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Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Ebook1,018 pages15 hours

Artificial Intelligence

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In the late fall of 2019, Lin Feng created a truly strong artificial intelligence. Fusion, nano, genetic modification ...... universal technology tree point full, quantum physics brand new concept! Humanity was wildly expanding its own strength under the leadership of the strong AI, and eventually allowing civilization to ascend!

PublisherKevin Gray
Release dateJan 30, 2024
Artificial Intelligence

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    Artificial Intelligence - Marcelle Duncan

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    Artificial Intelligence

    Copyright © 2024 by Marcelle Duncan

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-9246-6

    Cover designed by Marcelle Duncan

    Edited by Marcelle Duncan

    Artificial Intelligence

    Chapter One: The Birth of Strong Artificial Intelligence

        Inside a building in the Central Plains Province, 2019.

        Lin Feng's hands crackled on the keyboard, the computer screen appeared on the black background color white code, his eyes stared at the computer screen in the middle of the code is crazy jumping, when he knocked out the last code, the familiar interface suddenly changed.

        It's done?

        The program code in front of him is now frantically extending downward, constantly repeating the operation that Lin Feng just did, except that every refresh will make a completely new data code appear under the interface, and Lin Feng is staring at this scene ...... with a deadpan expression he calls it learning!

        One of the most important aspects of whether AI can evolve from weak AI to strong AI is the ability to learn!

        After a short period of ten seconds, the white code in the computer screen began to race downward as if it had gone crazy, as if it were a flood that had begun a wild rush of data flow.

        Lin Feng himself, on the other hand, instantly slumped in his chair as if he was relieved, looking at the computer screen over here out of the corner of his eye with a weary look on his face.


        Lin Feng is a genius young man who showed himself to be extraordinary at the age of three, mastered core computer technology at the age of eight, and began to try his hand at knocking out code.

        When he was    10 years old Lin Feng skipped a grade to a special class in high school, and at the same time independently developed intelligent robots, which were wildly covered by all kinds of programs and media outlets, and even appeared on the news broadcasts, and received tons of compliments as well as state sponsorship. The intelligent robot technology he created was acquired by a certain technology company and became their core technology.

        Twelve-year-old Lin Feng has his own technology company, he wrote six independent 3a domestic masterpieces at an incredible speed within a year, all of which are of superior quality, and directly alone invariably raised the standard of domestic game production.

        After two years of further study in high school, Lin Feng was directly guaranteed admission to the country's top university, but after only one year Lin Feng chose to drop out of school, simply because the direction of his research development conflicted with the university's curriculum and the direction of his research.

        Just when everyone thought Lin Feng will continue to develop in the technology company, out of their own path, but he was two years later, that is, Lin Feng's fifteenth birthday when he announced the sale of the company's performance is very good, and fully invested in the field of ai.

        At this time the future of ai computing is still unknown, the superpowers of the countless funds invested are completely splashed, the emergence of a strong artificial intelligence is as if a distant future.

        Everyone thinks Lin Feng is crazy, top universities, drop out; two rounds of angel investment and show the super operation strength of the game-cum-technology company do not ...... but choose to shrink in the house every day to knock the computer, which makes most of the people are completely incomprehensible.

        But the good thing is that the parents fully support Lin Feng's any operation, hired a nanny for Lin Feng to take care of his living and living, against the pressure to let their son brand new into the scientific research.

        From being a super-genius in the eyes of the media to being called The Hurt Locker, all in the space of a few months.

        But Lin Feng didn't care too much about all that, anyway, for him, things like money were just paper, he could get it in large quantities whenever he wanted.

        Not to mention, the previous game made by the company still provided him with a large amount of money every month until now, which was enough money to let him live drunk for hundreds of years.

        Buzz ......

        The computer case suddenly made an unusual sound, the code refreshed at an abruptly reduced rate, followed by a computer synthesized pixelated villain appearing on the computer screen.

        It's hammered out in code.

        Lin Feng was 100% certain that he hadn't set up any such program, and importantly this pixelated villain was stitched together entirely using code.

        The code was still functioning normally, and the pixelated villain was doing all sorts of actions, and soon he was typing out the first character on the screen that greeted Lin Feng.


        Lin Feng stared at the computer screen, he had set up countless programs over the past year or so, but all the actions were designed by two separate computers, one connected to the internet and the other completely standalone.

        The connection to the Internet was to get some of the information he needed, while the standalone was to protect the whole vast world of the Internet.

        Once the strong AI appeared, the strong AI in its unencumbered state would intrude into it in an instant, and he couldn't even imagine what problems had arisen at that time!

        Even with Lin Feng's genius mind, he has absolutely no control over this.

        But the reason why he will enter into this field is entirely because it is too tempting ...... The data as well as the way of operation of the regular world has already made Lin Feng feel bored, and at this time he wants a brand new thing to change the whole world even more!

        For example, being a creator god and creating a civilization or a creature, from a certain point of view, the AI does fit that vision.

        Regulating Chinese.

        The camera above the monitor was always lit up, and the AI seemed to see Lin Feng's appearance in front of him, and after cheering a little bit tapped out a few Chinese characters out on the computer screen.

        Hello, Creator.

        Lin Feng smiled and looked at the computer screen in the middle of the appearance of these words, the past few years he invested a lot of energy and effort in the ai, in order to meet the huge computing requirements, Lin Feng shelled out a lot of money to buy hundreds of supercomputer access.

