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Void Magi: The Star Magi Saga, #5
Void Magi: The Star Magi Saga, #5
Void Magi: The Star Magi Saga, #5
Ebook248 pages3 hours

Void Magi: The Star Magi Saga, #5

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Amanda's fight against the ancient, ruinous powers, comes to an end.

Amanda's gambit paid off, but the Crux are unleashed.
Their vast armada descends upon the Nexus, rampaging through human space, burning entire planets to ashes.

Amanda leads a small team against them in a desperate attempt to end the war and save humanity.

As the murderous Dragon Riders of the Crux close in on Earth, Amanda must make a final stand against creatures of unimaginable power.
Loyalties are tested, friends pay the ultimate price, and traitors are revealed.

This war will change everything. The galaxy will never be the same again, as Amanda makes her final stand against the evil of the Crux.

Urban Fantasy goes intergalactic in this Epic Space Fantasy that fans of Warhammer 40K, Star Wars and Dune are sure to love.

Release dateMay 23, 2024
Void Magi: The Star Magi Saga, #5

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    Book preview

    Void Magi - Andrew Dobell


    Star Magi Saga

    Book 5



    Andrew Dobell


    A dragon in a circle Description automatically generated

    The book is Copyright © to Andrew Dobell, Creative Edge Studios Ltd, 2019.

    No part of this book may be reproduced without prior permission of the copyright holder.

    All locations, events, and characters within this book are either fictitious, or have been fictionalised for the purposes of this book. 

    Welcome to The Magi Saga

    This book is part of a sprawling universe of magic and adventure taking place over several series of books, detailing the incredible lives of a wide range of heroes and villains.

    I hope you enjoy reading this book, and if you’d like more from the Magi Saga universe, check out my website. 


    For my Grandfather, who was a continual inspiration and support. I miss you, and this is for you.

    Thank you to my wife and family for their love and tolerance and help. You make everything worthwhile.

    Thank you to my old gaming friends, you guys have inspired this story more than you can know. I have some of the best memories from those hours sitting at the gaming table.

    Thank you to my Editors Julie Hall, CP Bialois, Hanna Elizabeth & Crystal Wren. Your input has been amazing, thank you.

    Thank you to Vicki Blatchley for being my cover model, and Tania Claire for your tireless help and support on the shoots.


    For my boys, my kids, I love you!


    I’m a British author living in Britain, and I write in British English with British spellings.   ;-)


    For full list of Andrew Dobells Books, visit his website at;

    Table of Contents


    About this book


    Organisations & Locations



    The Crux War Map


    On the Arkady


    Fallen Dynasty

    News from the Front


    Hive Hunt

    Forge Hunt

    Home Again

    Visiting Hours

    Nexus Reformed

    Clean up



    From Beyond



    Strike Team

    Making Moves

    Into the Fire

    Arresting Developments


    The Battle of Axia

    Arkady Attack

    Fighting the Good Fight

    A Wraith’s New Armour


    Aeon Soul



    Earth Magi

    Author’s Note


    About this book

    Thank you for choosing to read this novel.

    This series chronicles the continuing adventures of Amanda-Jane Page and follows on from the seven-book Magi Saga series.

    Star Magi is part of a wider universe of books that is growing all the time. There are events and characters in this book that have come from elsewhere in the universe, and even from outside of it.

    While you don’t need to read any of the other books that contain events that are referenced in this book, they do add depth to the story.

    Firstly, you might consider reading the first Magi Saga series to learn more about where Amanda comes from and her history.

    Other series and books set in the Magi Saga Universe include:

    Wasteland Road Knights (A Post-Apocalyptic adventure)

    Arcanum Black Ops (A Supernatural Thriller.)

    The Aetheric Academy (An Urban Fantasy series set in a magical school)

    Magi Argent (A gritty, street level Urban Fantasy series)

    All my books are available on my website.


    Also, you might want to look at reading the Quantum Legends books, which detail Amanda’s adventures in the universes of other writers.

