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The Big Fish: A Collection of Poems by Black Snow
The Big Fish: A Collection of Poems by Black Snow
The Big Fish: A Collection of Poems by Black Snow
Ebook220 pages1 hour

The Big Fish: A Collection of Poems by Black Snow

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The Big Fish is a collection of poems written over a period of time that reflect many different aspects of my maturation as a poet. I have written many poems that I did not deem worthy of saving from the dark abyss of my shoe boxes and closets. This particular collection of poems has survived to be included as part of the testament of the infamous poet known as BLACKSNOW.

To my family my wife and kids, my grandkids and mom "my favorite fishing buddy" I love you all and I hope that you will cherish this little piece of history left behind by your father, son and grandfather, I love you all!!!

I am BLACKSNOW, the 3rd Coast Poet I've emerged from The Land of Legends, Same Streets, Same Dreams, Settegast, Texas H-Town 4-Lyfe Wayside!!…. I'm the author of the book "The Big Fish" a book of poems by BLACKSNOW!!

I hope that you find this book enjoyable and inspiring for years to come…… and as you read these few lines of wisdom and wit remember that they have been known to lift one's spirits just a bit…. so read them once or twice whichever you choose but read them and you will find that you have nothing to lose BLACKSNOW!!
Release dateMay 24, 2024
The Big Fish: A Collection of Poems by Black Snow

Black Snow

Black Snow aka Hobert Philpott, is a veteran poet from Houston, TX that has been writing and reciting poetry since he was 8 years old. He discovered that he couldn't stop writing poetry because he recognized that it was a gift. Black Snow is a proud Mechanical Engineering graduate of Prairie View A&M University, successful business owner of The Oil Can and Snow Industries, and a proud member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. He is a Poetry Pioneer in the City of Houston. Black Snow has hosted the only weekly paying show in Houston for his fellow poets and has sponsored hundreds of Open-Mic Poetry shows and Specialty Spoken Word Events throughout the Houston area. I'm grateful for the opportunity to tell my story through my book of poems "The Big Fish". These poems were written over a period of time and reflect many different aspects of my maturation as a poet. I have written many poems that I did not deem worthy of saving from the dark abyss of my shoe boxes and closets. This particular collection of poems has survived to be included as part of the testament of the infamous poet known as BLACKSNOW. I was inspired to write poems and short stories by my third-grade teacher Ms. Milton, thanks for believing in me. I'm an unlikely author simply because for the longest time, I would not embrace my gift. I would write poems and short stories when I was affected by certain circumstances and emotions such as happiness, joy, anger, sadness, etc…… often times to never read or share with anyone. I would collect the ones that I considered good and save them in shoe boxes in my closet. On a Sunday morning many years ago after listening to a sermon about a man who buried his gift, I vowed that I would share my poetry and story with the world. I asked that you consider the prospective of the writer understand that I write for those who don't typically read books but would gladly listen to the lyrics of a song. Many of my poems have been put to original music and I encourage you to go search out my Albums on all digital platforms! I hope that you find this book enjoyable and inspiring for years to come…… and as you read these few lines of wisdom and wit, remember that they have been known to lift one's spirits just a bit, so read them once or twice whichever you choose, but read them and you will find that you have nothing to lose BLACKSNOW!!  

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    The Big Fish - Black Snow


    Copyright 2024 by Black Snow aka Hobert Philpott

    All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.

    We support the Copyright Act. Copyright encourages diverse works, fuels creativity, promotes free speech, and it creates a vibrant culture that reflects all. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing me to continue to publish books for every reader.

    For more information regarding bookings with the author, bulk book orders, or various events for book signing opportunities, please email us at

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Date

    Name: Black Snow aka Hobert Philpott

    Title: The Big Fish


    ISBN: 979-8-9903432-0-7 (Print)

    ISBN: 979-8-9903432-1-4 (eBook)

    ISBN: 979-8-9903432-2-1 (Hard Cover)

    Subjects: Poetry & Spoken Word

    Printed in the United States of America


    I dedicate this book of poems to my offsprings and my ancestors. I dedicate this book of poems to the Mt. Verde slaves of East Texas. I dedicate this book of poems to my great-grandfather, Nelson Henry that shares the exact same birthday as I, March 24th.

