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The Invincible Loser's Counterattack System: The Invincible Loser's Counterattack System, #8
The Invincible Loser's Counterattack System: The Invincible Loser's Counterattack System, #8
The Invincible Loser's Counterattack System: The Invincible Loser's Counterattack System, #8
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The Invincible Loser's Counterattack System: The Invincible Loser's Counterattack System, #8

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Zhou Fei, known as "the number one failure of Chang'an" at the academy in the great Tang Dynasty's Chang'an, is actually a young man with a special identity and background. After accidentally acquiring a "failure system," he miraculously embarked on the path to becoming a top master, despite originally being unable to cultivate.

Facing challenges from academy teachers and ridicule from the nobility's children, Zhou Fei handles them with ease, demonstrating his extraordinary strength. An unexpected lodging crisis further allowed him to reveal his unique treasures and extraordinary methods, making his image of a failure even more mysterious.

How will Zhou Fei, with the failure system, rise against the odds to become a top master among the elites in the academy, continuing his legendary journey?

I refuse the path through the mountain of books, and I won't sail the endless sea of learning. Being such a failure already, why must I be transformed into a supreme master?






 Yong Yan reined in his horse, which let out a long neigh, its front hooves raised high. Together, under the setting sun, they appeared like a painting come to life.

 After months of rain, it finally stopped this afternoon, and the sun, absent for so long, reemerged in the sky.

 Even so, the red moon was clearly visible in the daylight, albeit not as bright as it was at night.

 Yong Yan looked up at the red moon and snorted softly.

 "You can only watch from the sky," Yong Yan muttered to himself.

PublisherZhou Yan
Release dateMay 24, 2024
The Invincible Loser's Counterattack System: The Invincible Loser's Counterattack System, #8

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    Book preview

    The Invincible Loser's Counterattack System - Hou Ji Xian Ren

    Chapter 421: Troops at the City Gates

    Yong Yan reined in his horse, which let out a long neigh, its front hooves raised high. Together, under the setting sun, they appeared like a painting come to life.

    After months of rain, it finally stopped this afternoon, and the sun, absent for so long, reemerged in the sky.

    Even so, the red moon was clearly visible in the daylight, albeit not as bright as it was at night.

    Yong Yan looked up at the red moon and snorted softly.

    You can only watch from the sky, Yong Yan muttered to himself.

    Soon, a vast army appeared behind him.

    Jin Zuowang’s forces, emerging in full strength.

    This time, they would not fight with the barbarians over territory.

    This time, Yong Yan would lead this army to fulfill Jin Zuowang’s longstanding wish.

    To counterattack the Central Plains!

    The chaos on the grasslands was initially sparked by Jin Zuowang and eventually escalated into a battle that swept across the Great Wilderness, with various forces converging on the grasslands, working together towards a common goal. Even the Tang Dynasty and Garlan managed to cooperate.

    However, such a favorable situation did not last long. After the manifestation of the Divine Kingdom and the successive appearances of the Qilin Divine General, this fragile alliance crumbled.

    Fu Zi, wielding the Sword of the Mortal Realm, slew the Qilin Divine Generals. Afterward, the Divine Kingdom closed, the Demonic Sect retreated, the barbarians moved north, and the alliance shattered.

    Once Fu Zi, along with Zhou Fei and Ling Zhaoyan, left the grasslands, Garlan and the Tang Dynasty immediately fell out, clashing fiercely on the grasslands. However, they did not exert their full strength as they had against the Demonic Sect. After suffering losses on both sides, they declared a ceasefire. Garlan returned to its domain, and the Tang Dynasty went back to Terracotta City.

    Then came Fu Zi’s departure and the appearance of the red moon.

    Without Fu Zi, both Garlan and the six kingdoms began to stir restlessly.

    And the first to react was Jin Zuowang from the grasslands.

    A very cunning fox of the grasslands, he was the instigator of the war. Yet, when the allied forces and the Demonic Sect were locked in fierce conflict, he was the first to hide, conserving most of his fighting power.

