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Wolf's Huntsman: Texas Ranch Wolf Pack, #4
Wolf's Huntsman: Texas Ranch Wolf Pack, #4
Wolf's Huntsman: Texas Ranch Wolf Pack, #4
Ebook156 pages2 hours

Wolf's Huntsman: Texas Ranch Wolf Pack, #4

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Black Forest Huntsmen intend to take over the U.S. government...
Nate and Eli, both elite soldiers and Royal Alpha werewolves, strive to assert their dominance over werewolves, werepanthers, and other were in time to safeguard them from this hidden foe.
Events culminate in the discovery of a plot so insidious, so catastrophic that, if not foiled, will poise all were on the brink of annihilation and thrust humankind into perpetual servitude. No sex or profanity.

PublisherLinda Pogue
Release dateMay 31, 2024
Wolf's Huntsman: Texas Ranch Wolf Pack, #4

Lynn Nodima

Lynn Nodima learned to love telling stories from her tall-tale telling grandfather, her story-spinning father, and her mother's round-robin storytelling games. Spinning yarns (Texan for telling tall tales) is in her blood, and she happily continues the family tradition. The main difference is that Lynn writes her stories down to share with people she will never meet. Lynn writes clean urban fantasy, contemporary romantic suspense, paranormal romances/adventures, fantasy, and science fiction.

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    Book preview

    Wolf's Huntsman - Lynn Nodima

    Chapter 1


    Paige Marston stood at parade rest before the Black Forest Huntsmen Triumvirate. Blinking against the spotlight fixed on her, she swallowed and tried to see past the bright lights to study the three commanders’ hard expressions. Unsure why she was ordered to face the Triumvirate, she searched her mind, trying to discover what she might have done.

    Supreme Commander Reinhardt, sitting at the center of the table, frowned at her. You are Lieutenant Paige Marston, Phillip Marston’s sister?

    Sir, I am. Whatever Phillip did, they were not happy about it. Behind her back, her right hand clenched her left wrist, her fingers spasming with sudden nerves.

    Have you heard from Philip?

    Sir, no, Sir. The last time he called, he was headed to Canada for guard duty. That’s all he would say, Sir. Under the spotlight, her uniform coat was stifling. Sweat trickled down her back. She tightened her shoulders against her body’s need to twitch.

    You are aware he has not passed his trials?

    Sir, yes, Sir. His final trials are in August.

    Do you believe he has the fortitude and dedication to be incorporated into the Huntsmen Collective?

    Paige blinked. She thought about her younger brother, his blatant disregard of their father’s attempt at Huntsmen indoctrination. Truth be told, she didn’t think he fit the Collective’s needs. But, saying so would get him killed. And he was her baby brother. Sir, I don’t have reason to believe otherwise.

    The three men bent their heads together, their discussion too soft for her to hear. Paige swallowed, struggling against the need to clear her throat, and tried to keep her concern for her brother out of her expression. The men sat up and faced her. The Supreme Commander leaned slightly toward her. Your orders, Paige Marston, are to find your brother and bring him to us.


    We have reason to believe he is with the werewolves in Texas. Retrieve him.

    "Texas, Sir?

    That’s the location of his uniform tracer.

    Paige’s heart lurched in her chest. They have tracers on us? Sir, why would he be with the werewolves?

    Before his partner was destroyed, his report indicated that the wolves took your brother.

    Stunned, Paige gasped. Destroyed, Sir?

    He was bitten by the wolf he was guarding. We don’t allow our people to become abominations.

    Paige tried twice before she could force out her question. The wolves took Phillip?

    They did. Find him. If he has turned, kill him. If not, bring him back to face charges.

    I don’t understand, Sir. Charges?

    Your brother is a traitor to the Collective, Lieutenant. He released our captive.

    Bowing her head, Paige gave the answer they expected. Sir, yes, Sir! When they dismissed her, she saluted and then marched smartly out of the Triumvirate Court office. Holding a tight rein on her emotions, she avoided everyone in her haste to get to her quarters. Shutting the door quietly behind her, she slumped against the door, and whispered, Oh, Phillip, what have you done?

    When a knock sounded on the door behind her, she straightened, pulled her uniform jacket off and hung it on the hanger suspended from a hook on the door. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly. She smoothed her face to be expressionless and opened the door.

    Zoe Schneider shoved past Paige, dropped on the bunk, and leaned back on her elbows. What happened?

    Paige shut the door behind Zoe and turned to study her. Zoe’s long blonde hair, a darker blonde than her own, was neatly pulled back into a regulation bun, her uniform jacket splayed open to show her t-shirt. The faint outline of the scabbard between her breasts was the only sign she carried a concealed knife. Paige sighed. Werewolves have captured Phillip. They’re sending me to retrieve him.

    Zoe grinned. So, we’re going hunting.


    Captain Weber ordered me to accompany you on your mission. She sat up. We going incognito or wearing our uniforms?

    Incognito, I suppose. According to the Supreme Commander, they’re holding Phillip on a ranch in Texas.

    Great! Never been to Texas. Maybe we’ll have time for some sightseeing.

    Thinking Zoe was trying to cheer her up, Paige gave her a weak smile. You ever seen a real werewolf?

