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Opposites Attract
Opposites Attract
Opposites Attract
Ebook642 pages9 hours

Opposites Attract

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About this ebook

"Opposites Attract," is a culmination of the influence that the writers and animators of my childhood had upon me. It is also special as it was written during a time of grieving as my grandmother lost her battle with breast cancer. My hope is that families and readers will enjoy my take on the storylines that inspired me as a child. I would love to provide a similar experience in making emotional connections with the characters and be able to inspire other young minds as my role models inspired me to create this book.

Release dateApr 10, 2024
Opposites Attract

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    Book preview

    Opposites Attract - U.N.C.

    Chapter 1

    the first world

    This story begins on a planet called Zync. It’s just what seems like a regular day on Zync. We will start in a place called Averriah. Averriah is actually one of the biggest cities on Zync, starting off the action in a traditional building built for worship and gatherings. We open up with a girl about seventeen-years-old. With long, curly burgundy red hair that falls to her waist. Brown skin, dark gray eyes with purple for the eye color. Bushy eyebrows that connect to a button nose, and lips that make her look as if she is pouting. Her cheeks are always red. She stands at 5’4".

    She stands in a traditional two-story building. Long rugs with traditional symbols on them, hanging on the columns that hold up the second floor. The inside of the building is a dark brown color. There were five-foot fire lit lamps everywhere for light. The young girl was looking at a statue. A few young kids run in laughing.

    Lieme? a voice called out to her. She looked to see who it was, but she couldn’t see anyone. She smiled and braced herself for whatever was coming. Out of nowhere, a man appeared in front of her. He had long red hair and a somewhat long red beard and mustache. He stood at six-foot; he looked like the girl he appeared in front of. He was actually her father. She ran from him, he chased after her. The girl came up on a wall, she moved quickly running up the wall and jumping over her father. She was behind him. He stopped, he quickly turned around. The two of them started moving quickly around this building as if they were teleporting, but they weren’t disappearing.

    Tow seerrr, Lieme. Kon-la tsymo Li-ehm Ka’arrrmess lokeled. (You see, Lieme. this is the secret to Lokeled), he said.

    Lokeled is an ancient defense tactic.

    Their game was interrupted when an older woman stood in front of the girl Lieme.

    Liem –ko? she said.

    Mom? Liem-ko replies.

    Her mother then looks at Lieme’s dad. He smiles at her

    Kumon tow sesshee, tar o sung-la tim lakeem, which translates to come on, you two, lets go before we’re late). Tow ma dieted nee, (you stop messing around in buildings like these), said her mother, pulling Liem-ko out of the building. She looked like an older version of Liem-ko with smaller eyes.

    Keto eetaiga justeendietde, translation, but I wasn’t messing around, Maxii said to her mother.

    Keto kumwyaat (but nothing), her mother said.

    They walked to a new location. A grassy area, her mother was stressing because they were going to be late for a small gathering. It was a gathering for the new female leader, who was getting married to the male leader of the whole planet.

    Everyone was praying over her for good fortune and happiness.

    Oo frreindakashmana ko taliy-ahlow (Now let’s join the others), Liem-ko’s mother said. They all went up the grassy hill. There was a good group of about sixteen other people. One girl had a long, loose, medium gray wedding dress on. She was the new female leader. Lieme and her parents hugged her, they prayed for her, too. When all were done praying for her, she thanked them, then she began to pray, a prayer very familiar to the Zync people.

    O micreago. Ahlingatoe ni-e anmaykeyfano (Oh, mighty creator, lend me the strength to get through this), she said, Tone ah-nah eenine oakinmyka-ee frukimna sahasshka ninrrrass ah-ta’hisshminay foehso beloquinn-rutiikara’in ee aointafi’shinkanee batanreikehlosso (show me the reason as to why I’m here and what I am supposed to do).

    After she said that, she looked at Maxii.

    Eemopteem no towkonaam-crruma makachilo camo (I hope that you will do things by choice and not by force), she said to her.

    Liem-ko looked at her, then she said, Ee-nine’eh ku’rrrot ess-la Ee-mon makachilo (I’m not sure I have much of a choice).

    Lieme! both her mother and father said.

    Tow’mon leena-ah makachilo (You always have a choice), her father said.

    Maxii, Liem-ko, Lukima. Deted noma kon’hekoten-mishin lo (Maxii, Liem-ko, Lukima trained to protect this land), she thought to herself.

    So her middle name is Liem-ko. Her first name is Maxii

    Frontomay radoZync (From the planet Zync), S-cash’aehmess tokolahsrrrungo lutoosha esskima’neh ah (The most I can do is learn from the wise and the past mistakes).

    All the while, Liem-ko, or Maxii, was watching the people living their lives, old people sitting out on the porch, young kids playing, the middle-aged people doing their own tasks.

    Ee cara’hetrrie, ket makachilo sess no’hasha net’keh ha (I would do things by choice, but my path is already set).

    Maxii’s mother and father looked at each other.

    Liem-ko, Eh onlno doan tow’let-ah kim-iss’en lo (Liem-ko, I know what you’re thinking), her mother said.

