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Heromaker: A British Story Written by an American
Heromaker: A British Story Written by an American
Heromaker: A British Story Written by an American
Ebook1,699 pages29 hours

Heromaker: A British Story Written by an American

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Ezekiel-Amadeus is the eldest of nine children, all raised by a single mother, and tends to show total independence a lot younger than expected. An enigmatic change in his body compared to his fellow teenagers and a past life he cannot remember, he rises to prove himself capable of standing up for those he wishes to protect.
Hildegard is an orphan raised by an abusive aunt, who wishes to one day become a singer and actress. But the more she learns about her parents, the more of a target she becomes. But when things get tough, she will do what she can to stand up for herself.
Cadence is an incredibly intelligent, yet shy, young woman who has ideas to advance humanity’s understanding of science, all the while a stranger to true affection.
And yet, beyond going through school, they encounter more than what most people know. Secrets, such as an underground nation comprised of Neo Nazis, the mysterious society of the Knights of the Peace Equation, the experimental city of Mega, among the fate of the race of Elfs, among other mythological creatures.

About the Author
About the time he reached middle school, G.B. Chavez began thinking of ideas for a television series he’d wish to someday create. By the time he graduated high school in 2019, he had begun to reinvent the story upon realizing how much of a challenge it would be, but still wished to get a version of the story out.
In March of 2021, Chavez began to write Heromaker: A British Story Written By An American, which he plans to eventually be the first installment of an extensive series of books surrounding the main protagonist(s).
Chavez has always had a fascination with culture affiliated with the United Kingdom, which has stemmed from watching Peter Pan as a child. This fascination is not only what inspired for this story to take place in the United Kingdom, but has him wishing to one day travel to the European nation.

PublisherRoseDog Books
Release dateApr 3, 2024
Heromaker: A British Story Written by an American

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    Heromaker - G.B. Chavez


    Monday, September 24, 2012

    In an Academy school in Wandsworth, London, multiple students walk to their classes. As the School bell rings, a blonde girl with green eyes, in her navy-blue uniform, holding her books, closes her locker and turns to her friend.

    I don’t know, Katie. I couldn’t think of anything for Heritage Week, Hilde says, disappointed. Trying to be helpful, Cadence asks, You’re German, aren’t you? Why not base your project off your German heritage? Hilde sighs, "I don’t know, Katie. It’s just that I do German every bloody year. I know that German is the only other heritage I have from me British mum. But after a while, picking one thing gets old. Cadence shifts her head to her left a bit. Amused, Cadence says, Oh! Now that’s a display I’d never seen before."

    Hilde turns to see a neck-length, shaggy, blond-haired, blue-eyed teen man, dressed in a Scottish Kilt, a clean White buttoned-up shirt, a Feathered bonnet, White socks, and black dress shoes, holding and playing a bagpipe. He plays the bagpipe as he approaches both women. Both Hilde and Cadence stare at the man. Hilde is left unamused, as Cadence lets out a light chuckle. The boy then stops playing the bagpipes.

    The boy rhetorically asks, What can I say? If we’re gonna show pride in our heritage, go big or go home, no? It’s nice to see you showing spirit, Zeke, Hilde responds, still unamused. So, Zeke says, What part of your heritage did you guys choose? Cadence replies, I don’t know about Hilde, but I’m going with my usual, Polish. Zeke turns to Hilde, disappointed, You didn’t choose anything? C’mon Hilde, you usually Love Heritage Week! Hilde responds, I- I’m just tired. I’ve been doing German for four years straight. I know I’m German. I know it’s the only thing that I am that’s not. Well. British. Hilde pauses, I mean, if you figured out that you’re something other than Scottish, wouldn’t you choose that?

    Du solltest mit dem Erbe, das du hast, zufrieden sein, Zeke says, surprising both women. Christ, Zeke, when did you learn to speak German? Cadence asks. I don’t know, honestly. I just know it somehow, Zeke says. Bullshit, you must’ve learned it from somewhere! Cadence replies. Maybe someone in my family spoke German? Maybe that’s what my father spoke before he died, Zeke claims. Cadence replies, But I thought you said your mum said he was English? Ah, who knows, Zeke replies. Cadence then looks around, her auburn hair swinging over her shoulder, Well I got to get to class… see you two blokes la’er? Cheers! Cadence then walks away, and Hilde turns back to face Zeke, I suppose we should get to class too, eh luv? Yeah, Zeke responds, I suppose we should. Hilde then reaches up to give Zeke a kiss on the lips. Hilde then smiles, and lightly taps Zeke’s cheek. Now, go get ‘em, you lovable tosser! Zeke smiles back as Hilde turns and walks to class.

    In class, Zeke sits down in his chair and places his feathered bonnet on his desk. Zeke hears people chuckling, before tilting his head to the left and seeing as several other students stare at him, chuckling. Zeke asks, What? You got a problem? One of the students, with light brown hair, approaches Zeke. Oh no, no. I’m just a bit confused, the student says. The student sits atop Zeke’s desk and dusts the hat off. It’s just, most Scottish usually have beards. Red-hair. And a very bad, peasant-ish attitude, the student says.  Zeke, unamused from the student’s stereotypical antics, takes a deep breath. Y’know, most Rich kids go to Private Schools, where their parents ship them out with Silver Spoons in their mouths, and a silver dick up their arse, Zeke replies. The student scoffs, Then what are you doing here, Rich boy?

    Zeke struggles to keep calm, "To place uneducated morons like you in their place. For instance, you and your so-called mates over there, you only judge people by the way they look. The way they talk, and the way they act. If you actually took time to actually do your research, which you never do Archie, then you’d see that events like Heritage Week bring cultures from all over the globe for people to learn and celebrate. Now, get the fuck off my desk before I slam that crooked nose o’ yers on that chair and put it into a proper position." Archie, nervous, gets off Zeke’s desk.

    Okay, students, Mr. Wemble says, Since Mrs. Brinksley is out for a couple months due to her pregnancy, we’ll have to cancel your projects that are due next week. All of the students in the room cheer, except for Zeke, who slowly shakes his head. All of that work, for nothing. Bloody hell.

    Zeke then takes out his phone and begins to text Cadence. He types, I’m a bit sad that Hilde didn’t do anything for Heritage Week… I kind of wish I could help her find something. Zeke then sends the text to Cadence. Dots appear on the screen as Zeke waits for Cadence to reply. Cadence responds over text, which reads, Yeah… I feel bad that she only has ONE thing to go on. I’m sure there’s more than just German in her family heritage. Zeke texts back, Yeah… It doesn’t help that her parents died when she was just like two months old. And her aunt and uncle don’t talk about them. Zeke once again waits for Cadence to respond, before reading, Meet me after school at my house. ;) Zeke smiles. Mr. Oxton! Put your phone away! Class is in session! Mr. Wemble yells. Oh, sorry, Mr. Wemble! Zeke says as he quickly places his phone in his backpack, before reaching for a notebook and a pencil.