    Then, before anyone realized what was happening, he made the first move!

    Yong Yan’s army bore a flag, on which the words personally penned by Jin Zuowang were inscribed.

    By Heaven’s Dao, purge the evil Tang!

    These six words, which Jin Zuowang struggled for seven days to conceive, lent their cause a semblance of legitimacy.

    Of course, to the common folk in the Great Wilderness, these words meant nothing.

    Jin Zuowang had never been known to follow the teachings of Garlan, and now, on the brink of war, he suddenly flew this banner.

    It was sheer hypocrisy.

    Moreover, if the campaign was against the Tang Dynasty, why attack the Yan Kingdom first?

    The grasslands and the Tang Dynasty did share borders, so if the goal was to punish the Tang Dynasty, they could have easily started from those areas.

    Claiming to campaign against the Tang but targeting the weakest Yan Kingdom instead, Jin Zuowang’s motives were indeed suspicious.

    A rumor quickly spread far and wide.

    It suggested that Jin Zuowang had no intention of waging war against the Tang Dynasty at all; he aimed to establish his own nation!

    He planned to relocate his base from the grasslands, using the shell of the Yan Kingdom to achieve rebirth.

    Since the Demonic Sect had already moved south and even if temporarily repelled by Garlan and the allied forces, they would eventually make a comeback. Instead of competing with them on the grasslands for leftovers, it made more sense to start afresh elsewhere.

    Moreover, the dream of founding his own nation had always been in Jin Zuowang’s mind. He was not content with being merely a king of the grasslands; he aspired to be an Emperor of a nation!

    The weakness of the Yan Kingdom was an indisputable fact, and their survival in the Central Plains depended entirely on their allegiance to the Tang Dynasty.

    And allegiance came at a price.

    The successive Emperors of the Tang Dynasty never truly regarded Yan Kingdom as an independent state but as a prefecture of Tang!

    In the eyes of the rulers of Tang, the Yan Emperor was merely a prefectural prince.

    Thus, the Tang Dynasty exerted strict military control over the Yan Kingdom.

    Being content as a subordinate was expected; developing military forces was unnecessary. If trouble arose, the elder brother (Tang) would handle it. Enjoyment was all that was required from them, nothing more.

    Truthfully, any monarch with a semblance of ambition could not tolerate such treatment!

    All were Emperors, so why should one be esteemed above the rest?

    Consequently, throughout the history of Yan Kingdom, there were several attempts to counterattack against the Tang Dynasty!

    However, due to their weak military force, such counterattacks barely made a splash before being extinguished. After each attempt, the Tang Dynasty’s control over Yan became even more stringent, to the point of being oppressive.

    The populace tends to forget easily, and within decades, they would forget the humiliations and hardships their ancestors endured.

    But the royal family cannot forget, the royal bloodline dares not forget!

    They have always been quietly accumulating strength, waiting for the ferocious tiger by their side to doze off, so they might have a chance to emerge victorious.

    Yet, who could have predicted that the strength Yan Kingdom had accumulated over the years, before it could be unleashed upon the Tang Dynasty, would be devastated by the cavalry from the grasslands led by Jin Zuowang.

    This cavalry might not match the armies of most nations, but it easily overpowered the Yan Army.

    Under Yong Yan’s leadership, the cavalry from the grasslands, like hungry wolves, charged towards Ji City, the capital of Yan Kingdom, in an unstoppable force.

    This was the greatest challenge Yan Kingdom had faced since its inception.

    Without hesitation, they requested assistance from their elder brother, the Tang Kingdom.

    Faced with the threat of annihilation, all dignity and suffering had to be set aside.

    However, it would take time for the Tang Army to arrive at Ji City, and Yan Kingdom was uncertain if they could hold out until then.

    In the days to come, sleepless nights were destined for the citizens of Ji City, and indeed, for all the people of Yan Kingdom.