    Along a similar line, the two BOB’s Bar Anthologies feature Amanda’s first encounters with characters from other universes.

    The Quantum Legends books and BOB’s Bar books are available on Amazon.


    Thank you for reading.




    Essentia – An extra-dimensional exotic energy that, when used to fuel the wishes of the Magi, creates Magic.

    Magi – (Pronounced Mah-Guy) Humans who can harness Essentia and bend it to their will to work Magic.

    Archons – Ancient creatures of god-like power, creators of the Scions. They once ruled Earth, and they want to rule humanity again.

    Scions – Creatures of nightmare and legends. Vampires, Werewolves, and more. Created by the Archons.

    Nomads – Magi who serve the Archons or Crux. Magi who walk the dark path.

    Crux – Ancient alien creatures of immense power who fought the first Star Magi and lost. They retreated to an area of space close to the galactic core. Similar to the Archons

    Aegis – The Magical Shield that Magi use to protect themselves.

    Aetheric Realm – The Spirit World.

    Riven – Humans with no Magical ability.

    Initiated Riven – Riven who are aware of Magic.

    Aeon – Beings that live between universes and outside of time. Amanda’s mother, Sophia, is an Aeon.

    The Sundering – 10,000 years ago, the Archons attempted to destroy the Magi with their Magic. It didn’t work as intended. Rather than separating the Magi from their Magic, it only weakened their connection to it, resulting in fewer new Magi, a slowing of a Magi’s advancement through their ranks, and no more guaranteed Magi children between two Magi parents.

    The Un-Sundered – The Sundering only effected the Magi who were on Earth at the time, and all new Magi on Earth since. The Magi who had left Earth before this event were unaffected. They are the Un-Sundered.

    The Restoration – The removal of the barrier to the Spirit World. When the Archons escaped their prison that the Demiurge had trapped them inside of.

    Organisations & Locations

    Nexus Arcadia – The central group of Magi in space. Primarily made up of Dynasties

    Dynasties – Ancient, aristocratic, and powerful Magi families.

    Terran Foundation – The merging of several pro-Sol groups, including The Foundation and the Terran Alliance. The organisation grew out of the old Sol Protectorate.

    Created by the Tempus Dynasty, the Foundation was a neutral Magi group based at Proxima Centauri (The Star closest to Earth’s Sun) who hosted the Nexus Council.

    The Terran Alliance was a collection of smaller groups, including the Ormond Dynasty, the Magi Council of Earth, the Wraith mercenary group, and several systems close to Sol.

    The Accord – A group of Dynasties who oppose the Magi of Earth joining the Nexus and gaining as much power as they have, so quickly. They see the swift rise to power of the Terrans as a threat to their power and are fighting back. Their actions are bringing the Nexus closer to war.

    The Sol Protectorate – The exclusion zone around Earth, the rules that prevent Earth from joining the Nexus, and the governing body that polices this.

    The Earth was left to advance at its own rate by the Magi of the Nexus, so that while the Earth is still in the early twenty-first century, out beyond the solar system, there is a vast interstellar civilisation of humans. The Ormond Dynasty managed the Sol Protectorate with help from the Foundation of the Nexus, and the Sentinels of Earth.

    Sol Prime – A huge city-sized space station about two hundred AU from Sol (Earth’s Sun).

    Ultima Thule – A large castle on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, the location of the Magi Council of Earth.

    Axia – The city planet at Proxima Centauri, home of the Nexus Council.

    Inisfail - The Quantum Realm – Amanda’s personal Magical Realm located in the space between universes just outside of our universe.

    The Sentinels – An Earth group dedicated to keeping Magi and Riven affairs separate, they were also the former prison guards for the Archons.

    Crux – Ancient god-like creatures of evil who want to destroy the Nexus. Also, the group of Nomad Magi, Dragons, and Scions who follow them.

    Dynasties of Note:

    The Ormond Dynasty – A small Dynasty based at Sol Prime, led by Ylena Ormond.