    He places the notebook and pencil on his desk and opens it as he reaches over to his right side to pick up his hat. Okay, students. Now tell me where you were last in our lesson, Mr. Wemble says. From the back of the class, Jorge yells, Sir! I believe we were at the part where we were talking about finding evidence to prove claims! Thank you, Mister Mapagoso, Mr. Wemble replies. So, Mr. Wemble says, clearing his throat, In situations of dire consequences, such as crime, the first thing that the System such as Law will look for is proof. Mr. Wemble grabs a marker and begins drawing on the board.

    Let’s say that one of you in this moronic lot the school are supposed to call ‘students’ is falsely accused of committing a crime. Crime such as Rape, Murder, Theft, or Battery. If there is proof that one commits these crimes, such as DNA at the scene of the crime, surveillance footage, or Key Eyewitnesses, then that person will be convicted of that crime, and sent to prison for a good amount of his or her life. But, if there is no proof that you committed these crimes, and proof that you didn’t do them, then that person will be found… Innocent.

    Zeke continues to write notes, before looking up from his paper and raising his right arm, with his pencil in the hand attached. Yes, Mister Oxton? Mr. Wemble asks. Yes, I had one question, Zeke says, before putting his hand back down. Go ahead, Mr. Wemble says. Zeke curiously asks, I hardly doubt that this type of situation has been recorded before, but what if someone manage to extract DNA from someone and used their DNA to cover their own DNA and that person is convicted for a crime they didn’t commit? Stern, Mr. Wemble replies, You are correct, Mr. Oxton, that type of situation has hardly been recorded. But to answer your question on the situation, I would say that unless the perpetrator confesses to his or her crime, then I’m sorry to say that that person will be wrongly convicted and sentenced to whatever crime he has been convicted of. Granted, their alibi doesn’t check out. Zeke then thinks, before writing down notes. Zeke looks back up, Thank you, Mr. Wemble. You’re welcome, Mr. Oxton… Next Question! Mr. Wemble asks. Yes, what other situation can these proofs be found? a student asks from the back. Ask your science teacher, Casey, Mr. Wemble replies, and some students begin to chuckle at.

    At the end of the school day, Hilde walks with Cadence down the street to her home, which is among the houses placed in a row. I hope it’s alright that I invited you and Zeke to go over to my house in about two hours, Cadence says. It’s alright, Katie. It actually gives him time to work on his martial arts at Artie’s papa’s gym, Hilde replies, And it gives us time to work on our assignments for Mrs. Spacker’s class. Yeah, Cadence says. Cadence then thinks, before shifting her eyes to Hilde, I’ll be honest Hilde, Zeke and I were gonna try and help you learn more about your heritage. We think that there might be something more than just German and British in you. Hilde sighs in annoyance, I told you, I don’t want to do Heritage Week! Come on Hilde, at least let us look into it, Cadence pleas. Hilde sighs, Fine. But if we don’t find anything by tomorrow, just drop it. Deal, Cadence replies.

    At Boxworth’s Gym, Zeke fights someone in a boxing ring, and is punched in the face, causing him to sway to his left. Again! Mr. Smith says. Zeke then covers his face as the other boxer repeatedly punches him. Fist coming in from the left, and fist coming in from the right. Zeke looks down to the floor, before yelling and breaking his cover and repeatedly punches the fellow boxer in the face, pushing him back to the edge of the ring. Proud and excited, Mr. Smith encourages Zeke, Go ahead, boy! Show him what I taught you! Zeke manages to punch the boxer in the face, causing one of the boxer’s front teeth to go flying out of his mouth, which flies and hits a chain, before landing on the top of a punching bag. The boxer falls to the ground, unconscious, and Zeke begins to pant as he places his hands on his knees.

    You alright there, champ?, Mr. Smith asks, That was one hell of a knockout. Mr. Smith then waves his left arm and signals his son, Arthur, to look for the missing tooth. Thanks, Mister Smith, Zeke says, regaining some of his energy as he still pants. "How many times have I’ve told you, lad? Call me Boxworth, Mr. Smith requests. Sorry, Mister Boxworth, Zeke replies. Mr. Smith then hands Zeke a towel. Thanks, Zeke says, as he uses the towel to wipe the sweat off his back and head. You’ve made me proud right there, Zeke. I’m sure that your father would be proud too, Mr. Smith compliments. I bet, Zeke says as his panting begins to cease, I just wish he were still here." Mr. Smith hands Zeke a plastic water bottle, and Zeke begins to drink from it.

    I bet it must be hard for your mum to raise Nine bloody children all on ‘er own, Mr. Smith comments. Zeke then gulps down water and lets out a sigh, Yeah, luckily me mum’s cousins are helping us. I can’t imagine what she would do with two fourteen-year-olds, two twelve-year-olds, a nine-year-old, seven-year-old, two five-year-olds, and four-year-old. She would’ve lost her bloody mind. Mr. Smith chuckles, before patting Zeke on the back and says, Well whatever happens later in life, just know that you’ve made me and your mum proud. Zeke nods as he turns to Mr. Smith, Thanks, Mister Boxworth. Mr. Smith pats Zeke on the back, Get dressed kid. With a knockout like that, you deserve the rest of the day off. Thanks, Mister Boxworth, Zeke replies. Zeke then walks over to the edge of the ring and climbs out.

    At Cadence’s home in Wandsworth, Zeke walks up the steps to the front door as he finishes zipping up his brown jacket. Zeke then raises his left arm and knocks on the door five times, before clearing his throat. The door opens, and a tall mustached man appears in the doorway, with the hallway behind him dimly lit. Good Afternoon, Mister Donatowicz, I’m here to see Cadence and Hildegard, Zeke says. Come on in, Ezekiel. You’re always welcome here, Dr. Krzys Donatowicz replies, with a welcoming tone in his voice. Thank you, Mister Donatowicz, Zeke says as Krzys steps aside and lets Zeke in.

    Krzys then closes the door, and then yells out, Katie! twoja przyjaciółka jest tutaj! Już idę, tato! Cadence yells as she runs down the main stairs, with loud thumps on each stair as she descends from the third floor. Cadence then approaches Zeke and hugs him. Spokojnie, moja córko. Może być twoim przyjacielem, ale nie pozwolę takiemu chłopcu zbliżyć się do ciebie. Przynajmniej nie w twoim wieku, Krzys says, with a jokingly, but serious attitude. Tato, nie martw się, Cadence says, trying to reassure her father. Krzys then looks at Zeke, and nods, before walking away.

    Zeke then turns to Cadence, What does that mean? Cadence smiles, before replying, Don’t worry about it, he’s just an old man making a bad joke. From the other room, Krzys says out loud, Słyszę Cię! Cadence then nods towards the stairs, Come, Hilde’s waiting for us. Zeke then follows Cadence up the stairs, with Cadence still smiling. Zeke then follows close behind, and accidentally bumps into her.

