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Evil Revenge: Devil, #1
Evil Revenge: Devil, #1
Evil Revenge: Devil, #1
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Evil Revenge: Devil, #1

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My father stayed outside the door all day and night.

That night, there was lightning and thunder.

People in the village said that if I were born tonight, I would be destined to be a freak and difficult to feed, so my father quickly decided to save my mother.

It's too late, I'm afraid neither of them can be saved.

My dad rebuked the witch and drove her away.

The witch cursed our family to have no descendants!!!

Release dateMay 25, 2024
Evil Revenge: Devil, #1

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    Evil Revenge - Quinton Foxwlf

    Evil Revenge

    Chapter 1 Resurrection from the dead

    The day I was born was the 15th day of the seventh lunar month. My mother had a difficult delivery and it took a whole day and night. The pain was excruciating and the bed was covered in blood.

    My father stood guard outside the door for a whole day and night.

    That night, there were lightning and thunder.

    Everyone in the village said that if I was born tonight, I would be destined to have an extremely yin constitution and would be difficult to raise, so they asked my father to make a quick decision to save my mother.

    It’s too late. I’m afraid both of them can’t be saved.

    On top of that, our family was originally responsible for funeral ceremonies, which made things even more sinister.

    My father scolded the gossipy village woman and drove her away.

    Before leaving, the old woman kept muttering to herself, cursing that our family would have no descendants.

    My father was so angry that he threw an axe at the gossipy woman, almost killing her.

    The midwife said that the baby was too big and that if anything had to be done, the older one should be saved and the younger one abandoned. My father agreed, but my mother disagreed.

    It was not until the second half of the night that a loud thunderclap struck open an empty coffin placed in the yard.

    In the room, my mother screamed, and I was born safely.

    What’s even more strange is that I was stillborn when I was born. My mother held me in her arms until she ran out of tears.

    Even the midwife had given up and was ready to take the money and leave, but within two minutes, I came back to life.

    My mother told me that that night, the moonlight was very pale, I squinted my eyes and held my mother's hand with my little hand.

    I didn’t cry. The moonlight shone on my face and I looked at my mother with a big smile on my face.

    The midwife was so scared that she ran away, saying that this was the strangest scene she had ever seen in her life.

    When he left, he didn't even ask for his hard-earned money, saying that he didn't want to have anything to do with our family, including financial transactions.

    My father, who had been waiting at the door, saw the midwife was about to leave and asked about the situation.

    The midwife waved her hands and ran away in panic.

    The rain was getting heavier, but that night, my dad and mom were so happy that they couldn't stop smiling.

    For my dad, their Han family, which had been a single-line family for five generations, finally welcomed a big fat boy.

    The next morning, the villagers discovered that the woman who delivered my mother's baby the night before had fallen into the lake at the entrance of the village and drowned.

    When the body was found, it was floating on the lake with its eyes open and its body bloated. It was a miserable death with eyes open.

    Everyone said that the midwife's death had something to do with me.

    My grandfather and my grandmother came back from a funeral in the neighboring village. When they walked in, they saw the empty coffin that had been struck by lightning in the yard. My grandfather's face was gloomy.

    When he came into the house and saw me, his face became even colder, which made me feel uneasy.

    Because, when we hurried back to the village early in the morning, it was my grandfather who fished the smelly midwife out of the lake.

    After getting ashore, everyone started talking about what happened when I was born last night. Who knows whether it was intentional or unintentional.

    My grandma was so embarrassed that she had a big quarrel with the villagers and cursed those gossipers to death.

    My grandfather had a cold face all the time. He saved someone, but instead of getting anything good done to him, he was scolded. Naturally, he was in a bad mood.

    But the aunts and uncles in the village did not stop talking.

    I think within half a day, my story about a sinister person would spread to several neighboring villages.

    My father told my grandfather not to bother with those nagging old women and let them talk. Even though we can’t control other people’s mouths, we can control our own hearts.

    My grandfather said nothing, just sat on a small bamboo stool in the yard and smoked.

    My grandma didn't even look at me and went to work in the kitchen.

    He said that my mother had just given birth and needed to eat something to increase her milk supply. In fact, he just wanted to avoid me and my mother.

    My mother saw the attitudes of my grandfather and grandmother, and persuaded my father to go out and sound out my grandfather's attitude, and also asked my grandfather to think of a way to suppress the negative energy in me.

    I think, although my mother loved me very much, she also believed the ghost's words.

