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Mecha Grades
Mecha Grades
Mecha Grades
Ebook1,309 pages18 hours

Mecha Grades

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Global mutation, game invasion of reality, giant beasts rampage, copies of the forest!

Standing proudly on the top of the snowy mountains of the ice beasts, ancient forests in the king of the beasts, the endless horror of the deep sea beasts.

In the world of universal mechs, only awakened mechs could fight against the giant beasts.

Release dateMar 21, 2024
Mecha Grades

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    Mecha Grades - Cynthia McCutchin

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    Mecha Grades

    Copyright © 2024 by Cynthia McCutchin

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-8791-2

    Cover designed by Cynthia McCutchin

    Edited by Cynthia McCutchin

    Mecha Grades

    Chapter 1: Universal Mecha, Universal Mecha System!

    Have you heard, have you heard! Yesterday, someone from the next door Linhai No. 1 Middle School got a SS-class fighter mech drawing and used it to open up a mech space!

    You're talking about Xu Muqing, right? It doesn't seem to be any surprise that she could get SS grade drawings, after all, her sister Xu Yuanqing, that's the myth of our Linhai City.

    Her sister must be level 30 by now, and last year she directly set a new record for clearing our initial copy, with an SS-rank rating and an SS-rank mecha accessory.

    What! She's only a year older than us, right, and she's about to be level 30...

    The sound of the students' discussion came from the side of his ears, causing Su Ming to be a little excited and at the same time, more than a hint of nervousness.

    In his last life, he had fantasized more than once that he could own a kunai.

    Hundreds of years ago, the globe changed dramatically, the game invaded the Blue Planet, and the aura was revived.

    Everyone is able to open up mech space and build mechs by awakening mech drawings.

    In addition to the role of the mecha space being used to park the mecha, the most crucial thing was that as long as one possessed a complete mecha drawing, then one would be able to directly materialize into a real mecha through the mecha space.

    The initial mech drawings each person gets will determine the level of the mech space you open.

    Taking the Awakening S-class combat mech drawing as an example, it will open up S-class combat mech space, and within this mech space, only S-class combat mechs can be materialized at most.

    Therefore, the level of the initial awakening drawings would greatly determine one's future achievements.

    Of course, people can also gain experience and mech accessories by slaying wild monsters and clearing side books to make their mechs stronger.

    Today, it was the day that Linhai Third Middle School unified for the awakening mecha drawings.

    It's just that no one knows what kind of drawings they'll get.

    Over the centuries, people have awakened to tens of thousands of drawing types.

    There are simply too many to count.

    Basically, mechs are categorized into fighter mechs, support mechs, work mechs, and so on.

    Among them, the fighter mechs and auxiliary mechs were able to enter combat, while the rest of the mechs were much less capable of fighting.

    Some of the mechs, even the slots to equip weapons.

    And there's no doubt that fighter mechs are the most popular.

    Though in this world, it wasn't too hard to survive no matter what type of mech drawings were awakened.

    As long as you live, you'll be fine, and you'll have a fighter mech in front of you on the charge anyway.

    But that's not mainstream after all, much less in control of your life and death.

    Half an hour later, in the school gym.

    School leaders, as well as staff from the LHE, are seated in rows.

    The staff in charge of the awakening stood in front of each of them.

    The first one, Rinlu.

    Lin Lu? Su Ming's mind immediately floated out this person's information, his learning ability was good, and his knowledge of mecha theory was a top-notch existence in the class.

    However, it was also possible to tell that Lin Lu was extremely nervous from the fact that he placed that trembling hand on the Awakening Crystal.

    In the end, the kind of mech drawings that could be awakened depended on God's reward.

    Three minutes later, a light flashed.

    The staff member announced with an expressionless face, Lin Lu, life mech class, D-class mining mech.

    Lin Lu's face turned pale.

    At this moment, he was able to see the end of his life.

    Next, Liu Gong.

    A few minutes later, a burst of light flashed again.

    Liu Gong, Fighter Mecha Class, Class F Ordinary Mecha.

    Although F-class ordinary mechs, this was a battle mech that could be equipped with weapons.

    It was far better than the mining mech that Lin Lu had awakened.

    However, opening up F-class mecha space had limited his future achievements.

    God forbid, it has to be a combat mech, or even a support mech, but not a life mech!

    Outrageous, Lin Lu reads so seriously, Liu Gong swings for the fences every day, and now that he has awakened his mech, it's Liu Gong's future that's going to be brighter than Lin Lu's.

    This is awakening, it's brutal.

    After the two had awakened, some of the girls with poor heart capacity had burst into tears.

    Quiet! Quiet! What are you crying for, the behemoths outside the city won't eat you just because you're crying!

    The principal snapped.

    There's no point in being soft in this world.

    Much less garner sympathy from others.

    Next, Bai Yu.

    A girl stepped forward, the fullness of those breasts already far beyond what she could have at her age.

    A moment later, it was accompanied by a flash of light.

    Bai Yu, Auxiliary Mecha Class, Class C Ammunition Replenishment Mecha.

    Oh! It's actually an ammo supply mech, this profession is very useful on the battlefield, an ammo mech is very sought after on the battlefield.

    For a while, everyone threw in envious glances.

    The Ammo Mech, also known as the Battlefield Nurse.

    Many mechs aren't equipped with laser weapons, and that's when ammo becomes especially important.

    And ammo mechs have high loads and can carry large amounts of ammo to feed the fighter mechs.

    And, ammo mechs can be equipped with weapons.

    This mech drawing is, without a doubt, very good.

    And the staff didn't change their expressions much.

    Next, Shen Wen.

    Su Ming looked at the boy who walked up, and the boy's information surfaced in his mind.

    This boy should be the most talked about presence in the school.

    His older brother had awakened SS-class fighter mech drawings back then, and was now a student at the four major mech academies in Da Xia, Tianjing University.

    According to the research conducted over the years, generally speaking within the family, especially siblings, the mech drawings they awakened would largely determine the grade and type of drawings of their offspring.

    With a flash of light.

    The expressions of the staff members, who were still expressionless, instantly became excited.

    The voices all became more agitated.

    Shen Wen, Fighter Mecha Class, SS Grade Agile Mecha.

    In an instant, the entire stadium fell silent.