    Both enter Cadence’s room, with Cadence closing the door behind them. Took you two long enough, Hilde says. Oh, don’t be like that, Hilde, Zeke responds. Hilde then stares at Zeke and shifts her eyes to Cadence, and back to Zeke again. So I suppose that you two are gonna help me find more to my family than I know of? Hilde asks unenthusiastically. Yes, Zeke replies with little enthusiasm. So where do we begin then? Hilde asks. The trio think. Hilde lays her back down onto Cadence’s bed, with the soft linen on her blanket scratching the back of her head. Zeke then walks over and sits down in Cadence’s desk chair.

    Cadence thinks, before asking, Hey Zeke, your mum has clearance into London’s Records Building, right? Zeke replies doubtfully, Yeah, she does. But, I don’t think she’ll wanna let three teenagers into a government building. Well why not? Cadence asks. Zeke replies, Well, lemme ask. Lemme go home and ask me mum. If she says yes, I’ll text you to meet me at the London Records Building. Good enough for me, Hilde says as she sits up on the bed. Then it’s settled. Hilde and I will wait here as you ask your mum, Cadence says.

    An hour later in the London Records Building, Hilde, Zeke, and Cadence look through files. I can’t believe that they let us in, Cadence says, surprised. So am I. When I asked me mum, she said she wanted me to get a job with the government instead of following my so-called ‘stupid dream’ of becoming a boxer or whatever, Zeke responds. What the-, Hilde says curiously as she looks at a file. She raises the file up and looks down the row of file cabinets to Cadence and Zeke, Oi! Found that dipshit Spencer’s file! Invested and curious, Cadence responds, Oh, now I ‘ave got to see this, before walking to Hilde. Both women look at the file as they walk over to the table down the row from Zeke.

    Hmmph, Zeke quietly says as he looks down into the infinite file cabinet cubby and looks through each file by name. He then finds Hildegard’s File and lifts it from the endless number of files and opens it. He silently skims through it, before seeing the title of Princess in the file. Zeke slowly leads his eyes from the paper to Hilde in disbelief. You ‘ave got to be shittin’ me, he says before folding the paper in half. He then closes the file cabinet, before turning to the women and says out loud, This piece of paper says that the file is in a different hall! I’ll be right back! Zeke then walks away as both women look at him.

    Okay, luv! Hilde responds in the same tone. Both Cadence and Hilde simultaneously look down back at the file. Hilde places her finger in the middle of the page. Says here that Spencer was born to Zokarians, Hilde says, causing Cadence to laugh. Cadence tells Hilde, That explains why he dresses horribly. Hilde gasps in shock. Racism! Hilde blurts out while smiling, before placing her hands over her mouth. Oh come on Hilde, like you haven’t made a xenophobic joke before! Cadence says with sarcasm. I’m joking, Hilde responds with seriousness, For someone with an I-Q of Four-freaking-Hundred, you don’t take jokes targeted at you well, do you? Shut the fuck up, you slag, Cadence replies. Both women begin to chuckle, before Cadence places her elbows on the table and her knuckles on her cheeks. So, how is it with Zeke, luv? Cadence asks. Going well. He’s a very good man, Hilde replies. Anything else? Cadence asks with a smile. Hilde then smiles and blushes, Well… I did let him touch me baps the other day. Cadence gasps, before covering her mouth, then clapping her hands together in a congratulatory form.

    Zeke then returns with a copy of the paper, before placing it in front of the women. You bints won’t believe what I’ve found, Zeke says in a joking manner. What did you find? Hilde responds curiously. Zeke opens the file and takes out the copy. Some parts were redacted on this file, but, it says here that Hilde’s paternal nana was a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust, Zeke says. Bewildered, Hilde lunges forward and asks, Wait, what? Zeke then turns to Hilde. Yeah. I’ve found a file saying that your grand-mum, Rachel Freudenberger, was a German-Jewish inmate imprisoned in Auschwitz in Nineteen-Forty-Two and was liberated from the camp by The Soviets in Forty-Five. It also says here that after she was liberated, she returned to Germany where she met your grandfather, Gottfried Kunibert von Zidlitz. It also says here that Rachel was the last member of her family, as the rest were executed in various Concentration Camps during the Holocaust, Zeke pauses, I’m sorry, Hilde. It looks like here that you lost like... thirty-ish... family members in the Holocaust. Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and other family members.

    Hilde sits back and thinks, shocked. Well, that adds one more thing me and you have in common. We both descended from Holocaust Survivors, Cadence says ignorantly. Hilde continues to think, before turning back to Zeke. What of my father? Hilde asks inquisitively. "Um… It says here that he was born in Bavaria and was raised in Switzerland. I guess after Gottfried and Rachel were assassinated by Soviet assassins shortly before the formations of East and West Germany in Forty-Nine, your father’s last name was changed to Wilhelm to protect him from being detected by Soviets who were looking for him, Zeke says as he continues to read through it, amazed by what he’s reading. Huh, apparently after learning that his Maternal Family was killed during World War Two, he changed from Christianity to Judaism in memory of his deceased family. That’s… honestly one of the most noble things I’ve read in this file so far," he adds.

    That’s my father? Hilde says, in disbelief. Hand that to me, a curious Cadence asks as she grabs the files out of Zeke’s hands, and skims through it. Cholera jasna, Cadence says even more surprised, He’s right. Hilde then sits back and thinks, poking the inside of her left cheek with her tongue, Huh. You learn something new every day. Zeke and Cadence stare at Hilde, before Zeke asks, What are you going to do now, Hilde? Hilde stares back at Zeke, before shifting her eyes to look at the documents on the table. She stops poking her cheek, unsure, she says, Well maybe.... Hilde thinks for a moment, before continuing, I think I want to learn more about my family’s heritage a bit more than what it says here. Hilde then stares at Cadence. Katie, would you mind taking me to see the Rabbi at the Synagogue so I could talk to him? Maybe tomorrow? Hilde asks. Cadence smiles, Sure, Hilde. I’d love to. 

    At a nearby table, a grown man with slick black hair, his ear flinching from overhearing the teens, before lowering his book ever so slightly to reveal his blue eyes, and stares at Zeke, Hilde, and Cadence.

    Zeke then smiles, Hmmph. It sounds like you lovely ladies figured out the rest of your day, I’ll leave you two to it. Cadence and Hilde watch silently as Zeke grabs his backpack and places his homework in it, before placing it over his shoulder and walks away. Hilde and Cadence then stare at Zeke as he walks away before Hilde turns back to Cadence and stares at her. Defensive, Hilde asks, What are you looking at? Cadence shifts her eyes to Cadence and breaks her smile, Oh nothing, my bad, luv.