    Nope, but I think I’ll know one when I do.


    Zoe laughed. Mom says they all smell funny. Like wet dogs that need a bath.

    Paige felt her grin slip a little and reinforced it. Maybe. I never smelled one. Or saw one, either. Phillip doesn’t think they really exist. Too late, she realized what she said. Her gaze snapped to Zoe’s face.

    Zoe pursed her lips and nodded. I heard that about him. She tilted her head, her eyes narrowing as the look she gave Paige intensified. What about you? You believe in werewolves?

    My dad’s never lied to me. He says he hunted one a couple of months ago in France and killed the whole den, so, I guess so. She turned her back to Zoe’s too perceptive gaze and opened her closet. Incognito. Think jeans and t-shirts are good enough? I hear June weather in Texas feels like August here.

    My aunt moved to Corpus Christi two years ago. I was supposed to go visit her last summer, but Dad sent me to the Huntsman Training Camp, instead. Maybe we can go visit her, while we’re there.

    Maybe. You said you only have the one aunt, right? Paige glanced over her shoulder to see Zoe nod. What’s she doing in Texas?

    Zoe waited until Paige turned around, several pairs of jeans and t-shirts draped over her arms. She keeps tabs on the financial doings of the Texas pack.

    Hmm. If we have time, I don’t see why we can’t swing down and visit for a bit. Not sure we have time, though. We’re supposed to bring Phillip back here. Paige started folding her clothes to go into her suitcase.

    If he hasn’t turned.

    Paige looked up, her gaze locked on the other woman’s face. What?

    If he’s turned, we have to kill him. In that case, we’ll have plenty of time for a visit.

    Chapter 2


    What are you doing in the dirt, Mom?

    Cynthia Thomas pulled the brim of her sun hat lower to shade her eyes from the early morning Texas sunlight and looked up at her foster-son. He would be her adopted son, but he didn’t agree to the adoption when he was a teen. He refused until he knew what happened to his step-dad. Now that he knew, well, adoption was probably about twenty years too late.

    Good morning, Nate. She pointed at the flower bed with the hand hoe in her right hand. These flowers are strangling for nutrients with all the weeds in this garden. Just thought I’d clean it up a bit.

    Nate sucked air between his teeth. We have someone who can do that.

    I know that. Cynthia frowned at him. Stop making that noise.

    Yes, Ma’am.

    She tried to keep her face straight, but the chagrin on the face of her hulking, six-foot, four-inch son was just too funny. And that’s no better.

    He grinned, unrepentant as always, and Cynthia shook her head. I thought you had to work today.

    Supervising what goes on here on the ranch is my work.

    You don’t still work in San Antonio? When Nate looked askance at her, she knew she was losing it again. Pretending nothing was wrong, she shrugged. Oh, that’s right. I wasn’t thinking.

    It’s already over ninety degrees out here. Why don’t you come inside and have some tea to cool off?

    Cynthia sighed. You’re not going to start acting like your dad, are you? He’s always telling me what I can’t do.

    He’s just worried you’ll overdo it. Nate offered his hand, and she let him pull her up.

    I know. It’s just . . .. Cynthia shrugged. Guess I’m not as young as I used to be. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her right hand, careful not to let the hand hoe scrape her face, then brushed the dirt, grass, and leaves off the knees of her jeans. Where’s your dad?

    Nate shrugged. I think he went to his office.

    It’s strange to have such a nice, comfortable building just sitting there empty, Nate.

    I suppose so. He was keeping something from her.

    Cynthia stopped and looked at him. Something bad happened here, didn’t it?

    He opened the kitchen door and held it for her. Bad things happen everywhere, Mom.

    She sat on the stool he led her to, then watched him pour her a glass of tea from the pitcher Janelle kept in the fridge. The air conditioning was a welcome respite to the heat outside. Is it a bigger secret than almost everyone here being a werewolf or some such?

    Nate poured a second glass of tea for himself, then walked back to the bar and sat beside her. Here you go, Mom. He shook his head. A lot happened here before I even got here. Most of the werewolves that lived here were killed in an attack. He sipped his tea. The office Dad is using was the schoolhouse. Except for the teens on a training run, all the kids that lived here died in the school during the attack. The wolves don’t like to go in there. Too many memories, so I thought we could use the space for Dad and Don to use as an office and barracks for Don and the two soldiers stationed here with them.

    Cynthia bit her lip. Is it safe here, Nate?

    As safe as we can make it. The people who attacked before are dead, and there’s no reason to believe anyone else will try. He drained his tea glass in one long swallow, ignoring the frown she fixed on him. Anyway, that’s why I keep patrols running. If someone comes to the ranch, we’ll know about it before they can cause too much mischief.

    Mischief. The word seemed inadequate for the atrocity he described. She sighed. How is Janelle, this morning?

    Moving slow. Baby’s due anytime, now, and she’s a bit grumpy.

    Cynthia laughed. You’d be grumpy, too, if you had to carry twenty pounds all day, every day, on top of your bladder.

    I suppose so.

    She studied his pensive look. What’s on your mind, Son?

    Nate’s gaze rose to meet hers. Being a dad is . . ..

    When his voice tapered off, she grinned. "Awe-inspiring?

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