    The principal took the lead and stood up, coming in front of Shen Wen and said, Student Shen Wen, congratulations.

    Only, Shen Wen was sighing and said, Just SS grade? I thought there could be SSS grade drawings.

    SS-rank is already very good, there haven't been many SSS-ranked mech drawings in centuries.

    The principal grinned, his school had produced an SS-ranked genius, and he would naturally rise as the principal.

    Especially since the First Form had awakened a genius with SS-ranked fighter mech drawings yesterday.

    It's obviously very passive if you don't have a take on this yourself.

    And the people below, hearing Shen Wen's words also couldn't help but be filled with displeasure.

    The classmate beside Su Ming also couldn't help but say.

    What about pretending to be TM, still only SS rank? It's really for him.

    Ugh, but it's really loaded for him, SS level, can't even taunt him with his life.

    At this time, the staff said again, Next, Su Ming.

    Hearing his name, Su Ming's heart tightened.

    Is it finally time for yourself.

    Close your eyes and slowly place your hand on the awakening crystal.

    [Detected that the host is awakening the mech drawings, Universal Mech System, Binding Successful!

    The sudden sound in his head caused Su Ming to freeze violently.


    Chapter 2 - What grade of your mech is comparable to mine?

    System! One actually bound the system!

    Is this the gold finger of the traveler!

    The voice in his head continued to echo.

    [Newbie packs are being distributed ......]

    [The host's first mecha drawing is being extracted...]

    [Successful extraction: Transformer Megatron.]

    Su Ming: ????

    Megatron, one's ears are not mishearing.

    That's the leader of the Decepticons in Transformers.

    Having the Decepticons in your own opening game, how else is anyone supposed to play.

    It is important to realize that as the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron not only has an extremely powerful attack.

    And he prided himself on his never-ending vitality.

    As Transformers, they can recover from injuries through their own fire.

    And the fire systems on them can rely on fire energy to automatically replenish their ammo when they run out.

    The only thing that might be a bit of a downside is the time it takes to replenish ammo.

    But Megatron also has the ability to fight using cold weapons, which nicely bridges the gap of not being able to fight while replenishing his ammo.

    This seems like a straight up battle to pull full circle.

    In the next second, the information on Megatron's drawings came to mind.

    [Name: Megatron]

    [Host: Su Ming (lv1)]

    [Mech Type: Fighter Mech - Mechanical Life]

    [Mecha Class: SSS]

    [Attack power: 999]

    [Defense: 999]

    [Durability value: 999]


    [Weapons: P-38 pistol, arm-mounted cannon, Dark Star Sword]

    [Equippable weapon slots: 5]

    Blow up!

    It was a total blast.

    Looking at the data in front of him, especially the combined values of attack power, defense power of these mechs, they were all full initial values of 999.

    Later as the host levels up and after adding more weaponry.

    These values will continue to rise.

    And in the gym at that moment, nearly five minutes had passed.

    This is the longest awakening yet.

    The entire venue began to stir as well.

    What's going on, why hasn't the awakening succeeded in such a long time, did the awakening fail?

    No way, there's no precedent of failed awakenings in history, could it be that Su Ming is holding back a big move?

    Could it be SSS-class mecha drawings!

    If it's really an SSS grade drawing, Shen Wen will be completely outclassed, everything under SSS grade is inferior!

    For a time, the entire stadium echoed with the sound of Su Ming wanting to awaken the SSS-class mecha drawings.

    The sound that kept echoing in his ears caused Shen Wen's brows to wrinkle.

    Brother Wen don't listen to their nonsense, how could this guy Su Ming be able to awaken SSS grade drawings.

    Shen Wen smiled disdainfully at his words and said, Does he deserve to be compared to me as well?It's not like the SSS class is a crappy item.

    Yeah, yeah, Su Ming, both of his parents are life class mechs, and both of them are very low level, I reckon, ah, Su Ming might be the first person in history to fail in awakening.

    It makes sense, Brother Wen, Su Ming might be about to fail his awakening.

    As the sound of Su Ming's failure to be awakened appeared.

    Gradually, it became more and more intense.

    And at this time, Su Ming could hear the outside world.

    He didn't care though, at the moment he needed to use the drawings to open up mech space for himself.

    As the drawings blend into the mind.

    Su Ming's mecha space opened up without any problems.

    The entire space was vast and boundless, and Su Ming could not even see the edge at a glance.

    Is this, the SSS-class space opened up by the SSS-class mecha, it's too big!

    The mech space was so large that in the future, how many mechs one wanted to have, that basically wouldn't be due to the limitations of the size of the mech space.

    And can't carry more mechs.

    With the mech space opening up successfully.

    The Awakening Crystal also shone brightly at this moment.

    In an instant, it was as if the entire stadium was illuminated.

    The officer in charge of the Awakening looked at the information on it.

    Growing mouths couldn't speak for a while.

    Little Li, what's going on, what has Su Ming awakened, why hasn't he reported it yet.

    The principal was also very curious at this point and prodded.

    Simply calm down.

    Su Ming, Fighter Mecha Class, SSS Class Mechanical Life Mecha.


    Everyone's eyes widened, their attention not knowing what to focus on for a moment.

    Fighter mechs, SSS class, and still the rarest of mechanical beings in a fighter mech.

    Mechs that can act autonomously.

    Shen Wen seemed to feel as if his ears had misheard him at the moment.

    Are you looking at this the wrong way?

    Shen Wen looked at the staff incredulously and said.

    And the questioned staff member's eyes instantly regained their sparkle.

    I'm not mistaken classmate, the mech that Su Ming awakened is none other than an SSS-class mechanical life mech.

    Hearing it again everyone still feels shocked.

    The principal also swallowed his saliva, and at this moment, he looked at Su Ming.

    Those were eyes full of light.

    And the official from the Department of Education who was sitting on the sidelines got up.

    Congratulations Principal Wang, I think we need to step up our funding allocation to the third grade, when do we have time to discuss this?

    Haha thanks a lot thanks a lot, right now the students are still awakening, so I guess I'll wait until this place is over.

    There's no hurry, no hurry.

    The principal came to Su Ming at this time.

    All of them were a bit at a loss for words for a while.

    Student Su Ming, congratulations, you've made history in our school, you're the first to awaken the SSS grade drawings, don't worry the school will definitely support you.

