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The Deadly Menace Mystery
The Deadly Menace Mystery
The Deadly Menace Mystery
Ebook54 pages39 minutes

The Deadly Menace Mystery

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About this ebook

When Dr. Alexa Bryce Winchester heads back home to her small town to see her dying Father, another unexpected, grizzly death sent her on an adventure she could never have imagined. What starts out as an odd series of deaths in the town turns into an international crisis that draws in the President of the United States and an old Vietnam veteran with a promise to end the lives of those responsible for these crimes.

About the Author
Jeffrey Kettering graduated from Elizabethtown High School in 1971 and took some college courses. He enjoys watching sports on TV and is a fan of the Philadelphia Phillies and Eagles, the Hershey Bears, and the Pittsburgh Penguins. He’s worked different jobs throughout the years, his last being a bookkeeper at K & F Limited Men’s Clothing Store in Harrisburg, PA from 1985-1995. He is seventy-one years old and retired now. Jeffrey was a caretaker for both of his Parents from 2000 until his Mother’s death in 2015 and his Father’s in 2016. He is an active member of his Church as a greeter, scripture reader, as well as the person who changes the messages on the sign. Jeffrey also volunteers at a local food bank near his home.

Release dateApr 11, 2024
The Deadly Menace Mystery

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    Book preview

    The Deadly Menace Mystery - Jeffrey Kettering


    This is the story of Alexa Bryce Winchester, the Daughter of Charles Rowan Winchester, farmer and businessman, and Elizabeth Marie Epson Winchester, a former eighth grade English teacher. Alexa’s Brother, Danny Richard Winchester, was the foreman of the family farm. Alexa’s Father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. They told her that there was nothing more for her to do at the farm and to go back to her job because her Father’s condition hadn’t changed.

    Alexa went back to her job, but she kept thinking about her Dad and worrying that she would get a call from Danny that he was gone. Alexa tried to concentrate on her job, but thoughts and memories of her parents, Danny, and her in happier times consumed her mind.

    Our story begins on May 28, 1989, at the Jonas A. Goldberg Forensic Laboratory in Hernden, California. It was a beautiful day with the temperature around 72 degrees.

    Alexa finished what she was working on and went to the break room to have lunch. As Alexa sat down, she laid her cellphone on the table next to her in case Danny called. Alexa glanced at a local newspaper on the table while she ate, but she couldn’t concentrate on the headlines as thoughts of her Father overwhelmed her.

    She had just finished her lunch when her cellphone rang. She glanced at the phone, and it was Danny. She started to cry and shake all over because she knew what he was going to tell her. She had to face the face the fact that her Father was gone, but she wasn’t ready to accept that yet! She thought, ‘If I don’t answer that, I can delay the inevitable.’ Alexa finally decided to answer the phone. As she reached for the phone, little did she realize that this call would change her life forever.



    Alexa learned from Danny that their Father was still alive but had taken a turn for the worse. She was urged to come home right away because he wanted to see her one more time before he died.

    After making a reservation, she called Danny back to let him know when her flight was so he could pick her up at the airport. She then called her best friend, Jasmine Leoni, who owned Twist and Curl Hair Salon to drive her to the airport.

    Jasmine drove her to the airport. Finishing that call, Alexa put her cellphone in her purse and packed her lunch bag and headed for the door…

    In her rush, she ran right into her boss, John Mallory.

    John said, Alexa, what’s the rush?

    Alexa replied, My brother Danny just called. My Father just took a turn for the worse and wants me to come home so he can see me one last time before he dies.

    John answered, Oh my God, Alexa! I am so sorry! Take all the time you need and if there is anything we can do, please let us know!

    Alexa said, Thank you, John!

    Upon returning to her apartment, she took a shower, changed clothes, packed her suitcases, paid her landlady, and took care of odds and ends.

    Jasmine picked her up and they drove the thirty minutes to the airport. Jasmine wanted to talk, But Alexa wasn’t in the mood, so they drove in silence. At the airport,

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