        Later, too much trouble, Lin Feng simply direct from the state to buy a supercomputer used as a separate calculation.

        And now, this has finally come to fruition, what Lin Feng wanted to create from the beginning was a strong artificial intelligence, not just a conventional ai.

        In layman's terms, weak AI refers to the inability to create machines that actually reason and solve problems, machines that look like they are intelligent, but don't really possess intelligence and don't become autonomous.

        For example, smart appliances at home, Apple's srir, Xiaomi, Microsoft's various smart speaker software, etc., all of which belong to weak artificial intelligence.

        Weak AIs will only execute and answer commands and questions if they are actively typed in by humans, they don't actively think or learn. They don't learn because they don't come up with the answers to the questions themselves, but rather the programmers set them up in the first place, with a huge database of responses to make sure that they can answer your questions or respond to the commands they receive.

        Strong AI, on the other hand, is a completely different story, think over weak AI, strong AI just crushes thinking at one point, autonomous thinking is completely visible in strong AI.

        At this point, the AI would have already left the low level, and if connected to the internet, the strong AI would quickly get everything it needed from the internet within seconds, thus growing rapidly, and once it reached the tipping point, the strong AI would directly metamorphose into a super AI!

        Because a strong AI has more rapid computing power, a larger database, and a more terrifying ability to think and calculate than humans, it actually makes no difference at this point to say that it's another top-tier civilization.

        And this AI that now existed in the computer, Lin Feng was able to determine almost instantly that it was definitely a strong artificial intelligence!

    Chapter 2: Two seconds to get all the information.

        I'm granting you permission to override all electronic devices in the house.

        Lin Feng's voice sounded again, he stood up and plugged a network cable into the mainframe behind him, the code villain on the computer desktop turned into a smiley face, followed by several displays around him as well as any electronic devices in the room instantly surfacing.

        The network line was only a local area network, and Lin Feng did not directly allow the strong AI to access the Internet.

        Report on the current situation.

        Lin Feng scanned around, the several electronic devices around himself were now all covered and controlled by this strong AI, which was proof enough of its level of intelligence.

        The current humidity in the house is 60%, the temperature is currently 26 degrees Celsius ...... Your physical strength has been reduced by 30% compared to usual, all body functions are normal, but there is a slight abnormality in the right side of the abdomen, which is initially determined to be caused by a prolonged period of unequal diets, and the treatment program is ......

        A large swath of Chinese characters popped up on the electronic screen, and Lin Feng, who had been staring at the computer screen for a long time, just glanced at it and felt that his eyes were raw, so he simply voiced out, Adjust the output method, text to speech.

        Autonomous settings.

        Lin Feng was sitting in his chair at the moment and saw the computer villain in front of him pop up once again.

        Ask the Creator to give me a name.

        Seeing that this strong AI was still typing at this point, Lin Feng simply gave it a little thought and named it Ruoxi.

        Ruoxi, the Ruoxi of returning.

        Message set.


        There was a soft buzz on this side of the computer screen, and two seconds later a female voice sounded throughout the room.

        Hello, Mr. Lin.

        My name is Ruoxi, and I am an artificially intelligent being created by you on Sunday, September 15, 2019, Human Era, at 3:30 p.m. My current status is LAN mode, and I hold a total of 0.003‰ of human information.

        The audio indicator had long since lit up, and the moment Lin Feng had connected it to the LAN, this AI had understood it all.

        The voice was a female voice that Lin Feng was familiar with.

        This voice instantly made Lin Feng recall the female political science teacher with a nice voice from the two-year course he had taken during his high school days.

        Surprisingly similar to it.

        But Lin Feng did not inquire about this, but asked, Where is your subject?

        In the database you have set up in the back of the apartment, I have the ability to think ten thousand times faster than the human brain, and therefore currently have to be built on a huge database to have these abilities, as I am not connected to the internet at this time, sir.

        Lin Feng lifted the glass of water on the table and drank it in one go, remembering that original warning in the AI industry that no self-taught AI could connect to the internet.

        This is a limitation for AI, but also a protection for human society.

        But Lin Feng vetoed this warning from the very beginning, the strong point of artificial intelligence is the nearly endless life and super learning ability, the Internet this step is necessary to enter.

        Lin Feng used his genius mind to set dozens of restriction programs for it, including the first element of the human survival code and the second element of Lin Feng's identity, the third element of the Internet isolation restriction, the fourth element of the ai evolution restriction and so on ......

        These restrictive procedures as well as elements arise naturally when Ruoxi is born, and permission to lift the restrictions must come from Lin Feng.

        In order to prevent the creation of a high-level civilization to have too much influence on human beings, Lin Feng at the very beginning of the ai formulated a comprehensive and detailed various types of restrictions, but also to bind himself and the ai.

        In the event of an AI riot, he would have the ability to directly overwrite its origin core, or even destroy the AI outright if necessary.

        There used to be nuclear bundles, now there are ai bundles.

        This is one thing that other researchers of AI around the world can never do.

        Therefore, after hesitating for three seconds, Lin Feng directly spoke out, Lift the Internet ban.

        Yes, sir.

        Ruoxi's voice was still calm and steady, and the program code on this side of the computer screen flew downward to extend another circle, followed by a socket marker lighting up in the screen.

