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ADHD VS YOU: Owning the Chaos and Making It Your B*tch
ADHD VS YOU: Owning the Chaos and Making It Your B*tch
ADHD VS YOU: Owning the Chaos and Making It Your B*tch
Ebook84 pages56 minutes

ADHD VS YOU: Owning the Chaos and Making It Your B*tch

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Are you ready to turn your ADHD chaos into your greatest strength?

Callie Parker, a mental health enthusiast, has lived the ADHD rollercoaster. She's tu

Release dateMay 23, 2024
ADHD VS YOU: Owning the Chaos and Making It Your B*tch

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    Book preview

    ADHD VS YOU - Callie Parker


    Owning the Chaos and Making It Your Bitch

    Callie Parker

    Copyright © 2023 by Callie Parker

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.





    1.Lost My Keys, Lost My Mind

    2.Ready, Fire, Aim!

    3.This Could Be Heaven

    4.Just Do the Damn Thing

    5.Feeling All the Feels

    6.It's Not You: It's...Okay. Maybe It's You

    7.CBT with CBT Charlie

    8.Holistic Hannah

    Goodbye's Are Hard

    Discovering Your ADHD Journey

    Journal Prompts & Habit Tracker


    Hey, you! Yes, you, the brilliant human holding this book . First of all, thank you for letting my ADHD brain take you on this wild rollercoaster. Trust me, it's not any less wild inside my head.

    Now, you might be wondering why someone would willingly write a book about a brain that perpetually feels like a pinball machine. Well, honey, if ADHD had a poster child, it would be a very distractible, shiny-object-chasing, but utterly fabulous version of yours truly. Over the years, I've picked up a few tricks to tame the chaos, and it felt selfish to keep them all to myself.

    I genuinely hope that by flipping (or scrolling) through these pages, you've felt a little less I'm the only one who loses their car in a one-story parking lot and a bit more Hey, this ADHD thing might just be my superpower.

    Now, here's the subtle part: if you've found even a shred of usefulness, humor or camaraderie in this book, it'd be Ah-mazing if you, totally by coincidence, decided to drop a review on Amazon. No pressure, but think of it as karma for all those times you wished someone had left a note about where the remote control was hidden. Also, if you've developed an inexplicable urge to stalk—I mean, follow—someone new on Facebook, why not make it Callie Parker, Author?

    Remember, ADHD might make us occasionally forget where we left our coffee mug (spoiler: it's on the dryer), but it also makes us, without a doubt, the life of the party. So let's celebrate our quirks and make this journey the most entertaining one ever!

    Stay distractingly awesome,




    Unraveling the ADHD Stigma: Yes, It's a Real Thing, Karen

    Hey there, brave soul. So, you're diving into the enigmatic realm of ADHD, huh? Look, let's get one thing straight right off the bat: ADHD isn’t just the quirky sidekick in the movie of life— it’s the damn superhero . Granted, our cape might occasionally be worn as a turban because we forgot how capes work, and our superhero landing might look more like tripping over an invisible pebble. But hey, style points, right?

    Now, before you raise an eyebrow and mumble, What the hell did I just pick up?, hear me out. Sure, the world often paints ADHD as this inconvenient, scatter-brained condition, the cosmic price we pay for...I don't know, being too fabulous? But what if I told you that behind all the lost car keys, forgotten anniversaries (sorry, Karen) and, Oh look, a squirrel! moments, there's an arsenal of superpowers just waiting to be unleashed?

    Oh, and don’t worry. We won’t be tiptoeing around the science-y bits with fluffy words. Nah, we’re diving deep. But think of it as diving into a pool filled with glittery jello shots, because...why the hell not? We'll throw around terms like neurotransmitters with the same zest we reserve for curse words when we stub our toe.

    So, buckle up, my potentially ADHD or ADHD-curious comrade. You're about to embark on a rollercoaster ride, one that’s been engineered by brains that can hyperfocus on inorganic chemistry for hours, but forget what we had for breakfast.

    Let's unmask ADHD, embrace our quirks and maybe—just maybe—find our mind, I mean, keys, in the process.

    The ADHD Experience: Beyond The Hyper Kid Stereotypes

    Alright, ADHD squad and the curious cats who somehow wandered here (Was it the cover? Or the title? Killed it on both, huh?!). It's time to get real. You know those classic ADHD images? Little Timmy, bouncing off the walls at a family BBQ, fueled by too many candy bars and suspicious-looking juice pouches? Or maybe the artistic dreamer, Jane, forever lost in a daydream, with a knack for turning in her homework precisely... never?

    Well, grab those clichéd images, crumple 'em up and slam-dunk them into the trash bin of outdated ideas. And while you're at it, give 'em the finger. Because the ADHD spectrum is as broad and diverse as your

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