    Ki no’hasha net’keh ha (My path is already set).

    Her father said, Eh mole-ta, deted will-la kon’hekoten-mishin lo (I was trained to protect this land).

    Both her parents said together, Beh-het seshee O sheh ledlo pal-led. Lose kenten mishin, let lose kenten kowla (There are two kinds of people on this planet. Those who protect, and those who create).

    Kon leh my no sca’ash. Rado iss lay sessh sheh pal-led het lose shian rah’lell makachilo, lo beh-let’na makachilo (That’s not true. The only two types of people on this planet are those who live with choice or without), the new female leader said.

    Maxii looked at her. The girl smiled at her, Maxii smiled back.

    Everyone got another hug from the new female leader of Zync. When that was done, everyone left the grassy hill.

    Maxii looked at the sky; it was orange, red, and hot pink. Maxii turned around and she went down the hill with her mother and father. Maxii, her mother, and father went to new grounds. They were in the city now, just walking around. They were actually on their way to meet up with the new male leader of Zync. On their way there, Maxii saw some friends.

    Hey kah-ten eekahsaha ha beteml-afao? (Hey, guys, can I go over there), Maxii pointed to where she wanted to go.

    Mali (Okay).

    Keto towmesaka tungbesha cavolessen’cha (But you have got to be here when call to you), her mother said.

    Mali eh’balenres sokacheen tow (Okay, I’ll look for you). They went their separate ways. Maxii ran over to her friends. Hey, fedahs (Hey, friends), she said.

    Maxii! they all said together.

    There were two girls and three boys. Maxii do sehkina? (Maxii, what’s up), one of her friends asked.

    Ahhhh dezela fehdan (Ahhhh, nothing much), Maxii said, so eh’koladobema tow fujikanstroah? (So what have you guys been up to), she asked.

    Uhhhhhh fehdan (Uhhhh, nothing), they all said again. Maxii just looked at them, she didn’t believe them.

    Uh-huh shmedalafu-kta kesh’al-made suru-ahkeema tow’Czelsh-aomah? (Uh-huh, then why were you guys all huddled around something)

    Uhhhohhh Maxii Towla tseydomako (Maxii, you’re just too smart for us), another friend said.

    They showed her what they were doing. They had been playing cards.

    Ooooo beisa! (Oooo, bad), Maxii said. She kneeled.

    Maxii kanahanatow strrrudjikaba selnafucteemadesh sa tow naha (Maxii, ever since you became a general, you’ve been more serious).

    Chak, chak shiankofalaembosa seka-crros atchtoffchiba (No, no, that’s only in front of the fleet). Maxii picked up one of the cards.

    Eesha lowmaytow (I’ll play you), one of her male friends said.

    Mali (Okay), Maxii said.

    He picked up a pair of cards. Everyone gathered around again. Then, out of nowhere, a missile hit a mile away. The impact and explosion were so great, it could be felt from where they were. They all stopped and looked around to see what was going on.

     The Zync people start to panic. A young male makes his way through the crowds that were going crazy as he ran to the group.

    Liem-ko! he said.

    He reached for Maxii, and everyone looked at him. Kameron! (Kameron) everyone said.

    Kameron looked like all the other Zync people. With the general features, like eye color and hair color. He stands at 5’10". His hair is straight and short. It’s cut with a U in the back, so his hair gets shorter in the back and longer toward the front. His eyes were wide and narrow. His nose is round, doesn’t take up too much of his face. Round lips, not too big.

    Doseh’ai kinma Kameron? (What’s up, Kameron), Maxii asked.

    Kylah keemarososkoshelta sctash-elsh-ka (We have to get out of here), he said. Tow keema alkimaye (You have to come with me).

    He grabbed Maxii’s hand, and they ran through the city of scared people. Maxii tried to keep up with Kameron, but all the people kept bumping into her, making her grip unstable. Finally, after all that bumping into people, someone fell into their braced hands, splitting them apart.

    Maxii stood there. She didn’t know what to do after she lost sight of Kameron. Suddenly the crowd split. A man in a black swat team suit and helmet, barging through the crowd, made his way to Maxii. Running into her and carrying her back, he ran to the edge of the street. They fell off a low cliff and landed on hard dirt ground. Maxii pushed him off of her by elbowing him in the side of his head. He rolled over to the side. Maxii got up. She could see her home being destroyed right before her eyes. Too shocked to have feelings or thoughts, she walked forward. Water plunged from the buildings surrounding her. Kameron had found Maxii. He stood up on the ledge where she had fallen.

    Liemeh! he shouted.

    She just kept walking as if she didn’t hear him; she had gotten so far away from where he was. Kameron jumped off the cliff and ran after her. Maxii had been stopped by some kind of lump in the ground. She looked down, her foot had bumped into something. She gasped. What she bumped into lifted out of the ground. It opened. POW! It exploded and sent her flying back; when she landed, Kameron walked up to her and picked her up. The surrounding buildings started falling. One fell on the right side of Maxii and Kameron; they ran forward. Another came down in front of them, they take a few steps back, they were quickly stopped as another fell in back of them, the last one shattered down on the left side.