    As Zeke walks away, he walks by the man, who shifts his eyes from the girls to look at him. What are you staring at, bruv? Zeke asks, before bumping his right elbow on the man’s shoulder. Despite being irritated, the man doesn’t move. The man places his book in his right hand and closes it loudly, before placing it on the table. The man then reaches into his left pocket and grabs his phone. He then begins to text "Looks like we got more for The Day." The man then places his phone back in his pocket and gets up from his chair and walks away.

    Back at the table, Hilde then looks up with a realized look on her face, "I just realized something… how did that man get in the Records Hall? Cadence looks up at Hilde, surprised as well. Cadence then jerks her shoulder upwards, Records Keeper, maybe? Who knows. Hilde, confused, asks, You’re the smartest woman in England, how could you not know? Cadence, squints her eyes in annoyance and tells Hilde, Do you know or care for everyone at school? Remorseless, Hilde responds, No, I do not. That’s what I thought, blondie, Cadence says a little annoyed before continuing, My God. Hilde thinks, before leaning over to Cadence and whispers with concern, Are you on your period?"

    Cadence stares at Hilde, slightly embarrassed. She then grabs a piece of paper from her notebook, rips it off, and writes on it. She then hands the piece of paper. Hilde reads the word Yes on the paper. Hilde let’s out a faint chuckle, before Cadence humiliatingly whispers, How can you tell? Hilde smirks and whispers back, your demeanor is giving off a bit of the same vibes as that one trip to Disneyland. Whispering back, Cadence replies, Yeah… my mum suggested that I get one of those metal things in my arm to control my hormones. Are you gonna take it? Hilde asks. God, no! Cadence says, disgusted.


    Chapter 1:

    The Pot-Nosed Dragon

    Tuesday, September 25, 2012

    In the afternoon during a cloudy day, Hilde and Cadence walk up to the Wandsworth Synagogue. Cadence looks up to the sky, I think it might rain later. Yeah, I agree, Hilde replies. Cadence opens the red door to the Synagogue, and Hilde follows. Hilde closes the door and turns to face the darkened room. For a Synagogue, it’s a bit dark in here, in it? Hilde says, a little perturbed. Yeah, Rabbi Moskowitz must be having a small get together. He usually does this whenever he does that, Cadence answers, unamused of the dim lights in the Synagogue.

    Both women walk through the dimly lit Synagogue hallway, Hilde staring at the purple banners, with yellow steps running down the sides, and a Star-of-David in the middle of the banner, and a yellow ribbon hanging at the bottom. Both women continue to walk down a hallway, with a beam of light shining out of a door against the floor, stretching to the wall across the hallway. At least someone is here, Hilde says, a little nervous. We’re in a Jewish Synagogue, not a Satanic Church, Hilde. You’ll be safe, Cadence reassures Hilde.

    Both women approach the well-lit doorway, where Rabbi Abraham Moskowitz speaks to 5 other men and women, possibly family, possibly other Rabbis, possibly friends or those in need of guidance. Each of them are speaking in Hebrew, leaving Hilde in the dark of what they’re saying. "זטרווסטיות מוחלטת! Hilde looks at Cadence, calm and bewildered about what the men are saying. Pssst, what are they saying?, Hilde whispers. Cadence lightly shakes her head in disappointment and whispers back, Politics. Rabbi Moskowitz is talking about how the Prime Minister and the rise of taxes. Rabbi Moskowitz turns his head ever so slightly and sees Cadence and Hilde. Ah! Little עלמה Donatowicz! How are you? Rabbi Moskowitz asks, in a warm and welcoming voice. Hello, Rabbi Moskowitz! I’m doing fine, Cadence replies, acting to be happy to see him, though is really annoyed. Come in! Come in! Me and the other Rabbis were talking about how the Synagogue has to pay twice as much than other Churches for Taxes," Rabbi Moskowitz says.

    Both Cadence and Hilde begin to slowly walk into the well-lit room. As the women approach the Rabbis, Rabbi Abraham asks, Who’s your friend? Cadence places her hand on Hilde’s left shoulder and pats it as she responds, Oh, this is my friend from School, Hildegard. Cadence pauses, before continuing, We just found out yesterday that her dad’s family is Jewish! She wanted to learn a bit more about Jewish Culture and was wondering if you could help! With a smile on his face, Abraham Moskowitz signals Hilde to come closer to him, Come here, my dear. Let me get a good look at you.

    Hilde stares at Cadence, nervous than ever, before looking at the Rabbi and slowly approaches him. As she walks to him, she stares at the Rabbis sitting in their seats staring at her, smiling. Hilde finds it a little creepy, before she gets within two feet of Rabbi Moskowitz and slowly looks up. As she sees Rabbi Moskowitz’s dark brown beard, Grey eyes, tanned forehead and the White-and-dark blue Yarmulke on his head, she gulps. "You must be the little girl that little עלמה Donatowicz always talks about, Rabbi Moskowitz says, before placing his hand on her shoulder, then wrapping around the rest of his arm around her other shoulder. She speaks very highly of you, the Rabbi says, leading Hilde to the frames on the wall and continuing, See, ever since I was put in charge of this Synagogue, it has been my duty to guide others in the Jewish Religion and help them seek the answers inside of them. You, Miss… Hilde blurts out von Zidlitz-Holmes, uh, sir. Right, von Zidlitz. Anyways, Miss von Zidlitz, you came here with questions about the Jewish Religion, to come closer to your family, I assume, Rabbi Moskowitz says. Hilde stutters, Ye-yeah. Hilde continues saying, I found out that my grandma’s family died in the Holocaust, and she was the only survivor in her family, and I just wanted to… know what they were like, I guess. I see, Mr. Moskowitz says, The Holocaust was an awful tragedy. We all surely lost someone we loved in it. Me, I lost my grandmother and aunt."

    As Cadence leans against the wall next to the door, Hilde looks at Rabbi Moskowitz and asks, Where were you originally from, Mister Moskowitz? Oh me? My family was originally from Czechia, before they were arrested by the Nazis and sent to Birkenau. My grandfather and Father managed to survive. My point is, I empathize with your choice, Rabbi Moskowitz says. Hilde chuckles, before asking Rabbi Moskowitz, So you’ll help me? Oh sure, my young one, Rabbi Moskowitz replies. Cadence smiles, at Hilde, before she looks down. Rabbi Moskowitz then walks Hilde back over to the circle of Rabbis. Now my friends, this young woman wants our help in learning about Judaism. What do you say? Rabbi Moskowitz asks. I’d say let’s help this בלונדינית, ירוקת עיניים woman learn! One Rabbi delightedly says, in an excited tone. The other Rabbis nod in agreement and say Aye! in unison. Great!עלמה  Donatowicz, can you kindly lead עלמה von Zidlitz to my office? Rabbi Moskowitz asks. I’d love to, sir, Cadence responds. Cadence then lunges forwards off the wall, and signals Hilde to follow her. Both women then leave the room and walk towards Rabbi Moskowitz’s Office, walking down the dim-lit hallway once again.

