can be counted in the eyes of a seer.

    I guess that's the way the world was for the former Bering.

    Looking at the number of people whose names were recorded in the diary, Bering pursed her lips.

    Let's go to this place first, he opened his phone's map and tapped his finger somewhere, need a good enough assistant before creating an organization.

    That place was not too close to Bering's current home, situated on the outskirts of the city, with beautiful scenery, tranquil surroundings, and good fresh air conditions, a rather stark contrast to the inner city.

    After all, as a funeral parlor, it's a bit strange to be near a residential area.

    Looking at the location called Xiping Funeral Parlor, a tantalizing smile appeared on Bering's pale face.

    ...... Anyway, there has to be a way to keep my body from stinking and turning into bones before I can do that.

    Chapter 4: The Funeralist

    Master, stop at this spot.

    The cabbie's eyes subconsciously focused on the front mirror as he listened to the polite voice.

    Following the light of the mirror, the driver glanced at the pale young man sitting in the back seat, and for no apparent reason, his heart fluttered.

    It's really strange, the driver thought in his heart, Driving a cab for more than ten years, I've seen a lot of strange customers, but it's really the first time like this one's .......

    It was the first time he had taken a customer who almost felt like a corpse.

    A face so pale as to be bloodless, slightly stiff movements, and a tiny sound like phlegm stuck in the throat.

    All these creepy little details piled on top of each other made the driver not feel comfortable driving at all, his hands bruised as he gripped the steering wheel.

    And coincidentally, this guest's destination was also a funeral home ......

    If it were not for the fact that this customer was using an app to book a car online, and was able to chat about ordinary topics after getting into the car, the master driver would probably have kicked in the car door and taken the road by now.

    Dead people probably can't use online payment and car dating apps ...... the master driver hypnotized himself.

    Sitting in the car, Bering could probably understand what this master was thinking.

    He glanced down at the white shirt and scarf he was wearing, Even though I didn't choose black clothes to prevent the color difference from being obvious, but sure enough the ghastly whiteness of the corpse can still be felt.

    However, it can't be helped.

    He'd already been heavily jacketed for the summer, but inevitably some parts of him had been left unwrapped to prevent him from being seen.

    The only thing that is still good about the situation is that this driver didn't call the police first, and so far has managed to get himself safely in the cab instead of lying sideways in a morgue or a lab ......

    Glancing at the signboard of Xiping Funeral Home, Bai Ling sighed and opened the car door.

    Shortly after he just got off the car, the driver master turned the car around at light speed, and turned around in a dashing manner with the general posture of an AE86 drifting through a corner, driving hard on a small road with the general feeling of a rally.

    Looking at the dust rising from the sky, the corners of Bai Ling's mouth twitched slightly.

    Shaking his head, he turned around and stepped inside the Siping Funeral Home.

    The funeral parlor is not too big, but the environment is generally described as excellent. There are several areas such as the incinerator, guest reception rooms, etc., and all but a few of the rooms are open air, with the public restrooms in the innermost area.

    This funeral parlor is similar to most of the funeral parlors in China, at least the facilities are quite complete, but the staff is a little less, even if Bering walked in through the front door, there is no one out to ask if there is an appointment.

    After glancing at the open area of the pavilion, Bering scanned his phone before putting it in his pocket.

    The janitor was an old man, who at the moment was sitting upright in his chair, eyes slightly narrowed, listening to the radio in a leisurely manner.

    After being covered by the shadow, the boss raised his eyes, What business do you need ...... to do?!

    The oldest man who was grunting one second got up in a direct fish leap the next, looking at Bering incredulously.

    As an old man who had worked in a funeral parlor for many years, the boss felt for the first time that the guy in front of him was not a human being, but a walking corpse!

    Taking a look at the expression on the boss's face, Bailin decided it would be better to explain a little.

    He pointed to his face, Albino.

    You're lying!

    The oldest man with many years of experience working in a funeral parlor was tempted to roll his eyes at Bai Ling, can he still not tell a corpse from an albino?

    But anyway, the guy in front of me was able to talk.

    So the oldest sat back in his chair, What's up?

    Bai Ling: It's like this, I'm Ms. Lin's friend, she left something over there when she went to the interview session two days ago, so I brought it over for her.