    Uh-huh, thanks Principal.

    Su Ming nodded and walked off the field.

    Everyone's gazes converged on Su Ming's body at this moment.

    The gazes that were filled with envy and jealousy also made Su Ming go through the motions.

    Suddenly, a figure stood up.

    Su Ming raised his eyes to look, only to see Shen Wen with his hands in his pockets saying, Congratulations Su Ming, it seems that the only ones in the third middle school who can be called geniuses are you and me.

    At that moment all eyes looked at the two.

    Su Ming looked at Shen Wen with that confident smile on his face.

    Lightly, he said, What grade is your mech, and is it worthy of being compared to me?

    After saying that, Su Ming directly ignored Shen Wen's words.

    At that moment, the whole room also erupted in laughter.

    Haha, it's simply laughable, Su Mingren didn't put him in his eyes at all, and took himself as a character himself.

    SSS grade mechanical life mech, if I awaken such a drawing, I'll be even more insane than Su Ming.

    People have the capital to be crazy, there are people with SS grade agility type mechs who still want to touch the double pride with people.

    Haha, who's with him Jedi, he's worthy of it.

    Shhhh keep your voice down so he doesn't hear you.


    Shen Wen was also flabbergasted as he listened to the mocking sounds that kept echoing in his ears.

    He hadn't expected that Su Ming had actually mocked himself in public.

    It was just that Shen Wen didn't know that what he had said during Su Ming's awakening had all been heard by Su Ming.

    At this point, the principal interrupted the commotion.

    Well be quiet and continue to awaken.

    And at this time, the appearance of a student in Linhai City who had awakened to the Combat Mecha class, the SSS-class Mechanical Life Mecha was already beginning to sweep through the entire Da Xia's Mecha Academy.

    The four major mech academies of Daxia, Haidu University.

    SSS class, mechanical life, and battle mech, these three words actually appeared on a person's body!!!

    Tianjing University: Have the director of the enrollment office immediately head to Linhai City and find this person.

    University of the North: ......

    Southern State University: ......

    Chapter 3 It is incumbent upon us to revitalize the glory of Daxia!

    Half a day passed, and everyone in the third form had completed their awakening.

    Su Ming had been very serious all this time, and with nearly three hundred people in the entire third form, half of the awakened drawings were life class mechs, while the remaining half were divided into combat class, auxiliary class, and some small classified mechs.

    It could be said that out of the nearly three hundred students in the third middle school, there were less than a hundred that could be converted into a fighting force.

    And out of those one hundred people, there were less than twenty C-class mechs, showing the cruelty of the Awakening.

    The principal looked at the crowd and said, The awakening of all students is over, no matter what kind of mech drawings you have awakened, in the future you will do your part for Daxia, and it is incumbent upon us to revive the glory of Daxia.

    It is incumbent upon me to revive the glory of the Great Summer!

    It is incumbent upon me to revive the glory of the Great Summer!

    It is incumbent upon me to revive the glory of the Great Summer!


    After an impassioned pronouncement, the principal waved his hand and continued, At 2:30 p.m., all combat class mechs of all people will take their positions at the Abyssal Replica, and you will engage in your first maneuvering of a mech in combat.

    Over the years that the game has invaded the world, brand new copies have continued to appear on the lands of the Blue Planet.

    The Abyssal copies, on the other hand, have been around since the game invaded the world.

    It was an uncharted space filled with bloodthirsty, raging behemoths.

    It was only that Su Ming and the others, as novices who had only just awakened to the mech drawings and were able to materialize the mechs.

    The difficulty of the abyssal copies entered would not be very high, and to a greater extent, it was to train the new mobile armor masters, so that they could have more opportunities to fight in real life.

    Headmaster, we've only just finished awakening, we're not even familiar with the mechs yet, if we go into battle now, isn't that going to send us to our deaths?

    At that moment, a man stood up in disbelief.

    The principal sniffed and gestured for the student to sit down.

    Then looked at all of them and said, Students are still think that the world we are in is safe, you can now safely learn to awakening, it is the countless mecha masters and behemoths blood bath battle in exchange for, you have now awakened the mecha, behemoths can not wait for you to grow up students.

    At this time, the official from the Education Department also stood up and said, Principal Wang is right, actual combat is the best tutor, the abyssal copy you entered is at the novice level, the behemoths aren't very strong, and you can choose to continue or leave every time you break through a level, so it's a relatively safe one.

    After the two bigwigs finished their words, no one from the students below raised any more questions.

    The principal nodded and said, Students don't need to prepare mech ammo, when the time comes, you will be provided with an assortment of ammo, in a word, as long as you bring as much as you want, there will be as much as you want.


    2:30 p.m.

    All the students of the third middle school who had awakened their combat mechs arrived at the entrance of the Abyssal Copy located in Linhai City on the school bus together.

    At this time, all the other high school students within Linhai City had also arrived.

    The people from the third middle school have arrived, it's said that the third middle school has produced a pervert with an SSS-class mechanical life of a fighter mech, I wonder which one?

    SSS-class mechanical life! You're not kidding!

    What a joke, the news has blown up and you don't know it?

    This is too outrageous, who the hell is it, know it early so you can hug your thighs.

    It seems like it's called Su Ming, you still want to hug your thighs, the heads of those families in Linhai are now trying to introduce their daughters to Su Ming to get to know them all.

    What! Is the news so fast? What clans are there?

    One that I know of is Boss Luo of our Linhai City's largest Behemoth Materials Market, and he's just about ready to introduce his daughter to Su Ming.

    Boss Luo, I remember that his eldest daughter is already over thirty, right, and his youngest daughter is only seven, right, which one is he going to introduce to Su Ming to get to know.

    I don't know, it depends on which one Su Ming is interested in, and I don't know if Su Ming is interested in men.


    The front of the entrance was crowded.

    Obviously, Su Ming had become the center of attention in the entire Linhai City.

    Standing amongst the crowd, Su Ming was also able to feel the discussions of the people around him behind his back.

    At that moment, the official in charge of the Linhai City Education Department appeared before the entrance.

    Quiet please everyone, in one hour the abyssal copies will open, during this time you can resupply your own ammo according to your needs.

    As the official's words fell.

    Everyone ran to the ammunition supply.

    In charge of distributing the ammunition were several military personnel in simple mechs.

