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Do The Most: The Entrepreneur's Guide To Infinite Hustle
Do The Most: The Entrepreneur's Guide To Infinite Hustle
Do The Most: The Entrepreneur's Guide To Infinite Hustle
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Do The Most: The Entrepreneur's Guide To Infinite Hustle

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Unlock Your Full Potential and Achieve Big Success with "Do The Most" by Chastin J. Miles!


Are you an entrepreneur wanting to go beyond average and achieve great success? "Do The Most: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Infinite Hustle" is your guide to pushing past limits and reaching your goals. Written by Chastin J. Miles, a successful real estate expert and coach, this book is full of easy-to-follow tips, real-life examples, and practical steps to help you succeed.


Discover the Power of Big Dreams

Learn how to set big goals and plan your path to success. Chastin J. Miles teaches you how to dream big, make a solid plan, and stay committed to your goals, no matter what.


Stop Wasting Time and Focus on What Matters

Find out how to stop doing tasks that don't help your business. "Do The Most" shows you how to find and focus on the tasks that really matter. Learn how to avoid distractions and stay focused on what will grow your business.


Break Free from Your Fears

Many people hold themselves back because of fear and doubt. This book helps you find and break through these fears. Change your mindset and see the endless possibilities when you believe in yourself.


Practical Exercises and Worksheets

"Do The Most" is not just a book; it's a workbook. It includes exercises and worksheets to help you put the lessons into practice. From self-checks to planning sheets, you'll have everything you need to start making real progress today.


"Do The Most: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Infinite Hustle" is your step-by-step guide to limitless success. Whether you're starting out or wanting to grow your business, this book gives you the tools and motivation you need.

PublisherChastin Miles
Release dateJun 11, 2024
Do The Most: The Entrepreneur's Guide To Infinite Hustle

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    Book preview

    Do The Most - Chastin Miles


    The Entrepreneur's Guide To Infinite Hustle



    Yellow text on a black background Description automatically generated




    The Path to Do the Most

    Was The Beginning Really Humble?

    The Amplified Vision: Setting Boundless Goals

    Doing More Isn’t As Easy As It Sounds

    How To Harness the Power of Impactful Work

    How To Shatter Self-Imposed Limitations You've Put On Yourself

    The Art of Setting Clear Objectives

    The I’m So Busy People

    The Momentum Matrix

    Expanding Your Day Beyond 24 Hours

    Adopting The More Routine

    Embracing Setbacks: The Steppingstones to More

    The Cycle of Continuous Growth

    The Unlimited Horizon Awaits

    The Conclusion

    About The Author


    After lighting up the stage in Delaware, my event host and student, Carol, throws an enticing offer my way – a kickback at the casino.

    I thought, Who would I be to turn down a chance at some gambling, especially in a Delaware casino?

    The thing is, anyone who knows me knows I can be easily tempted with a trip to a casino. The slot machines blink and chime brightly as our group enters the casino. I make a beeline to a Lucky Ducky machine in the corner, Carol and a few of the other attendees clustering around to watch. Others in the group dispense, trying their own luck at roulette, blackjack, and craps.

    After thirty minutes, I've only hit one tiny jackpot. Around me, I see similar looks of frustration rather than celebration. These games we not paying anything tonight!

    As the group gathered back together someone said Well, tonight was a bust.

    So, after about an hour of dabbling on a few slots with barely any luck, the tone shifted. As we all start gathering our things and shuffling toward the exit, spirits are noticeably lower than when we arrived. Outside in the parking lot, Carol suddenly perks up. She offers to host our group back at her place after our casino pitstop. We will relax in her pool, chat into the night, and keep the engaging conversation going.

    I check the time on my phone. It’s past midnight already, and I have a packed agenda tomorrow before my flight home. As tempting as it sounds to continue masterminding with eager students, I needed to make sure I’m sharp for the next day.

    Even though I felt weighed down by the day, I found the offer to be tempting. As we all start moving toward the parking lot, I open my mouth to politely turn down Carol’s offer. But before I can get the words out, she interjects with a wide smile:

    Come on, when are you going to be back this way again? She gestures eagerly to the other people in our group.

    One more hour won’t kill you! The group chimes in, excited at the thought of extending the night.

    I hesitate, shifting from foot to foot.

    Carol organized this entire event, and invited me to speak, and took care of my accommodations.

    If I bail early while the others go to her place, will she take it as an insult?

    Last chance if anyone wants to continue the conversations at my place! she calls out brightly.

    It's not that late! We've got a fully stocked bar, pool's heated...

    Two weeks later, I'm on our Power Unit Coaching call. I start by praising Carol for the great event and her higher sales numbers last month. The other students congratulate her as well; eager to follow in her footsteps.