    For the upcoming battle would determine their future identities.

    Would they continue to exist in the Great Wilderness as people of Yan, or would they become slaves of a fallen nation, or perhaps barbarians of the grasslands?

    Meanwhile, numerous other gazes were fixed upon Ji City.

    The owners of these gazes also wondered whether Jin Zuowang’s plan to conquer Tang would come to a halt after seizing the territory of Yan Kingdom.


    Finally, they’re here.

    Escorted by his guards, the Prince of Yan personally ascended the walls of Ji City and gazed at the densely packed army of the grasslands outside the walls, murmuring to himself.

    The captain of the guard gripped his sword hilt tightly, his expression resolute. Your Highness, I still believe that it’s exceptionally dangerous for you to be here. The cavalry of the grasslands are most adept at concentrated shooting, and rumor has it that they also have a Night Wolf Army, which specializes in carrying out shooting missions at night. The archers of the Night Wolf Army all possess night vision; they may not see clearly during the day, but at night, their vision is like that of a torch. Even if Your Highness disguises yourself, those people will still be able to recognize the aura you exude!

    The Prince of Yan smiled faintly and turned to pat the captain of the guard on the shoulder. I’ve taken your words to heart, and thank you for the reminder. Let us return to the palace now.

    The captain of the guard was relieved and hurriedly escorted the Prince of Yan down the city wall. At this moment, a young soldier rushed over and reported, Reporting to Your Highness, the Tang cavalry has arrived twenty li outside the east city gate and will soon enter the city!

    Overjoyed, the Prince of Yan exclaimed, This is perfect timing! Quickly, follow me to the east gate. Simultaneously, pass down the order to protect the Tang Army’s entry into the city at all costs. As long as they can enter, my Yan Kingdom will be saved!

    Yes, sir!

    The messenger mounted his horse and galloped away once more.

    The Prince of Yan boarded his sedan chair and immediately headed towards the east city gate.

    After an anxious wait, the Tang cavalry finally entered the city smoothly.

    Guo Zhenying personally led the team.

    Behind him were the formidable and well-disciplined Tang cavalry!

    Compared to Jin Zuowang’s rabble, the Tang cavalry surpassed them in both equipment and morale.

    Since their inception, the Iron Cavalry of the Tang Dynasty has rarely tasted defeat.

    There are only a handful of forces throughout the Great Wilderness that can stand toe-to-toe with the Tang Dynasty’s Iron Cavalry, and this certainly does not include the cavalry from the grasslands.

    Filled with excitement, the Prince of Yan grasped Guo Zhenying’s hand. General Guo, I am so glad you’re here. On behalf of His Majesty and the people of Yan Kingdom, I extend our gratitude to the Tang Dynasty and to you, General Guo, for your righteous assistance!

    Guo Zhenying steadied the Prince, preventing him from bowing, and said, The Tang Dynasty and Yan Kingdom have been allies for generations, sharing a deep bond of friendship. Naturally, the Tang Dynasty cannot stand idly by in Yan’s time of need. The emissaries have already briefed me on the situation. I just want to know, how many days has Ji City been under siege?

    Including today, a total of five days, the Prince answered with a hint of despair in his voice. The citizens within the city are panicking, and our supplies are rapidly depleting. If this siege continues for another half a month, there won’t be a need for the grassland cavalry to take action; Yan Kingdom will collapse on its own.

    It seems we cannot continue to hold out passively; we need to take the initiative to strike, Guo Zhenying remarked. The troops I’ve brought this time are mostly light cavalry, not ideal for a frontal assault. We’ll need the Yan Army to break through first, creating an opening for our forces to exploit fully. Even if we manage to push Yong Yan back by just five hundred meters, it would be a significant victory and greatly alleviate the current predicament in Ji City. Your Highness, what do you think?

    The Prince of Yan paused for a moment before asking, General Guo, did you not bring the Mystic Armor Army?