    This type of mech can't take part in combat, but it can carry supplies.

    Ten thousand 200mm armor piercing rounds, please, and three thousand incendiary rounds...

    Give me ten rattlesnake missiles, three thousand bursts...


    Su Ming managed to squeeze in with great difficulty.

    Looking at the officer in front of him, he said, A hundred arm-mounted cannon rounds, please.

    Class, is this much ammo enough?

    The military personnel were also a bit puzzled.

    For mechs, ammo is a spike in combat power.

    Many choose to sacrifice the maneuverability of the mech to mount more ammo.

    There's a saying that all fear comes from a lack of firepower.

    Thanks, that's enough.

    The main reason for receiving ammunition is to be prepared.

    Though one knows that the odds are that one won't be able to use it.

    An hour later.

    Under the direction of the officials.

    Everyone enters the teleportation entrance to the Abyssal Copy.

    Students, remember to choose novice for challenge mode, if you choose wrong, you can die!

    The battle of the mechs is about to really start from this moment!

    Chapter 4 Number 9527

    [Welcome challenger number 9527 to the Abyss, please select the challenge difficulty.]

    An extremely seductive voice rang in his ears, as if he was able to mess with people's minds.

    Several options appeared before your eyes.

    [Hell], [Hard], [Normal], [Easy], [Newbie]


    【Welcome to the abyss, the novice difficulty abyss has 25 layers, as the number of layers increase the difficulty strengthens, you can choose to exit after each pass, you can not exit the battle during the battle】.

    [The challenge is about to begin...]

    In an instant, the eyes were enveloped in pitch blackness.

    Not long after, Su Ming opened his eyes.

    Already on top of a vast meadow.


    Suddenly, the sound of a wolf howling reached his ears.

    Snapping his head up, a huge black and gray wolf appeared in front of him at a hundred meters.

    [Name: Mutant Gray Wolf]

    [Class: F]

    [Level: 1]

    [Height: 4 meters]

    [Speed: 30m/s]


    At that moment, a segment of system-prompted information about the behemoth appeared.


    With a thought, a ray of light fell.

    Megatron's huge body then appeared beside Su Ming.

    Stupid human, are you my master!

    Hearing Wei Zhentian's voice, Su Ming also couldn't help but spit in his heart, Even if I'm the master now, I still can't change that familiar mantra.


    At that moment, the mutated gray wolf let out another roar.

    Megatron's ten meter plus height was a great deterrent to him.

    This shout was also what caused Su Ming to recover.

    Megatron, finish him off!

    Yes, Master!

    Decepticons, strike!

    Megatron was seen leaping into the air and transforming into a fighter jet roaring away.

    It was the original airplane that belonged to Cybertron, with an extremely beautiful form.

    Megatron would definitely be more popular if he didn't have a protagonist aura attached to him.

    The mutated gray wolf had an extremely high level of intelligence and looked at the gradually approaching Megatron.

    He also kept building up his strength.


    He was seen leaping up to dozens of meters with ease.

    Decepticons, morph!

    The air morphed, followed by an arm-mounted cannon spraying out with a tongue of fire.

    Aimed at, it was the giant wolf flying in the air that was opening its bloody mouth.


    A loud bang erupted in the air, under the dazzling fire.

    The body of the mutated giant wolf fell vertically.

    A cannon shot was directly responsible for blowing the mutant gray wolf's head off.

    [Kill a Level 1 F Mutant Gray Wolf, experience +10]

    [Progress of next draw: 0.1%]

    Su Ming was slightly stunned.

    It turns out that the raffle requires killing behemoths in exchange for progress.

    At this moment, Su Ming's goal was instantly clear.

    Kill the Behemoth!

    [Congratulations you number 9527 challenger passed the first level, do you continue?]


    In the next second, the originally silent grassland.

    Once again the sound of a wolf howling came out.

    This time it's no longer one.

    Five level 1 mutant gray wolves appeared in front of them.

    Looking at the difficulty that had risen violently in front of him, Su Ming was also dumbfounded.

    This fucking newbie? Straight up intensity!

    Megatron, finish them off!

    It's master, it's just a bunch of bedbugs!

    Only to see Megatron draw the Dark Star Sword at his waist and charge towards the mutated gray wolf.

    Su Ming stood in place, leisurely enjoying the battle.

    That's the beauty of mechanical life mechs.

    Mechs don't need to put themselves in danger at all.

    Although the Dark Star Sword was not rated, it was definitely not weaker than an SSS-ranked weapon.

    As soon as the sword went down, the mutated gray wolf was directly cut off at the waist.

    [Kill a Level 1 F Mutant Gray Wolf, experience +10]

    [Progress of next draw: 0.2%]


    Several hours passed.

    Beyond the abyss, the Linhai City Education Department as well as the principals of the various schools and the lineage gatekeepers were all gathered together.

    What's going on this year and why are so many freshmen backing out early?

    Yeah, a lot of people can't even get past the first five levels, it doesn't make much sense.

    Could it be that the difficulty of the Abyss has been darkened again?

    The director of the Linhai City Department of Education, looking at the data in front of him was also filled with sadness.

    Well, what did the students who came out say.

    The first level was a level 1 F-ranked mutant gray wolf, but by the second level it became 5. The third level was 2 two level 2 F-ranked mutant gray wolves, and the difficulty of the hall's abyss changed again.

    The person who reported was also filled with sadness as he looked at the data in his hands.

    The change in difficulty wasn't something to be afraid of, but those entering the abyss could be newcomers who had just awakened.

    The slightest mistake could kill you.

    While it happens every year, this year is clearly the most dangerous.

    How many students are out so far?

    178, with 36 still to come out, and it is expected from the strength of those who have not come out that no fewer than six students, probably, may have lost their lives in them.

    Upon hearing this, the Director's face sighed.

    In this world, death is a rarity.

    Appease the families of the dead students well and give them relief at the rate of martyrs; they died for the country, for humanity, and we have to take care of their families for them.


    At this point, the Director turned his gaze to the screen above him.

    There it shows the number of layers that are now entered by those still left.

    First place, number 9527, 21st floor.

    Second place, No. 25041, 15th floor.


    This 9527 should be that Su Ming, it's simply the leading edge of the fault line, SSS class fighter mechs, Linhai City has still appeared for the first time in so many years.