    They seem nice, Hilde says shyly. Yeah, Rabbi Moskowitz is a really friendly man, Cadence replies. Both women walk down the hall in silence, overhearing as Rabbi Moskowitz ends his conversation with his fellow Rabbis. His Office should be down this hall, Cadence says, with her tone slightly risen. Hilde looks down at the ground and thinks silently to herself, before opening her mouth, trying to find the words to say. Katie? Hilde shyly blurts out. Yeah, Hilde? Cadence replies. Hilde thinks for a moment, before responding, Do you think that I could possibly become a Jew? Like, maybe join Judaism? Cadence stops, before turning to face Hilde, a little surprised by her response. Cadence stares at Hilde, and says, Sure!- I mean, you can. But you’d have to commit to it. I mean, you can’t just say ‘Aw, I’m a jew now!’; you have to really make sure you’d make the effort. I will, Hilde says. Cadence stares at Hilde, squinting her eyes as she thinks whether or not to believe her, You sure? Hilde shakes her head yes. Okay, you’re the boss, luv, Cadence replies, unenthusiastically, before she continues to walk to Rabbi Moskowitz’s Office.

    A few minutes later inside Rabbi Moskowitz’s Office, Hilde and Cadence await as Rabbi Moskowitz enters. Both women then hear as Rabbi Moskowitz opens and slams the door shut. Oi vey, those Rabbis may also be my family, but sometimes you just want a break from seeing your family, Rabbi Moskowitz says as he walks to his desk. Rabbi Moskowitz sits down in his chair and pulls it up to the desk, before placing his hands on it. Okay, so you want to learn more about Judaism, correct? Moskowitz says.

    Well, actually Mr. Moskowitz, I was actually hoping to maybe…, Hilde says, unsure of what to say next and balancing her crossed arms in front of her, ... convert to Judaism instead? Rabbi Moskowitz is surprised, fondly responds, Ah, I see. I would gladly help you on your journey. But may I ask, are your parents okay with it? Hilde then looks down, as Cadence tells the Rabbi, She was orphaned when she was a baby, and was raised by her aunt and uncle. Rabbi Moskowitz pauses a moment, before responding, I’m sorry to hear that.

    So how long would the conversion take? Hilde asks, curiously and impatiently. Cadence rolls her eyes, before Rabbi Moskowitz says a little annoyed, Do you think things like these happen overnight? It’ll take weeks! Maybe even years! A little embarrassed, Hilde says, Sorry, I’m not good with stuff like this. Rabbi Moskowitz lightly shakes his head, before sarcastically saying, You’re lucky that the Torah teaches us forgiveness, or I’d have you kicked out right away! Hilde then shifts her eyes down, still embarrassed of what she said. I think I’m gonna go now, Hilde says nervously.

    Come back any time you girls have questions, alright? Rabbi Moskowitz says as he sits back, putting his fingers together. Cadence and Hilde stand up from their chairs and begin to walk to the door. Cadence turns her hair and faces Rabbi Moskowitz and graciously says, Thanks for the lit’le meeting, Rabbi Moskowitz. Cheers! Hilde opens the Office Door and walks out with Cadence behind her. Cadence then closes the door. Hmmph, those young girls, Rabbi Moskowitz says, before opening a drawer on the left side of his desk, taking out some papers. He places them on the table and grabs his pen, before he begins to write on the papers.

    Outside the Synagogue, Hilde looks down on the ground, and Cadence stares at her, concerned. You alright, luv? Cadence asks. Yeah, just still embarrassed for my reckless impatience, Hilde replies, self-conscious. Cadence places her right arm around Hilde’s back and hugs her. It’s alright, luv. You shouldn’t let things like that get to you. That reminds me… There are three types of Synagogues that Jews go to, Cadence says, shifting her tone from sympathetic to happily. Oh? Hilde asks curiously. Yeah, there’s Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform, Cadence says, before staring at Hilde, "But I think Reform would suit you best. The other ones are more traditional, and I know that you like to think of yourself as the Liberated type of gal, so Reform will be the least restrictive. Hilde shifts her green eyes to face Cadence’s blue eyes, and graciously tells her, Thanks, Katie. You’re a good friend. Hilde then hugs Cadence back, as Cadence stares to the ground, hiding something. Yeah," Cadence says.

    In The Oxton Household, Zeke continues to do his homework in his room, which happens to be the poorly-lit attic, with only the desk lamp to light the room. Zeke continues to write down what he thinks is the best solution to dissolve Mustard Gas. a loud thump comes from directly beneath him. Zeke, luv! Come help with your sister! Zeke’s mother, Emily, shouts. Coming! Zeke shouts back, before putting down his pencil and gets up from his desk. He then walks over to the wooden stairway, with the exposed wall and rushes down the stairs. He opens the white door to the attic and runs out. The door closes by itself, leaving only the shine of the desk lamp to show the worn-out wood-brown of the room.

    Zeke places his hand on the black stairway-railing and zooms down the pearly-white staircase all the way down to the first floor. Zeke then enters the kitchen, where Zeke’s mother is helping Mrs. Windsor with a turkey in the oven. Bloody hell, we burnt it, Emily says as steam and traces of smoke pass through her Brownish-blonde hair as she and Mrs. Windsor pull out the turkey, causing Mrs. Windsor to cough from the smoke. Emily then rushes to place the tin tray holding the turkey on the kitchen table. Coughing, Emily struggles to say, Mikey darling, can you open a window? We wouldn’t want the alarms to go off, would we? Yes, mum, Zeke’s twin brother Michael says, as he walks through the kitchen and opens a window, allowing the smoke to flow on out. Zeke walks over to a little plastic table, where his younger sister Elizabeth sits, playing with a plastic tea set.

    Ello, little bairn, what are you up to, ‘ere? Zeke says in an adult-to-childish voice to Elizabeth. Elizabeth directs her blue eyes at Zeke, causing her golden-blonde hair to shift to her side, and smiles, Ello, big brother. I’m ‘avin’ a tea party with me friends. Oh, a tea party! May I join? Zeke asks, playing along with Elizabeth. Elizabeth smiles and nods her head. Zeke then sits down and crosses his legs. He then reaches for a teacup, only for Elizabeth to make a frown on her face. Zeke notices and calmly asks, Did I do something wrong? Elizabeth then shakes her head, and Zeke reaches for the teacup, while staring at Elizabeth. Elizabeth then looks down to the floor, with her frown slightly breaking and she repeatedly puts her arms down. Okay, then, Zeke says, confused by Elizabeth’s movement. Zeke then places the teacup back down on the plastic table, before standing up. As Zeke walks away, Elizabeth looks back to the teacup set on the table and says, Goober Tea Flower, Goober Tea Flower, to herself, and repeatedly says it, causing her to chuckle a bit. Zeke is confused as he overhears the phrase.