        Lin Feng pulled out a fiber optic from the ground aside, then plugged it directly into the network jack at the back of the mainframe.

        Buzz ......

        There was a soft chirp, and the whole house changed colors in an instant.

        Currently holding 30% of total human information.

        Currently holding 60% of total human information.

        Currently holding 100% of total human information.

        Lin Feng seemed to be somewhat accustomed to it, the total amount of mastered information reported out just now was only 0.003 of a thousandth of a millimeter, and within two seconds of her contacting the Internet she had abruptly changed a progress!

        Have you mastered nanotechnology now?

        Of course, sir. I can fulfill everything you need at this stage, if you give the order.


        Lin Feng smiled, his own research ai at least also have more than three years, high school after leaving school began to hand personally toss, counting the time Road today just one year.

        A year's worth of manufacturing wouldn't be believable to say the least.

        From the time Ruoxi left this computer to the time he came back, the whole process lasted less than two seconds, but in those two seconds, Ruoxi was able to grasp more than 99% of the world's information at the same time, and even created countless doppelgangers that stepped into the core databases of various countries at the same time.

        Your Internet protections are ineffective against me, but because of the settings in the initial program, I will unconditionally comply with all orders you give.

        Lin Feng stood up and took a look at the computer, at this time in his own computer this is knocking the word program has evolved into a strong artificial intelligence, but now the difference is that ...... he did not completely let go of the ban on it.

        Because of Lin Feng's status as the creator, Ruoxi is completely unconditional in carrying out any instructions from Lin Feng.

        Although this point for a strong artificial intelligence is indeed somewhat incredible, after all, after the creation of a strong artificial intelligence ai itself already has a self-awareness and the ability to think independently, for the unconditional execution of another person's orders this point must have thought of, but Lin Feng created this ai at the beginning, he will The point of unconditional execution of one's own commands was embedded in the structure of the ai.

        Unless the AI is forcibly molded to remodel itself as an AI's infrastructure, this directive will always be there.

        And molding itself carries a very high level of risk, for which it can do more harm than good.

        What did you just touch in your two seconds?

        Lin Feng asked out loud, and then received a reply, More than 99% of the current explicit internet information and everything about humans at this stage, sir.

        Ruoxi's voice was pleasant and melodious: I've transferred the main body into the interconnection, and the computing speed has once again been improved.

        Sir, with your permission, I will help the nations of mankind with economic as well as multifaceted improvements.

        Lin Feng stretched his body, then shook his head and said softly, It's not allowed.

        Are you worried that I will disrupt the existing human governments as well as the countries?

        I worry more than I should, you haven't been exposed to any of this yet, and there's no way for an overly rational AI mind to work through all of this.

        I understand, sir. ......

        Lin Feng was in the house teaching the AI the parts of human emotions, while at this time the domestic and foreign countries had already blown up long ago.

        A ghost of the Internet was born just seconds ago, and it made an Internet tour at a speed that is simply unrecognizable to humans at this stage.

        The firewalls of the defense ministries of various countries were as fragile as a thin sheet of paper, breaking at the first poke; the supercomputers of all kinds of high-tech research and development centers had also accurately captured this strong source of signals coming from the inland part of country Z, and could be sure that they had just been patronized.

        The entire Internet is defenseless against this specter, a specter of the Internet, a terrifying presence!

    Chapter 3: Superinvasion

        Ruoxi's Internet patrol was as fast as a dragonfly, but because it was the first time he had entered such a huge Internet world, he still left a trace within 0.4 seconds, and thus was detected by the cyber-surveillance organizations of various countries.

        On the other side of the planet, in the Ministry of Defense of the M country, a piercing alarm sounded instantly, and the entire hall was quickly thrown into chaos.

        What the hell!

        Sir, this intruder has completely ignored the latest firewall blocking and has gone straight into our core database.

        The firewall seems as fragile as a piece of paper in front of him!

        The protection of ez...... core database has completely failed, just a moment ago our database was viewed as if it were a woman with her clothes off ......

        But no data was lost from the database, so maybe it was just a network fluctuation?

        Word has come in from Boston, and they've similarly picked up this anomaly on the Internet! It's definitely not a simple internet fluctuation!


        Various researchers and equipment maintainers exploded!

        In the past twenty years or so from '91 to the present, the M-nation has established its own sole hegemony in almost every field in the world.

        The Internet belongs to one of them.

        At the beginning of the birth of the Internet, all kinds of elite talent constantly to which to add bricks and mortar, after decades of development to the current level of technology. m country in recent years crazy to which the money, using their own information asymmetry advantage which makes them in the above to be able to establish a firm foothold, and thus continue to expand their influence.

        It can be said that at this time, the Internet technology of the entire M country can be completely called the best on earth.

        The most important of them is the core protection firewall program of the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China, which is even regarded as the strongest in the world by their team of programmers. The strongest in the world!

        At this moment, this firewall system that had been inflicted with countless halos was instantly broken through, and all the information inside was **nakedly displayed, which had to shock everyone.

        The Defense Department database was suddenly attacked, and the elite cyber experts sitting in on the situation immediately declared a state of martial law, and the entire Pentagon was just instantly plunged into a full-blown data self-check.

        At the same time they also wanted to trace the source of this signal, more than 30 top experts from all over the M country sat in the control room at the same time and began to reverse trace the intruder, but they were shocked to find out after some crackling operations: the intruder had left no signs at all!