    Not necessarily, I've heard that the Shen family has prepared quite a lot of S-class equipment for his son, and even though it is said that Shen Wen is only an SS-class mecha, but with the equipment boost, it won't necessarily lose to Su Ming.

    Yeah we haven't even seen Su Ming's mech, it says it's an SSS class mechanical life, but who knows how much combat power it has, and what affects the mech's combat power isn't just the mech itself, there's also the operator's proficiency and the mech's equipment.

    Shen Wen, as an existence that the Shen Family has focused on cultivating, has been simulating maneuvering warplanes since he was a child, and his proficiency can far exceed that of his peers.

    A group of bigwigs from the world's families and clans were sitting together, looking at the data in front of them were also discussing it intensely.


    Suddenly, sitting in the center, a white-haired old man coughed lightly.

    Everyone's voices, however, came to a screeching halt, and their gazes couldn't help but look at the old man.

    Though full of gray hair, he was radiant, with none of the lateness of the elderly.

    When did someone even question his combat prowess with an SSS-ranked battle mech!

    Elder Xu, we don't deny the power of the SSS-class mecha, but Su Ming, he just operated it after all, and it's still a mechanical lifeform, so it's really hard to say.

    Yes Elder Xu, if Su Ming stood in front of me, I would say that he's the star of the future, but right now I still want to say that it's only an SSS class mecha, and he still has a long way to go.

    Facing the voices of the people around him, Elder Xu smiled disdainfully.

    A middle-aged man sitting not far away from Elder Xu said at this time, Elder Xu, I've already equipped Shen Wen with the Valkyrie Jet System and the Giant Axe Missile, do you think that this is enough equipment to pass the Novice Abyss?

    What! SS-class Valkyrie Jet System and SS-class Giant Axe Missile, the Shen family is really rich!

    Elder Xu also looked at the man with some shock at his words and said, Boss Shen, is it worth it to empty out your family's fortune in exchange for this set of equipment?

    I think it's worth it, although my son is not awakening an SSS-class mecha, my son will step into the Hall of Legends of Daxia and become that supreme Legendary Mecha Master!

    Boss Shen, is quite confident.

    Suddenly, Shen Ye's gaze condensed and said, Elder Xu, how about we make a bet?


    Just bet on who the first place winner of this abyss will be.

    What does Boss Shen want to bet on?

    It's very simple, if the first name is my son, you will allow Mu Qing to be my son's girlfriend, how is that?

    Chapter 5 Laser Barrett, the fastest pass on record!

    When these words came out, everyone's gazes went to Elder Xu.

    Elder Xu, as a highly respected mechanic in Linhai City, had a significant position in the city.

    And Shen Ye's thoughts were practically crying out for more.

    Empty your family's pockets, if you can climb into a relationship with the Xu family.

    The Shen family was also able to go from being ordinary businessmen to entering the political arena of Daxia.

    As the saying goes, money is not as good as power, and Xu Lao has the power.

    The person beside Elder Xu heard this and also hurriedly said, Elder Xu, think twice.

    However, Elder Xu smiled faintly and said, My old man has no way to decide who Mu Qing likes, only if Boss Shen wants to bet so much, how about two pieces of SS grade weaponry?

    Good! Elder Xu, we'll wait and see then.

    Everyone couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

    The two pieces of SS-grade equipment were an existence that many people in the room could not take out.

    The scene shifts to within the abyss.

    [Kill level 5 A-class lava lizard, experience +500, level up to Lv8]

    [Progress of next draw: 13.2%]

    [Congratulations you number 9527 challenger passed the twenty-fourth floor, shall we continue?]

    Go on.


    As soon as the words fell, Su Ming's feet instantly shook violently.

    The surrounding craters once again erupted large amounts of magma.

    The ground also cracked open a huge gap at this moment.


    A pair of reddish sharp claws protruded from the crack.

    Not a moment later, the entirety of the giant beast appeared within Su Ming's line of sight.

    【Name: Karst Yalong

    [Grade: S]

    [Level: 10]

    [Height: 10 meters]

    [Speed: 666m]


    Looking at the huge dragon in front of him and Wei Zhentian's handful of heights, Su Ming couldn't help but gulp in his eyes.

    It's actually a sub-dragon species! Megatron, finish him off, a behemoth of this level will definitely drop its equipment!

    When the Behemoth's level reaches S-rank, it will definitely drop rewards whenever you kill it.

    Moreover, if one killed this Karst Sub-Dragon, one's draw progress could be advanced by another big step.

    Yes, Master.

    But at that moment, the karst sub-dragon vibrated its own wings towards the sky.

    Megatron didn't hesitate and immediately switched to his fighter form to chase after him.

    Su Ming stood at the bottom, looking at the battle in the sky between an armor and a beast, the huge explosion that rubbed out between the flames and the cannonball.

    Even more so, Su Ming felt a hint of hot blood.

    The first twenty-four levels were basically taken by Megatron with little effort.

    Even Su Ming's desire to try Megatron's Fire Restoration to see how long it would take for Megatron to repair itself after being injured was difficult to achieve.

    However, this karst sub-dragon had the strength to be able to injure Megatron.

    But that's when.

    The gaze of the karst sub-dragon suddenly locked onto Su Ming.

    In an instant, a chill instantly enveloped Su Ming's entire body.


    A ball of fire then came hurtling towards himself.

    The sudden attack caught Su Ming off guard.

    Megatron's shortcomings come out at this moment.

    Su Ming's entire body was exposed without any protection.

    If Megatron couldn't get out of it, it was that he himself would be a complete and utter commoner.


    An explosion sounded, and Su Ming slowly opened his eyes.

    Megatron's massive body deflected the blow for itself.

    But the payoff was that Megatron's right shoulder was pierced by flames.


    Lowly ants, Decepticons strike!

    Obviously, this strike had completely angered Megatron.

    As a mecha that had been contracted by Su Ming, he had an incomparable loyalty towards him.

    Coupled with the violent temper he originally carried himself as well as that condescension.

    At this moment, his anger reached its peak.

    Su Ming also recognized this.

    After calming down, he said, Megatron, kill him!

    Yes, Master!

    Megatron raised his sword and charged towards the karst sub-dragon.

    And the karst sub-dragon didn't run away anymore at this time.