    That day, my grandfather stood by the bed, looked at me wrapped in the quilt, and finally said only one sentence

    Let's just call her Winter. It would be great if she can come out and meet people openly in the future.

    After saying that, he left.

    My mother actually thinks this name is too rustic and has no meaning at all .

    But my father smiled and held me in his arms, coaxing me, saying, It's a boy, so give him an ordinary name so he will be easier to raise.

    After hearing this, my mother recalled the scene on the night I was born and agreed.

    On the full moon day, my father greeted everyone in the village.

    The banquet table was set up from the gate of my house almost to the entrance of the village, but until the afternoon, no one came to my house for dinner.

    My grandfather squatted on the stone bench at the door, tapped the pipe in his hand, and said unhappily Forget it! We can eat by ourselves!

    But my mother still felt unhappy. She held me in her arms and stood at the gate, looking into the distance.

    But I found that the people in the village seemed to be looking at me from afar and just didn’t want to get close to my house.

    Later, we served me the dishes for my full-month banquet, and our family ate them for a whole month.

    In the end, the food was so bad that it couldn't be cooked, so my grandmother fed it to the pigs in the backyard.

    I don’t know why, but since I was born, my grandparents’ funeral business has become even better.

    My father was happy and said that I was a lucky charm.

    But my mother was unhappy and thought it was extremely unlucky, so she begged my grandfather to find a fortune teller to calculate my fortune.

    My grandmother glared at my mother, thinking that since it was already like this, it would only add more trouble to her to let it go.

    My mother cried and said that since she gave birth to me, she would rather raise me for the rest of my life if I had a bad life in the future.

    My grandma left in anger, and after that day, she never hugged me again.

    A few days later, my father really invited a fortune teller from the neighboring village, who was said to be able to tell fortunes with extraordinary accuracy.

    As soon as the fairy entered my house, he shook the bell in his hand and said that there was an evil ghost in the house, which scared my mother and she started crying again.

    My dad asked the great oracle to find out if there is any way to crack this problem.

    The immortal walked up to me, shaking his head, took one look at me, then stepped back in fear and ran away.

    As he ran, he shouted in the village I really encountered a ghost! The old Han family is haunted!

    All of a sudden, my story once again became the topic of conversation for the whole village.

    Aunt Zhang from the west end of the village was even more exaggerated, even saying that it was my grandparents' fault.

    Knowing that there was a pregnant woman in the family, he still dared to put the empty coffin in the yard. Aren't you just waiting for a corpse to appear?

    When my father heard this, he had a quick temper and wanted to take a hoe and beat the man that day, but was stopped by my mother.

    In fact, the empty coffin placed in the yard was originally for Aunt Zhang's mother.

    As a result, her mother's illness suddenly recovered for some reason. Aunt Zhang didn't want to buy it, so she said the workmanship was not good and she didn't want it anymore.

    My grandfather went to return it, but the store said they wouldn't accept it. Who knows if it had been used to hold a dead person, so it would be difficult to sell it again.

    My grandfather had no choice but to pull the coffin back and place it in the east corner of the yard.

    Unexpectedly, this incident became the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

    My grandfather didn't believe in superstition, so after asking around, he found a fortune teller to come to my house to take a look.

    It was said that he was hired from the city at a high price.

    The fortune teller was tall and thin. On the day he came, he was wearing shrouds for the dead.

    The man was quite courageous. He looked at me from left to right, and finally, he sighed, called my grandfather to the yard, and said

    Your fat grandson has a ghost fate. Nothing will happen to him until he is eighteen, but he can only live to that age. After that, even if he still has a chance to live, he is no longer himself. Instead, he is possessed by a ghost and has a different soul.

    My mother, who was eavesdropping nearby, rushed out after hearing what was said, and immediately knelt down in front of the fortune teller, begging him for a solution . She was willing to pay any price as long as it could save my life.

    The fortune teller shook his head and said, It is fate. If we don't prepare a coffin for this kid early, we have to prepare a few coffins for the adults in the family, because the ghost is very powerful and is back for revenge.

    When my mother heard this, she fainted immediately. We asked a doctor to come home to treat her. She had to take medicine for several days before she could get out of bed.

    Later, the family wanted to find the fortune teller again, but they heard that there had never been such a person.

    It's also a wonder.

    I don’t know if I asked the wrong person, or if the fortune teller was not a living person... He came here just for me...

    Chapter 2 Novakova died in the lake

    For the next seventeen years.

    Just as the elusive fortune teller said, I ate well, slept well, grew up strong, and even looked healthier than other children of the same age in the same village.