    Getting smart they ran leaped and climbed over the building that fell in back of them now in front. Right after they leaped, another building came tumbling down on top of the other four that had fallen. They ran straight ahead, they couldn’t climb up the cliff Maxii fell off of because it was too high. The fall wasn’t too far, but it was still too high to climb up.

    At first they stared at it, then they found a path that led back into the city. Up the path they ran. They were back into the safer part of the city, which had been completely deserted, all the people had moved to the ship base, except for the unfortunate who had died. Anyhow the two ran down a bridge that ran through the city. They ran down the bridge until they came across a tear in the middle of the bridge. The tear worsens, caving itself in.

    The sun was starting to set more as the purples, reds, oranges, and hot pinks disappeared into the dark blue sky.

    The bridge was tilting more and more. Maxii and Kameron tried to keep their balance and stamina, but it wasn’t working. They were sliding with the tilt finally after all the pressure the wired chords holding the bridge together snapped.

    Maxii and Kameron fell down to the bottom where the two edges met. They looked up at what they had fallen from. The bridge was tilted at an eighty-five-degree angle. Kameron looked to his right; he saw something that was tilted, that they could run up on to get back to higher ground.

    Kumon (C’mon), he said.

    They ran up the path, which went under the city, it led to a different part of the city. Once they were out, they were in a different part of the deserted city. They went through the grassy fields running a lonely path to the ship base. They met up with her mother and father.

    They were on a ship base that looked like an airplane runway with more lights. The stripes of lights were lined side by side in this order: orange red, yellow, white, and yellow.

    Maxii and Kameron looked at each other for a while, then Kameron ran off. The runway was enclosed in a glass dome. The ships were taking off into space. What happened!? We started off so peacefully.

    Maxii was scared, so was her mother. She held Maxii’s hand tight. Maxii looked out of the glass dome. When she looked out, she was shocked there were ships exploding, missiles going off, the people of Zync were at war. Maxii is trained to protect. So that means she’ll have to serve her planet.

    The girl that’s the new leader is hopping into an escape pod.

    Dokatamehdawnlo? (What’s going on) Maxii asked.

    They said nothing.

    Awshukimaye! (Answer me) Maxii said.

    They still said nothing.

    Awshukimaye! (Answer me) she said again.

    Ee soshuisrie’aoku damachim-massiechim krra tow (I didn’t want to lose you) ee bowmakesmatch’aah tow vuletkaymatowshemey? (I couldn’t just hand you over and watch you die, is that so wrong) she told her.

    Then she ran over to an escape pod. She put Maxii in it, she took off her bracelet, and put it in Maxii’s hand. She hugged her. Her dad came and hugged her as well.

    Mom? Maxii said.

    Liem-ko eh-klesadahla tow (Maxii, I love you) Minkrrryee (Take care), her mother and father said. One after the other.

    Mom? Dad?

    Her mother closed the door to the ship.

    Mom!? Mom!? Mom!?

    Maxii started banging on the window. Her mom started walking away from the pod; her father joined her mother. He bowed his head to her and blew a kiss.

    Mom, Dad!? Maxii said.

    The ship started to move up and away from her parents.

    Mom, Dad, she said.

    Soon enough Maxii went up into the sky and into space. As soon as she got into space, she was fired at, but this was an escape pod, not a battleship, so Maxii had no weapons on her. Maxii’s a good pilot though, so she could dodge the missiles coming her way. She did a lot of swerves and turns. This was going nowhere, so in order to get better aerial advantages, Maxii pushed a button for the wings. The wings popped out of the sides of the pod. However, Maxii had more than one problem on her hands.

    Seventy-six missiles spiraling her way, she circled around the first one, then spiraled around the rest. She managed to dodge all of them, but more were underway, the type that follow you. Maxii could tell the difference because of color and label. Since Maxii could tell the difference between them, she went up and curved under the first missile. She now had the missiles following her. She flew up to the ship that fired at her. Right before she crashed into the front, she flew under the ship. The missiles ran into the ship, causing it to explode.

    Ha, she said. Maxii was looking back, when she looked straight ahead. AHHHHH! she screamed.

    There was another ship in front of her. She quickly turned sideways to get out of the other ship’s way.

    Oh maida (Oh, man), she said to herself.

    But she isn’t safe yet, there were more enemy ships lined up ready to attack. Since these were the people destroying her home planet, she was ready to go. They also separated her from her parents, as well as her friends.

    Bishna toeknimnakai! (Let’s boogie).

    She flew straight toward them, only to realize she forgot that she was flying an escape pod and not a battleship. So she had no missiles or anything.

    Uh oh, she said.

    The ships began to fire. Maxii dodged those missiles also. Next, she flew up to them again; they flew toward her. The first ship that approached, Maxii flew under it. For the second ship, she turned to the left, for the third ship, she maneuvered to the right, for the last ship, she shot straight up into the sky. Maxii then turned around. She flew back toward the other misled ships. When she was close enough, she pushed the little red button to make the wings go back in, the pod was a ball again.

