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In Breakable, we follow the story of Sam, a seemingly ordinary young man whose life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters a mysterious figure in a park. This enigmatic person offers him the chance to become stronger, but to do so, Sam must overcome a series of challenges that will test his resolve.

As Sam immerses himself in this world of mystery and challenge, he discovers that there is much more at stake than he ever imagined. With each test overcome, Sam comes closer to discovering the true identity of his enigmatic mentor and the purpose behind these seemingly impossible trials.

Breakable is a thrilling story of self-improvement and self-discovery, taking readers through unexpected twists and turns as Sam struggles to unravel the secrets surrounding his destiny.

Release dateMay 24, 2024

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    Breakable - S.T. Mclaughlin


    To those unsung warriors who face their inner demons with courage and determination, you are true heroes in a world that often fails to recognize your value. May this book be a testament to your resilience and a source of support on your path to healing and inner peace.

    With deep gratitude and admiration,


    Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day after day.

    Robert Collier.

    I woke up on another routine day, it's 6:00 AM, and my mind is overwhelmed. The prospect of heading to work discourages me, but the responsibility for accounts and expenses obligates me; After all, bills don't pay themselves.

    Dissatisfaction overcomes me both in the workplace and in the salary and the environment, which I consider terrible.

    After a refreshing shower and a quick

    breakfast, I head to the public transportation stop, resigned to face another day at my job. Upon arrival, I meet Lucia, my assistant, who greets me with a .

    —Good morning. I respond with a simple.

    —Hello, how was your weekend?

    Did you rest? She answers me, Yes, boss.

    Lucia, my right hand, is more than a colleague;

    We share a bond of trust and friendship. She is intelligent and capable, completing any task in record time.

    Our relationship is so close that he even shares his personal problems. Although she has a partner, he does not treat her well, and I advise her to leave him. However, her love and fear of her loneliness keep her there.

    I always urge him to finish college and look

    for a better job, since we have been in the same place for 5 years without job benefits. Our immediate boss is an abuser and a jerk, but necessity forces us to put up with him, since finding a job is not easy.

    We begin our work, and time passes quickly. Almost at the end of the day, my boss asks me for reports for early tomorrow, to which I nod resignedly. When I leave, I say goodbye to Lucia and walk a few blocks to the bus stop.

    While waiting, he saw a figure dressed in black, shiny skin, tall and light-skinned on the other side of the elevated bridge. His penetrating gaze fixes on me, raising his arm in my direction. Unsure if he's pointing at me, I look around. When I look back, the mysterious figure has disappeared, as if the earth had swallowed it.

    I got on the bus for my route, found a seat and immersed myself in my thoughts about that enigmatic figure. As I progressed on public transportation, I minimized the importance of that encounter.

    When I got home, my mother, Carmen, greeted me. A woman sacrificed for her two children. I live with her and my younger sister, Taty, who treats my mother badly. I've tried to talk to her about this, but my mother prefers to deal with it her way.

    My father died due to a strange illness, he was unfaithful and left psychological scars on my family.

    My mother asks about my workday, and I respond sarcastically. She points out the blessing of having a job during difficult times, but I compare that blessing to the Egyptian pharaohs and joke about getting whipped.

    After taking off my uniform, I change to exercise. Jogging in the park from Monday to Friday is my escape from the toxic environment of work and the heavy home life with my sister. I sync my smartwatch, start my routine, and some neighbors join in.

    A notification indicates that I have finished the exercise after a grueling hour. I sit on a bench, look at the bushes and trees, and am surprised to see the same man from the bus stop. We look at each other, he hides and disappears.

    This man's intriguing presence intertwines with my daily routine, leaving questions unanswered.

    When we go home, we have dinner as a family, and my mother, with her eternal maternal concern, tries to comfort me about my job. I thank him, but the image of that mysterious man resonates in my mind. After a refreshing bath, I crawl into bed to rest, but my mind continues to wander between work problems and family challenges.

    Despite the fatigue, the presence of that man persists in my thoughts, generating intrigue and confusion. The next day, the routine is repeated. I head to work feeling like something is out of place. My assistant, Lucia, notices my distraction and asks me if everything is okay. I assure you it is, although my mind is still divided between the enigma of that man and the daily tensions.

    I constantly check my surroundings, but the figure does not appear. The day passes in the monotony of work, until my boss requests additional reports. Doing my duty, I face the afternoon with a hint of discomfort, wondering if the man will cross my path again. Returning home, I once again encounter the tense atmosphere between my mother and sister. Despite my attempts to intervene, the family dynamic continues. My escape to the park again reveals the man's presence, watching me from a distance.

    This time, I decide to tackle the mystery and approach the area where it is hidden, but, as before, it disappears without a trace.

    Uncertainty grows, weaving an invisible thread between the daily routine and the elusive presence of this man. Every day becomes a constant search for answers, mixed with the work and family reality that seems

    crumble around me. The plot thickens, and the enigma intensifies, leading me to question whether this man is a manifestation of my own internal dilemmas or an external element that alters the course of my life. I stood up, feeling a fear overcome me. The mysterious figure continued to torment me, even in my dreams.

    When I got home, my mother sensed my confusion

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