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Out of Many One: The Solution
Out of Many One: The Solution
Out of Many One: The Solution
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Out of Many One: The Solution

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Book Synopsis: Out of Many One is a production that intrinsically triggers unprecedented economic, social, and political awareness in the United States and abroad, as well as in Haiti. It is about

Release dateMay 22, 2024
Out of Many One: The Solution

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    Out of Many One - Jean Dufort Baptichon


    The Solution

    Jean Dufort Baptichon

    Out of Many One

    Copyright © 2024 by Jean Dufort Baptichon

    ISBN: 978-1639459551 (e)

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher and/or the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    The views expressed in this book are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Table for Contents



    Chapter 1: A Desperate Situation in Our Motherland

    Chapter 2: My Realized American Dream

    Chapter 3: Ready, Willing to Give Back to America

    Chapter 4: How Can I Help the Mother Land?

    Chapter 5: The Truth

    Chapter 6: What Do We Mean by Merit?

    Chapter 7: Justice for All

    Chapter 8: Redemption by Constitutional Proclamation

    Chapter 9: Like Public Opinions, Poor People’s Lives Matter as Well

    Chapter 10: The Task Force

    Chapter 11: Salutation of the Candidate to the Haitian People

    Chapter 12: A very important message to the Haitian people

    Chapter 13: My Government Program

    Chapter 14: Depopulation of the Countryside and Overcrowding of Cities, What Is the Solution?

    Chapter 15: This Message Is Approved by the a.C.C.a.C Members Below


    This book is dedicated to young as well as old men and women, citizens and aliens alike here and from other parts of the world. It is especially dedicated, to those aspiring artists, sport men and women, sociologists, lawyers, judges, politicians, republicans and democrats, independents, socialists, communists. Foremost, this book is in memory of the soldiers who survived and were decorated with medals and to the souls of those who died in the wars, to their families, and finally, to Christians and non -Christians, Catholics and protestants, as well as Muslims, Buddhists, Jehovah Witnesses, Atheist and the Free Masons, etc.

    Out Many One is a proclamation that can intrinsically trigger an unprecedented economic, social and political awareness in the United States. It is about a political capital claim that can bankrupt any nation, which values truth even when it costs it a high price. The subject matter of this book is the undefined medal of merit that President George Bush has presented to me as member of his political party contrasted with the remnant the rampant poverty and hunger problems in my native country. As illustrated on page 90 the reverse of the medal, which the president issued to me, depicts the signature of the President. I assume that the president also issued such medal of merit to other members of the party for value to appreciate.

    What value does the medal have? I do not know. A friend told me that anyone can get this medal on for $20.00. To me, if a president issues a medal of merit to someone, the president must have intended that person to accept it for value, which value is to me abstract and undefined. Hence, You, one of the many probable other recipients of that medal, whose intelligence, common sense, understanding of justice, and notion of logic are triggered or somewhat offended by the notion that anyone can buy it for $20 on eBay, by want of definition, decided to dig a little deeper to the root of the meaning of such merit. This is a complex book and there is a lot going on in it. I personally think that you might be interested in the issues presented therein that are vital to the public at large. This book will let you reflect on some of the current problems in a so-called third world country, which is also collaterally subject to the merit of the subject matter at issue here and more. This is an issue of public concern. Why would a president of the wealthiest and most powerful country affix his signature to a medal that has no value? Can you think of a reason? If you cannot think of a reason, then, what is the value of the medal that the president signed? If the medal of merit has no value, then what value does the president’s signature have on the Medal? Mind you, in a letter to you, dated June 4, 2004, President Bush wrote, and I quote, So all of us owe you a deep debt of gratitude for your support. And all of us want to recognize and honor the commitment and sacrifices you’ve made for our party and our nation. How deep is this debt? Can you or I attribute a value to this deep debt? I believe we can because the medal has its own intrinsic values that are not just sentimental, as in memorabilia.

    You see, to me, value is a relative term just as merit is in this book. For example, take a painting by Picasso among other great artists, or a Monet painting, to the uneducated or less informed in the arts, that painting may, or may not, have any commercial value whatsoever. While, on the other hand, to the artist, or the well informed in the arts, the painting may be worth millions of dollars. I hope you catch my drift. We need to define everything in its context. Here, in this book, the definition of the medal of merit and the presidential task force will create the unexpected and the foreseeable that a reasonable signer in the President’s position would have known or foreseen if he did not intend it. As would naturally be expected of a reasonable recipient of such medal of merit who is a little creative, I founded a special non-profit organization as a Task Force to carry out what seems to be the intention of the President, as described on the obverse of the medal of merit. Although, it is not yet functioning, this organization is Haitian Handicap R Us. This book is not about national security as one might think, although it can rise to that level and beyond. Although it is not my intention, this book can generate legal class actions in certain inner circles by those in possession of the subject matter. I hope you enjoy your reading to the end.