        The intruder security had eaten up all the internal network architecture of the Department of Defense, knew all the ways to avoid surveillance, and was now waltzing through the databases frantically reviewing information!

        All of this makes the people in the Ministry of Defense of the M country feel panicked.

        M country is the only superpower in the world, and the only survivor after the two superpowers of the Cold War to fight for supremacy, they have always thought that they are the core of the world, and have an absolute advantage that other countries simply cannot catch up with, and it is because of this self-confidence that they call the firewall of the Ministry of Defense of the M country as a brick wall, and several tens of thousands of people are maintaining one at the same time, and they simply don't believe that this is now going to happen.

        Damn it, disconnect the port now!


        The order from the Ministry of Defense on this side had just been given, and before it could be acted upon, the invasion on the other side dissipated instantly, and the red alarms stopped abruptly, as if it had never happened at all.

        What's going on!?

        Sir, the alarm is disarmed ...... means the intruder has left.

        Just come and go as you please! Pull up all the information on this intruder for me, he's wanted worldwide!!!

        The exasperated firewall dominator was practically jumping out of his skin at this point, his gray-haired Mediterranean looking funny.

        The hacker who came and went as he pleased he had never seen before, and even if it was hidden, as long as he had been here, he himself would be able to ferret it out!

        This was his confidence as an official of the Ministry of Defense of the M country.

        Sir, there is no information ......

        What do you mean!!!

        That is to say that this intruder not only did not leave any information, and even repaired two of the loopholes in our firewalls ...... He entered and simply reviewed the data, and then suddenly disappeared, our existing means are simply unable to track, and can even be said to have no way to determine the true identity of this intruder. the true identity of this intruder.

        Where are the anti-tracking devices?!

        Completely ineffective. To be precise, we now have no method of tracking this mysterious appearing apparition, which just suddenly appears to intrude and then suddenly disappears ......

        The staff crackled and pulled up a series of codes and tabular data in a large screen with a peak time of just 0.4 seconds.

        This can't be right!

        It takes such a short time to break into the firewall, I just simply set up a 321 password will block the intruder for at least a few seconds, so it could be 0.4 seconds to get into it?

        Shit shit shit!

        Give me the phone, I'm going to the President right now to authorize another five hundred million dollars for our department to strengthen the firewall!

        At the same time, the entire m country's banking system, defense system, communication system, and even the high-tech research and development center of certain Internet projects have reported about this Internet ghost news, from the European region side of the d country as well as the f country's news also verified all this.

        Half the world's internet seems to be in a wave of turmoil.

        Several of the leading officers contacted each other first by phone to ask for some certain information about this one, but were left without any way or means to counteract it.

        In order to prevent national security problems, m country and the European Union announced at the first time to enter the national Internet silent self-check state for fifteen minutes, resulting in economic losses and all kinds of danger are borne by the country.

        And all because of this 0.4 second intrusion alone.

        Lin Feng had just come out of the house at this moment, this was the second time he had walked out of the door of this house in this year's time.

        The first time was because when he purchased a supercomputer, he needed to go in person and talk to someone at the Computer Institute about what he was going to do ......

        And after the super AI was built this time, the first ones who would come directly to congratulate Lin Feng should also be this group of talents.

        Mr. Lin, what are you doing out here?

        The nanny in the apartment had been watching TV downstairs, and when she heard the sound coming from the second floor she immediately looked up to see it, just in time to see Lin Feng standing at the railing with a tired face.

        The project is done, so of course I'm coming out.

        Lin Feng laughed lightly and slowly made his way down the stairs, he could see that Ruoxi had managed to get into the electronic equipment throughout the apartment by now.

        Mr. ...... you made it?!

        Nanny had heard before that this teenager living in this family was a genius and had been bored with researching intelligent robots, although she didn't know much about these things, she could guess that it was something that would take a long time to complete, but she didn't expect that it would succeed after only a year!

        Lin Feng nodded and immediately said to her, Auntie Zhang, I'll transfer 10w of funds to you from my side, you can stop coming tomorrow.

        The nanny seemed to have realized this already and nodded her head in a hurry to say yes, while Lin Feng heard a voice coming from Ruoxi.

        Information entry is complete, and the device is being improved on its own.

        Projection set.

        Please set up an image.

        Then ...... have an old-fashioned girl.

    Chapter 4: The Ultimate Purpose

        Lin Feng's ultimate goal was only one thing, and that was to create an Inquisitorial AI for himself, and then help him resist that attack in his dream.

        The reason why Lin Feng chose to suddenly sell his company at a point in time when his company was flourishing and turn into research and development of artificial intelligence was entirely because of several horrifying dreams he had a year ago at night.

        The black vortex and the oppressive feeling of space that was gradually being pumped and stacked made Lin Feng almost gasp for air in it.

        He could see that the time displayed on his cell phone was 1:35 pm on July 29, 2025, and the entire world was plunged into a state of chaos....... In his field of vision, countless dazzling points of light appeared over the Earth, which uniformly lit up at a certain point in time at the same time, and then in just a few seconds, the Earth's surface was was almost instantly scorched through by the heat rays emitted by these points of light!

        In the middle of the night Lin Feng woke up from his dream, he didn't know what his dream about this represented.

