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You Need You.
You Need You.
You Need You.
Ebook272 pages2 hours

You Need You.

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About this ebook

This book is for YOU. For the YOU that needs to be reminded that YOU matter. For the YOU that needs to be told that YOU are every bit of who YOU think, believe, and say YOU are.

This book is for the YOU that needs to be encouraged to keep discovering, developing, and designing the YOU that YOU deserve. YOU get to create that YOU. YOU get to start now.

This book, "You Need You." is a great beginning! YOU are well on YOUR way as YOU journey through these messages and began YOUR process of instituting the changes necessary to make it happen.

YOU have every right to live YOUR best life.
YOU need YOU to do it!
Release dateMay 25, 2024
You Need You.

Cornelious “See” Flowers

Cornelious "See" Flowers- Writer, Author, and Poet, is from the Chicagoland area. "See", as he is known across the world, has been writing and performing for more than 30 years. His poetry and spoken word has been featured on stages and medias across the globe. With an obvious passion and prolific gifting with words and the ability to translate even the most delicate of topics into messages that everyone can not just understand, but ingest and implement, "See" has gained a reputation and created a brand that is consistently evolving into what many say will be a legacy talked about and remembered for ages! "See" currently tours and performs, as well as delivers inspiration and insight via his online platforms. "The SEE the POET Podcast" is available on all streaming platforms. Content and updates are also available at and on most social media.

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    You Need You. - Cornelious “See” Flowers


    A few years ago, my son joined a mentoring organization. He called me one evening and told me that he needed a permission slip signed for a trip the group was going on. I was not very happy about it. It took me a few months before I realized why I had issues with him having a mentor.

    Fast forward a few years…

    You’re not an inspirational person to me.

    That’s what my son said when I asked him to write me a short blurb for the back matter of this book. I wanted him to describe how he thinks my being a constant source of motivation and encouragement has affected him, and I wanted to see what words he would use to detail the feeling of having a father like me to be that.

    Instead of using one of my celebrity friends or an industry expert, as I’ve done with my previous books, I’d decided that I was going to have my son’s words stand here and give those that pick up this one, a glimpse into who I am, what I stand for, and what can be expected when you explore the pages inside.

    People always tell me that you’re this amazing writer and performer. All my life I’ve heard how much you inspire and motivate people. But you’re not that to me. You’re my dad, he said.

    I tried to explain to my son that my constant optimism and speeches of empowering instruction are rooted in my responsibility to the continuation of being who I am. I am a messenger of hope and love and truth and positivity. I strive to be an affirmative being of consistency and action and example, through my ways, my walk, and my works. It is that person that speaks life and clarity and intention into my son. I told him that is who I am to others also, and that is what I do for them. I am that by nature. It is my purpose. It is my identity.

    That’s you being my parent, to me.

    My son sees me as dad. He’s unimpressed with any consequence of being the son of See the Poet. He doesn’t see me as a mentor, or a role model, or a pillar in the community. It is more important to him that I’m his dad. He sees my early morning pep talks as par for the course. The fact that I’ve made myself available and accessible to him, and that I present this in a way I believed more comfortable than what I experienced by not having a dad like me, means very little to him. I’m dad. I’m annoying, nosey, strict, intruding, uncool, old, out-of-touch, dad. I’m mean and unfair. I’m unrealistic and naggy. I’m extra and insensitive. I have far too many rules and orders and expectations. I’m a disciplinarian. I’m a dictator. And I say NO way too often.

    And I have always been that way for him, to him. While caring for and loving and protecting and comforting and providing and guiding and making all of the sacrifices and choices that I have, in order to be present and all that I was to him. Yet, he doesn’t see me the way that I always believed that he should.

    How could he rather have someone other than me as a mentor?

    That was the question that I kept asking myself when he first brought up the conversation about the mentoring organization he was a part of. All I heard him saying was that I wasn’t good enough, in his eyes, to be that for him. For the reasons that I assumed and processed. Even if he hadn’t said the words out of his mouth-nothing even remotely close-I inferred an altogether contrary narrative to what he intended.

    How is it that so many other individuals consider me a mentor and important to their lives and my son doesn’t see me the same way?

    Especially when I have spent the great majority of the last 18 years doing what I could so that I would eventually be the absolute best version of myself, mostly because I felt like he deserved to have the best version of me. What I deemed my best version. The version that was perfect and consistent and unwavering and irreplaceable. That is who I wanted to be for him.

    You’re not an inspirational person to me.

    When my son said that you should have seen the way the air whistled out of my over-inflated ego. I felt terrible. Like, a failure. As if it, everything, or most of what I have spent so much time and energy doing all these years was for naught. We were on a FaceTime call at the time, and I’d had my back to the phone. Part of me didn’t want to look at the screen and allow him to see my disappointment and devastation. I was about to say something when he said…

    "You’re my dad’.

    In that moment I recognized that my son was telling me that Dad was more important than any of the other titles, and the fact that he gets to call me Dad makes him most special. It’s not that I am not an inspirational person, or that I don’t inspire him, it's that that title is for the crowd, for the fans, for the public. He acknowledges that his dad is See the Poet. He admires that See the Poet is his dad. I see the difference now.

