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A Guide to Manifesting Your Reality with the 7 Universal Principles: And How I Used Them to Achieve My Goals at NASA
A Guide to Manifesting Your Reality with the 7 Universal Principles: And How I Used Them to Achieve My Goals at NASA
A Guide to Manifesting Your Reality with the 7 Universal Principles: And How I Used Them to Achieve My Goals at NASA
Ebook74 pages58 minutes

A Guide to Manifesting Your Reality with the 7 Universal Principles: And How I Used Them to Achieve My Goals at NASA

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The 7 Universal Principles preceded the invention of all religions and are believed to have been written by Hermes Trismegistus, as he was known by the Greeks. Many universal laws have been derived from the 7 Universal Principles — Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect and Gender; but it is these overarching universal principles by which the universe operates.
In this book, I tell real stories of my experiences while working at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC, as the Headquarters accountant responsible for the International Space Station and Space Shuttle in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer; and as the Business Manager for the Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer.
I have included how I utilized these seven universal principles to manifest/accomplish certain work goals in both of my official positions at NASA Headquarters. Conversely, I have also included real stories of how these same principles were always at play, even when I was not aware of creating outcomes that I did not want — something we all do at one point in time, until we become aware that our thoughts create our realities (the Principle of Mentalism, the first universal principle).
Lastly, with each principle, I have provided steps for using that principle in order to accomplish your goals, as well as a meditation to assist you in expediting your manifestations.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 22, 2024
A Guide to Manifesting Your Reality with the 7 Universal Principles: And How I Used Them to Achieve My Goals at NASA

Tifarah E. Thomas

In 2015, Tifarah E. Thomas made NASA history by becoming the first elected African-American female President of the NASA Headquarters Professional Association (also known as “the Union”). However, before she believed that accomplishment was possible, her mother, Dr. Cynthia Hollis-Franklin shared a fictional story with her in 2011, which contained a reference to the 7 Universal Principles. That was the real beginning… Prior to starting at NASA Headquarters, Tifarah worked in finance and accounting in the private sector for over 10 years in northern and Southern California. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Economics from San Francisco State University in 2001; and her Master of Business Administration from New York Institute of Technology in 2007. After serving for over 12 years in various roles, Tifarah resigned from her Business Manager position at NASA Headquarters in April 2021, in order to pursue her passion for coaching people to live their Divine purposes — something she discovered while simultaneously leading as the elected President of two union organizations, the NASA Headquarters Professional Association and the NASA Council of IFPTE Locals. Tifarah remains passionate about — all issues that involve justice and equality; studying various aspects of spirituality; perpetually learning (currently, financial trading and investing); women’s ready-to-wear fashion design; traveling abroad; and sharing her knowledge and wisdom with those who want to learn more.

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    A Guide to Manifesting Your Reality with the 7 Universal Principles - Tifarah E. Thomas

    Copyright © 2024 Tifarah E. Thomas.

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024902673

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/07/2024



    Introduction: Love vs. Fear

    Chapter 1   The Principle of Mentalism

    Chapter 2   The Principle of Correspondence

    Chapter 3   The Principle of Vibration

    Chapter 4   The Principle of Polarity

    Chapter 5   The Principle of Rhythm

    Chapter 6   The Principle of Cause and Effect

    Chapter 7   The Principle of Gender

    Conclusion: How it All Fits Together


    The study of spirituality has always been one of my greatest passions. Growing up in the Bible Belt, I learned the fundamentals of Christianity — through various religious sects — at a very young age. Before I reached adulthood, however, I had come to a difficult conclusion: I loved learning about God, but religions, as I had experienced them, seemed to have the net effect of separating people instead of bringing them together. All too often, I found myself distracted by church politics and those seeking to establish their religious superiority over others, much like the Pharisees and the Sadducees in the Bible. Consequently, at the age of 17, I began a near three-decades long study of various spiritual texts and guides, including but not limited to the Bible. My objective has been to build my own relationships with God, the angels and the ascended masters, like Jesus — through prayer, self-study and focusing on love. In my spiritual endeavors, I have learned that that it is not necessary to be a religious scholar nor an expert in spiritual philosophies to know God. It’s actually not that complicated. It was the simplicity of the 7 Principles of the Universe, as expressed through Hermetic philosophy, that has been most helpful to me in the practical, day-to-day application of my relationship with God. As the book of Genesis indicates in the Bible, man was created in God’s image; and there are plenty of scriptures that support our ability to manifest miracles, if we believe that we can. While the roots of Hermetic philosophy predate Christianity and all other religions of the world, it was through my understanding of the spiritual truths presented in the Bible that I saw clearly a path for manifesting my own reality using the 7 Principles of the Universe.

    During my 12+ years at NASA, I learned a number of lessons — some of them harder than others. This book will focus on the lessons that I learned during my time at NASA as they relate to the 7 Principles of the Universe, both, consciously and unconsciously. The first opportunity for me to consciously use the principles happened in my third year at the agency. At that time, I was the Property Accountant responsible for reviewing the entries that recorded the assets and depreciation of the Space Station and the last NASA Shuttle. After years of unsuccessfully trying to find another job because of the organization’s toxic culture, the Universe presented me with knowledge that I was ultimately able to transform into tools that helped me to accomplish that end — presented in the form of a fictional story called Goodbye, April Moon by Burt Goldman, known for his talks on quantum jumping. When I left NASA in April 2021, it had finally become clear that it was time to move forward in greater service of God’s Divine

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