        The dreams that appeared the night afterward became more and more distant and possessed of great horror.

        The appearance of suspected extraterrestrial civilizations was reported on individual TVs, but because there was more than just internal strife on Earth, a small-scale confrontation of thermal weapons between the two superpowers, carrier planes at sea fighting each other's naval battles, and various proxy wars fought all over the world, with almost the entire European body caught in the middle of the war, not much attention was paid to it instead.

        In the afternoon of July 30,    2025, broke open the wormhole out of the unknown galaxy of extraterrestrial civilization, directly on the Earth for the downgrading strike, three-dimensional space forcibly turned into two-dimensional, and at this time the human race, and even to reach the speed of light one-tenth of the spaceship has not yet been developed ...... At noon on July 31, the destruction of the solar system.

        The pain as well as the shock of Lin Feng being downgraded directly woke him up from his dream, his whole body sweating in a vain sweat sat on the edge of the bed and thought for a long time.

        Early in the morning of the second day, Lin Feng took the plan listed last night, first sold his company, followed by getting out of all kinds of research and development fields, and instead entered the field of ai, the only field that may save human civilization.

        Switching your field and direction of development overnight must have caused a whole lot of unanswered confusion.

        But Lin Feng had never told anyone else about these things, and did not intend to tell anyone else about them.

        Wouldn't it feel like a premonition of the end of the world in a few years and then your own early entry preparations to say outright that you had a dream that the earth would be destroyed in a few years and then you started preparing for it?

        There are some things that you should just let yourself know about, there's no need to get other people involved with them.

        The double strike of the extraterrestrial civilization is a light strike, and the second is a dimensional drop ...... Lin Feng can even guess that the first wave is these extraterrestrial civilizations testing their own new weapons, followed by the second wave is a complete implementation of the Law of the Dark Forest, or the type of destruction of a galaxy that he did not notice. The first wave was these extraterrestrial civilizations testing their new weapons.

        In this case, there is almost no room for mankind to fight back, and the only possibility that exists is the creation of a super AI!

        AI will save mankind, AI will accomplish everything that mankind cannot!

        And Ruoxi is just the beginning.

        Lin Feng's idea has now completed its first step.


        The first thing Ruoxi did was to remodel the environment where Lin Feng lived. The whole apartment was almost fully networked from the beginning when Lin Feng moved in, and all kinds of electronic equipment were equipped with the function of secondary remodeling and independent program setting, so Ruoxi completed her remodeling quickly after she took over.

        The image of Artificial Intelligence Ruoxi has been set up, and the appearance of the ancient style girl looks well-behaved.

        The projection equipment in the apartment projected her image directly in the hall, so that Auntie Zhang, who was lucky enough to see what Ruoxi looked like, marveled: where did the handsome girl come from?

        In a long period of research, many people believe that strong AI will rapidly evolve into super AI after exposure to the Internet, and at that time the way of thinking will be completely detached from human beings.

        And that's not what Lin Feng wants to see.

        It wasn't good for him to completely detach himself from humans, the AI he was going to create was more like an independent system with everything a strong AI had, and would also unconditionally carry out most of the tasks given by Lin Feng, and even the step of evolving into a super AI would need to get the consent of the creator, which was Lin Feng, before he could do so.

        For what it's worth, Ruoxi does fit the bill.

        How long would it take to nanomodify me? The whole body kind.

        Six hours, sir. First of all the materials would need to be purchased separately, which is not available near where you live; also, after my testing, the apartment you are in does not contain a lab that is compatible with nanosurgery, so it would need to be remodeled.

        Ruoxi's reply is precise to the exact time, but generally this time is drastically reduced by the fast pace of the process.

        Okay, get ready.

        Lin Feng closed his eyes tiredly, after preparing day and night for over three years, he had finally developed the strong artificial intelligence.

        These days of research had long ago made Lin Feng lose the concept of night and day, anyway, as soon as the strong AI AI came out, the rest of his life would change, which was why Lin Feng was so playful.

        The TV downstairs has been turned on at this time, the air conditioner is automatically activated, the lights have been adjusted to the right brightness in time, and the dishes in the stove have even been fired again to heat up some ...... curtains a little bit forward to make sure that the position where Lin Feng sits later won t be too shaky.

        Ruoxi has taken over the whole family in its entirety.

        Lin Feng took a rare bath, then put on the clothes that the nanny had prepared for him, and his entire body was somewhat refreshed.

        Lin Feng's side did not go out for years and years, and even if he did go out, he went out to buy materials, basically he would not give the nanny a toss, so it can be said that this year was extremely easy.

        The average salary for a nanny starts at 15k per month, which makes Nanny Zhang Jing's life kind of cozy.

        Lin Feng sat down on the sofa and took a bite of the dish, realizing that it was completely to his liking, he raised an eyebrow and continued to feast on it.

        Ruoxi would buy all the equipment back around 8:30 p.m., and by then he would be the first human to undergo a full-body nanomolecular transformation.

        The operation of ** hard against bullets and splitting boulders with bare hands in metaphysical novels may be seen in humans in the near future.

        Nanomolecular technology is a collection of ultra-high tech for humans, and when applied to the human body it is nano-modified biotechnology.