    And I am naturally cheerful and enthusiastic.

    When I have nothing to do, I help Aunt Zhang at the entrance of the village to herd sheep, or help Uncle Wang next door to get a pot of wine or something like that.

    Occasionally I can earn a few dollars for running errands, and I am very happy about it.

    Gradually, the villagers seemed to have forgotten what happened in the year I was born and began to become more enthusiastic towards me.

    My family also got back in touch with the villagers.

    When I was seventeen, I made my first good friend in the village. Her name was Novakova, but I don’t know her real name.

    When asked, Novakova said that her mother told her not to tell her real name, saying that no children in the village could tell her their real names.

    I don't really care. After all, a name is just a title.

    That summer, the weather was very hot, so Novakova and I went swimming in the lake at the entrance of the village.

    At first, Novakova was actually a little reluctant.

    I pulled him along with a smile What are you afraid of? The lake isn't deep, and I haven't bathed in a while, so it's a good opportunity to take a bath.

    Novakova said shyly, No, my mother said someone drowned in that lake.

    What's the big deal? Are you scared?

    Novakova looks big and strong, but she is so timid, which is a bit funny.

    When Novakova saw me laughing, she pouted and looked angry I'm scared? Are you kidding me?

    Let's go! I deliberately provoked Novakova.

    In fact, I had heard about people dying in the lake a long time ago. After all, the first person who died there was related to me.

    Although the villagers' attitude towards me has eased, in fact, the rumors about me have never stopped for a single day over the years.

    At first, my mother was angry and didn't let me listen, but later she found that she couldn't stop me.

    Seeing that I was naturally optimistic, I just ignored it and let those people talk.

    Just like my dad said, why bother with those gossips? Just be happy.

    However, I am born rebellious and just don’t believe in fate.

    Later I heard that one person died in that lake every year.

    The day of death was exactly the day I was born, the late night of the 15th day of the seventh lunar month.

    Counting the days, there is still half a month until my 18th birthday, so I thought it should be fine, so I made an appointment with Novakova to go swimming.

    When we reached the lake, I took off my clothes and pants and jumped in.

    Cicadas are chirping in my ears, and I am soaking my sweaty body in the cool lake water, feeling comfortable and relaxed.

    I wiped my face with my hands and called out to Novakova, who was still standing on the shore, hesitating

    Aren't you afraid? Come down! It's cooler!

    Novakova moved her feet slightly, trying to get down, but she was still worried.

    I hooked my finger at him and said, If you don't come down, I'll go play by myself first!

    After I finished speaking, I lowered my head, and my dark loach-like figure disappeared on the surface of the lake, and did not come up for a long time.

    When Novakova saw this, she got anxious and shouted hurriedly Dafang! Dafang! Don't scare me!

    In fact, I could hear Novakova calling me, so I quietly dived and swam towards Novakova, intending to scare him.

    Under the water, I saw a black shadow rushing ahead of me at an extremely fast speed, straight to Novakova's feet.

    The black shadow had hands and feet, like a human figure, but it was not clear.

    I was shocked.

    The black shadow suddenly stretched out his hand, and his black, smoke-like palm grabbed Novakova's ankle.

    My eyes widened, I choked on the water, and swung my feet and stuck my head out.

    As a result, I saw that the moment I came out of the water, Goudan was pulled into the water by the black shadow.

    With a plop, Novakova disappeared from my sight.

    I panicked, he was my only friend!

    I took a deep breath and dived back into the water.

    The lake water is blue and you can see floating water plants and small fish.

    Novakova struggled under the water, trying to swim upstream, paddling her hands and feet hard, but could only stay where she was.

    He seemed unable to see the black shadow, only I... could see it.

    I didn't hesitate any more, kicked off my legs and swam towards Novakova.

    The dark figure saw me coming, grinned, and let go of Novakova's ankle.

    But at the same time, Novakova had lost her last bit of strength, and she stopped moving, her body floating downwards.

    Just like the paper figures my grandfather placed in the yard.

    I gritted my teeth, swam in the water like a loach, and hugged Novakova who was almost sinking to the bottom of the water.

    At this moment, I was thinking to myself, if Goudan was really gone, I would really have no friends anymore.

    I gathered all my strength, and my young body pulled another young body.

    The moment we came out, the sunlight shone on Novakova's and my face, feeling warm.

    I don’t know if it was because of the cold or because of fear, but my skin turned blue all over.

    Just like Novakova in her arms.

    When I dragged Goudan ashore, I saw that the lakeside was already full of people.

