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Ravished By The Inmate
Ravished By The Inmate
Ravished By The Inmate
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Ravished By The Inmate

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About this ebook

He's a death row inmate who only wants one thing…ME.
When he finds out that I'm here to cover his execution, he takes me hostage.

And now, there's nothing standing between me and the most gorgeous, most powerful and most dangerous mob enforcer in the world: Wesley "Trigger" Balzaretti.
I should be scared, but instead I'm extremely turned on. But no, that can't be, can it?
He's as bad as they come. Some even say that he's the devil incarnate. So why does my entire body tingle when he says my name?
No no no no no…He's starting to get in my head.
I should be focused on getting away from this psycho, but instead, I'm envisioning Wesley ravishing me.
Then when he looks at me with hungry eyes, my heart goes wild.
What's wrong with me?! This was supposed to be my big break as a reporter. Instead, it's going to be my biggest mistake.

*WARNING: This is an over-the-top book with explicit sex scenes, adult themes and adult language.

*Also, please note: This is a satirical romance in which the author uses humor or exaggeration to poke fun at a situation. Satire is a literary device and in accordance with it the writing is over-the-top on purpose. Enjoy! ;)

PublisherJulie Thorn
Release dateMay 23, 2024
Ravished By The Inmate

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    Book preview

    Ravished By The Inmate - Julie Thorn




    Hemsley Smith maximum-security prison

    The execution chamber

    Huntsville, Texas

    I’ve never watched anyone die before. My heart is racing, and there’s a heavy feeling in my stomach. Right now, I’m sitting in a witness room located adjacent to the execution chamber inside of the walls of Hemsley Smith maximum-security prison.

    Four years ago, Wesley Trigger Balzaretti was sentenced to death for the robbery, kidnapping, and murder of an innocent shopkeeper. And today is his execution day. This is supposed to be my big break as a reporter. But instead of feeling happy, I feel sad about the senseless killing of a hardworking store owner. The victim is described as a father of three who leaves behind five grandchildren. This whole situation is heartbreaking.

    My eyes glance over at the curtains in front of me. Behind the curtains is a large glass window where witnesses may watch the execution. At present, the window is covered. But any minute now, the prison staff is expected to pull the curtains aside to reveal Wesley lying on the execution gurney.

    It’s almost time for it to start.

    At the moment, there’s a lot of things going on around me. The air in the witness room is thick with feelings of disquiet and inner turmoil. I think everyone just wants this to be over. The victim’s family can be heard sniffling quietly. They’ve waited four years for this day, and now the day is finally here. To my right, I can see a few reporters whispering amongst themselves. Then, suddenly, I hear the guards, and Wesley’s ankle chains clattering together.

    Oh God.

    My stomach is in knots.

    This is your story, Elena, my supervisor said to me this morning. No one has covered the Balzaretti case more than you. It’s your job as a reporter to bring the public closure. Bring them the news that the monster is finally dead.

    I swallow hard, my mouth dry. I can do this. I know I can. Lord knows, more than anything, that I want to report the truth. Plus, unlike some of my previous news articles, this is not a piece that my supervisor can ruin for me. And by ruin, I mean she can’t fill it with hyperbolic statements and, dare I say it, subtle falsehoods.

    Why did I have to end up working at a newspaper that’s low-key owned by the governor’s grandson-in-law? Not all newspapers are like this, but this one has seedy political ties. By the time I realized that, it was too late to apply for jobs elsewhere. Looking back, I was just a doe-eyed college grad just starting out and looking to make a name for myself. At the time, the rules for what you can and can’t write about in the news confused the hell out of me. Even to this day, I think that the editor-in-chief’s guidelines are ridiculous.

    I want to believe in the freedom of press.

    I want to believe that I’m a real journalist.

    But the truth is that a lot of my articles about Wesley were heavily edited and slanted to promote the governor’s political agenda. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against safer streets and less crime—heck, I emphatically want that for the community. My gripe is with my newspaper not reporting the news objectively.

    Frankly, besides using political chicanery to win votes for the governor, The Paper Kite newspaper has deep, systemic problems, such as a plague of bad bosses running the whole damn operation. The other reporters know this, but most of us are just trying to make the best of it. And most of us, myself included, just have massive student loan debt. At this point, we’re just wage slaves. Though if things keep getting worse, I may need to email my supervisor that resignation letter that I drafted some time ago. I hate that it’s⁠—


    Suddenly the curtains are pulled aside.

    There he is!

    Wesley Trigger Balzaretti, the most gorgeous, most powerful and most dangerous mob enforcer in the world is being strapped to a gurney by a prison guard.

    My eyes study Wesley from head to toe. I wonder what his final statement will be. Will he apologize to the victim’s family? I instantly search his face for any signs of remorse or trepidation. There’s none at all. He looks so calm like he’s just waiting to get a haircut at the barber shop. God, his features are so perfect.

    Er...what am I thinking? Perfect? This man is a cold-blooded killer!

    But seriously, it’s true. In another life, Wesley could have been a model. I love his chiseled jawline, his deep blue eyes, his dark brown hair, his broad shoulders and his muscular physique. Besides being gorgeous, he’s an imposing man who stands at 6 feet 4 inches tall. And let's just say that you wouldn't want to run into him in an alley.

    In fact, rumor has it that the guards at Hemsley Smith maximum-security prison aren’t equipped to handle him. Three years ago, Wesley knocked the daylights out of four guards at once, which is what got him thrown into solitary confinement. Mind you, they were in full riot gear when they stormed his cell. Nevertheless, Wesley surprised them with his special brand of hand-to-hand combat.

    He’s just too feral for this world.

    The general consensus is that Wesley will pose a future danger, even in prison. He’s as bad as they come. Some even say that he's the devil incarnate. After so many years of being the most dangerous mob enforcer in the world, they pretty much threw the book at him. Even going so far as to keep him in solitary confinement with no social or human contact with anyone for three years.

    Moments later, a doctor prepares the intravenous line that is to be secured to Wesley’s arm. Shortly afterwards, the doctor glances over at the warden. With a stern nod, the warden signals for the execution to commence. Then a heart monitor is attached to Wesley, and I watch with bated breath as the doctor loads a syringe with the lethal drugs. Next, the doctor swabs Wesley’s muscular arm with alcohol. After swabbing the cotton ball a few times, the doctor frowns over at the prison guard who strapped Wesley’s arms in.

    What’s going on?

    A second later, the doctor swabs Wesley’s other arm. And, once again, he frowns over at that same prison guard.

    What’s happening?

    My guess is that he’s having trouble finding a vein for Wesley’s IV. He’s just too ripped with muscles.

    Next, the doctor whispers something to the prison guard who, in turn, quickly unstraps Wesley’s arms. Then it’s almost as if⁠—


    In a flash, Wesley grabs the guard by the throat and practically lifts him off of the ground with one arm. Then he reaches for the lethal syringe and rips it out of the doctor’s hand. The crowd gasps as the execution takes this unexpected turn. Then quite suddenly two prison guards rush over, but Wesley stops them dead in their tracks by aiming the syringe near the guard’s neck. DON’T COME ANY CLOSER! Wesley barks at the guards.

    Oh my God!

    Little did I know that what will happen next will change my life forever.

    Ladies and gentlemen in the room: Listen to me very carefully and I promise no one will get hurt. But if you try any funny business, I will not hesitate to kill this guard, Wesley says warningly. "Do you hear what I’m saying? If you don’t

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