    Injured Megatron, he thinks he's got a fighting chance.

    But when that karst sub-dragon lunged towards Megatron with the mindset of a predator.

    However, he was directly chopped in half by Wei Zhentian's raised hand and sword.

    [Kill Level 10 S-Class Karst Sub-Dragon, experience +1000, level up to Lv9]

    [Progress of next draw: 20.2%]

    [Congratulations to you, challenger number 9527, for successfully passing the 25th floor.]

    [Congratulations to you No. 9527 Challenger, you have successfully set a new record for the fastest passage of novice abyssal copies, and have been rewarded with: experience +5000, random SS grade equipment drawings]


    Before Su Ming's eyes, a drawing fell into his hands.

    [Name: Laser Barrett]

    [Grade: SS]

    [Length: 6.6m]

    [Weight: 3.4 tons]

    [Range: 10-30km]

    [Power: 2500]

    [Penetration: 1500]


    Looking at the equipment in front of him, Su Ming looked up at Megatron and said, Megatron, do you want to use it?

    However, Megatron just glanced at it and said dismissively, No need.

    The power of this piece of equipment speaks for itself.

    It was just that Megatron didn't like to use sniper rifles, which made it difficult for Su Ming.

    I'm sure I won't be able to use it myself. It's such a big sniper rifle.

    The triggers are bigger than they are fast.

    His own next draw was still unknown, and the mech was even further away.

    If you sell it, you'll be wealthy enough to be free on this one piece of equipment.

    Su Ming was clear about the value of this piece of equipment.

    If it flows into the middle of the market, it will definitely be snatched up.

    Such a weapon that can kill from a distance and has this extremely high damage.

    Undoubtedly the hottest weapon on the market.

    At this time, Su Ming noticed that there was still a ball of light at the location where the karst sub-dragon had died.

    Sure enough, it's bursting with equipment.

    Su Ming approached to pick it up, and the information of the dropped item appeared before his eyes.

    [Name: Karst Gun]

    [Grade: A]

    [Length: 3.1]

    [Weight: 1.1 tons]


    Grade A equipment, not bad!

    This piece of equipment, Su Ming had no intention of equipping Megatron.

    Which of the equipment that came with his body now was not worth SSS grade.

    That snipe just said it was combat advantage available.

    As for how this karst cannon could possibly be compared to a cannon made at the peak of Cybertronian technology.

    And at the same time, the outside world was abuzz.

    The fastest clearance record, my god, is this really something that can happen in our Linhai City!

    You should know that the Abyssal Copy is connected to the entire Blue Star.

    The difficulty of trying to break this record can be imagined.

    And all of them were excited at the same time.

    Also curious as to who actually passes.

    Just then.

    The figures of the three appeared together at the exit of the copy of the Abyss.

    Su Ming, Shen Wen, Xu Muqing.

    This year Linhai City awakened the three people with the highest level of drawings.

    But then, everyone was dumbfounded.

    The three people in front of us, who actually got through?

    Chapter 6: I'm Just Taking It Personally

    Shen Wen stood in the middle of the three and turned his head to look at Xu Muqing on the side and said, Muqing, such a coincidence that we actually came out together.

    Well, it's quite a coincidence.

    Xu Muqing responded perfunctorily and walked quickly towards Elder Xu's location.

    Su Ming couldn't help but laugh out loud at the scene in front of him.

    Su Ming, what are you laughing at?

    When Shen Wen saw Su Ming, the humiliation of the morning was vivid in his mind.

    The anger in his heart could not help but be aroused.

    Nothing, I'm laughing at the fact that someone with a hot FACE to stick it to someone else's cold ass is really living up to their deserves.

    Oh, that's at least stickable, can you?

    Shen Wen was still proud when he heard this.

    Su Ming, on the other hand, smiled and clapped his hands, When Boiling Goat meets you, he has to call out to you as a teacher.

    A boiling goat? What's that?

    It's a good sheep.

    Without bothering with Shen Wen again, Su Ming walked towards the front.

    But at that moment, Shen Ye, Shen Wen's dad, ran over quickly.

    He couldn't wait for the results.

    Wen'er, how was the Abyssal Copy Challenge?

    Hearing this, Shen Wen proudly raised his head and exclaimed, It's not bad, I feel as if the difficulty of the abyss has increased, even though I've only made it to level 20, but I should be able to make it through level 21 if I bite the bullet, it's just that I think level 20 is already the limit for all of us here in Linhai City.

    Seeing the condescending gaze sweeping across the room, Shen Ye looked at his son.

    For a moment, he froze in place as well.

    Dad, what's wrong with you, and you shouldn't be disappointed, I don't believe that anyone will have more than me, don't you think so Su Ming, even though your mecha level is higher than mine.

    Saying that, Shen Wen even provocatively shouted towards Su Ming.

    And Xu Muqing, who had come to Elder Xu's side, said, I'm sorry grandpa, I only reached the 19th floor before I felt overwhelmed.

    So, you didn't pass?

    Elder Xu was slightly surprised.

    Xu Muqing was a bit puzzled, Grandpa, the difficulty of the Abyssal Copy this time has definitely been raised, there shouldn't be anyone able to clear it.

    But when Xu Muqing's big bright eyes looked at her grandfather.

    Unable to help it, he said, It can't be, that Su Ming.

    Her voice wasn't small, and those present held their breath as they looked toward Su Ming, who was standing in place.

    At this moment, Su Ming had somehow become the center of everyone's attention.

    Instead, Shen Wen said disdainfully, What are you babbling about, this time, the difficulty of the abyss, even if it's an SSS class mecha, it's impossible to pass without additional equipment boosts.

    Shen Ye was speechless at this time, however, two SS grade equipment.

    He was a not-so-small capitalist in Linhai, but the SS-class equipment was worth a lot of money.

    Even for himself, he had emptied his family's pockets before equipping his son with two pieces.

    Now you can't take out a single piece of S-rank equipment.

    Su Ming, tell me, how many layers have you reached, I don't believe you can surpass me, at most, you'll reach the 20th layer.

    Su Ming looked at Shen Wen with a smile on his face.

    At this moment, Shen Wen was a bit skeptical.

    At this moment, one of the people in the crowd said, Young Master Shen, take a look at the panel behind you.