    I don’t know when these people came.

    I don’t even know why no one came to help me when I clearly saw me pulling Novakova with great effort by myself.

    I was so angry that I put Novakova on the ground.

    Still no one came to help. I shook my head, not counting on them, and patted Novakova’s face

    Novakova, wake up, can you hear me?

    Novakova's face turned pale and blue, and she didn't move.

    I find it strange. According to common sense, it is impossible for Novakova to run out of breath so quickly in such a short period of time.

    I was about to continue slapping Novakova in the face when a sharp shout was heard from the crowd

    Novakova! My son!

    When I looked up, I saw Novakova's mother pushing through the crowd and rushing out.

    She pushed me away, hugged Novakova, and cried out at the top of her lungs

    I told you not to play with this unlucky guy, but you just wouldn't listen... Come on, is there anyone who can help me find a doctor...

    I stood there in a daze. When I looked up, I saw the vicious looks from the villagers. They pointed at me and muttered something.

    My ears were ringing, so I couldn't hear clearly what they were saying, but I knew they were definitely scolding me.

    When I lowered my head and looked at Novakova again, I found a deep five-finger mark on his ankle.

    Sure enough, what I just saw was real.

    That black shadow really appeared.

    That black thing didn't hurt me, and even smiled at me, but it hurt my friend.

    That day, I lost my only friend.

    Blame it on me. I sat on the stone bench at the door of my house, blaming myself.

    Every time someone passed by, they would stay away from me, as if they were avoiding the god of plague.

    My mother came out of the yard, hugged my ears, and whispered in my ears Don't listen, don't listen to anything, they are all nonsense.

    I pulled my mother's hand down and looked into her sad eyes Mom, will I really die on my eighteenth birthday like they said?

    My mother didn't answer me, she cried.

    My grandmother stood far away in the yard, rolling her eyes and glaring at me and my son.

    I know that my grandma has wanted me to die for a long time. Because of me, the whole family has had a hard time over the years.

    One day, my grandmother even secretly told my father to find an opportunity to get rid of my mother, find a new wife, and give birth to a normal boy.

    That day, I saw my father squatting in the yard smoking until dark without saying a word of refusal.

    I also know that my mother heard these words in the room.

    I don't feel sorry for others, I just feel sorry for my mother. She is the one who has protected me the most over the years, and she is also the one who has suffered so much for me.

    In this way, everyone kept their secrets to themselves until my eighteenth birthday, when finally, in front of the whole village, something happened in my family.

    Because everyone in the village knows that this day is the day I die ...

    Chapter 3 Death at the age of eighteen

    Istill remember clearly how lively that night was.

    It was the busiest day in my family in 18 years.

    Even the two crooked jujube trees outside the door were filled with people.

    I think it's ridiculous.

    That day, my mother stayed by my side the whole day, looking at me with tears in her eyes.

    I smiled and patted the back of my mother's hand Mom, don't worry, maybe the Taoist priest made a mistake. I am born with a strong character.

    My mother didn't say anything, just nodded vigorously.

    My father left home yesterday. According to my grandfather, he went to the city to find the Taoist priest for me.

    My grandfather squatted at the door of his house and smoked his pipe all day long. Even though the door was crowded with people, he no longer cared.

    My grandma was busy in the kitchen the whole day, from morning to afternoon, and never came out.

    On that day, the hearts of everyone in our village were in our throats, and they refused to let go even for a second.

    As a result, nothing happened all day.

    When the sun was about to set, some villagers could no longer stay there and went back to cook, feed the pigs and take care of their children.

    But there were still some people gathering at my door. When I looked up, I could see a surge of people.

    The setting sun dyed our shabby little village red. I stood in the yard in a daze, looking at the mountain scenery in the distance.

    I don’t know if I can see such a situation tomorrow.

    My mother stood by my side all day long, never leaving my side.

    I put my arm around my mother's shoulders and said

    Mom, don't be afraid. Even if I die, I will always stay by your side. If anyone dares to touch you, I will make him die miserably.

    My mother's eyes were red and she was crying so hard that she couldn't speak.

    When the sun was about to set, the villagers who were waiting to watch the show at the door suddenly became restless.

    Everyone pointed in the same direction and shouted, Look, the Taoist priest from eighteen years ago is really here!

    When I heard this, I immediately asked my mother to sit on the stool next to me and rushed out.

    I would like to see who this Taoist priest is who has troubled me for eighteen years.

    From a distance, I saw my father, hunched over, timidly following a Taoist priest in mourning clothes.

