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Women 2 Point ohh....
Women 2 Point ohh....
Women 2 Point ohh....
Ebook51 pages44 minutes

Women 2 Point ohh....

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The most fascinating creatures on the planet earth are the Women. Isn't it amazing to watch them shift their gears effortlessly into the roles they are given to play - a daughter, a wife, a mother, a friend? The most amazing part is that she can be all this one by one or all at the same time! But where is "she" an individual with a world of her

Release dateMay 23, 2024
Women 2 Point ohh....

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    Women 2 Point ohh.... - Geeta Fadnavis

    30 Din ki Love Story

    In Hindi language there is a term Dil Fek. It suits Survi perfectly.

    I believe in power. Women are naturally strong and can go through tough times.

    There is another side to women. Being able to multitask, go through various emotions in a single day also makes them kind of addicted to this ride from euphoria to misery and back to normal.

    Once a woman is financially settled with kids kind of getting on their own and her spouse still stuck up in race to be successful, there is lull in life and less excitements and exhilarations, too much time in hand – then the woman especially one like Survi falls in love. Survi tells me she loves the roller coaster ride of high and dip, which comes with falling in love, followed by a breakup. It’s a kind of high that comes with drinking or drug and hangover that follows. We know there is hangover pain on the other side but we still drink, right!

    So, Survi wanted to change her hair stylist and I suggested her my salon. I advised her to take an appointment with Angad who did my hair too and was the best.

    Survi picked a day, got an appointment and sat in the chair waiting for Angad to start with her hair. Angad was a pukka Hyderabadi, spoke awesome Hindi with Hyderabad lilt and called it Urdu. Calling Survi Aap and Hum to himself. In her words perfect candidate to fall for - fair, lean (thin according to me), awesome hair, and talking continuously while his lovely hands worked on her hair.

    They exchanged numbers and then started an unending epic of what's apps, exchanging likes, hobbies. Angad asked for advice and Survi held hands with him while giving awesome advice. She helped him to connect with the best people in the social circle and convinced many ladies to take him on as personal hair stylist. Survi started sending him small gifts of lovely Kamisori scissors, aprons and lovely mugs - nothing frivolous. Then came the first flood of photos of Angad drowning Survi, and complements started flowing from her to Angad.

    Angad confessed that he had never received so many compliments and there came the first confession from Survi - maybe no one likes you as much I do Booooom! Survi was floating, head over hills in love, can't eat, can't think phase. Her eyes shining, a constant smile on lips and gushing about Angad all the time.

    Weekday meetings at Starbucks, lunches in swanky restaurants became a routine for them. Survi talking too much and Angad smiling when I joined them for one of the lunches (I actually thought it to be extremely dumb smile). Angad kept on saying it is so good to hear Survi's sweet voice, don't you think my honeybun is cooing? - I found the statement sooooo stupid - who calls a lady love with bakery products and sweet poems as chirps of birds. But Survi was happy and as she was my best friend, I did everything for her.

    So no contact from Survi for couple of weeks and I knew her romance was in full bloom.

    I continued with my dance classes, being housewife, cooking, gym and walk - the normal things all women do and enjoy. I was also extra busy practicing sangeet for the wedding at the end of the month and generally had no time to spare.

    On a Saturday I got a call from Survi, sniffing, low voice, thick with tears asking me if I could come to be with her ASAP. It was no use me saying that I was busy, as I knew she would accuse me of never

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