    Maxii pushed another button for the jet rockets; even though it’s not a battleship, it does have its advantages. The jet powered rockets blasted her into the ships. She bounced off one ship to another with sheer luck. She hit a weak spot on one of the ships, inflicting a chain reaction. All of the ships exploded one after another. When the ships were all done exploding, Maxii turned around and tried to get away from this battle sight, but there were some battle ships from Zync on invisible mode waiting for enemy ships. Maxii bumped into all of them.

    Sogai, sogai (Sorry, sorry), she said.

    Maxii hit the last ship she ran into hard. She hit her head on the control dashboard. Maxii was knocked out, no longer in control of the pod. The pod realized this and went into autopilot.

    The pod traveled quite a ways into space. So far that it came across a white swirling tear in space. Maxii was still knocked out, but this hole or tear wasn’t a black hole, but it did have a strong gravitational pull just like a black hole. Maxii’s escape pod could not resist its pull, so the pod was sucked into it.

    Chapter 2

    it starts here

    Meanwhile, back on planet Zync, more and more people are going out for battle as well as escape. One by one, the population of Zync was decreasing. Soon the whole planet was destroyed; the enemies had won the battle.

    Five years later.

    Um, what’s this? Two kids out working in space. Looks like they may be from earth. One of the kids works outside, he has on a space-looking suit. The other works inside a huge space museum. She works in a part that looks like the pit. The one kid floats over to the museum where the other kid is.

    C’mon, Dalia, I’m tired. Give me a break, he said, with his deep, raspy male voice.

    No, Zack, we were sent out here for a reason, now we have to finish this, Dalia said. Dalia is white with wide brown eyes and a wide mouth. A small pointed nose, short brown hair, she stands at 5’6".

    Please? Zack said.

    Dalia shook her head.

    Well I can’t concentrate when I don’t get a proper break, Zack said in a whinny voice.

    Oh, alright, five minutes.

    Yes! Thank you, Dalia. Thank you! Zack said.

    Don’t get too carried away. You’re due back in five, Dalia said.

    Dalia sighed and put her hands in the two holes in front of her. They were controls for the job she was doing. She was moving broken down parts of metal. Dalia would separate the scraps so that they would fit inside a ship. That would carry the scraps back to earth.

    Once separated a ship will take them back to earth. Next, they are put together in another block that is only made up of one ship. After that it is sent back up to the space station and put together. Once put it back together, it would sometimes go to her working facility. Most of the time, the ships that are put back together go to museums on earth.

    Zack’s job, on the other hand, was to cut the big chunks in different pieces and send them to Dalia. Now that we see Zack without his uniform on, we see that he has shoulder length black hair. Small, but not too small, hazel brown eyes. He is mixed with Mexican and white. He’s got a pointed nose, a blush line that extends over his nose onto both cheeks with a plump mouth.

    Zack called Dalia on his vid-o-phone. He pushed a button on a grey-colored floating bar, and when he pushed the button, a screen popped up.

    Hey, Dalia?

    Zack, your time is almost up?

    Yeah, I know. But how many iron pieces did we manage to send back to earth?

    Uh…Hold on a sec…well we didn’t do too bad. We’ve managed to send 30,000,000 pieces down to earth so far.

    Zack nodded his head. That’s not bad, he said.

    Yeah, Dalia responded, you have two minutes remaining, Zack, Dalia said.

    Yeah, okay, thanks. I guess I’ll see ya later.

    The screen disappeared. Zack leaned back on the sofa he was sitting on, he put his hands behind his head. He looked up at the sky full of stars when something to caught his eye. A disturbing white spiral in the distance.

    A black hole? Zack said to himself.

    It didn’t really look like one, and besides, no supernovas had been reported. The white colored spiral started to get closer. Zack was starting to get a little scared; he called Dalia again.

    Dalia, he said, you have to look at this!

    Ha, ha, very funny, Zack. The last fifty times you said that, it was a joke.

    Seriously this time!

    You said that, too.

    Zack pushed the button again, the same button to call Dalia. Dalia could now see what Zack saw.

    Oh my! she said.

    The white spiral was moving closer. It was close enough now that you could see something black in the middle of it.

    Is it a black hole? Dalia asked.

    No! There have been no reports of a supernova.

    No? Are you sure?

    Yes, last time I checked.

    The black hole look alike shot right past them.

    It was headed for earth.

    Oh, it’s a meteor.

    No, it’s not a meteor either.

    Then it’s a meteorite.

    No because meteors or meteorites don’t travel that fast.

    We’re gonna be stuck up here hic, hic, hic, forever.

    Zack sighed a heavy sigh. He ran to a ship that could take him back to earth with no harm.

    Zack, where are you going? Dalia asked.

    I’m going to chase that thing, but don’t worry, I’ll be back.

    He flew after the thing headed for Earth.

    Chapter 3

    a new beginning

    The thing was going full speed ahead, and once like everything else that meets Earth’s atmosphere, it set on fire. Zack grunted in frustration. Zack pushed a button. In response to that, a black purplish coat came around the ship, then blended in with the color of the ship

    Computer!? Zack asked.