    The Taoist priest walked in a strange posture, like a paper man without a skeleton.

    Only the whites of his eyes were left, and it seemed that he was blind.

    I never heard my family talk about this back then.

    When the Taoist priest and my dad walked to the door of my house, he suddenly stopped, pointed his dirty whisk at me, and smiled strangely It's been eighteen years, and you are still here.

    It was inexplicable. The Taoist priest looked at me when he spoke. He was obviously blind, but he seemed to be not blind.

    He pushed my dad away and asked him to stay away.

    My father's eyes were full of panic and fear, and he walked around me to the door.

    I originally came to pick up my father, but now seeing my father's expression, I am very disappointed. I hope that after I really die, he will let my mother go quickly.

    This strange Taoist priest and I were surrounded by a group of villagers, and they didn't seem to be afraid anymore.

    Behind the crowd, my grandmother called out loudly, The incense for the sacrifice is ready!

    It was only then that I realized that my grandma had been hiding because she was busy with this matter.

    In order to avoid being implicated by me, they had already prepared to let me die together with the evil ghost.

    I laughed so loudly that the villagers around me retreated step by step, as if I were possessed by that damn evil ghost.

    But in my opinion, these villagers in front of me are more terrifying than evil spirits.

    The Taoist priest was muttering something, shaking the whisk in his right hand, pinching the middle finger and thumb of his left hand together, and muttering something.

    For some reason, I couldn't help but follow the Taoist priest towards my yard.

    The surrounding villagers cried out in surprise when they saw this.

    My head hurts, my consciousness is becoming increasingly blurred, and I feel like I am gradually losing control of myself.

    Even my eyes gradually lost their sight.

    When I arrived at my yard, my left eye was completely blind. I rubbed my left eye hard, but it was no use.

    Suddenly I remembered that in theology, the human left eye is the purest, can see ghosts, and is called the Eye of God.

    So now, my left eye is blinded, leaving only the right eye which is called the evil eye.

    My body swayed as if it was being pulled by a rope and was being brought to the altar.

    My grandma was busy all day, and the altar she prepared was simple, but it had everything it needed.

    She stood outside the crowd and looked at me coldly.

    From the crowd, I heard my mother crying

    Dafang! My son! Let me go! Don't hurt him... He is still young... Please give him a chance to live...

    I turned my head sharply and felt my vision filled with blood.

    My mother was held down by two big men from the village with her arms held down. She fell to the ground, her mouth and face were covered with dust, and even her eyes were filled with dust.

    It turns out... they had already prepared everything.

    Only my mother and I didn't know...

    I went crazy and yelled, You bastards! Let my mom go!

    But what I didn't expect was that the sound I made was not my own voice. It sounded more like the hoarse roar of an animal.

    Even I was shocked.

    The vision in my only remaining right eye turned almost blood red , dyeing everything around it red.

    I wanted to rush towards my mother, but was pulled back by the strange Taoist priest.

    His body fell heavily to the ground, his back aching.

    I stood up angrily, and the Taoist priest put a talisman on my forehead.

    All of a sudden, my body felt like it was being pressed down by thousands of pounds of stone. I couldn't breathe and I struggled.

    The villagers watching also followed my lead and shouted in surprise.

    Why do they like to see other people's despair so much? I don't understand.

    Just like I don’t understand why they always targeted my mom all these years.

    In fact, all my smiles and friendliness over the years were fake.

    I thought if I was nice to them, they would be nice to my family.

    But now it seems that I was wrong. Some people can never be tamed no matter what.

    The Taoist priest used his fingers to pinch some liquid from a strange bottle and sprinkled it on my body.

    I could feel severe pain in my body, so severe that I couldn't breathe, and a beast's howl came from my throat.

    However, the villagers calmed down with relief, and they even looked at the strange Taoist priest with approval.

    I said, I just don’t believe in evil!

    I suddenly started to suspect that all the strange things that happened to me might have been done by this weird Taoist priest!

    I raised my head with all my strength and saw my grandmother hiding behind the altar with a cold smile on her lips.

    I don't know where I got the strength from, but I suddenly jumped up from the ground, walked through the crowd, and rushed straight towards my breast.

    My grandma was obviously startled, her eyes widened, and she shouted, Mr. Taoist, help me!

    In an instant, the strange Taoist priest was standing between me and my breast.

    I opened my mouth and was pushed to the ground by the Taoist priest again. The roar in my throat became even more miserable, but no one cared whether I lived or died.