    "Lying to Kang Xi

    With that, Bering mentioned something in his hand.

    After taking a look at the handbag, the old man immediately believed half of it. The young man seemed to be very familiar with her, so the old man nodded: Oh, she's a friend of Xiaolin's. She's at work right now, so turn left in front of you and wait for her there for a while. ......

    After getting the answer, Bai Ling hurriedly thanked the old man, and after the old man waved his hand, he immediately carried the bag and walked to the workplace of that Ms. Lin.

    Standing at the door, Bering ignored the stop sign and went straight through the door.

    It was a little dark inside the door, but there was always some light, and a figure could barely be seen bending over and drumming up and down on something covered with a white cloth.

    Hearing the sound of the door opening, the figure didn't raise his head, Excuse me, I'm working here, please wait outside the door first ......

    Leaning against the doorframe, Bering smiled towards the inside, If I were you, then I should stop the work at hand immediately now.

    With that, he pointed to some white cloth covered remains inside the room, That thing is going to wake up in a little while, and the odds are that you're going to be attacked if you keep working now.

    Hearing this, the figure who was still bent over his work stopped what he was doing.

    Raising her head, the dim light shone on the worker's face, rendering her delicate face more and more hazy. However, underneath this orange glow, her expression was as cold as solid ice, her eyes tantalizing and empty, to the point of making one feel a bit unfocused.

    She is the target of Bering's trip - the undertaker, Lin Bier.

    Also, a future famous makeup artist.

    By the sound of the name alone, this make-up artist is inextricably linked to the funeral industry.

    After all, a forest bier, a hearse.

    More accurately, though, she would be the makeup artist who came to prominence a year or so later and began doing the makeup for a number of male and female leads in film and television!

    Of course, the future appearance care expert, now only in this Xiping funeral parlor as a funeral director, for the dead convergence of the face only.

    At this moment, the future make-up expert still knew nothing about her future time. As a matter of fact, she was more concerned at the moment about the young man in front of her who looked a little strange: What are you talking about?

    Lin bier's tone was cold and raw, If you're joking then please get out right now. This is a funeral parlor, please maintain the necessary courtesy and silence.

    It's really as cold as the diary entry.

    With that in mind, Bai Ling smiled and said, Calm down some Ms. Lin, I came here because there are some things I want to talk to you about. Ah, right.

    Bering pointed to the side of Lin Bier's work desk, Please pay a little attention to the cell phone on the side of your desk, that thing will fall down after five seconds, you don't seem to have a tempered film on it yet, do you? Changing the screen is a pain in the ass.

    Uh-huh? What's this guy talking about?

    Lin bier frowned, I'm sorry sir, please stop making boring jokes ......

    Yet the sentence was not finished.

    The next second, the dull sound of an object hitting the ground echoed throughout the room.

    After Lin Bier, who was still talking a moment ago, heard the source of this sound, his boy hole shrunk slightly.

    She glanced back at her work desk.

    Or more accurately, looking at the cell phone that had fallen down next to the corner of the table.

    Really ...... dropped?!

    Chapter 5: The Future of Lin's Bier

    Lin Bier's gaze as he looked at Bai Ling changed slightly.

    This person said something and then my cell phone dropped? Lin bier's face was expressionless, Could it be a coincidence? No, he even knew that my phone didn't have a film on it, it's definitely not as simple as coincidence.

    With that in mind, she bent down to pick up the phone on the ground, glancing at the cracks that covered the screen's inner~part/group:9.8/0'2,?0"5:8'5,6 with a shallow frown.

    After flicking the screen of his cell phone inside/group:9.8/0'2, ?0"5:8'5,6 and dusting off the fine broken glass and some dust on it, Lin bier tucked the cell phone back into his pocket, and then hugged his arm to look at Bering.

    Facing Lin Bier's scrutinizing gaze, Bai Ling just smiled and spread his hands, a calm and subtle expression on his face.

    After the two stared at each other for a while, it was finally Lin Bier who sighed.

    She said, Who are you?

    In the face of this question, Bering merely returned a tantalizing smile, Good question.