    The Tempus Dynasty – Leaders of the former Foundation, and custodians of the Nexus Council. They have a pro-Sol stance.

    The Valk Dynasty – The first Dynasty to oppose the Terran Ascendancy. Tend to be isolationist and authoritarian.

    The Wraxleith Dynasty – Allies of the Valk, between them they form the backbone of the Accord. A proud, fierce, and expansionist Dynasty.

    The Septhian Dynasty – A part of the Terran Foundation, they are elegant and egalitarian with a focus on the natural world.

    The Arcturus Dynasty – A part of the Terran Foundation, they are strong, stoic, and viewed as a little rough around the edges.

    The Dimande Dynasty – A young but proud Dynasty, who set up further from the Nexus than most. Allies with the Solidaire Dynasty and supportive of Earth.

    Concord Prime – Not really a Dynasty, they function independently of the Nexus. Ruled by a group formed from the oldest Un-Sundered Magi who left Earth before the Sundering.  They’re powerful, isolationist, but usually peaceful.


    Amanda-Jane Page – A Magus from Earth. The daughter of an Aeon (extra-dimensional being) and human, she’s been marked as someone with a destiny in the fight against the darkness.

    Sabine – A Magus from New Orleans, trained in Special Ops. She’s a sensation junkie and occasional lover of Amanda’s.

    Rane Ormond – Daughter to the Matriarch of the Ormond Dynasty and the wild-child of that family.

    Jinx – AI from another universe.

    Matt Walker – A Riven human from Earth and a bit of a computer wiz.

    Samhain – Amanda’s sabretooth cat and Familiar.

    Trevelyan – Ancient Magus. Chair of the Earth Magi Council, and a member of the assembly leading the Terran Alliance.

    Elden Tempus – Head of the Tempus Dynasty, speaker of the Nexus Council.

    Dasha Ormond – Foppish brother to Rane.

    Ylena Ormond – Magus. Mother to Dasha and Rane. The Matriarch of the Ormond Dynasty. Killed by Anastasia. Rane took her place as Matriarch.

    Crystal – Leader of the Sentinels.

    Valerya – A Weredragon woman who’s been fighting the Crux for thousands of years.

    Aris – A stoic Riven soldier, undercover agent, and companion of Valerya.

    Astrid – Magus leader of the paramilitary group, the Wraiths. Friend to Amanda.

    Anastasia – Nomad Magus from Earth with plans to gain power.

    The Demiurge – Ancient, powerful creature who first banished the Archons to their Spirit Realm prison ten thousand years ago. Has been missing ever since.

    Anka – A powerful Magus who was the Demiurge’s lover before he was imprisoned.

    Rizar – An Arch Master Void Rider Nomad. He rides a dragon called Vyko.

    Aevari Vexxus – The leader of the Nomads who follow the Crux.

    Sophia – An Aeon and Amanda’s mother.

    The Weaver – A powerful Aeon who polices Time and Time Magic.

    Theletos – Powerful leader of the Crux.


    Freed from their prison in the Aetheric Realm, Amanda hunted the Archons on Earth.

    As she closed in on them, a flight of Void Dragons controlled by the Crux attacked New York City, liberating the Archons from Earth.

    Having successfully hidden the attack from humanity, the Magi of Earth realised that the Magi of the Nexus couldn’t protect Earth and took matters into their own hands. Amanda helped, but hoped to hunt down the Archons, even in deep space.

    Helped by a few sympathetic Magi, the Terrans applied to join the Nexus, much to the displeasure of most of the Dynasties.

    Amanda wished only to unite the Magi to fight the Crux and Archons. The Dynasties, however, didn’t see the danger. They defeated the Crux once before, and they believed they could do it again.

    Anastasia, a Nomad from Earth, convinced a Dragon to imbue her with its soul, transforming her into a Were-dragon with the ability to consume the power of others.

    As the Terran Alliance ascended to the Nexus, several Dynasties joined forces to create the Accord, an organisation of Magi whose goal was to stop the Terrans.