    Yes, Zack?

    Do you have any data on that thing in front of us? he said.

    It’s a pod from the planet Zync. It was used for escaping events, such as war or planet destruction.

    Zync? Are you sure?

    As sure as can be.

    The ship landed. Zack landed seconds after. Zack got out of his ship. Smoke and little flames were coming from the pod.

    Woah, Zack said, looking around, my hometown alright. His hometown of Alcaidor in North America.

    He ran up to the pod. Being someone who worked with flying air crafts, Zack knew it was an escape pod. He walked around it a quarter of a circle, then he back tracked to a window. Zack looked inside of the window. There was a human-like figure inside of it. Zack assumed it was a man. He was lying down. He could tell he was alive because the window showed a heartbeat.

    Woah, he’s alive. What were you trying to get away from? he said.

    The person stood up. Zack started to walk back from the pod. The window, which doubled as a door, opened. Zack jumped back. The man climbed out, he cracked his neck. He was wearing an all-black jump suit with bright orange rectangle shapes on the sides of the legs with a bright orange cropped jacket and a helmet. He looked at Zack, then he looked around. Dynanine eh? (Where am I) he said.

    Zack was surprised. Oh, man, I knew I should’ve taken a foreign language, he said to himself. He looked back at Zack.

    Kenahrrrosa tow? (Who are you) he asked.

    What? he said.

    Metenrrroso towsaykamaidim? (Why are you here)

    Um, well, maybe we can work things out.

    Kenahli!? (Who are you)

    I don’t understand a word you’re saying.

    Tow michwayloka (You’re starting to annoy me), he said.

    Maybe I can help you.

    Zack walked closer to him when he got an inch away from them. He jumped back with their hands close to the face balled up in fists. Zack stood there looking at him, perplexed.

    You’re not gonna hit me, are you? he asked.

    He said nothing. He walked up to him again. He opened his left hand with his fingers bent in. He tried to strike him with the palm. Zack moved out of the way. He looked at him.

    You really tried to hit me? Zack said.

    He took another swing at him with his right hand. Zack dodged the hit and moved to the side. She tried to kick him with her left leg. Zack caught his leg. Zack pulled his leg in toward him and tripped him. He fell on the grassy ground, but he still had some fight left. He flung his right leg at his side. Zack caught that, too. He had both of his legs, the right in the right hand, the left in the left hand. He turned him over on her stomach, bent his legs back, and sat on his back. He started squirming around and swinging his arms. Zack wasn’t budging. He held his legs tight, he started to scream.

    Mm-mmm, not until you calm down.

    He kept moving and screaming, trying to get his legs free, but the more he tried, the tighter Zack held on. He started making more noises.

    Nah-ah, not until I get you to stop moving, Zack said. The man, realizing there was no way around this, stopped moving. Zack looked over his shoulder. No more hitting, kicking, and screaming?

    He put his hands up. Zack sighed. He knew he shouldn’t, but he let go of his legs anyway. He turned around to face him, only to get a face full of tear gas. Zack fell on the ground, holding his face


    The man started walking toward him. He could hear his footsteps on the grass. Zack cleaned his eyes and opened them. His vision wasn’t very clear, he constantly blinked, but he could see the man walking toward him. He started scooting back with his blurry vision. He held his right hand up, started cleaning his face with the other.

    Wait! Stop! Uhhhnn, unarm yourself!

    He stopped, Un ahm, he said. He then kneeled down and looked at Zack. The glass part of the helmet slid back two inches to reveal an eye. The unknown man waited. Zack held still and frantically blinked to try to look at this man, or what he assumed was man, in the eye. The man stood up and began to disarm all of the weapons that were on him.

    Zack used both hands to now clean his face while he unarmed himself. It took him a total of five minutes to get finished. When he was done, he took off his helmet, revealing a girl.

    Okay aahden! (Okay, all done) she said. Zack stood up, blinking his eyes and drooling. His vision was slowly coming back. His eyes were red, so was the area surrounding them.

    Omenahetkahs (I’m sorry), she said

    Zack looked at her with his eyes squinted. You’re a girl!? he said in shock but secretly happy at the same time. He walked over to the ship, hoping she would follow, and she did. He opened the ship door. Get in, he said in a low tone. The girl smiled, she almost hopped on board.

    Oh kultay! (Oh, wait)

    She ran back to all of her weapons. She brought them back to the ship.

    Um-mmm, hold on a minute, Zack pulled her back by the shoulder. She looked at him confused like.

    You can’t bring these on here; if something happens and these are on here…you can’t bring those on here. I’m sorry, Zack explained

    Tem doan ee crrranahetlah? (Well what can I do)

    Zack didn’t know much of this language, but he knew some. I don’t know.

    Maxii stuck her bottom lip out, pouting. Zack laughed.

    Sorry, that trick doesn’t work on me. Somewhere else maybe but not here.

    Uhhn temehsou dencleisha tanmava oushostemahut! (Well I can’t just leave them here) If it was your ship, sure. But I happen to be sharing it with someone so…Nah.