    He leaned on the edge of the door frame, his tone casual: I know your name is Lin Bier, twenty-five years old this year, graduated from Morning Breeze University, dreamed of becoming an excellent make-up artist, but because of family reasons now have to work as a undertaker. But you didn't give up on your dream, you would usually keep practicing your skills, and not long ago you even went to an interview session where you met a certain beauty blogger ......

    Bai Ling spoke casually, but it caused shockwaves to rise in the hearts of those who listened!

    As Lin bier listened to Bai Ling relate his life, the expression on his face grew unsettled.

    After a while, she whispered, ...... stalker?

    To be so familiar with one's entire life is either a stalker or some mysterious person with a deep and unspeakable background.

    Lin Bier didn't feel like she had ever messed with eucalyptus or anything else on a regular basis, so she didn't feel like she was going to be targeted by the officials. And judging from the behavioral habits of the guy in front of her alone, it didn't seem that elite.

    In other words, the pale young man in front of him was actually a stalker who had been following him for quite some time?

    Lin Bier, who thought of this, couldn't help but take half a step back, and even though the expression on his face didn't change much, in his heart, he once again lowered his appraisal of Bai Ling a bit.

    Facing Lin Bier's gradually cold eyes, Bering spread his hands and sighed, First things first, I'm not a stalker. After all, a lot of things are beyond the reach of a stalker, but you probably can't understand that ......

    Let's put it this way, as the price for bothering you, I can reveal some information to you, Bai Ling said with a smile, First of all, I'm going to tell you that the beauty blogger you know is going to enter the live broadcasting soon recently, and you'll be able to start the live broadcasting with her in June or so, and gradually become online reputation.

    Then soon, you'll start doing makeup for some web series. Because of your excellent makeup skills, and because that web series suddenly exploded in popularity, you quickly became known in the industry. Not long after that, you finally took on your first drama job ......

    Listening to Bai Ling's words, Lin Bier's eyes gradually transformed from icy cold to dismay.

    She looked at Bering with some disbelief, How did this guy know?!

    There were many things that Bailin had just said that Lin Bier had almost never told anyone. And the content of the chats between himself and that beauty blogger friend, including his intention to participate in the live broadcast, had definitely never been talked about with anyone else!

    This is a private matter that even the concept of stalker can't touch, an intention that only exists between himself and his friend, and even Bering said a lot of details that Lin bier hadn't even thought of!

    If at the beginning, there was still some skepticism about Bai Ling's identity, now, Lin Bier was just surprised and overwhelmed by the existence of Bai Ling as a person!

    If a person is able to dig into your mind and even refine and develop it, then the adjectives stalker or secret agent are no longer enough to describe their existence. ......

    Her brows furrowed together, her icy expression loosened for the first time, and a rare emotion called bewilderment appeared on her face, ...... Who the hell are you? And what is this thing you're talking about?

    Lin bier is really at a loss right now.

    And Bering saw her surprise at once.

    Sure enough, the journal was correct, Bering breathed a quiet sigh of relief, I was a little worried about what I should do if the prophecy was wrong, but now it seems that the 'forest bier' is perfect.

    Since this was the case, then what Bering was able to do became much more.

    With his hands in his pockets, he calmly said, The things I just said are your 'future' and the 'history' I've seen with my own eyes.

    I'm a prophet, Bering said, and I saw your life not long ago. It was interesting and positive, like a turtle, somewhat slow, but always moving forward, and that made it interesting to me.

    Sadly, though, this interesting life officially came to an end sometime over a year later.

    Bai Ling's expression grew serious: Ms. Lin, although you may not have felt it yet, there is one thing you should know - right now, you are in danger!

    I'm dangerous?

    Lin bier looked at Bailin expressionlessly, but the meaning expressed by his eyes was clear: How exactly am I in danger?

    Bering took two steps forward and closed the door behind him with a backhand.

    This action caused Lin Bier's eyebrows to resist jumping slightly.

    But she maintained her apparent indifference in the end, her eyes unbiased and aimed squarely at Bering.

    Looking at Lin Bier's behavior like this, Bai Ling was a bit pleased in her heart, As expected, Lin Bier's mental quality is strong! And based on her future condition, her understanding of the supernatural isn't too low.

    That said, Lin Bier would be a great assistant!

    Standing across from the forest bier, with the remains of a body separating the two, Bering said slowly, Based on what I see in the future, on this day, you will be attacked.