    Zeke approaches his mother, who continues to wipe away the smoke coming from the turkey. As Zeke approaches her, she turns her head to him, revealing her Crystal-blue eyes as she continues to wipe away the smoke. I can’t believe Lit’le Lizzie’s already four, mum, Zeke says, in disbelief. Yeah, well, time passes really quickly, luv. Soon, she’ll be five, Emily replies. Emily places the oven mitt on the table, before placing her right hand around Zeke’s head, and brings his head in and kisses him on the side of his head, before hugging him and says, How do you think I felt when I realized my first baby became a teen, hm? Both Zeke and Emily smile.

    The elderly Mrs. Windsor puts some baster juices on the turkey, before sighing. Mrs. Windsor turns to Emily, We’ll just have to eat the bloody turkey like this. It isn’t really salvageable. Emily turns to Mrs. Windsor and tells her, I’ll go out and get something to eat. You sure, Emily? Who’ll watch the children? Mrs. Windsor says. Emily let’s go of Zeke and begins to take off her apron, before telling Mrs. Windsor, Zeke and Michael can watch the kids. Besides, Jack should be home any minute, now. Mrs. Windsor thinks, before asking, What should we get to eat? As Emily places her flower-printed apron on a hook on the pantry door, she takes a moment to think, before suggesting, Mmm, Shake Shack? We could get some fast-food for the kids, and we’ll get some nicer nourishments for us and Jack. What do you think? I’d say let’s get out of here, before the kids start to grow rowdy, Mrs. Windsor says, staring at Zeke, Michael, and Elizabeth, tired. Let’s leg it, Emily says, before reaching for her brown-overcoat and puts it on, before putting her purse over her left shoulder.

    Emily then walks out into the main hallway and walks towards the door. Zeke! Mikey! Watch all the kids till me or Cousin Jack get back! Emily shouts as she opens the door. From the other room, Zeke shouts, Okay, mum! Mrs. Windsor then walks to the front door as Emily holds it open. Mrs. Windsor walks out the door, and Emily closes it shut.

    An hour later, the wooden front door opens, and both Emily and Mrs. Windsor walk in, carrying several bags of food. For Christ’s sake, Emily says, a little frustrated, before yelling Can someone come and help?! Coming, ma! Michael shouts as he jogs down the hall to the door. Michael dips down as Emily places the plastic bags in Michael’s arms, who turns and carries them over to the kitchen table. Emily then walks down the hall, looks up and shouts, Food’s ‘ere! Emily then walks into the kitchen to put down the plastic bags.

    Within seconds, five rowdy children charge down the staircase from as far as the third floor of the home. As one of the youngest of these delightful children, Amy-Evie, reaches the bottom of the stairs first, accidentally bumping into Zeke, causing him to lose his balance and fall over. Before Zeke knows it, the horrifying sight of four other children trample over him, rushing to the kitchen to receive the food that their mother had brought them. Ow! Sunnuva-! Zeke shouts as the eldest, Natalia, steps on his stomach. Zeke winces as he reaches for his stomach, feeling the excruciating pain from his brothers and sisters stomping all over his arms, legs, and torso. Zeke then slowly reaches for the air with his head. As he slowly gets up, he is approached from behind by Natalia. Natalia walks in front of Zeke and kneels down, before reaching her hand out. Need some help there? Natalia asks politely. Thanks, Nat, Zeke responds, as he reaches his hand out to meet hers. Natalia then stands up and pulls Zeke up off the floor. Zeke then walks over to the kitchen, with a slight limp on his right leg.

    In the kitchen, as Emily’s children reach over to grab their food in a complete frenzy, yelling whose food is theirs, Jack walks in. Oi! Oi! Oi! Aee! Aee! Is this how children in a nice Borough act? Bloody ‘ell! Jack yells, as he tries to make his way to the table over the sea of children. Zeke walks over to the kitchen table, places his plate of food on the table and pulls out a chair.

    He begins to pray as the others join him at the table. Woah there, mate. Wait till we get here to start prayin’, eh guv, Jack says, as he sits down, right next to Zeke, with a bit of a pulled-back manner. Zeke then stops praying and turns to Jack, Sorry, Cousin Jack. Zeke then pulls up his chair ever so slightly as Jack looks up to see Emily and John walk behind him and sit down in the chairs next to Zeke. Jack then looks around the table, seeing as everyone has seated. Jack looks down his row on the table to see Zeke, Emily, John, Elizabeth, & Annabelle sitting beside him. Jack then looks over to see Mrs. Windsor, Natalia, Georgio, Zachary, Amy-Evie, & Michael sitting in the other row. Jack then smiles, before raising his voice to calm everyone down, Is everybody ready? Everybody looks at Jack. Jack then places his hands together. Jack then closes his eyes and nods his head forward. Jack then uses his left elbow to bump Zeke’s right arm, before whispering, That’s your cue, Jimmy.

    Zeke then shifts his head and smirks, before facing his closed eyes at his hands and begins to pray. Our Father in Heaven, thank you for the wonderful meal that our mother has brought us for this evening. May we enjoy our meal, so that we may continue to serve our lord with a full stomach later in the future. Amen, Zeke says. In unison, everyone repeated after Zeke, Amen. Quietly, everyone begins to dig into their meals. As the children begin to open their wrappers, Emily looks to Zeke and lunges towards his left ear and whispers, I’m so proud of you, my baby boy, before smiling. As Zeke fusses with the wrapper, he smiles.

    So, I ‘ear Georgio got in trouble at the daycare today, Mrs. Windsor says. A little annoyed and concerned, Emily raises her left brow and shifts her blue eyes to face Georgio. Georgio, staring at his adoptive mother with a frightened look, anxiously lowers his head from the table, almost as if he was about to fall out of the chair like slime. Emily then stares back at her food as she cuts it with a knife, What did ‘e do? As the children and Jack begin to eat their meals, Mrs. Windsor says with a disappointed tone in her voice, I ‘eard that he pushed a girl into another young lad and laughed at them, before singing that awful ‘kissing’ tune. Emily stops cutting her food and places her utensils down on the table, before she once again shifting her eyes to Georgio, who has disappeared from his seat.

    Georgio! Come o’er ‘ere, young lad!, Emily says, sternly. A loud thump comes from under the table, before the struggle of a five-year-old boy crawling underneath the table makes its way to Emily’s chair. Emily then bends her back to her side and lifts the table cover, revealing an anxious Georgio. Emily smiles. What did we say about treating other people?, she asks in a calm manner. To treat ot’ers the way you’d wish to be trea’id, Georgio responds. That’s right, young man. Now, come up and join the family before your supper gets cold, Emily says. Georgio, calmly says, Yes, mum. Emily lowers the cover, before Georgio crawls back to his side of the table and climbs into his seat.