    Tow vaeshcah! (You suck) she said.

    She walked to her pod. She set all her weapons in there. She looked at her weapons, then she looked at the ship. When she was done looking at those two things, she looked all around. It was like she was saying goodbye and coming to terms with what she’s faced with. When she was done doing that, she walked back up to Zack.

    Zack sighed. I tell you what. I’ll call my job; we specialize in aircrafts. I’ll have them take your ship and all your things there. Okay?

    The girl got excited; she hugged him. Zack was shocked, he hugged her back. Alright, ladies first, he said. She got in. Zack followed, closed the door, started the ship, and off they went. Zack called his job. He had them send a crew down to where the ship landed.

    Okay, so what’s your name? Zack asked.

    Name? she learns by ear.

     Yup, name.

    Uhhmm, she looked around. Zack started looking around also.

     She spotted a map, she got slightly excited, She picked it up and pointed to it.

    Map? Your name is map?

    She shook her head and she pointed to it again.

    Maaa, he said slowly. She held her hand up and started to nod her head, maaaa?

     Zack looked at her funny. She put the map down. She started to look around again

    Uh? she said.

    She put her fingers together. In the shape of an X, she wasn’t sure if that was the right letter or not.

    X? Zack said. She nodded.

    X. Maaa?

    She rolled her hand, like keep going.


    She raised her fists as if she were trying to say victory.

    Ee, she said.

    Ee, Zack said. She nodded.

    Maaxxii? She held her thumb up. Maxii, huh, well alright. I’ma see if I can’t get a better understanding of your language. I’m Zack by the way, Zack said.


    If you said what I think you said….then yes. Alright, computer?

    Yes, Zack?

    Can you run a search on the Zync language?

    The Zync language? You do know it was destroyed five years ago?

    Yeah. But I have a survivor with me.

    A survivor. Really?

    Yep, in the flesh, or should I say still in her flesh.

    Hmm, what’s her name?


    Maxii? Interesting.

    Zack looked at Maxii. Do you have her background? he asked.

    I’ll see what I can dig up on her. The computer did a quick scan. Ah, here’s something, Maxii, Liem-ko Lukima.

    Maxii looked at the computer screen; she could see a picture of her in the computer screen. She pointed to the screen, then pointed to herself with excitement.

    Uh-huh, Zack said

    Maxii Lukima, trained sergeant. Referred to as an operations expert on Zync. Zack looked at her again. Maxii had a confusion block or a Rubik’s Cube in her hands. She had solved it about three times, moving up to her fourth time. Maxii looked up at Zack.

    Hi! she said.

    Hey, Zack said.

    So she’s an operations expert, huh?

    Yep, and I don’t think such knowledge has been lost to her.

    Zack had gotten stuck in traffic and the ships were moving as slow as they could go.

    Uhhaah, Zack groaned to himself, then it dawned on Zack, Maxii could understand him. Well shall we get on with your lesson for today? the computer asked.

    Yeah, uh, what’s today’s date?


    Alright, let’s go. Zack had learned letters and phrases A-Z after a lot of back tracks and frustration.

    Towla kachuka Lanjuo ithkaad (your language is weird), Maxii said.

    Well not as weird as yours.

    Meten ithkaeedah (Even weirder).

    Whatever, Zack said.

    Grrrrr, a noise came out of nowhere. Maxii put her hand on her stomach.

    You hungry?

    Maxii nodded.

    Zack looked around, he saw an apple on the seat in the back from his lunch. He picked it up. He examined it. There were no bite marks or anything on it, but he cleaned it off anyway just to be safe.

    Here. He handed it to her. She looked at it. Zack noticed that she wasn’t eating it. It’s an apple.


    Zack nodded.

    The traffic started moving slower than before. Zack stuck his head outside his window. His ship was structured like a car but bigger and roomier. He stuck his head back in the window, he sighed.

    Maxii laughed, she started screaming, like she had road rage. Zack looked at her, then he caught on, he started yelling and screaming, too. The people on the sides of them looked at them, like they were crazy.

    Luckily traffic wasn’t at a standstill for long. Zack drove to his workspace on earth.

    Uh, Maxii, listen- Maxii cut him off.

    Kondae? (What’s this) she asked him. Zack had to think for a minute.

    Maxii grabbed his wrist and put it in his face.

    What’s this, what’s this? Zack said to himself. Oh, what’s this on my wrist? he asked.

    Maxii nodded.

    Well this is something that lets my work partner know where I am at all times.

    Maxii paused for a minute, then she started laughing.

    Hey, I’m not a loser. If that’s what you’re thinking.

    Maxii nodded her head.

    I don’t wear it every day I, ah, forget it. Zack landed the ship. He received a call on his phone.

    Chapter 4

    new grounds


    Hey, it was real nice of you to leave me up there! It was Dalia.

    Ow, that’s my ear y’know?

    Well I don’t care. I’ll have you know that I had to take care of both jobs cutting and dividing the metal into pieces.

    Maxii got out of the ship. She was surprised this city was so big and huge. So much to do and see. She just couldn’t control herself. She ran off.