    Violence broke out, and Amanda was forced to deal with it.

    Meanwhile, growing frustrated with the politics of the Nexus, Crystal chose to travel to Crux Space to find the Demiurge. Crystal eventually found Anka, a Magus and the Demiurge’s former lover. Anka told Crystal that the Demiurge was held by the Crux in Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the centre of the galaxy.

    The fighting between the Terran Alliance and the Accord only got worse. Dynasty spies within the Foundation were expelled, and the Foundation began to restructure. Meanwhile, Anastasia infiltrated an Accord Dynasty and pushed for war.

    The Foundation and the Terran Alliance joined together to become the Terran Foundation. In response, the Nexus split. War broke out. Battles were fought, and people died. Amidst this, Anastasia increased her power by absorbing the Power of other Magi.

    In the aftermath of an attack, Rane suspected someone within the Terran Foundation was working for Anastasia and the Accord.

    As the Crux began to attack the Nexus, Crystal returned with news of the Demiurge’s location. Amanda helped where she could, but she knew that the Demiurge might be their best hope for defeating the Crux and Archons.

    Amanda led a desperate mission into the heart of Crux Space to find and liberate the Demiurge. They were ultimately successful, and the Demiurge was freed.

    He revealed that Sophia, Amanda’s mother, created him and that he created the Archons.

    Meanwhile, the Crux led an all-out attack against the Nexus. The Crux War has begun...

    The Crux War Map


    Mace, Valk Dynasty, 843 Light-years from Sol

    Aris guided the Aether ship as it bore down on Mace, the Valk Capital world that loomed in the viewscreen. The vast city-planet with its four moons, attached to Mace itself by massive spokes around its equator.

    It was a marvel of Magical planetary engineering, one of many throughout Nexus Space, and it was under attack. Everywhere Aris looked, glowing blue Wyrm Holes punched through spacetime, and disgorged a seemingly endless number of Void Dragons into the planet’s local space. Crux ships followed and blasted their way towards the surface, as the Valk fleet moved to intercept.

    This is not good, sir. I’m not sure...

    Open a channel to High Command, Admiral Orlan ordered.

    Aris looked up in consternation.

    Did I stutter? Orlan asked.

    No sir, Aris replied and did as the Admiral asked. Channel open.

    This is Admiral Orlan, we’re on approach... the channel cut off.

    The Admiral frowned and looked accusingly down at Aris.

    Wasn’t me, Aris said, holding his hands up in surrender.

    Again, Orlan ordered.

    Aris repeated the operation. Open, sir.

    High Command, this is Admiral Orlan.

    We hear you, Admiral; we’re just a little busy...

    We’re on approach, Orlan cut in. We have intel...

    Aris could hear a voice on the other end of the line in the background ask who the speaker was talking too. They gave Orlan’s name.

    Tell him to make himself useful, attack the nearest Crux Wyrm Hole and get off the line.

    Sir, the comms operator replied. I’ve been told to ask if you can help defend—.

    I heard what he said, Orlan replied, and cut the channel.

    What do we do now? Aris asked.

    Orlan frowned as he stared at the chaos on the viewscreen. I’m not sure...

    How about the Nexus?

    The Nexus? Orlan asked, sounding surprised.

    This is the Crux, right? They don’t care if we’re Accord or Nexus, they just want us dead. We need to unite, sir. We need to tell everyone before they wipe us all out.

    Pfff, Orlan replied dismissively. We can handle a few Crux...

    His words were bold, but Aris could hear how rattled he was. His resolve was wavering. Good. Maybe he could convince Orlan to make for the Nexus.

    Respectfully, that’s more than just a few, sir.

    An alarm blared throughout the ship. Aris checked the scanner, which reported gateway energies flaring close to the ship. A Wyrm Hole was opening right on top of them.

    Fray me, Aris cursed, and banked right, speeding up.

    Is that?

    Yep, Aris replied, and called up a view of the Gateway. A huge hole in space, wreathed in blue energy filled the new window on the main viewer.

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