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An Intimate Getaway
An Intimate Getaway
An Intimate Getaway
Ebook36 pages33 minutes

An Intimate Getaway

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A pair of life-long friends take a trip to a cabin for a holiday weekend. They arrive as friends, but stumble into something far more intimate after an unexpected storm.

Release dateMay 23, 2024
An Intimate Getaway

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    Book preview

    An Intimate Getaway - FuntimeTales

    Lightning streaks through the sky, providing the gloomy midday with another dazzling flash of light seconds before the tree-rattling rumble of thunder. The storm had been creeping up slowly, but seemed to gain speed before enveloping our little slice of nature in one breath. Amy and I had been halfway through a hike, working our way along a trail the two of us had traveled dozens of times before growing up, when the downpour started. Neither of us were dressed for rain, and there isn't really any attire appropriate for lightning. 

    With the hike well interrupted, we sprint back to the cabin. Our boots splash through puddles and clomp over damp brush as we hustle to shelter, hoping not to end up on some news broadcast. I keep her hand gripped tightly in mine, refusing to let us get separated and be the coward to leave his friend behind when times get bad. While she's considerably shorter than me, not even a full five feet compared to my nearly six and a half foot frame, the girl can move. With a smirk, I realize if anyone's being held back in our chaotic jaunt back to our shared accommodations, it's her.

    She's always been fast. The major track star of our high school - setting record after record, first in our friend group to get a job, get accepted to her college of choice, first to turn down her college of choice, and beat me to the punch by asking if I wanted to come here for an Independence Day getaway. We were all surprised to find out she'd turned down the offer to Stanford, especially with all the scholarships she'd earned. But everyone had a good idea why. Instead, she settled for the state university with me, her life-long friend.

    It was like some cliché romance novel, without the romance. Only, when she made plans for this weekend trip, it seemed like everything would be getting underway. My family's cabin, out in the woods, all by ourselves for a whole four days? How could we not be coming back as a couple? Just... nothing has really happened yet, and today is the last day. With the cabin now in sight, I can't help but think I'm letting her down in every way. Looking at her hand in mine as she leads the way, I feel a pang of regret as I realize I've been holding her back her whole life.

    We race to the wooden door, bursting through and panting with the rain slapping against the windows. I close the door, and try to avoid looking dejected as I turn back to her, my eyes scanning up and down in a relatively obvious manner. Her pale skin shimmers in the artificial light of the cabin, a faint red tint

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