    It is not important to hold all the good cards in life, but it is important how well you play with the cards you hold. Have faith and have a successful life. One of the basic differences between God and humans is, God gives, gives, gives and forgives, and humans get, get, get and forget. Be thankful in life. I wrote this book to illustrate two points: -one- to show how one word can have different meanings in different contexts, and two, to use that one word to attempt to save a nation. This word is Merit.

    In so doing, I take the time to thank God first because He merits my thanks. "With his own merits, Christ has bridged the gulf which sin has made, so that the ministering angels can hold communion with man. Christ connects the fallen man in his weakness and helplessness with the source of infinite power. Every good gift and every perfect gift are from the above." (James 1:17). The Medal of Merit is a good gift and a perfect one at that. While it is from the President of the United States, it is also from above.

    When Satan comes to tell you that you are a great sinner, look up to your redeemer and talk of his merits, 1Timothy 1:15. Jesus asked Simon a question about two debtors. One owed his lord a small sum, and the other owed him a very large sum; but he forgave them both and Christ asked Simon which debtor would love his lord most. Simon answered, He to whom he forgave most. Luke 7:43. We have been great sinners, but Christ died so that we might be forgiven. The Merits of his sacrifice are sufficient to present to the father on our behalf.

    The government of God is not as Satan would make it appear, founded upon a blind submission, an unreasoning control. It appeals to the intellect and the conscience. Come now and let us reason together (Isaiah 1:18) is the Creator’s invitation to the beings He has made.

    I would also like to thank Geffrey Stone of Stone Tablet Editorial Consulting for the great editorial assessment he has provided to the first edition of Out of Many One, this book, my wife who was the first person who proofread the book and made spelling corrections and my daughter, doctor Cassandra Batichon, M.D., who encouraged me to go ahead with the project of Haitian Handicaps R Us, as she is in the business of saving lives and HHRUs in the business of helping handicapped and orphans . I also thank my brother Gerard Baptichon who is a retired sergeant in the United States Army and the National Guard, as well as Frantz Metelus, PHD who is also a retired staff sergeant in The U.S. Army and Prosper Raton from Queens Multiple Services, for their review of the manuscript before its final print.

    Chapter 1

    A Desperate Situation in

    Our Motherland

    My fellow human beings, there is a crisis in our native country, Haiti, and "I Am Abbah" has sent me to you and in his sake, I appeal to you so that we must work together toward a practical solution to this crisis. However, before I continue, let me tell you a true story about how a made up but real and true password saved my life and that of my brother-in law there, in Haiti. It was August 25, 1975. I was a teenage student waiting for summer vacation to end to start his final first part baccalaureate study (rhetoric class) that was to commence in October of that year. I was very aware of my environment and surroundings, involved in sport, an excellent soccer player, green belt in judo and brown belt but black belt candidate competitor in karate. I played volleyball, Ping-Pong and was active in my community.

    The Sunday before August 25, I came home from a karate show that my group of four had performed in a small town 10 to 15 miles north of the capital, where I lived across of the Catholic Cathedral where it was a custom for the president of that country to assist Catholic Te deum mass every official or state holiday. From the second floor of my apartment there, I had a clearer view of the president or for that matter, of any churchgoer entering that church than anybody in or outside the church. It was about 7:00 p.m. I took my shower, got dressed and rode my bike to the steps of the civil tribunal located about two blocks away, where I hung out with my friends every night.

    About an hour later, I noticed one of my roommates on his bike coming toward me. To my surprise, he was looking for me he said. I asked him what happened, and he answered that my sister had called and wanted me to come to her house because she had an emergency. I said OKAY! Then I left my friends and hailed a taxi to my sister’s house. When I arrived at her house, I saw that she was crying, I asked her why she was crying. She told me that her husband was arrested; and taken in a police truck full of men dressed in military uniforms to the military prison called Fort Dimanche, translated here as Fort Sunday.

    Fort Sunday is a prison that had a

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