    The Mystic Armor Army is currently stationed in Chang’an and cannot leave due to certain reasons, Guo Zhenying explained.

    What about the heavy cavalry? the Prince continued.

    The number of heavy cavalry is too limited; they can only serve as a surprise force and are not suitable for a head-on charge, Guo Zhenying replied calmly.

    Realizing he might have asked too much, the Prince’s face turned a tad awkward as he quickly said, Alright, I will give the orders. We will launch a counterattack at dawn tomorrow, with our cavalry leading the charge and the Tang Army providing support from the rear, waiting for the right moment to deliver a fatal blow to the grassland forces.

    Guo Zhenying nodded. Your Highness is wise.

    General Guo, I entrust everything to you, the Prince of Yan said, bowing with his fist in his palm before heading towards the Imperial City, under the protection of his guard detail.

    Guo Zhenying gently nudged his horse and led the Tang Army to another rest area.

    Meanwhile, Yong Yan had already received news of the Tang Dynasty Army’s entry into Ji City.

    Upon hearing this, Yong Yan revealed a rare smile.

    The Tang cavalry will once again taste defeat. The proud people of Tang will also experience the greatest sorrow in the world— the downfall of their country and the loss of their homes!

    Chapter 422: On the Brink

    Yan Kingdom allocated a temporary military camp for the Tang Army in Ji City.

    This camp was vast, as the one thing Ji City wasn’t short of at the moment was space.

    At the onset of the war, some astute citizens realized that the Yan Army might not match up to the grassland cavalry and had preemptively evacuated Ji City for other countries. Among these insightful individuals, the majority were wealthy, as only they could devise a means to leave Ji City. As the saying goes, money talks.

    As for those less affluent, they had no choice but to stay behind and face their fate.

    Although Ji City was not completely deserted, with three or four out of every ten homes likely empty, the sense of abandonment was palpable.

    Guo Zhenying led his troops, moving slowly through the streets of Ji City.

    Deputy officer.


    Send out scouts. Make sure they cover every street and return before dawn. Remember, don’t stir up any unnecessary attention.


    These so-called scouts, commonly referred to as spies, were Guo Zhenying’s eyes.

    He needed to get to know the city. Even though they were allies, on the battlefield, allies can often be the ones to stab you in the back unexpectedly and without reason.

    Moreover, Guo Zhenying never came to Ji City with the intention of leaving it alive.

    After walking through four streets, they finally reached the camp.

    A small Yan Army squad was also stationed here.

    There were about twenty soldiers.

    Holding torches, they stood in an orderly fashion at the entrance of the camp, and upon seeing Guo Zhenying and his army, they shouted in unison: Welcome, Tang Army, welcome General Guo.

    With an expressionless face, Guo Zhenying rode into the camp.

    The soldiers of Yan Kingdom wore expressions that were a mix of discomfort and awkwardness, yet there was a hint of schadenfreude hidden in their eyes.

    The soldiers from the Tang Dynasty, focused and undistracted, did not notice these subtleties.

    After settling in, Guo Zhenying took out a map of Ji City and began to study it closely.

    There was no need for Yan Kingdom to provide a map of Ji City; high-ranking officers from the Tang Dynasty each had one. It has been said before that in the eyes of the Emperor of Tang, Yan Kingdom was merely a county under the rule of Tang Kingdom, making it easy to obtain a map of the entire county, let alone a small Ji City.

    Moreover, it’s no exaggeration to say that the maps of Ji City held by Tang Army commanders were even more detailed than those drawn by Yan Kingdom itself.

    However, it wouldn’t be polite to let Yan Kingdom know about this; it’s always good to leave some dignity for others, isn’t it?

    After burning two sticks of incense, the eyes that had been sent out returned.

    They reported their findings one by one, and Guo Zhenying listened carefully and patiently, committing everything to memory.

    After the debrief, Guo Zhenying stepped out of the tent.