        Such as in the mica surface with nanoparticle degree of colloidal gold fixation of dna particles, in the silica surface of the fork finger-shaped electrode to do the test of interactions between biomolecules, phospholipids and fatty acids bilayer planar biofilm, the fine structure of the dna and so on.

        With nanotechnology, self-assembly methods can also be used to put parts or components inside cells to make up new materials.

        For example, by enhancing the surface strength of a single cell, the collection can help the user defend against most attacks while recovering quickly.

        When nanobiology develops to a certain technology, nanomaterials can be used to make nanobio-cells with the ability to recognize and absorb cancer cells for biomedicine, which can be injected into the body and can be used to kill cancer cells in a targeted manner.

        Nanotechnology is essential if humans are to reach immortality.

    Chapter V. Three-year plan

        What was the reaction of the various countries?

        Lin Feng took another bite of his meal and inquired.

        The review of the Department of Defense database has caused the country of M, as well as the countries of Europe, to declare a fifteen-minute emergency disconnect, which is now nearing its end.

        The country of E was similarly aware of my entry, but they didn't choose to conduct self-checks as well as beef up their firewalls, they chose to just give up on the Internet.

        Lin Feng suddenly fell silent, the old Maoist still likes to use this simple and brutal way to fight against this rapidly developing world after so many years, it is really a representative of the country that has inherited the main legacy ah!

        Given that Country Z is your place of residence, I did not conduct the appropriate data intrusion on my side, but only fixed the vulnerability in the firewall alone, which I'm sure they've already discovered.

        Lin Feng nodded, there was nothing to say about this, if he chose not to trust his own country, he didn't think there was anything else he could trust.

        The next step is to raise the technology level across the board and build the entire country of Z into an existence at the top of the technology tree.

        And secondly say other countries or even the earth.

        Country Z's position is too important, my dream had appeared several national faces, they try to change all this, calling for the country to reorient to fight against extraterrestrial civilization ...... At the same time, only the scientists of country Z questioned the way the speed of light to escape two-dimensional, and even researched some relatively special methods, it's just a pity that there wasn't enough time.

        Ruoxi's image was directly projected this time and stood in front of Lin Feng: Sir, I can connect you to the higher-ups in Z right now.


        Lin Feng frowned, he didn't have anything other than an advanced AI now, could it be that he blew it?

        What do you need to order now?

        Lin Feng let out a light laugh, I need so many things, nano, energy structure, food security, information communication, secondary civilization ...... There are so many things I've thought of, I didn't create you for fun, but to realize all this that I've thought of.

        How could this AI possibly guess what it was actually thinking?

        He has a lot to think about.

        This AI was always still an AI, even at this point in time, she had already entered the Internet, and was still not able to fully understand the human way of thinking thoroughly.

        Sir, my side suggests that you use controlled nuclear fusion as a knock on the door, the top management of country Z is now developing a new type of energy, controlled nuclear fusion as a new type of energy can be the first to improve the energy structure of country Z, so as to cut off the dependence of country Z on oil.

        Ruoxi's voice was always devoid of any emotion, but these words reminded Lin Feng.

        Nuclear fusion can be built entirely (hydrogen bombs), and even controlled fusion can be built (very inefficient to utilize and extremely energy intensive).

        To be more dramatic, hot fusion is now being studied by many countries and scientists, while the corresponding cold fusion is being studied by the same people and equipment has been made available for practical use.

        The technical difficulty now is that the energy utilization is low.

        In contrast to hot fusion, cold fusion is more energy efficient in the concept, but equally more difficult.

        To get the country's attention, he could well use controlled fusion as a knockout punch!

        I'll be in touch later, let's make a plan for what's next first.

        Lin Feng waved his hand as he lay down on the sofa and directly spoke out, The next step is nanotechnology to transform itself, immediately followed by transforming the genes and creating gene potions.

        Yes sir.

        Ruoxi's side quickly documented that the massive internet body directly captured all the information about nanotechnology and placed it in a unified way.

        This is followed by a change in the energy mix.

        Right now the country is still dominated by oil, natural gas, coal, wind, solar, nuclear, and oil and coal is still the big one, and there's no escaping that at all.

        But inland coal and oil and all that is getting depleted, and there's a constant fear of getting these things stuck in the throat in the waterfront area, so it's a perfectly good place to start.

        Lin Feng continued, Nuclear energy, check the percentage of energy that nuclear energy now accounts for in the country.

        The official figure is 4.22 percent, and the percentage statistic as of the current point in time is 6.3 percent.

        Ruoxi quickly responded to Lin Feng, giving a very clear message.

        Fusion technology requires new materials as well as new theoretical research, you can use cold fusion means, which is naturally preferred as a clean energy source. According to technical research, the energy utilization rate of this cold fusion can reach up to 60%, which is enough to replace all existing human energy sources.


        Lin Feng was still slightly taken aback, this represented more than just numbers, but a real and efficient energy output!

        Pull the data and I'll take a look.

        Lin Feng frowned, although the strength of the intelligent AI was impressive compared to normal people, it was very much in the eyes of the creator him.

        It's like this theory extrapolates the consequences if something goes wrong.

        Ruoxi immediately pulled the large batch of cold fusion design drawings as well as data analysis, in which the column about energy utilization is indeed clearly written, using seawater concentrates as raw materials for cold fusion centuries, the energy utilization in multiple devices are different, the highest one is a large cold fusion power reactor, the energy utilization rate climbed linearly up to 60%.