    I dedicate this book to my Mom, my favorite fishing buddy and Dad, to my wife and kids, to my brothers, to my granddaughters, to my aunties, uncles, cousins, Nef007 and to all of you, my fans!!! I dedicate this book to you!

    Black Snow


    I’d like to acknowledge the creator, first and far most, my wife Toni for being understanding of my special gift and allowing a space for its growth. Thank you!

    I’d like to acknowledge my right hand, Nef 007 aka The Jamaican for being the inspiration and the catalyst that made this long-time dream come true. Your countless hours of guidance and your tireless and relentless support was invaluable to the completion of this project. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to future projects.

    I’d like to acknowledge Mike B for holding me down for years with fire beats and I want to give special recognition to my Snow Industries family both past and current. Special recognition to: Nef 007, Rain, Shanie, Chocolate Lava, Kyle Blue, Chris Crawford Smith, Earl the Poet, Josh Wyatt and Black Bluez.

    I’d like to acknowledge and give special recognition to my family: Toni -my wife, Amanda -daughter, Hobert -son, Charles -son, Alana -granddaughter, Summer -granddaughter and Aubrey -granddaughter. I love you with all my heart. Thanks for your encouragement and support. I’d like to acknowledge my mom my favorite fishing buddy and dad for being my biggest fans, and my four brothers for loving me. Thanks for being a great family.

    And finally, I’d like to acknowledge every poet, writer, artist, singer, comedian and musician in the great city of Houston for all you do for the advancement of the arts and culture of this great city! Keep wrecking the mic’s, much love and respect.


    Black Snow is a veteran poet from Houston, TX that has been writing and reciting poetry since he was 8 years old. He discovered that he couldn't stop writing poetry because he recognized that it was a gift. Black Snow is a proud Mechanical Engineering graduate of Prairie View A&M University, successful business owner of The Oil Can and Snow Industries, and a proud member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.

    He is a Poetry Pioneer in the City of Houston. Black Snow has hosted the only weekly paying show in Houston for his fellow poets and has sponsored hundreds of Open-Mic Poetry shows and Specialty Spoken Word Events throughout the Houston area.

    I’m grateful for the opportunity to tell my story through my book of poems The Big Fish. These poems were written over a period of time and reflect many different aspects of my maturation as a poet. I have written many poems that I did not deem worthy of saving from the dark abyss of my shoeboxes and closets. This particular collection of poems has survived to be included as part of the testament of the infamous poet known as BLACKSNOW. I was inspired to write poems and short stories by my third-grade teacher Ms. Milton, thanks for believing in me. I’m an unlikely author simply because for the longest time, I would not embrace my gift. I would write poems and short stories when I was affected by certain circumstances and emotions such as happiness, joy, anger, sadness, etc…… often times to never read or share with anyone. I would collect the ones that I considered good and save them in shoeboxes in my closet. On a Sunday morning many years ago after listening to a sermon about a man who buried his gift, I vowed that I would share my poetry and story with the world. I asked that you consider the prospective of the writer understand that I write for those who don’t typically read books but would gladly listen to the lyrics of a song. Many of my poems have been put to original music and I encourage you to go search out my Albums on all digital platforms! I would like to offer a special tribute to my great grandfather Nelson Henry, on my mother’s side favorite fishing buddy we share the same birthday. I myself don’t believe that this is a coincidence. For I am the direct descendant of the Monte Verde slaves of east Texas. My family were enslaved for almost 100yrs by the Devereux family. My family specifically my great grandfather was instrumental in purchasing the very plantation, on which he was a slave, from the wife of the state senator Julian Devereux. Forgive me for wandering into my family history but I don’t know of a better way to acknowledge my ancestors than to tell their stories.

    I am also compelled to acknowledge my friend and fellow poet Nef 007 for inspiring me to believe that I could complete this project. Thank you for holding my hand and for all of your efforts throughout this entire process you are greatly appreciated.

    To my family my wife and kids, my grandkids and mom my favorite fishing buddy I love you all and I hope that you will cherish this little piece of history left behind by your father, son and grandfather, I love you all!!!

    I am BLACKSNOW the 3rd Coast Poet I’ve emerged from The Land of Legends Same Streets Same Dreams Settegast Texas H-Town 4-Lyfe Wayside!!…. I’m the author of the book

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