    The next second, something strange happened.

    My grandma suddenly found a knife from somewhere and walked slowly into the crowd.

    Her expression looked cold and terrifying, and then, in front of everyone, she stabbed the sharp knife into her heart.

    The person was not dead yet. I don't know where she got the strength from, but she reached out and pulled his heart out of his body.

    Blood is pouring out...

    Chapter 4 Paper Puppet

    My grandmother's body fell heavily to the ground like a pool of rotten meat. Blood spurted out from her heart, staining the soil in the yard red.

    My grandmother’s death caused panic in the whole village.

    Most of the villagers who were watching the fun just now ran away in just a moment.

    The remaining few were the elderly, the weak, women and children, and a few middle-aged men who had not yet come to their senses. They were still in a trance of fear and had forgotten to escape.

    As my milk fell, all the pain in my body disappeared.

    Also returned to normal.

    Seeing that my mother was still pinned to the ground by the two big men, I didn’t care about any ghosts or supernatural powers. I got up from the ground and rushed directly towards the two big men.

    Before I could get close, the two men reacted, got so scared that they ran out of my yard.

    I held my mother and asked, Mom, how are you?

    My mother raised her head, tears already streaming down her face. She hugged me and said, Dafang, don't kill anyone... Wake up... Don't kill anyone...

    She was mumbling something, but I had no idea why she was saying it.

    Could it be that, for all these years, she also thought in her heart that I was the cause of the deaths every year?

    My heart sank.

    My mother seemed to sense my sadness, and suddenly she hugged me tightly again and said, Dafang, no matter what you look like, I am willing to stay with you.

    After saying that, she quietly picked up the dagger that my grandmother had just dropped on the ground, narrowed her eyes, and stabbed it into my back.

    I felt the pain but didn't dodge. The veins on my neck and temples popped up and my face turned red. Mom, do you want... me to die?

    In fact, when my mother picked up the knife, I already knew what she was going to do, but I couldn't bear to let her go.

    My mother cried, biting her lips tightly, and I saw the muscles on her face trembling.

    I reached out and gently wiped away the tears on my mother's face Mom, don't... don't cry so much in the future... It hurts me to see you...

    Behind us, there were still some villagers who had not left. They all watched our family die or cry with expressionless faces.

    It's like watching a play.

    My mother whispered, Son, I'm sorry...

    As she spoke, she pulled out the knife that had just been inserted into my back, and stabbed herself in the heart.

    Seeing this, I forgot the pain in my back and grabbed the blade that was stabbing my mother.

    I didn't care about the pain, I just saw the blood flowing down the blade and my hand.

    I said, Mom, don't be fooled by that Taoist priest. I don't believe... I don't believe there are really evil ghosts in our house...

    My mother lost all strength in her body, and her trembling fingers loosened the handle of the knife.

    I felt relieved, and with a clink, the bloody knife fell to the ground.

    The next second, my mother fainted in my arms.

    When I looked up, I saw my dad. He was hiding beside the Taoist priest. I found it even funnier.

    Doesn’t that Taoist priest in mourning clothes look more terrifying than I do?

    Why would my dad rather believe that person than me?

    I put all my resentment on the Taoist priest. I held my mother's frail body and placed her in a safe place.

    Then I slowly turned my head and found that my left eye was gradually becoming clearer.

    I stared at the Taoist priest who was still standing in front of the altar and moved closer step by step.

    The closer I got, the more I seemed to have opened my third eye and saw the Taoist's true face clearly.

    Sure enough, underneath the skin was nothing more than a skinny paper puppet.

    Wrapped on the epidermis is a layer of human skin!

    I roared and rushed towards the skinny Taoist priest. I didn't know who was behind this.

    But now, because of the existence of this Taoist priest, I had the most unforgettable birthday at the age of 18!

    When the Taoist saw me coming, he hurriedly retreated Don't...don't come over...

    I had already lost my mind You hurt my family, and I want you to pay with your life now!

    The Taoist priest also panicked and retreated to the wall. He no longer had the arrogance he had just had and seemed like he was really scared of me.

    Before I could get closer, the Taoist priest suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground limply.

    My dad, who had been watching, his eyes widened.

    My eyes were full of anger and I sneered Why do you want to hurt my family!

    Shen...Shen... the Taoist priest murmured, losing his energy more and more. He turned to look at my dad and pointed at me, Kill him... ...Otherwise...there will be endless trouble...He is no longer your son...He is Shen...

    Nonsense! I roared angrily.