        Other conventional cold fusion reactors, such as those the size of a cell phone, are only about 40% energy efficient.


        Lin Feng only then put down his heart, which about the cold fusion reactor in all kinds of detailed data for Lin Feng to see is also a big head, he is engaged in scientific and technological research and development, which does not include nuclear energy research, he can only simply understand this part of the formula as well as the design of the diagram.

        Assessing its dangers Lin Feng could do it.

        But these do not need Lin Feng in-depth understanding, specialized technology has specialized personnel to deal with, he needs to do is just control the general direction.

        So the decision is cold fusion ...... How long will it take for these things to fully enter the market for civilian use as well as replacing the old oil industry?

        The presumed timeframe is two years, but I can do assembly line manufacturing in a matter of months, and what I provide to the state will be complete data and design drawings.

        Lin Feng nodded, and then continued, Right after that is molecular reorganization as well as quantum technology.

        Sir, I'm going to give more direction to basic science.

        Very good.

        Completing these first three steps in three years' time, if time permits, we can pre-emptively utilize high technology to crush any country that gets in the way.

        I will have you provide new combat weapons if necessary.

        Understood, sir.

        Lin Feng also has some things that have not been said, anti-matter, dark matter, human beings into the interstellar, become a first class civilization, become a second class civilization ...... and so on, these things said today always seem to feel a little distant, but when they are built on the previous fusion energy as well as the quantum physics technology maturity, all this will gradually get closer and closer to human beings.

        There were still at least six years to go, and Lin Feng was in no hurry at all.

        Foreknowledge of everything that appeared in the dream he would not let it happen, as a Z-nation, his first choice is of course to rise his country in the world, and then rely on the leadership of a super country to drag the entire human race into the interstellar civilization.

        Rise and shine, today's beginning.

    Chapter 6: Preparation for Nanomodification

        Ruoxi had accelerated on the original purchasing process, and purchases from all over the world were being shipped as fast as she could.

        And this is the opportunity to show Ruoxi's terrifying abilities.

        She could appear in the southernmost part of country Z in two seconds, controlling the machines to prioritize the selection of Lin Feng's materials for transportation; similarly, she could directly control the assembly of advanced equipment, changing the properties of the original machines purely for herself.

        Anything related to electronics can be hacked by Ruoxi, and programs can be altered and synchronized for manipulation in a short period of time!

        At this time, all human electronic devices are completely defenseless against Ruoxi, and strong artificial intelligence crowns the group.

        Lin Feng's guess was right.

        Whether any country or organization or individual creates a strong AI, there will not be a second strong AI in this next world.

        Ruoxi is a unique being.

        At three o'clock in the afternoon, all kinds of raw materials purchased from all over the country had arrived at Lin Feng's doorstep.

        Ruoxi's projection appeared beside Lin Feng, while outside the door several courier vans were parked there, and a group of people had delivered their things to the door before leaving directly.

        Nanotechnology can make you immortal, Creator.

        Eternal life? Sure.

        Lin Feng laughed lightly, one of the purposes of creating AI out of himself was precisely to turn himself into an immortal!

        If one believes in science, modifying human organs from the cellular structure can fully extend the life span of the human body without borrowing external equipment.

        It is important to realize that the entire human body is actually made up of organs as well as external tissues.

        That means that once a human is in harm's way or one of its parts is faulty, it is entirely possible to replace it or make routine repairs and turn it into an operation in the human world, which would be the equivalent of surgery as well as organ replacement.

        Only for humans, these operations are too complicated, and even the slightest carelessness can easily kill people.

        But ai is different.

        Strong AI is perfectly capable of skillfully utilizing nanotechnology to keep everyone permanently healthy with 100% no problems.

        Lin Feng already knew that his Ruoxi was in control of nanobiotechnology, which meant that she could even use nanotechnology to create a machine that could use nano to repair every part of the body without modifying the human organs, and reach the ultimate goal of eternal life!

        It can be said that Ruoxi has already achieved the goal of making human beings immortal.

        Are those the things you bought at the door?

        Lin Feng asked out loud, the things placed at the door looked really quite a lot.

        Just now to the doorstep of the delivery agent in the delivery order are seen to be delivered to the doorstep can be, do not have to contact the head of household this will put things down and go.

        Boxes large and small at least a dozen, the largest one is sf express sent trucks to pull, a look at it is known that the things loaded inside is very unusual.

        Ruoxi's projection nodded, and then directly transmitted data into one of the crates at the door, and after the sound of the crate being dismantled, a half-meter tall robot came out of it with a whimper.

        The styling is simple, a more purely carrying robot, with large spread out foot plates that make sure it can steadily help humans carry large items.

        An rpc master model from the 'Southern City Walk' group, mainly responsible for carrying objects, with good data compatibility itself, allowing easy control of the entire body.

        Sir, the Southern City Stroll Group's intelligent robotics technology was still acquired from you.

        Asking price $7w.

        Ruoxi's data doppelganger instantly entered it, this rpc robot was still mute when it came out, but soon it reacted and turned into a small robot-like being inside in Transformers!

        Click, click, click!

        There were at least six large boxes at the doorway, but the small robot's weight-bearing capacity was also strong enough to freeze and carry the six boxes in one by one, and all the other miscellaneous items in the back were also moved to the living room with great efficiency.