    My son absolutely loves me. I mean the world to him. He knows who I am and who I am to him. He knows that I love him and that I desire, demand, and deliver the best for him. There is no question or doubt as far as that goes. He respects me and holds me in high regard. He knows that he needs me to be his dad and that is special and exclusive for him. Because that person- the dad that I am to him- has made sure to teach him the value of knowing that the most important relationship that you are ever going to have in this world is the relationship that you have with your own self. By having a comfortable and reasonable level of understanding with you, you attain a different level of consciousness and confidence as it relates to others. Thus, you communicate most effectively, and most authentically. In that space you achieve a level of honesty that will produce a baseline consistency that grants you access to a peace, progress, and productivity that are profound. I have instilled that in my son. I attempt to impart that concept and idea into everyone that I encounter. Because I believe it to be true. That your most important relationship you will every explore, endure, or enjoy, is the relationship that you have with YOU! In your life, that is what- and who- is most important.

    I put this book together for me. Because I need me. I need me as a reminder and advocate and guide. I need the consistency of the statements that I continue to deliver to everyone else, for myself. So, I compiled a few of my messages and put them in this space for myself to carry as a manual of sorts, to achieve more understanding of me. The world doesn’t teach that. The world, society, these systems, teach something altogether different. Because they have chosen the benefits from a disconnected and dysfunctional you rather than the benefits of a disciplined and determined you.

    My son speaks to me with a certain confidence and composure that I admire dearly. I respect it. I recognize it. I receive it. It comes from a specific place, his desire to be present and aware in his feelings at all times, and to effectively communicate those feelings so that others are made aware of his space and time. I have given him that advice almost everyday of his life. No matter where I am or have been, I’ve made sure to call and speak life and love into him. Instructing him to be present and aware, to always be the thermostat, to multitask, multifunction, multi follow through, so that he can multifinish, to speak life, to know that he is loved, important, cared for and about, trusted, necessary, believed, and wanted. I have missed very few days speaking that life into him.

    I speak that life into everyone. I have been that person for anyone that encounters me. I have sacrificed and settled and surrendered myself to be that person for whoever needed me to sacrifice, settle, or surrender for them. Because I believe that everyone needs to know that they matter and that they are important and significant and have power. They have the power to be and do whatever is possible for them. They own and control that power. Until they surrender it. Usually they surrender it because they don’t recognize that power is best served being utilized for themselves. As opposed to giving it away.

    My power is best used on and for me. That is what the message is here. I’m going to use my power of words to energize and empower myself right into the success and happiness and greatness that I have always sought for others. I’m going to use my power to get my health and strength and mind into the alignment with my best outcome. I will use my power for the good of being a positive and present resource, connected and valued and respected and appreciated and reciprocated and compensated and acknowledged and regarded and seen. I’m going to use my power to heal myself. I’m going to use my power to help myself. I’m going to use my power to have my way!

    There are no chapters or numbered pages in this book. The messages are not in much of an order. Outside of the first series of messages, How to pass the past. I do believe that process to have to be a process. But, even that is up to your level of action. How you go about doing it is not as much of importance as making sure that you get it done.

    This book is about doing it. Doing the work that it takes to get us to where we need to be. Doing the things that are necessary to realize the goals, dreams, outcomes, and NOW that is absolutely probable when the work is done. There are some guarantees in this life. Especially when you know what you need to do. Then you do what needs to be done.

    For that, I need me.

    You Need You.


    So, the first step for YOU is to have a thought of clearing YOUR mind. Don’t pressure YOURSELF to produce some fantastic thought that gets YOU or YOUR life going in any direction, new or different. YOUR first thought may just be to clear all the other thoughts, and that is a process and success all on its own.


    How to pass the past. In 12 steps.

    Step 1: STEP!

    YOU HAVE TO TAKE ACTION! YOU must first make a conscious thought that is focused towards doing something, anything, a thing, in the direction of the progress and process that YOU desire. YOUR first step does not have to be a physical act, but it does have to be a psychological one. YOU MUST START WITH YOUR THOUGHTS! Every progress, production, or promotion began as a thought. Either the response to or the results from, a thought. That is YOUR very first move, changing the way YOU think.

    The idea sounds simple, the implementation will take work. The fact is that sometimes we don’t even realize that the way we think or the things that we think are unhealthy and/or toxic to our ultimate goals and desires. Our thoughts are learned behaviors and direct manifestations of our exposures and environments. YOUR thought process is a byproduct of how YOU brought into what YOU experienced and what YOU were exposed to, even before YOU were equipped or experienced enough to make decisions to receive or reject what those ideas were. Our thoughts are also directly attached to how we interact or interacted with the people, places, and particulars, of our past. How YOU recognize and interpret the emotions, feelings, and belief systems that influenced everything about YOU is a materialization of thoughts. And based on how we achieved those relationships or found identity in them, is how those subsequent thoughts affect or infect our lives. And time, especially periods of time, will eventually harden the form and shape of what those thoughts and resulting realities become. And it will take time, and sometimes, periods of it, to loosen and ultimately break those holds.

    But it starts with a thought.

    A new thought, no matter how profound or prestigious towards rescuing YOU from a certain place it is, will actually prove to adversely affect YOUR plan if that thought is just added to a convoluted mix of years and generations of other or over-thinking. A brand new shiny anything will get dusty over time; it

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