    What attacked you was neither human nor animal, Bering pointed to the remains behind the forest bier, but that thing.

    That thing ......

    Lin bier followed the direction of Bai Ling's finger and his eyes rested on the remains covered with a white cloth.

    She spoke up, Are you saying that dead bodies will suddenly start attacking me?

    Bering nodded, That's right.

    He recalled the contents of the diary, an inscrutable expression on his face, 'Dangerous' level Fae - 'The Corpse Starter', the remains of which are its handiwork.

    It will awaken and revive the remains of the recently dead, allowing them to rise again and attack the living. And those who are attacked by the corpses will be infected with an incurable 'poison'. This 'poison' will erupt after a period of incubation and paralyze a person's immune system in a very short period of time ......

    According to the future trajectory, Ms. Lin, you are the one who died untreated in the coming year after being attacked by this remains and contracting the deadly 'poison'!

    These are all journal entries about the future of the bier.

    The performance of Lin Bier has already proved that the contents of the diary are correct, that is to say, if there are no unexpected circumstances, Lin Bier in a year's time will be the first step on the road to his dream because of the toxin and will pass away painfully!

    Wenxue, a Chinese dictionary with a long history of writing, published in 1935 and revised since then

    This is the future of ...... forest bier!

    Chapter 6: The Original World Line

    Fae ......?

    The expression on Lin Bier's face expressed clearly that she was now completely unable to comprehend what exactly Bering was talking about.

    After thinking about it, Bering decided that it would be better to explain, The so-called Fae refers to certain special existences that are twisted because of the contamination of their sanity.

    Reason is the cornerstone of human survival and evolution, however, because of certain unknown factors, the reason of some humans will be contaminated by some special items. The twisted aggregates produced after contamination are the 'Fae'.

    Of course, this is only part of the explanation. The fact is that fae don't just come from human reason, there are many other fae whose birth stems from human consciousness. Such as myths, fairy tales, urban legends, and so on, in short, the birth of fae is closely related to humans.

    Saying that, Bai Ling raised four fingers, In the future, the level of danger of the fae will be categorized into four classes. From low to high, they are the 'Ordinary' class, the 'Dangerous' class, the 'Disaster' class, and the 'Origin' class.

    Of course, these were also the contents of the journal, information that his original world self had seen after utilizing his precognitive abilities.

    According to the original world itself, the birth of the Fae, although there was no rule to follow, was still closely related to the will of humans in general. If the place is miserable, horrible, twisted, the greater the possibility of the birth of fae. On the contrary, although it is also possible for a fae to be born in a place where there are few people and where there is peace and joy, the likelihood is always much smaller.

    In the near future, after the birth of the world's first Origin-class Fae, the Red Spider, information about the Fae will gradually spread to human society. Previously, this information was only kept in some special departments, but in the future, the emergence of the Fae became more and more impossible to hide, so all countries gradually liberalized the control of information.

    So these messages weren't anything particularly valuable, basically each of the future humans could say something, otherwise the original world itself wouldn't have been able to collect them at all.

    However, this kind of thing would be completely out of this world and have an immeasurable impact on the people of the community in the present day.

    At least, right now, Lin Bier was having a hard time believing these things that Bailin had said.

    She clasped her hands over her arms, a gesture that accentuated the curves of her body more and more, What you're saying is something I find hard to understand.

    What with the Fae, what with the virus, and the fact that I'm going to die a year from now, the forest bier's nice eyebrows furrowed together, I'm sorry to say that I'm having a hard time empathizing with your theories despite what you've said.

    Facing Lin bier's question, Bai Ling could only helplessly shake his head, That's right, after all, this kind of thing, it's really hard to imagine if you don't see it with your own eyes ......

    But, coincidentally.

    Right in front of Lin Bier and Bering's eyes was a fae.

    Or, more accurately, a derivative of the Dangerous Fae, the necromancer.

    Crossing over from the forest bier, Bering stood with his hands in his pockets next to the remains of the one next to him.

    He lifted the white cloth covering the remains and couldn't help but frown after glancing at their appearance, The damage is severe ......

    Recalling the contents of the diary, Bering nodded, It's also true, after all, although that 'Corpse Starter' guy would wake up corpses, he was also cool with defiling and destroying remains. To that guy, any derived remains would be mutilated, ugly, and dirty.