    Mrs. Windsor takes a bite out of her salad, before looking over to see John sucking off grease from his fingers. Blimey! Johnny, where’s your food? Mrs. Windsor says curiously. John smiles, before patting his belly. Impressed, Mrs. Windsor continues, Slow down there, or you’ll get fat like my son, here. Jack points his blue eyes at his mother, insulted. Mum! I’m literally skinnier than Emily! Jack says in a rushed and quiet voice. Mrs. Windsor reaches her head forward and whispers to Jack, I was just joking, son. Emily, overhearing and insulted, joins in, by simply smiling and flipping Jack off. Zeke chuckles as Zachary bursts out into laughter, before getting bits of catsup on his black, black hair. Dammit, Zach, Michael says with little-to-none frustration, as he puts down his napkin on the table and gets up, before walking to Zachary to clean him up.

    Zeke then looks down the row to see Elizabeth playing with her food. Zeke smiles, before staring and listening in as Natalia and Annabelle hold a pointless argument over a boy at school. Zeke hears a metal cling on the table, before hearing Elizabeth starting to cry. Zeke looks over to Elizabeth once again and sees mashed potatoes covering her face, with bits of potatoes trailing to Georgio’s spoon. Dammit, Georgio! Zeke says softly, before getting up out of his chair and walking over to Elizabeth. He then picks Elizabeth up from her chair, before cradling her in his arms. It’s okay, Lizzie. It’s okay. Georgio didn’t mean to do that. It’s Okay, Zeke whispers to try and calm her, as she slowly stops crying and whimpers.

    Zeke then opens his eyes to Georgio holding another spoonful of mashed potatoes, before he lets go of the spoon, causing the potatoes to fly straight into Zeke’s eyes. Zeke shouts as he falls to the floor with Elizabeth still in his arms. Elizabeth begins to bawl, before Jack walks over to Georgio and grabs him by his arm and escorts him out of the dining room, angered and frustrated. While cradling Elizabeth, Zeke uses his right hand to wipe the potatoes from his eyes. I’ll get you back, you lit’le bastard, Zeke says quietly to himself, with a lightly vengeful tone in his voice, though he is not overly angered. He’s only joking, he hopes.

    Zeke gets up off the floor and grabs Elizabeth’s plate of food. He then walks out of the dining room and down the hall towards the stairs, with the wood planks that make up the floor creaking on each step Zeke takes. Zeke then climbs up the stairs, with Elizabeth in his left arm, and her food in his right. Zeke climbs to the third floor and walks down the hall towards the attic, but stops at a doorway to his left. He turns to Elizabeth. Lizzie, do you mind opening the door for me? He calmly asks. Elizabeth nods and Zeke kneels to let Elizabeth open the door. She turns the handle and pulls the door open. Ta, Zeke says, before standing straight up.

    Zeke walks into Elizabeth’s room and places her on her bed, as she sucks her thumb, calming down. Zeke proceeds to sit next to Elizabeth on her bed. You alright, Lizzie? Zeke says in the best he can do for a nurturing voice. Elizabeth shakes her head up-and-down, still sucking on her thumb. Zeke smiles, before putting her plate of food in front of her and offering to feed her food to her. Elizabeth shakes her head yes, before Zeke tears off a small part of her burger and feeds it to her. Elizabeth then chews on her food, before swallowing it. Thanks, brother, Elizabeth says, as she stops crying. You’re welcome, Lizzie, Zeke replies. Zeke then places his right hand behind Elizabeth’s head and lunges forward, giving her a small kiss on the forehead. You feeling better? Zeke asks. Elizabeth shakes her head yes again. Zeke smiles, before looking down at his knees, preparing to leave the room.

    Zege? Elizabeth mewls. Zeke stares at Elizabeth, who takes her thumb out of her mouth, but not away from her face, Yes, Lizzie? Elizabeth struggles to make eye contact with Zeke and asks, Could you weed me a bed-tie sto-wee? Zeke thinks for a split second, before responding, Anything for my baby sis.

    Zeke lies down next to Elizabeth, removing her plate from the bed before staring up to the ceiling. Zeke doses off into space, before exhaling through his nose. Okay, he says, Did you ever hear the story of the Pot-nosed Dragon? Zeke stares at Elizabeth, who shakes her head no. Zeke returns to look at the ceiling before continuing:

    "Once upon a time, in the icy regions of the country of Sweden, there lived a dragon known as the ‘Pot-Nosed Dragon’. The Pot-Nosed Dragon, or Smelly as the Swedes called him, Elizabeth chuckles, before Zeke continues, lived in a cave, not far-off from a fishing village. Once a week, Smelly would come down to the freezing Villagers and ask them for food to eat. The villagers graciously gave him the best fish they could fish out of the Baltic Sea. See, the Villagers had a deal with Smelly. And that deal was that they would give him food, as long as he warmed up the homes of the villagers. Zeke pauses, before continuing, One Day, a snowflake got into Smelly’s pot-shaped nose, causing him to sneeze so hard, he accidentally set the whole village on fire! Elizabeth gasps and stares at Zeke, who smiles. Sadly, with the village burnt to the snowy ground, there was no food for the villagers to trade with Smelly. So they chased him away, Zeke says. Poor Smewy," Elizabeth says.

    Zeke continues, So Smelly returned to his cave, which smelled of rotted cheese and expired milk! Ewwwwww! Elizabeth says, as Zeke chuckles, before continuing, So Smelly packed up his junk into a small bag that he hoisted over his back and flew away from his cave. He traveled for hours and hours, searching for a new home near the Baltic Sea. He even traveled as far as to the next day! After hours of searching, Smelly decided to give up, before finding a small village on the island of Neu Germania called ‘Burgen-steen’. The villagers of Burgenstein thought that Smelly was a bad dragon and had chased him away from the village. Sad that no one wanted him, Smelly left the Baltic Sea and expanded to other places that covered a good chunk of Europe. Everywhere he traveled, nobody wanted Smelly. In Paris, the French attacked Smelly with Baguettes! In Rome, the Italians threw their plates of pasta at him! In Madrid, the Matridors sent their bulls to chase Smelly away! In Stuttgart, the Germans-... Well… not exactly friendly things can be said about how they chased Smelly away.

    Elizabeth chuckles softly, before Zeke continues, So for days, Smelly flew around Europe, just wanting to find a new home. One day, while flying West towards Iceland, Smelly found a small, egotistical island known as Ireland. In Ireland, the Irish were happy to take Smelly into their homes, as long as he was friendly with them, and didn’t eat their sheep! Happy that he found a new home, Smelly began to play with the villagers, even allowing the children to climb on his tail and slide down and climb into his cavernous Pot-shaped nose. The End. Now, Lizzie, the moral of the story is that while people may turn against you for your mistakes or accidents, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. You just need to wait for opportunities that will allow you to be accepted by them again.