    Shen Wen snapped back, and the red words of the number 9527 Passage on it were so dazzling.

    And, there's still record breaking clearance speeds there.

    The time would have to be faster than getting through 20 floors on your own.

    No, Su Ming you came out with me, how could you pass the level even earlier than me, this person is not you right!

    Su Ming looked at Shen Wen, who was somewhat reluctant to believe the truth, and smiled lightly, I also didn't know that there would be a reward for breaking the record pass, and collecting the reward wasted some of my time.

    That cloudy appearance made Shen Wen clench his teeth even more.

    The scenery that should have belonged to him today, Awakening was humiliated by Su Ming in front of everyone in the school.

    Now, it was even more humiliating in front of the entire Linhai City's bigwigs.

    Why didn't you contradict me when I said that!

    Shen Wen looked at Su Ming with indignation, this guy actually watched himself make a joke just like this.

    Talk to me when you're through with it, not to mention that your dad didn't refute it, either.

    Su Ming's words were like a bolt from the blue.

    The people present looked at the two Shen family fathers and sons, also as if they were watching a joke.

    Xu Muqing looked at Su Ming and asked his grandfather, Grandpa, is he Su Ming?

    I guess so, it's the first time I've seen it too.

    But then the crowd suddenly scurried.

    Who is so arrogant as to disregard my brother.

    The crowd moved out of the way and two men stepped into view.

    The younger man was extremely similar to Shen Wen between his eyebrows.

    At this point, the crowd began to talk as well.

    Isn't this the Shen family's eldest son, didn't he go to Tianjing University, why is he back!

    The man walked up to Su Ming and looked up at the panel.

    So it's a pass, you're Su Ming?

    Shen Wu looked at Su Ming and asked.

    I am. Something wrong?

    When Shen Wen saw his brother return, it was as if he had seen a savior.

    Brother, why are you back, shouldn't you be at Tianjing University?

    I came back to find him.

    Shen Wu pointed at Su Ming, which caused Su Ming's heart to become a little bored.

    Su Ming, on behalf of Tianjing University, I've come to deliver your acceptance letter.

    Saying that, he took out the acceptance letter that represented Tianjing University.

    At this time, the Director of Education of Linhai City as well as the Principal of the Third Middle School also ran down with some excitement.

    Student Shen Wu, is Tianjing University trying to admit Su Ming?

    Shen Wu did not answer the Director of Education's question.

    Instead, he continued to look at Su Ming and said, Take it Su Ming, when the time comes, head to the school according to the start time.

    Su Ming looked at the acceptance letter from Tianjing University in front of him and said indifferently, I don't need it.


    Shen Wu frowned at his words, a hint of displeasure appearing on his face.

    Those present also sucked in a breath of cold air.

    This was Tianjing University, one of the top mecha academies in the country.

    To enter here, that was one foot in the ranks of the top mechs.

    And it was also Tianjing University that specially sent the acceptance letter, such sincerity can be said to be very full.

    Xu Muqing also smiled and said, Grandpa, why doesn't he want it?

    Elder Xu also shook his head, he also couldn't see what Su Ming was thinking.

    You don't want to enter Tianjing University? Shen Wu looked at Su Ming and said.

    I don't have a problem with TKU, and if someone else came along, I might consider it, but you, I don't like.

    After saying that, Su Ming then turned back to the principal at the side and asked, Principal, there's nothing else, right?

    Ah! It's okay.

    Being asked by Su Ming suddenly like this, the principal was flabbergasted for a moment.

    I'll go back first, then.

    After saying that, Su Ming headed out.

    And the middle-aged man who came with Shen Wu was a bit anxious.

    Pulling Shen Wu to his side in a voice that only the two could hear, he whispered, Fellow student Shen Wu, why don't you say that if Su Ming agrees we'll also give him an additional reward!

    Old Ye is fine, Tianjing University is still Tianjing University with one less Su Ming, but he doesn't go to Tianjing University then what if he's even an SSS class mecha, we personally sent him to the door, we have already given him face, it's that he's uninterested.

    But then, Su Ming will go to the other three schools, so how can we explain to the school!

    Old Ye, it's him who doesn't want to go, what does it have to do with us, and don't you also happen to have a nephew who has just awakened, I've heard that it's an S-class mecha.

    Hearing this, the middle-aged man's gaze flickered as he looked towards Shen Wu.

    The school side?

    I'll fix it.

    Shen Wu also revealed a meaningful smile.

    Chapter 7 Selecting a university

    Su Ming, who had left the Abyss copy, took a car and headed back home.

    And at this moment, Su Ming left, and for a time the originally still lively Abyssal Copy Entrance lost its center.

    Everyone then began to prepare to disperse.

    And at that moment, Elder Xu walked towards Shen Ye.

    Everyone then stopped in their tracks to leave.

    Boss Shen, can I have what you lost to me?

    Elder Xu, can you give some time.

    Shen Ye was in a difficult situation, but his family really couldn't come up with a single asset right now.

    Seeing this, Shen Wu came to Xu Lao and asked, Hello Xu Lao, I'm Shen Wu, I don't know what my father he lost to you?

    Two pieces of SS grade equipment.

    Hearing this, both Shen Wu and Shen Wen froze.

    Two pieces of SS-ranked equipment, that's not a small amount.

    Elder Xu, I only have one SS grade equipment here, I don't know if I can hold off on the remaining one, Yuan Qing and I are good friends.

    Shen Wu took out a SS-grade drawing and handed it to Elder Xu.

    Facing the old man in front of him, he didn't dare to be arrogant.

    It was not only his prestige in Linhai City, but also the fact that his family had many top-class mecha masters.

    Since that's the case, then fine, Boss Shen thanks a lot.

    Elder Xu said and left the place with Xu Muqing.

    When everyone had finished watching the fun, they left.

    The Director of Education and others sighed when they saw this.

    I was going to give a testimonial, but this will have to stop.

    Headmasters, afterward, I'll have to trouble you to urge them in the student body to keep up their cultivation so that they can get good grades in the university exams afterward.

    It was only after everyone left that Shen Wen and Shen Wu couldn't help but ask their dad.

    Dad what the hell is going on here, how did you make such a heavy bet with Elder Xu.