    The soldiers who had been resting stood up in unison, their armor clattering. The battle was on, and the armor stayed on!

    Men of Tang Dynasty, my brothers, the war has begun. It’s likely none of us will leave Ji City alive, and this battle could potentially become Tang Dynasty’s first true defeat in nearly a hundred years. However, please believe, even in defeat, even in slaughter, we will not be nailed to the pillar of shame because... my spirit, our integrity will live on forever.

    Yan Kingdom, the very land we stand upon, is ready to betray the Tang Dynasty. To tell you the truth, I have no evidence to prove it, but... I just feel they have already betrayed us. This city is a trap, just waiting for us to step in. It’s a classic case of luring the enemy into a pot, and yet, here I am, leading you all to our demise. Do you hate me for it?

    No! the officers and soldiers shouted back loudly.

    Guo Zhenying smiled, That’s the spirit. Brothers, we couldn’t not come. Tang Dynasty is at a critically important juncture. Fu Zi has passed away, the former Emperor is deceased, and the new Emperor is eager to make his mark. The entire Great Wilderness is eyeing us with eagerness. If we retreat now, nations like Wei, Zhao, and Chu will surely attack us ferociously. Therefore, we must establish our might, using our blood to tell those people that Tang Dynasty remains invincible and not to be trifled with!

    Kill! Kill! Kill!

    Guo Zhenying took the helmet passed to him by his deputy, Mount up, follow me to charge!


    The Yan Prince hurried back to his temporary palace.

    He dared not return to the Crown Prince’s Mansion, knowing that it would undoubtedly become a focal point for the Tang Army’s attack once the fighting started.

    This so-called temporary palace was quite rudimentary, just an extremely ordinary house. No one would expect a person of the Yan Prince’s esteemed status to take shelter in such a place.

    Have they made their move? the Yan Prince asked as he sat down and took a sip of tea.

    The eunuch beside him responded, Not yet. According to our scouts, the Tang Army has stayed inside their camp since they arrived. However, there was a burst of war cries from the direction of the Tang Army’s camp just now. They should be making their move soon.

    The Yan Prince said, The Tang Army is known for its cunning. Perhaps all of this is just a show for us to see. We can’t be careless! Moreover, Guo Zhenying is famously tactical in combat. We won’t be able to thoroughly bait him without paying a price. But then, what war doesn’t shed blood? Fortune doesn’t just fall from the sky. Send out the vanguard.

    The eunuch nodded and immediately went out to relay the orders.

    Soon, smoke and fire rose from the location of the Crown Prince’s Mansion that the Yan Prince had left. The fireworks shot up nearly thirty meters into the air, visible from any point within Ji City.

    They’ve moved. The Tang Army has left their camp, the eunuch ran in excitedly.

    The Yan Prince quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

    But his anxiety quickly returned, Do you think the Tang Army will lose this time?

    The eunuch replied, There is no army in the world that hasn’t faced defeat, and the Tang Army is no exception.

    The Yan Prince expressed his concern, But it seems that for hundreds of years, the Tang Army has never lost a battle.

    The eunuch confidently said, Your Highness, rest assured, the Tang Army is bound to be defeated this time! The era of the Tang Dynasty will eventually pass, and Yan Kingdom will surely rise! After that, it will be our time. The Great Wilderness is about to change.

    The Yan Prince pondered for a long time, his face showing hesitation and concern, but eventually, determination took over, Yes, you’re right. Yan Kingdom will rise!


    West of Ji City.

    A few soldiers sneakily approached the city gates.

    After a brief exchange with the soldiers guarding the gate, the guards silently departed, and the newly arrived soldiers ran to operate the city gate’s winch.

    They were opening the gate!

    The tall and heavy gate made a rumbling noise, which sounded exceptionally clear in the night.

    Soon, the city gate was open.

    The soldiers swiftly left.

    The rapid sound of horse hooves came from outside the city, causing the ground to tremble.