    Um-hmm, um-hmm, um-hmm, Zack was saying until he saw Maxii run right past him Huh? Uh, Maxii! Wait! Zack ran after her. Do you know how hard it is working two jobs at once? I should get a bonus, and you, you shouldn’t get anything!

    Um, yes, Dalia, as much as I like to hear you complain, I don’t have time right now.

    What!? No, don’t you–

    Bye, bye. Zack hung up the phone. Maxiiii! Zack shouted, Maxii just kept running. Luckily for Zack, Maxii ran into an outside mall, stopping her.

    A group of young men saw her. They dared one guy in particular to try and get her out on a date. He walked up to her.

    Hey, girl, how are you doing? Maybe we can go out for a drink. To my car? he said.

    Eh schumnee namu (I have a name), she said.

    Woah, I didn’t know you spoke a different language, he put his arm around her, which makes it more interesting.

    Maxii balled her hand up and nailed him right in the face. The boy fell to the ground, a little blood flew from his nose, and all of his friends started laughing at him. Zack ran up to Maxii.

    Maxii? What’s this all about? he said.

    Kim daimonaradohdah tayo (He approached me the wrong way). Zack helped him up.

    You alright? Zack asked. The boy just kind of muttered garbled words out. His friends came and got him. Explain please! Zack said.

    Toa (well), eh dow demkurado tayokeesh strrrekahakimaye! (I didn’t like the way he approached me)

    Well you didn’t have to hit him, just tell him off!

    Kim dsnenahmo ahmay! (He couldn’t understand me)

    Oh yeah, I forgot, sorry.

    Maxii put her hands on her hips, Towmay snah crrruvaley? (You forgot)

    Ha, well anyway, I know that you’re hungry, and there are a few inexpensive restaurants in here, Zack said.

    They went to a restaurant in the mall. They were seated quickly since it was the slower hours of the day. Although it was an inexpensive place, it had a five-course meal.

    For the first course, soup came out.

    Zack proceeded to eat, but he noticed that Maxii was sitting there as if she were trying to absorb the soup into her system.

    Maxii? he said.

    She looked at him. Zack demonstrated how to eat the soup. Maxii did the same, but the soup burned her. She screamed. People looked. Zack tried to calm her down. Maxii proceeded to attack the soup.

    NO! NO! WAIT! Zack said.

    Maxii looked at him.

    I know that it’s hot and that it burned you, but don’t attack it. Let’s try it differently this time, okay?

    Maxii nodded.

    Zack demonstrated again, this time he blew on the soup. Maxii did the same, but the soup flew out of her spoon.

    Let’s try again.

    They tried again, this time she got it right. She got so excited that she flung the soup in her spoon over her shoulder. At least no one was sitting behind her.

    Zack just shook his head and started laughing. Even with the struggle at the beginning, they got through the other four courses.

    Maxii and Zack began walking back to his ship.

    I don’t want to leave you alone, but uh, Zack looked down at the ground, he had to think of his next move. He didn’t exactly want to leave Maxii alone.

    Ktchikumno ee mutchtow? (Can’t I come with you) She looked at him with all the innocence and narrow understanding of a small child.

    Well you’re not exactly take-home material, then again no girl is. Zack paused in his talking tracks; he got a burst of excitement. I know my mom is going out of town tonight. I’ve also been telling her about this foreign exchange program; since you’re a foreigner, this should work out!

    Ka? (But)

    But what?

    Ka whimelah rrresheoshee de woalakah? (But isn’t that lying)

    No because you’re foreign, now let’s go.

    Maxii just stared at him. Mali (Okay).

    Zack walked to the ship. Maxii followed him. Once they got to his ship, they walked inside a big business building.

    Hey, what’s up, Larry? Zack said.

    Oh, Zack, what’s going on? Larry said, looking at him with a mischievous smile.

    I’m checking out.

    Oh well, you know, I heard– Before Larry could finish his sentence, Zack interrupted.

    Well it’s been fun, gotta go! Zack handed him the keys to the ship and ran off. Maxii tried her English.

    Baye! she said. She followed Zack outside the building

    Kenten macheen alomshian? (Who was that) Maxii asked.

    That was my second in command boss, Larry.

    Towaokio oh-ah? (Your boss)

    Yep, my boss.

    Melenkicho towskii Iabae? (Why did you run off so quickly) Maxii asked.

    Because I left my partner behind to stop you.

    Melen nahska natalenkimaye? (Why did you leave to stop me)

    Because I thought you would destroy the planet, Zack said.

    Bi let-ma’neaye lockrahtow kimaye maeh toe tai? (Because you thought I would destroy the earth)

    Zack said nothing.

    Notinmy shickenknocked neh? (With my little ship) They reached Zack’s car. Zack unlocked the door. When he unlocked the door, all the doors unlocked. Zack got in, Maxii got in, too, but Zack noticed he was on the passengers’ side.

    Wayo ee meckhatoo c-chi? (Hey, can I drive)

    No, we have to switch because I have the keys, Zack said.