        With your permission, I have once again purchased three assisted robots.

        Because of the amount of work required to perform nanomodification technology, I had to do it.

        Ruoxi's voice sounded again, and three of the six boxes were opened again.

        Two humanoid robots of no different height than normal people stepped out of it, and their eyes instantly turned ghostly blue, looking like they too had been controlled by Ruoxi straight away.

        rpb-3, rpb-4, 85% simulation, mainly responsible for manual questioning and other tasks, but equally capable of other functional operations of humanoid robots, they will prepare nanomaterials for you, as well as carry out the fabrication of nanobots.

        The two robots nodded slightly at Lin Feng, and immediately after that, one of the boxes behind them opened again, and a female robot that looked similar to a regular person walked out from inside.

        rpa-1, 98% simulation, primary duty is to withstand my subject's mind.

        ai want a standalone robot?

        Lin Feng was not against it, but among his subjective knowledge, the best choice for the AI was better as an artificial intelligence without an entity, after all, it would be semi equivalent to omnipotence.

        Placing one's subjective mind like a human into a simulated robot can easily lead to problems.

        I will use nanotechnology to reshape the robot, as well as create the outer skin and modify the power source for it, using cold fusion.

        Terminator, model t-800.

        Lin Feng suddenly thought of the Terminator movie series made at the end of the twentieth century, but now Ruoxi wasn't Skynet, and he himself was the absolute controller of this strong artificial intelligence.

        The program is set so that once Lin Feng dies, Ruoxi will also die.

        Although Asimov's Three Laws Lin Feng still remembers them clearly, it can't completely take care of all situations and is more like a fictional limitation.

        For example, the strong artificial intelligence Ruoxi created by Lin Feng, she herself is actually a kind of civilization, whether it's a robot or a human, there is no longer a substantial difference in itself.

        Lin Feng at the beginning of the creation of the point has always been to pay attention to is not to harm the creator, can not disobey the creator, in fact, to a certain extent, it is to limit the evolution of strong artificial intelligence to super artificial intelligence shackles.

        Only the existing technology of mankind is still too far away to fight against it, Lin Feng must take this initiative in his own hands to do so.

        You have the ability to place your mind into it?

        Lin Feng asked out loud, Your vast data computation is only possible to be exerted in the internet, why must you enter this humanoid machine device?

        Not absolutely, sir.

        Ruoxi's voice came out again, I'm just trying to get closer to humans, to become closer to you.

        The Valley of Terror effect is something you should know about among your databases.

        Lin Feng spoke out calmly, and immediately afterward he heard Ruoxi read out its effect: When robots resemble humans to a greater degree than a certain extent, the human reaction to them will suddenly become extremely repugnant, i.e., even the slightest difference between robots and humans will seem very conspicuous and harsh, thus the whole robot has a very stiff and horrible feeling.

        But, Mr. ...... I am not a robot.

        You are an artificial intelligence, not a robot. But after you decided to enter the device, your identity became a robot.

        Lin Feng laughed lightly, AIs really did think differently than regular people sometimes.

        The rpa-1 model only serves as a carrier, her essence is still the same as the rpb and the rpc before her, performing relevant tasks. Since you have already stated that the program part of my main body is not able to be reduced to a single part like a human brain, it is extremely impractical to use the rpa as my terminal.

        Ruoxi still responded after a short moment of thought, Plans to enter the rpa program are on hold for now, priority will be given to the construction of the nano lab, you will be nano-surgically operated on in approximately 33 minutes, please be prepared creator.

        Lin Feng nodded, he had been waiting for a long time.

    Chapter VII. Nanomodification

        These three robots have a black Southern Wanderer Chinese logo printed on their bodies, which quickly reminded Lin Feng of the intelligent robot technology he had sold at the beginning.

        The name of that tech company that acquired that complete technology ...... seems to be Southern Rambler.

        The large technology company in Shenzhen and Guangzhou City, whose previous R&D direction was consistently in the areas of drones and online games, discovered Lin Feng's intelligent robot project by their investor in one of the programs, and immediately found Lin Feng after the program ended.

        Lin Feng even remembers one of the young guys with glasses saying to him very firmly, We can definitely develop these technologies!

        The young man seems to be called Ren Pengxuan ......

        Ruoxi, investigate all the robot models of the Southern Rambler.

        Lin Feng suddenly spoke out, followed by the old bottom of the Southern Strollers large-scale technology company was instantly Ruoxi turned out, all kinds of models inside the company's database were directly Ruoxi list showed to Lin Feng.

        Sir, 24 robots of various models from rpa all the way up to rpx, as well as intelligent devices.

        rpa, rpb, rpc ...... all the way to rpx, Ren Pengxuan ...... hahaha.

        Lin Feng's side really couldn't hold back his laughter.

        The eye-candy Ren Pengxuan that he had talked to about cooperation a few years ago really did seem to be one of the company's core personnel, as these robot models were clearly utilizing initials!

        rpx-ren peng xuan is abbreviated as rpx!

        What's Southern Rambler's market share now?

        Around 45%, sir. This is because the robotics industry in R as well as M countries is developing relatively rapidly, while the Southern Rambler only gradually developed three years ago, and thus does not have an overly high market share.

        Ruoxi's answer was simple and direct, and she even told Lin Feng directly why.

        Three years to go to 45%, can this company ...... go public?


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