    Yong Yan, leading his cavalry from the plains, crossed the moat bridge and slithered into Ji City like a winding giant serpent.

    The city’s residents were awakened by the urgent sound of hooves.

    Had the city been breached?

    Lights began to turn on one by one, and the braver residents even pushed open their windows or doors to stealthily observe what was happening outside.

    But they quickly closed their doors and windows again and extinguished their lamps.

    The cavalry from the plains have invaded; we’re going to die.

    This was the most genuine mental state of the people in Ji City at the moment.

    They dared not leave their homes, nor did they know how to deal with the current situation. They could only huddle together as a family, waiting for the outcome of this battle.

    Of course, there were also a small number of more spirited individuals who took up hoes and kitchen knives as weapons, ready to fight to the death should the enemy burst into their homes.

    What the residents did not expect, however, was that these cavalrymen from the plains did not commence a massacre.

    Their movements were orderly, completely unlike the previous free and disorganized behavior of the plains cavalry!

    Yong Yan rode at the forefront of the group, and upon reaching a crossroads, he encountered a soldier from Yan Kingdom.

    The soldier quickly relayed a message in front of Yong Yan’s horse.

    Yong Yan nodded slightly, then drew the horse saber hanging from his saddle. Holding the saber with one hand, he pointed its tip forward and loudly proclaimed, Sons of the plains! The time to make our mark has come. The once invincible Tang Army lies directly ahead, waiting for us to harvest them! The Goddess watches us from the heavens. This battle is our first strike in the counterattack against the Tang Dynasty, of monumental significance. We can only win; we cannot afford to lose! Brave men of the plains, follow me in the charge!


    The cavalry from the plains also drew their horse sabers, and upon Yong Yan’s command, they dashed forward like lightning.


    Tang Dynasty Army Camp.

    General, they’re coming. A sentinel rushed up to Guo Zhenying, speaking rapidly.

    Guo Zhenying remained calm and collected, As expected. Brothers, the enemy is upon us. The time has come to serve our country! We may lose this battle, but remember, even in death, make it count. Killing one is even, killing two is a gain!

    Kill! Kill! Kill!

    With a squeeze of his legs, Guo Zhenying commanded, Charge!


    Yan Kingdom Imperial Palace.

    The Yan Emperor was still enjoying a dance performance, a stark and almost comical contrast to the fierce battle happening outside the Imperial City, replete with irony.

    A close eunuch hurriedly ran to the emperor, whispering a few words.

    Yet the Yan Emperor seemed unconcerned, continuing to sway to the music, My son has prepared long for this battle. The city is riddled with traps, and with the formidable cavalry from the plains, even if the Tang Dynasty Army had wings, they couldn’t escape. I just need to wait here for the news of their victory.

    The eunuch still appeared worried, Your Majesty, I still think you should move. If the Tang Army, in their desperation, attacks the palace, the guards outside won’t be able to stop them.

    You worry too much, Xiao Dezhi, the Yan Emperor shook his head. As the sovereign of Yan Kingdom, how could I flee the battlefield? It’s already a mistake I cannot join our Yan warriors in battle. If I were to leave at this critical moment, what would those fighting valiantly think? I must stay, and continue to enjoy the performance. This is how I show the sons of Great Yan that I stand with them!

    Chapter 423 Tang Invincibility

    General, we are surrounded.

    The adjutant was covered in blood, dragging a Tang saber that had already lost its edge. The armor on his body was also tattered, with countless obvious saber marks.

    Guo Zhenying pondered, looking at him, How many casualties have we suffered?

    The entire vanguard squad is dead, and more than half of our heavy cavalry is lost. The adjutant reported.

    Guo Zhenying frowned, Even the heavy cavalry suffered casualties? Even if Yan Kingdom were to join forces with that group of plains barbarians, there’s no way they could defeat our heavy cavalry.

    It was the priests, sacred cavalrymen! The adjutant explained. They were hidden in the Crown Prince’s Mansion, and they attacked from behind our army. We were completely caught off guard.