    Moreover, the diary also explains that the fae, the corpse starter, after awakening the remains, is also able to make the remains move with strength far beyond that of human beings. Their strength is no less than that of an adult male, and their speed is even close to that of a level two athlete in track and field, and they do not have the stiffness and heaviness of a corpse at all. On the contrary, it would probably be very difficult for the average human to escape when they encountered them.

    However, the necromancer derivatives don't eat humans, they only spread and transmit the deadly toxin through biting. After making sure that the victim carries the virus, they leave to deal with the next target. Therefore, the definition of the necromancers was only normal level fae at the beginning, and it was only after the first human who died because of the toxin appeared that it was raised to the dangerous level.

    Powerful, fast, and carrying a virus, such a monster would indeed frighten many if it approached humans.

    Say, what was the solution to the 'corpse starter' danger recorded in the diary again? Bering rubbed his chin, It seems that there was a very powerful 'hunter' in this city that hunted down the 'body starter' ......

    The journal doesn't say who exactly hunted the fae, perhaps because his original world self didn't even see this future either.

    But the diary does note what should be done about these derivatives.

    Glancing at the time on his cell phone, Bering nodded slightly, According to the narrative, about a minute from now, this derivative is going to awaken.

    That being the case, it's important to prepare in advance.

    Putting down the tote bag that he had previously shown the boss, Bering bent down and fumbled for something from the tote bag, and spread it all out on the ground.

    Lin bier watched Bering's movements suspiciously, completely confused as to what the young man was thinking.

    This man seems very odd ......, Lin bier sideways head, body tilted, even the work at hand temporarily put down, but some of the things he said are very precise, even ahead of the curve to the extent that I did not even anticipate.

    A man like that, whether he's a stalker or not, is certainly no ordinary person.

    Coupled with his strange behavior, everything about this guy struck Lin Bier as exceptionally strange.

    She had rarely had much contact with the opposite sex before, but she was surprisingly curious about Bering.

    She stood beside Bering and bent slightly, her hair falling and sliding across Bering s cheek, What are you ...... doing?

    It was only at this time that Lin Bier felt that the body temperature of the young man beside him seemed to be very low.

    No, it's not just the body temperature. Other physiological traits are strange too.

    It's like ...... corpses.

    Bering didn't notice Lin Bier's consternation, but said casually as he busied himself with the things in his hands, I'm setting up the weapons.

    Although the derivatives of the 'starters' are very powerful, their weaknesses are actually very obvious, he said, They are terrified of a mixture of table salt and aged vinegar, and as long as they are surrounded by it, then their five senses will be weakened to a great extent.

    Saying that, Bai Ling pinched out a kitchen knife from her handbag, and after evenly rubbing salt and vinegar on it, she continued, But if you want to solve them, you still have to rely on sharp weapons. Their bodies are still flesh after all, and cannot resist the sharpness of weapons.

    And, of course, these are all journal entries.

    But it was actually the future bier of Lin himself who said it.

    In the future, Lin Bier, who had already made a name for himself, once said that when he was trapped in this place and confronted a dispensational body, he had used scissors to slice the neck of this relic and finish off the monster.

    Well, it's fierce.

    Reasonably, since Lin Bier alone was able to take out this one derived body, it didn't make sense that Bailin, who was well-prepared, couldn't do it.

    After readying his weapon, Bering glanced at the remains, Time's up.


    Lin bier looked at Bering in disbelief.

    Bering stood up, shaking his wrist gently as he squeezed the kitchen knife, then fixed his eyes dead on the remains.

    In the middle of his vision.

    The palm of the hand from which the remains hung down, where the little finger had been, trembled vaguely by a tiny amplitude a little.

    Chapter 7: The End of the Road

    My original world self wrote in my diary that the derivatives of the Corpse Starter were terrified of a mixture of salt and vinegar.

    Not much is known about the principle, perhaps because this fae has a rather bland appetite?

    In short when something like this comes along the threat of xeno derivatives plummets.

    In the end, however, the threat of a necromancer isn't simply one of great strength and speed.

    The poison that adheres to their bodies and is pervasive whenever they are touched is the reason why they can be upgraded from normal to dangerous.