    Shen Ye sighed and said, I originally thought that I would be able to take first place in the Abyss after equipping your brother with those two pieces of SS-ranked equipment, so I took this gamble with Elder Xu, originally wanting to climb into a relationship with the Xu family.

    Shen Wu was also helpless when he heard this, What exactly is this Su Ming's mecha, have you guys seen it before?

    No, no one has ever seen it, I just don't know why his battle power is so high that he actually passed.

    Shen Wen said at this time, Brother, this Su Ming is too arrogant, you must teach him a lesson, he has already brought me down more than once, making me lose face in front of so many people.

    The face you lost, earn it back yourself, and the equipment you still owe Elder Xu will take one from you and give it to him.

    This! This is my equipment. Shen Wen sniffed that ten thousand times.

    If he really turned it in, what would he compare it to Su Ming.

    When you enter Tianjing University, as long as you're willing, SS grade equipment is nothing.

    What! Brother, can I get into Tianjing University!



    Su Ming's family was considered a well-off family in Linhai City.

    Both parents are considered white collar, not fighter jets, but they help sit in the military industry.

    Just as he opened the door, several unfamiliar voices came out of the house.

    Su mother came to the door and saw Su Ming coming back.

    It was also full of smiles as he said, Xiao Ming is back ah, the people from Haidu University came to the house, they want to invite you to their school.

    They're really quick with the news.

    Su Ming had told his parents about his awakening in the morning.

    They were certainly overjoyed.

    When he came into the living room, he saw his father and a man and a woman bragging about their ancestral genes.

    You are Su Ming, right?

    The two people from Haidu University immediately stood up when they saw Su Ming and said.

    Hello guys.

    Ming, come sit down.

    Su father pulled Su Ming to sit down.

    Su Ming looked at the girl in front of him and only felt familiar.

    At this time, she also spoke, Hello Su Ming, I'm Xu Yuanqing, this is our teacher Zou who is in charge of Linhai City's enrollment, we came here today because we want to invite you to join our Haidu University.

    Hello senior sister, your name is famous in Linhai City, only, just now Tianjing University invited me as well.

    Su Ming nodded and said.

    I know, and I also know you turned them down.

    Xu Yuanqing looked at Su Ming with a smile on his face.


    What! Ming you rejected Tianjing University?

    Su's father asked in surprise.

    Su Ming, on the other hand, turned around and explained to his old man, Don't worry dad, with my strength, even if I pass the exam, I'll still be able to go to Tianjing University.

    But it saves a lot of trouble when you can drive straight through.

    Xu Yuanqing picked up, Uncle Su, our Haidu University is not inferior to Tianjing University, Su Ming coming to our school will be just as valued, and our school is very much valuing student Su Ming.

    With that, he turned his head to look at the admissions office teacher behind him.

    These teachers are hired outside the university and specialize in scouring the country for top mech artist prospects at this time of year.

    In fact, in terms of status, it would have to be Xu Yuanqing who is a bit higher.

    I just saw that teacher keep pulling things out of her bag.

    In no time, the coffee table in Su Ming's house was filled with items.

    Su Ming, here are two sets of villas, both with an area of over three hundred square feet, from Haidu and Linhai City respectively, and then there is this drawing, it's an SSS grade equipment, you can pick any one you want within Haidu University's arsenal, this is the sincerity of our Haidu University, as long as you say yes now, all of this will be yours.

    And we also promise that if you come, you can pick your own college mentor, and you know a good mentor can determine your future path.

    In today's world, large swaths of what was originally the Blue Planet are occupied by behemoths.

    Of the only remaining base cities, even Linhai City that was an inch of land, let alone Haidu.

    And those two are a dimension away from SSS-ranked equipment.

    Weapons of this level existed in the market at a price.

    However, Su Ming had been a man for two lifetimes and knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch in the sky.

    Not tempted by the benefits offered by the two men in front of him.

    Turning to the question, he asked, If I go to Haidu University, what do I need to do, I can't get so much cheaper for nothing.

    When Xu Yuanqing heard this, he couldn't help but be shocked.

    Realize how tempting SSS rank this is for contemporary pilots.

    It was amazing that the person in front of me could be so calm in front of this.

    In fact, said there is everyone, after entering the university everyone has the amount of killing the behemoth as well as the task, you just need to complete the task arranged by the school to you on the line, this will not be because you take these rewards, and increase the difficulty, everyone is the same, and today's world, investing in talent is only the long term development, we think that you are worth it.

    Hearing Xu Yuanqing's words, Su Ming nodded.

    And his own old man was already stabbing himself with his elbow more than once.

    For Su Ming, it didn't matter too much where he went.

    As long as he was able to kill the giant beast, he could raise his strength through the system.

    Okay, I promise.

    Hearing Su Ming's words, Xu Yuanqing was also delighted in his heart.

    Hastily, he got up and said, Senior, then I'll wait for you at the school.

    Well, thanks a lot, Sister.


    Chapter 8: Drawing again, Mark 44 Anti-Hulk Battle Armor!

    At night, inside the Xu family manor.

    Yuanqing ah, are you saying that Su Ming has confirmed his entry into Haidu University?

    Elder Xu looked at his granddaughter and inquired.

    Well, yes, it's thanks to Shen Wu, Tianjing University gave Su Ming an extra reward, but this guy actually didn't say anything and instead sent us a seedling of a Legendary Pilot.

    Xu Yuanqing said with a smile on his face.

    Oh! You're optimistic that Su Ming will become a Legendary Pilot?

    Breaking the Abyssal Copy clearance record, his mech is definitely extraordinary, and he has a state of mind beyond his age, when I gave him those rewards, he couldn't even see a trace of excitement on his face.

    In that case, this Su Ming is really a rare and good seedling.

    Yes Grandpa, this is the year of the talent spurt, the day we take back control of Bluestar can't be too far away.

    At this time, Xu Muqing, who was sitting on the side, spoke up, Sister, what about me, I also want to go to Haidu with you.

    Mu Qing, I can help you apply for you to be exempted from the test, whether it's possible or not I don't know, this year there are very many pilots above S class, SS class is not that rare, and those who are calculated to be SSS class aren't just Su Ming alone.

    Elder Xu said indifferently, The real World of Great Struggle is coming, the talent blowout is just a precursor, and the increased difficulty of the abyssal copies, I suspect it's also related to this.

    "It's a possibility, the

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