    Guo Zhenying said, Is that what happened?

    General, we have no chance of victory in this battle. Let me protect you as you leave Ji City. The adjutant said.

    Guo Zhenying said calmly, From the moment I entered Ji City, I never intended to leave. Besides, wasn’t defeat within our expectations? So there’s no need to panic. Pass down the order to launch indiscriminate attacks, starting now!

    This order shocked the adjutant.

    General, can this... can this really be done?

    Why can’t it be done? Guo Zhenying asked in return.

    The people of Ji City are innocent. The adjutant muttered.

    Guo Zhenying said, You’re too naive. When an avalanche happens, no snowflake is innocent. Starting from this battle, the Tang Dynasty can only trust the people of Tang. Everyone else is our enemy; they do not deserve our trust. So, go and kill freely! We will die, but we will take enough with us to serve as burial offerings!

    The adjutant lowered his head and stayed silent for a long time. When he raised his head again, his eyes were full of determination as well as a hint of savage bloodlust. I understand!

    Guo Zhenying drew his own Tang saber and touched it against the adjutant’s.

    Tang Invincibility!


    Within the ranks of the Tang Dynasty army, there are two types of troops that strike fear into the hearts of other nations in the Great Wilderness.

    The first is the Mystic Armor Army! This force is directly commanded by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Wherever the Mystic Armor Army is, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is there too. Since the Mystic Armor Army only answers to the Emperor, they do not participate in battles frequently, but this does not diminish their formidable reputation. In the recent battle in the plains, the Mystic Armor Army proved their strength to the world.

    The second is the Tang Dynasty’s heavy cavalry. In truth, it is the heavy cavalry that truly terrifies the six nations of the Great Wilderness and the tribes of the plains, for this military force appears on every battlefield! They are like a sharp sword, invincible in battle. Furthermore, since the advent of the heavy cavalry, they have never been defeated!

    Because the heavy cavalry is so powerful, and unlike the Mystic Armor Army, which only serves the royal family, they have always been the target of criticism by other nations. These nations demand that the Tang Dynasty control the numbers of the heavy cavalry, or else the six nations would unite to confront the Tang Dynasty in a desperate struggle.

    The Tang Dynasty would not easily yield to such demands. To think they could sanction our heavy cavalry with just a few words? There’s no such cheap bargain in the world. Unless some sincerity is shown, the Tang Dynasty would not only refuse to reduce the number of heavy cavalry but even plans to increase it to a number that would astonish the rest of the six nations.

    This stance caused not only the six nations to be restless, but the temple was also somewhat uneasy. Thus, they formed a delegation with the six nations to go to Chang’an, specifically to discuss the issue of the heavy cavalry’s numbers with the Tang Dynasty.

    After difficult negotiations, both sides finally reached an agreement on the issue of the number of heavy cavalry.

    The Tang Dynasty agreed to maintain the number of heavy cavalry at 16,000, dividing them among the commanders of the four borders, with approximately 4,000 heavy cavalry stationed in each area.

    Furthermore, the number of Mystic Armor Army troops would be kept under 10,000 and must not exceed this limit. Moreover, the Mystic Armor Army was not to engage in combat arbitrarily, except in cases where the Emperor leads the battle personally!

    The Tang Dynasty made significant concessions, and naturally, the temple and the delegation of the six nations also had to show a considerable amount of sincerity.

    This sincerity meant that the number of temple’s sacred cavalry could not exceed 5,000!

    Before the temple’s delegation set off for the Tang Dynasty, they had not anticipated that they would be ensnared by their own demands. Therefore, when the Tang Dynasty made this request, the temple’s representatives were stunned and immediately rejected the proposal.

    The Tang Dynasty was also very straightforward in their response: if you do not agree, then there is no need to continue the discussion.

    This directly threw the dilemma back to the temple.