    Thinking of this, Bai Ling glanced at Lin Bier next to her, In the original future, although Lin Bier barely solved this derived body, he contracted poison and died a year later.

    Even though he is now a corpse, there is no telling if this toxin will affect him as well.

    It's better to be careful.

    Taking a gentle breath, even though this action is no longer useful, Bering still calmed himself quickly through this pre-life habit.

    Ten seconds of foreknowledge of the future, and specific preparations, he deadpanned, staring at the remains before him, I've seen through all the actions of this derivative in ten seconds, now all that's needed is simply to be prepared in advance!

    Despite the slight weakness of foreseeing ten seconds into the future, such a superpower makes sense against monsters with obvious weaknesses like Pythons!

    In Bering's perspective, the fingers of the derivative were twitching faster, as if they were a pianist, five fingers swaying nimbly, knuckles elongated and protruding, swinging like seaweed swimming underwater.

    Accompanying the twitching of the fingers were the convulsions of the remains' bodies.

    In just a few seconds, the dispensary body was like a sieve of chaff twitching wildly, and the movement was so great that it even directly caused the white cloth covering its body to slide down to the ground!

    It is?!

    The forest bier standing next to Bering looked at the mutilated remains with dismay.

    She had clearly examined the corpse before that, and it was definitely at the level of having lost its vital signs and not being able to be categorized as a living thing at all.

    But now, this person, who has been medically and sociologically recognized as dead, is doing this kind of action as if he is being treated with electricity?

    Lin bier subconsciously took half a step back, bumping into the corpse next to him without even realizing it, and just looked at the epileptically twitching corpse in disbelief.

    No one understands better than her what this is really like right now.

    After all, the ...... thing is a job that has been handled by her hands, personally!

    Bering shook his wrist, allowing the liquid to flow and saturate an increased area on the chopper.

    In his mind, he thought, A derivative of the 'corpse starter', even though it's already expected to be how it is, but really looking at it with your eyes still makes it feel like several handfuls of sci-fi.

    But alas, it will have to wait until it fully awakens, Bering said, If we cut this body apart ahead of time, then it will also only spread the fae source of the 'Corpse Starter' even further, and hell knows who it will be carried by next, affect what people.

    On the blade of the kitchen knife, the crystal liquid of salt and vinegar flowed slowly, dripping into the ground and leaving light gray traces.

    At this point, there were less than two seconds left before the Python officially awakened.

    Look again.

    Bering's eyes were dark, The next ten seconds, the trajectory of its movement.

    Consciousness sank once more, the mind seemed to be wandering in an ocean of solitude and depth, and the eyes were clouded with a greenish-gray haze.

    In what seemed like static time, the next ten seconds scene was once again crushed into Bering's eyes.

    Eyes flickering with a light soft light, Bering casually waved the chopper and said softly, Right ......

    The words fell.

    The two-second countdown was approaching, and the previously twitching Python instantly stopped itself.

    It opened its eyes, the child's holes enlarged and empty, only the gray shadows that surged deep within the child's kernel and swelled and contracted like a virus remained active.


    Stiff to the point of being more arduous than a stale puppet came from the Python, a sound created by friction between joints, somewhat similar to the sharpness of fingernails scratching across a book cover.


    With a continuous scraping of joints, the Python slowly stood up, its bare, dry feet stepping on the white cloth that had previously covered the remains.

    It was not a tall figure, and had gray spots all over its body, but the reflection of such a body exposed to the air was unusually grotesque.

    The overhead lamp shook slightly, the dim light projected on the ground, reflecting some treacherous atmosphere, seems to be distorted by something, the light has become eerie.

    Obviously, the workplace of the funeral parlor has changed. If before this place is eerie, but still can be called earth, then now this place is simply like ghosts.

    Lin Bier once again took two steps backward, his heart pumping like a drum.

    There is no need for words, let alone explanations or interpretations, as there is no doubt that the situation at hand is far from normal!

    Is this, what the man called fae?

    As Lin bier thought this, his fingers touched something next to his work desk.

    After fumbling around for a while, she realized that it appeared to be the ...... scissors she used to work with.

    Bering doesn't realize that the forest bier has finally found her original weapon to deal with the Spawn, just as she did in the future.