    Zelim ee kvac-chi (But I can drive).

    But look who crashed on Earth.

    Eh mareh rrimna cuelowde ah autway (I had no control over that).

    Zack sighed, he handed her the keys. Be careful. Zack showed her where to put the keys. She started the car.

    Now put your foot on this pedal.

    She was very good, Ee pikbaahlow (I’ve never done this before).

    Zack took a minute to respond to her as a slight panic came over him. Well you act like you have.

    Maxii smiled at him. They drove a ways. When it dawned on Maxii that she didn’t know where Zack’s house was, she took in a big gasp of air.

    Don’t worry, you’ve been going the right way, just keep going. Turn left here, Zack said.

    Maxii turned left after they passed three blocks. Zack told Maxii to stop.

    Chapter 5

    let’s get situated

    Come on. They walked up to his house. Zack brought out a card whereas we would use keys. Anyway he stuck the card in a slot next to the door, he punched in a code. After he put in the card, 5690, the door opened.

    Zack, hi, honey!


    Zack’s mother ran up to him, She gave him a hug.

    Mom? Remember that foreign exchange program I’ve been talking about at work?


    Well I got a foreigner.

    His mom got excited.

    Maxii, this is my mom, Mareesa. Mom, this is Maxii. She doesn’t speak any English, but she understands it.

    Oh, I see. Nice to meet you, Maxii. I hope you enjoy your stay here. There are so many things this country has to offer. I would shake your hand, but I don’t shake hands, sorry. Well I have to go. I thought I’d be able to spend the rest of the night with you, but I can’t. She went in her room to get her suitcase. You know I’ll be back tomorrow? And I’ll be staying until you play your big game, but after that, I’m going back for three weeks.

    Zack nodded.

    Okay, oh, and no parties, no sleepovers, or anything funny. Okay?


    She kissed him on his forehead and said bye to Maxii, then left. When Zack’s mother got to her car and drove off, Zack ran outside to wave to her. Zack walked back into the house.

    See, wasn’t that a good plan? You didn’t have to wait in the car, but we’re gonna have to get you outta here by 6:30 in the morning because my mom is coming around 4:00. By that time, hopefully we’ll have found you a nice place to live.

    The inside of Zack’s house had a wooden floor. On the left side of the house, there was a shelf standing up against the wall, displaying all of Zack’s mom’s worldly dolls. The kitchen was right next to the shelf stand. Next to the kitchen, there was a tall lamp and a black couch. A picture was hung up above the couch. Next to the couch was the entrance to a hallway with five rooms. The restroom was the room at the end of the hallway. A spare room, followed by Zack’s room. Across from Zack’s room were the basement and Zack’s mom’s room, coming back out of the hallway on the right side of the house was a black entertainment center. A black couch in front of it. The couch sat on a peach-colored carpet. A tall lamp behind the couch, as well as a little coffee desk, with the phone and a smaller lamp sitting on it. Behind that desk was another coffee desk with nothing on it, two pictures were hanging on the wall behind it. There was also a black fan on the ceiling.

    Chay ah-rie (Nice house), she said.

    Thank you. Well I gotta do homework, but you can explore the house. Actually before you do a whole lot. Zack went to a closet. He opened it and got out some towels, a small one and a big one. He brought them to Maxii. You smell a little bad, so. The bathroom is at the end of the hall. Just turn the nob to get the water running, okay?

    Maxii nodded. Zack also got some of his clothes for her to wear after she got done cleaning up.

    Change into these clothes when you’re done, he said.

    Maxii took the clothes and went to the bathroom. She didn’t have a hard time figuring out how to work the shower since it was pretty much the same on Zync. When she was done, she didn’t know what to do with her clothes or her towels. She walked up to Zack, who was sitting on the couch watching television, doing his homework.

    Uh. She didn’t want to disturb him, but she still wanted to get his attention.

    Hey, you’re done, Zack smelled her, and you smell springtime fresh.

    They both laughed. Here, I’ll take those and wash them for you.

    Zack walked to the laundry room, he put her clothes and the towels in the washing machine. There’s an English learning program on the table in front of the couch! he said. Maxii picked it up. Zack joined her in the living room. Maxii went off looking again. She looked through the kitchen, through all of the cabinets and drawers. She picked up some silverware in one of the drawers. She even recognized the spoon. She blew on it like there was soup in it. She laughed to herself and put the spoon back. She came to the dishwasher, she could hear the sound of the water swishing, she put her ear up to it and listened.

    Meanwhile, Zack was watching television, he turned on the news. He could see that Maxii’s ship was on the news, as well as the crew he requested be sent to retrieve the ship. Some old bum had claimed he found it.

    Yeah, I just stumbled across it, I was shocked, he said.

    Zack just rolled his eyes. Of course the old bum found it.

    There are aliens among us! he said.

    Zack laughed.

    Maxii kept exploring his house. She was having a good time, too. She was in the hall with the bathroom. She came across a light switch; she switched it on and off. Zack noticed an annoying flicker. He walked up to her.

    Okay, real fun.

    Maxii put the English learning program, which looked like

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