    In the end, the Taoist priest did not finish what he wanted to say, so he died in my yard under the gaze of the villagers.

    I slowly turned my head and looked at my dad, and I saw fear in his eyes.

    The closer I got to him, the more he backed away.

    Suddenly I remembered that I hadn't seen my grandfather for a long time. I looked around, trying to find him, but to no avail.

    Wherever I looked, everyone would exclaim and take a half step back.

    Except my mom...

    I moved my neck. It was ridiculous. Why didn't they believe me?

    I didn't do anything, but they didn't believe me out of fear...

    I laughed out loud, which frightened the people around me.

    kill him!

    I don’t know who in the crowd shouted this.

    Soon, it seemed that people gathered in front of my house again.

    Everyone was pointing at me and shouting, Kill him! Kill him!

    My heart was filled with despair. In their eyes, I had become an unforgivable monster!

    Although I didn't even raise a finger to blame for the deaths of my grandma and the Taoist priest.

    I felt someone behind me, turned around suddenly, and found my father standing behind me with a knife in his hand.

    Dad...what do you want to do? Do you want to kill me too? I said in despair.

    My father's hand holding the knife was shaking. He moved his lips and said, If I had known this would happen, when you were born, I should have...

    I knocked the knife out of my father's hand. Should you what? Should you kill me?

    Because of anger, I felt my voice gradually changing, and it felt like something was stuck in my throat.

    The sound sounded like a damp radio, intermittent.

    My dad gritted his teeth and said, Today, you must die!

    After hearing this, I don't know where I got the strength from, but I threw my dad far away.

    His body flew out in full view of everyone, his back hit the wall of my old house, and bounced back.

    The villagers exclaimed in surprise, as if they were addicted to the show.

    I laughed again...

    They were the ones who wanted to kill me, and they were also the ones who didn't come to help...

    I turned around and moved closer to the villagers who were watching the show.

    I saw the terror in their eyes, became excited, and couldn't help but quicken my pace.

    I was hit hard on the head and I couldn't help but stop. When I turned around, I saw my mother, holding a wooden stick in her hand, staring at me blankly.

    Dafang...wake up...

    After hearing what my mother said, I finally couldn't hold on any longer, my eyes went dark, and I passed out...

    Chapter 5 Are You Afraid of Me, or Do You Want to Kill Me?

    When I woke up again , I saw that I was back in my room.

    The room was simple, and the first thing that caught my eye was the fan above my head.

    It was flickering.

    Countless times, I have lay in my bed, staring at the fan on the roof, imagining what would happen if one day, the fan could not withstand the damage caused by the wires hanging above it.

    If I fall down, will my head roll down like the carrots in the kitchen ?

    Every time I think of this, I can't help but laugh out loud.

    Of course, I never told my mother about this because I was afraid she would be scared.

    I know my mother is timid.

    When I woke up this time, I looked at the fan above my head. I don’t know if it was an illusion, but I always felt that the fan was shaking more violently than before.

    There is no one in the room.

    I sat up and yelled, Mom.

    No one responded, and crickets chirped outside the window.

    On a quiet summer night, the empty house made me feel a little uneasy.

    I got down to the ground barefoot Mom, are you there?

    There was no one in the living room. There was a porcelain bowl on the table, filled with cold water.

    I was very thirsty, so I picked up the bowl and drank the ice water in one gulp, feeling refreshed instantly.

    When I finished the bowl, I felt something lumpy and pebbled in my mouth.

    I frowned, took the food out of my mouth and looked at it, only then I found that there were grains of glutinous rice at the bottom of the bowl.

    Before I could react, I heard the sound of quick running behind me.

    Evil ghost! I want you to die today!

    When I saw the person opposite me clearly, I found that he was none other than my father. He was holding an axe in his hand and smashing it heavily in my direction.

    I am eighteen years old and have great strength.

    On the contrary, it’s my dad who is old and no match for me in terms of strength.

    I raised my hand and pushed, pushing my father's body to the ground.

    In the bleak night, my father looked at me anxiously, and the axe in his hand fell to the ground.

    Dafang, don't blame Dad. Dad is reluctant to let you go, but something happened at home and I can't keep you any longer.

    Listening to my father's words, I stepped closer to him Want to kill me?

    My father said nothing, and sat in the dirt yard, inching his butt back a little bit.

    Dad, if you really wanted to kill me, why didn't you kill me when I just fainted? Why wait until now?

    I asked word by word.

    My father was speechless for a long time. He lowered his head and his fingertips trembled slightly.