    Zeke overhears snoring, before turning to see that Elizabeth had fallen asleep. Zeke then kisses her on her forehead, before tucking her in bed. Zeke then walks over to Elizabeth’s door and turns on a not-too bright night-light, before closing the door. Zeke then turns back to see Emily down the hall smiling at him, while holding a sleeping Amy-Evie in her arms. Zeke nods to his mother, before walking back to his room in the attic. Zeke then takes off his shirt and looks out of the attic window, with his smile all but erased from his face. Zeke then walks over to his bed and climbs in. He stares up towards the ceiling, before repeating the morale of the story he told Elizabeth in his head, to himself.

    Chapter 2:

    The Attack

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012

    The Next Day at School, Zeke slips as he walks to his locker and lands on his back. Irked, Zeke sits up and sees a banana peel on the floor. Fucking hell, Zeke says, quietly. Zeke looks up to see Archie looking down at him, giggling. With an angered look on his face, Zeke gets up off of the floor and gets in Archie’s face. What, you got a problem? Zeke says, angered. No. Cause that was the smoothest prank that I’ve seen all week, Archie says, struggling to contain his giggling. Zeke angrily stares at Archie, You wanna take this outside, bruv? Zeke clenches his fist and raises it, as Archie prepares to defend himself.

    Before Zeke can pull back his arm to land a punch in Archie’s face, a flash of brown hair and pale skin rushes between Zeke and Archie. It’s Arthur. Easy there, mates. You wouldn’t want to be kicked out of school! Especially on Heritage Week! Arthur says, trying his best to calm down both Zeke and Archie. Archie makes a face that mocks Zeke. Enraged, Zeke shouts, Oh, you wanna go? I’ll fuck you up!

    As a crowd begins to form between the three men, Arthur turns to Zeke and shouts, Think to what Mister Boxworth taught you, Zeke! This isn’t what Boxworth’s Boxing stands for! Zeke looks at Arthur and calms down. Right. Right, Zeke says, calming down. Zeke stares at Archie, who once again makes a mocking gesture as he walks away. Zeke raises his left arm and clenches his thumb, index finger, and pinky, only showing his pointer and middle finger, flipping Archie off, before walking away.

    As the crowd begins to break off, revealing both Cadence and another one of Hilde’s friends, Felicity. Both women continue to stare as Zeke and Arthur walk away to class. Without turning to face her, Cadence tells Felicity, Probably a little too late to tell Zeke that I was the one who put the peel on the floor, in’it? Felicity slightly tilts her head towards Cadence, still staring at Zeke and replies, Aye. Bet’er a-pole-a-gize a’fore Zeke puts Archie in’ casket. You’re probably right, Felicity, Cadence says, accepting Felicity’s advice. Before Cadence could take a step in Zeke’s direction, a pair of hands covers her eyes. Guess who? Hilde asks. Cadence, with no smile on her face, turns to face Hilde, who removes her hands from Cadence’s face. Cadence then examines Hilde, finding a kippot, a white-buttoned up shirt, and a black skirt. Hilde simpers, while Cadence is left shocked. You’ve certainly been busy, Hilde, Cadence says, impressed by Hilde’s attire. Hilde pats her hands down on her skirt, as Felicity turns as well, surprised by Hilde’s choice of clothing. My God, Hilde. No’ bad, Felicity says, See you cheeky wankers in class. Felicity then walks away.

    Cadence turns to Hilde with a stern look and asks, Pop Quiz. What is the name of the book Judaism follows? The Torah, obviously, Hilde says in a cocky manner. Who founded Judaism? Cadence asks. Abraham, Hilde says. Cadence smirks, before informing Hilde, Okay, those ones were easy questions. Now for one of the deepest questions to prove to see if you really know Jewish beliefs. Hilde stretches her arms to her side and lets them fall. Lay it on me, she says.

    Cadence stares at Hilde dubiously, before blurting out, why does a Jew celebrate Hanukkah? And what makes them different from Christianity? Hilde stares at Cadence for a moment, trying to think of the words that just came out of her friend’s mouth. She opens her mouth and inhales, before pausing. Hilde then says, We celebrate Hanukkah to commemorate the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem. Which, according to history, is where we stood up against our Greek and Syrian oppressors during the… Maccabean? The Maccabean Revolt. And we celebrate for eight days because while they only ‘ad enough oil to light a lamp for one day, the oil lasted eight days. As for what separates us from Christians, I believe that we have more traditional ways of celebrating God, and we believe that God never came down to Earth in a human form. That ‘God’ enough for you? Cadence continues to squint and stare at Hilde before smirking. Not bad, blondette, Cadence says. Cadence then lets out a small chuckle, before hugging Hilde and pulling her in closer to her. Both women begin to walk to class.

    Outside the schools’ gym, various students run on a track-and-field obstacle course. A student struggles to get over a hurdle, before falling onto the track. Zeke manages to hop over the student and jumps over the hurdle with ease. Zeke runs down the track and makes it to the tire-pit. Zeke then stops and kneels down. He takes out a packet of gum and opens it, before putting the stick of gum in his mouth. Zeke then begins to tie his shoe, before being approached from behind by his friend of Chinese-Hong Kong Heritage, Zan Hu. Why did you put a stick of gum in your mouth, mate? Zan asks. Zeke finishes tying his shoe, before standing back up, only to kneel down once more, preparing a starting run. Because. It helps with distractions, Zeke says, in no mood to talk. Zeke then begins running through the tire-pit with ease. Zan follows him, and both manage to knock out the entire obstacle course. Coach Grimsby then takes note of Zeke and Zan’s time, looking at her stopwatch to make sure she saw the right time: ‘00.12.19’. Zeke and Zan then stop.

    As Zan stretches his back, Zeke places his hands on his knees and pants. Struggling to maintain his breath, Zan sharply says, You know, it’s no’ fair for a well-developed teen like you to be left behind with wee twigs like us, eh? regaining his breath, Zeke begins to chuckle. Man, must be embarrassing that you lost to the likes o’ me, in’it? Zeke stands back up, placing his hands behind his head. Damn. Let’s go check what our time was, mate, Zan suggests. Zeke and Zan walk over to Coach Grimsby, who looks up to see the two boys approaching her. Are you boys wondering what your time is? Coach Grimsby asks, with her voice sounding like she’s scrunching up the top of her mouth and her nose together, though it was in fact her normal speaking voice. Yeah, I suppose, Zeke says, staring at Zan and back to her, squinting his eyes to keep the sun out of them, and his hands on his hips. Hmmph, Coach Grimsby lets out, before saying, Rounded up to about twelve seconds. Some of the gathering students then clap and cheer. Zeke looks around, waving his hand, trying to act like some kind of celebrity. Coach Grimsby then shouts, Alright! Everybody line up to hear what your times were!

    Zeke and Zan then walk away and sit down on a nearby bench. Suppose we should go to the showers to get the stench off for the next class, Zan suggests, while lying back on the bench alongside Zeke. "In a moment. Let’s enjoy our

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