    Keep up the great work, I tell her. Your hustle is really paying off.

    Carol smiles thinly. Well, I'm so glad my hustle is getting noticed, she says.

    Because it certainly didn't seem that way a few weeks ago.

    I furrow my brow, confused by her sudden sharp tone.

    What do you mean? I immediately asked.

    You know, I was pretty offended when you declined my invitation that night when you came to Delaware, she says sharply.

    I wrack my brain, unable to remember specifically turning her down.

    What? I didn't decline your invitation, Carol. I would have never done that.

    Yes, you definitely did! Carol recalls, her voice rising.

    After I organized that whole event and tried to be hospitable and host you all at my home?

    Not at all, I reply, putting my hands up defensively in the camera.

    It was a long few days - maybe there was just a miscommunication.

    A few other people on the call eagerly stare into their computer monitors. I feel my cheeks flush.

    Nope! You were loud and clear! Carol snaps.

    I asked the group clear as day if you all wanted to continue the conversation at my place. I got everything cleaned up, prepared food, and had it all ready to go. That’s when you told me no.

    I shake my head, though my certainty is wavering.

    I really don't think I said that. I would have never turned down a type of invitation like that...Carol crosses her arms.

    "Oh, you definitely did. In fact, I remember your exact words were 'Oh no, we don't have to do the most tonight.'"

    I flinch as a muted laughter ripples through the call. I knew in that moment she was telling the truth as I was the only person I knew that would put a phrase together like that.

    I was busted!

    It was as if the universe decided to pull a prank on me right in front of my coaching students. The three words "do the most" were, after all, my security blanket. A phrase I'd use to swerve out of anything, even slightly push the boundaries of my comfort. But here's where the narrative changes.

    Instead of wallowing in that sudden spotlight like a red-handed bandit, I laughed it off. Why?

    Because it was a wake-up call. It was a revelation about the walls we build and the opportunities we sidestep, all in the name of comfort. Was I a top coach, an esteemed mentor, hiding behind a phrase?

    So, "do the most" became a beacon. I flipped its meaning on its head. No more was it an escape route; now, it was a rallying cry. Dive deeper, push further, say YES more often. Take that challenge, dance in the unknown, and elevate every experience. That tiny tweak in perspective? Well, it was transformative.

    Since then, "do the most has become my fuel. It pushed me to heights I never imagined. And now, it'll begin to challenge you: In a world that often whispers, Do just enough, you're about to see what happens when you do the most"?

    Here's a shocking fact might jolt you out of complacency. A study by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor found that nearly 50% of businesses fail within their first five years. The primary reason? Lack of action and consistent strategies to do the most. In a world urging you to just get by, the fact remains that those who push boundaries and seek relentless improvement win. They refuse to settle for mediocrity. They are the ones who triumph in the grueling marathon of the modern-day hustle.

    Most people believe that success is a finite resource that they must reach like a mountain summit. But here's what I know: success is not a destination but a never-ending journey. This is the cornerstone of 'Doing the Most'. You don't reach a level and stop. You push further. You're always striving to improve and evolve. As a business owner, this translates to continuous innovation, learning, growth, and an insatiable hunger for more. While the world advises you to celebrate and rest upon reaching a milestone, I urge you to see it as a steppingstone to the next big thing. Because, in the realm of 'Do the Most,' the success mountain never really has a top; there's always another peak to conquer.

    You'll soon notice this book is a wake-up call to all entrepreneurs. They find themselves stuck on the hamster wheel of mediocrity. They clock in the hours but feel they are not making progress. They are unsure of how to optimize their day for maximum output. It's designed for visionaries who yearn to break free from the status quo and outdo themselves and everyone around them. You might be just starting a side hustle and grappling with the learning curve. Or you might be a seasoned entrepreneur seeking to reignite the flame. If you're ready to challenge the traditional norms of 'enough' and commit to 'doing the most,' then this book is your guide. It will help you transcend boundaries and rewrite your success story. It's for those who harbor immense visions but struggle to translate them into reality. You often find the clock running out with the done button far away. You're stuck in a cycle of underachievement despite burning the midnight oil. This book is your wake-up call. It's for those ready to shake off the shackles, step out of their comfort zones, and 'do the most' to climb the ladder of success.

    This book is not for those who are content to live within the confines of their comfort zones.

    Those who are content with meeting only the minimum requirements or are hesitant to push themselves to their limits.

    Suppose you're looking for shortcuts or easy success. Or you shun the idea of working beyond the standard nine-to-five to make your dreams real. In that case, this book will not resonate with you. It's also not for those unwilling to take responsibility for their

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