    As a matter of fact, although he was a bit scared right now just like Lin Bier in general, he wasn't so intimidated that he couldn't move.

    On the one hand, it might be because Bering had already read the description of the diary earlier and was somewhat prepared for it, so she didn't feel much fear.

    On the other hand it might be because ...... he's a corpse now.

    A corpse with a heart that probably doesn't beat.

    Sighing, Bering just stood in front of the Python.

    It felt a little creepy, but after seeing it really up close, it felt like that was it.

    Saying that, Bering took two steps forward and stood within the circle that he had previously mixed with salt and vinegar, and said calmly, Mixed with this kind of stuff, the derivatives will lose their flexibility and sensory ability due to the flavor. This also means that they will become headless because of these gadgets, trapped in a narrow range and scurrying around.

    Just as his words had said, before the newly awakened Python had a chance to bare its fangs at Lin Bier and Bering, it lost its ability to claim the enemy because of the strong odor around it.

    All it could do was to move around in a hasty manner, and the sound of its joints echoed in the room, so hard that it made people want to laugh a little.

    Standing at the edge of the circle, Bering glanced at the derivatives.

    With advance preparation, this kind of thing is good to deal with, he thought in his heart and sighed, but this is also only a derivative after all, the real fae ...... is much harder to deal with than this thing.

    With that thought, he casually swung the kitchen knife.

    The movement was casual, like a splash of ink hanging a painting, so easy and simple that no one would find such a move meaningful.

    But the next second, after the dispensary body hit the chopper in Bai Ling's hand and the head separated from the body.

    This action has been given the meaning of the name ...... lord's head.

    One cut, head to tail.

    In the ten seconds of the future, the trajectory of the derived body's movements had long been in Bering's eyes.

    It's like placing a sharp white line in front of a fast-moving train, and tensing the line as it passes by, dividing it into two.

    The life of the derivative was also split in half by a knife placed in advance because of its hasty movement!

    Chapter 8: The Prophet

    Sitting on a work table next to the remains of a man whose head had fallen off and lost his vital features.

    Bering propped his head on his hand and looked sideways at the forest bier.

    At this moment the forest bier is holding a pair of sharp scissors in his hand, looking at the remains on the ground in silence.

    After a while, she whispered, Is this the ...... fae you were talking about?

    Bering smiled and explained, Yes and no.

    He pointed to the remains on the ground, This thing is just a derivative of the fae 'body starter', in other words it's like a tool. A body starter is a guy with tools in his hands, and this thing is just a hammer and a reamer.

    Lin bier: That is to say, even if we get rid of this ...... derived body here, it won't have the slightest effect on the people behind it?

    Bering nodded, ''You could say that. Things like Fae, if you don't find an effective method to exterminate them, tend to be as tenacious as cockroaches. This is also true for the 'Corpse Starter', even if you destroy more of its derivatives, it won't be affected much."

    After all, even if you lose more tools, you just need to buy more and you're done. Even if you lose them all, it's just a matter of making more money anyway.

    Fae are something that consume something other than money, but derivatives are just as cheap.

    But there also seem to be Fae who take their derivatives very seriously, Bering mused, Let's see, it seems to be some kind of 'catastrophe' level in the journals?

    Check it out when you go back.

    Rubbing his eyebrows, Bering refocused his eyes on the forest bier.

    At this moment he was easily able to tell that although Lin Bier still had little expression on his face, the fingers pinching the scissors were trembling slightly.

    It was obvious her mood wasn't as choppy as her face showed.

    Seeing this scene inside~group/group:9.8/0'2,?05:8'5,6 Bering nodded slightly, Right, come to think of it, Lin bier future once said that in fact, her resistance to mysterious things isn't too strong."

    Future Lin Bier's ever-cold face showed a bit of fear when she talked about how she had faced Pythons in the past, so you can imagine that she probably wouldn't be able to cope with something like that.

    She is mentally strong though, and subsequently seems to be slowly overcoming this fear and has a better than average understanding of the fae.

    All in all, a nice talent!

    Just as Bai Ling was thinking, Lin Bier spoke once again.

    Her fingers trembled, but her voice changed little, Who the hell are you?

    Although it was still the same question as before, after asking it this time, Lin Bier's tone was clearly different.


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