    The representatives of the six nations were astonished to find that the proposal was entirely beneficial for them, with no drawbacks.

    Whether it was the Mystic Armor Army or the heavy cavalry of the Tang Dynasty, or the sacred cavalry of the temple, both posed immense threats to them. Yet, the Tang Dynasty did not make any demands regarding the military power of the six nations, focusing all their attention on the temple instead.

    This move was incredibly shrewd, effectively shifting the target of attack directly onto the temple.

    If the temple did not agree, then the Tang Dynasty would desperately develop its heavy cavalry. With the financial resources of the Tang Dynasty, maintaining a heavy cavalry force of around 40,000 was absolutely feasible.

    Just the thought of 40,000 heavy cavalrymen made the emissaries of the six nations shudder with fear.

    In future battles, the Tang Dynasty would only need to gather these 40,000 heavy cavalry and push forward, and no one would be able to stop them!

    Realizing this, the emissaries of the six nations immediately united to pressure the temple, for if the number of sacred cavalry was indeed controlled below 5,000 as per the Tang Dynasty’s stipulation, it would only benefit the six nations without any downsides.

    The temple indeed wielded great influence, which was beyond doubt. However, this did not mean the six nations would comply with the temple’s dictates. Even the weakest nations would not waver on issues of sovereignty, as it is the foundation of a country. It’s only because of their lack of national power that their stance on sovereignty issues might seem weak.

    This opportunity that the Tang Dynasty had secured for the six nations, if they missed it, they would be fools.

    So, the final result turned into the six nations joining hands with the Tang Dynasty to outmaneuver the temple.

    One month later, the three parties reached a consensus and announced the outcomes of this discussion to the entire Great Wilderness.

    However, the ordinary populace didn’t feel much about this. To them, a few thousand more or less didn’t make much of a difference.

    As long as they remembered that the Tang Dynasty’s heavy cavalry and the temple’s sacred cavalry were formidable, that was all that mattered.

    Furthermore, what the common folk were more curious about was which of these two forces was stronger?

    Regrettably, the heavy cavalry and the sacred cavalry had never clashed on the battlefield, so it remained an unknown which side was superior.



    The captain of the heavy cavalry, Tong Hu, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up with the support of his teammates.

    His warhorse was right beside him, covered in armor from head to toe, with only its eyes and nostrils visible. Due to the fierce combat earlier, the warhorse was also greatly fatigued.

    These specially bred warhorses were exclusively for the heavy cavalry. Ordinary warhorses could not bear the weight of the armor they carried, not to mention having to carry an armored knight into battle as well.

    However, even the most formidable warhorses were not invincible.

    Since their inception, the Tang Dynasty’s heavy cavalry had never experienced such a brutal skirmish. The cavalry from the plains, soldiers from the Yan Kingdom, and finally, the sacred cavalry from the temple took turns attacking. They used a strategy of successive assaults to wear down the heavy cavalry’s stamina, with the sacred cavalry delivering the fatal blow in the end.

    That more than half of the 500 heavy cavalrymen survived such an onslaught was a minor miracle in itself.

    Opposite them, only a few soldiers from the Yan Kingdom remained alive, and these few had lost all will to fight, utterly terrified.

    The number of plains cavalry had dwindled to about a quarter of what it was at the beginning, and they were all injured. The fear in their eyes indicated that their combat effectiveness had diminished by at least seventy percent.

    Only the sacred cavalry of the temple remained relatively stable.

    They suffered the least damage, mainly because they entered the battle last and were essentially responsible for reaping the spoils, avoiding the heavy cavalry’s initial charges.

    But now, with their two allies nearly out of combat strength, the remaining 200 heavy cavalrymen could only rely on these sacred cavalrymen for resolution.

    The atmosphere on the street was tense!

    Thunder roared as lightning struck.

    The downpour arrived, with raindrops hitting the armor and splashing tiny droplets. Despite the short distance between the two forces, the dense rain made it impossible to clearly see the opponent.


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