    I respect you and call you dad. If you want to kill me, you are taking back the life that gave birth to me. From now on, you are no longer my dad! I was full of anger.

    Across from me, I saw a dark shadow.

    My whole body paused. That shadow seemed to be one I had seen before.

    When Novakova died, I saw her in the lake...

    I thought I heard what my dad was saying, but I was too busy caring about him.

    I knew that the real culprit was right in front of me. As long as I caught him, I would be able to find the truth.

    I didn't even look at my dad again and just walked right past him.

    My father hugged my legs and said in a pleading voice Dafang, please don't kill anyone anymore...

    I heard this sentence from my mother during the day.

    Now, I hate hearing that.

    When I think of the day when my mother was held by two big men and they didn't care about him, I feel disgusted with him.

    I kicked my dad away with force.

    Immediately, he fell to the ground and started crying.

    I can't bear to leave you. I can't bear to leave you more than anyone else... Dafang... Don't go, come back...

    I sneered from the bottom of my heart. I didn't believe every word he said, and I didn't want to believe every word anymore.

    After rushing out of the door, I saw that the black shadow seemed to be still waiting for me there.

    It was clearly dark, but I could clearly see the figure smiling at me.

    Who are you?! Why are you pestering me! I shouted.

    The dark shadow laughed, but there was no sound.

    However, I could see a hint of bitterness in his smile.

    I don’t know if I saw it wrong.

    Seeing me following him with big strides, the black shadow suddenly turned around and ran towards the village entrance.

    Stop! I shouted and followed him.

    The moonlight was very bright, shining on the ground and on me.

    If there was someone narrating, they would have seen that I turned pale.

    At this moment, I only knew that I couldn't let go of this opportunity and I had to find out the truth.

    There was a cry of surprise in my ears.

    I turned my head and saw Uncle Zhang at the entrance of the village squatting in the grass, holding a paper in his hand, as if he was trying hard.

    But when I looked at him because I heard the sound.

    He stood there in a daze, stammering, Don't...don't kill me...I didn't see anything, don't kill me...

    I squinted my eyes.

    Now, I'm really tired of everyone telling me not to kill anyone when they see me.

    It seems that wherever I appear, someone will die.

    I tilted my head and gave Uncle Zhang a sarcastic smile.

    Uncle Zhang was so scared that he sat down on the ground.

    It was too dark at night, but there was no doubt that he should have been sitting on his own feces.

    How ridiculous!

    I turned around and no longer wanted to see this cowardly man who was defecating at the entrance of the village.

    I still remember when I helped him get wine when I was a kid, he gave me pocket money and touched my butt.

    In fact, I hated him from that time on.

    It’s just so that my family can live in harmony with the villagers and so that my mother can have a better life.

    I've never told anyone about this.

    I thought I was the only one who knew about this from now on.

    Still unable to bear it, I turned around and kicked Uncle Zhang in the chest.

    If I see you bullying a child again, I will kill you!

    I made some harsh words.

    I know that a person will only remember his original promise when he is extremely frightened.

    I wonder if there are other children in the village who have experienced what Uncle Zhang experienced when I was a child.

    But today, he was afraid of me, so I taught him a lesson.

    Okay, okay, I got it, Dafang, I'll be leaving soon, you go ahead and do your work...

    Busy your mother! C. I cursed, too lazy to waste time talking to him.

    The reason why I was not in a hurry was that when I was about to chase after it, I saw that the black shadow did not try to escape.

    He stood there as if waiting for me to catch up with him.

    Don't rush me, don't be afraid of me.

    It was like he wanted to take me to see something.

    Or maybe you want to tell me something...

    Chapter 6 Siege

    The night wind blew coldly on my body, but I didn't feel cold at all.

    I was even so excited inside that my heart was beating fast and I ran to catch up.

    The dark shadow seemed to always keep a distance from me, always fifty meters in front of me.

    The moonlight shone coldly on the ground all the way to a cemetery at the entrance of the village.

    I saw the black shadow finally stop, and he stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the weeds.

    From a distance, under the moonlight, I couldn't see clearly.

    All that could be seen was a figure, dangling in the air, like a shrunken old piece of clothing.

    I was shocked.

    I didn't have time to cry or shout, I could only hear my own heavy breathing.

    My mind is in a mess.

    I still remember that it was an ancient tree.

    When I was a child, my mother used to take me to play around this ancient tree.

    At that time, she was always upset because my grandma and grandpa always gave her a bad look.

    I was still young at that time, and adults always thought that children knew nothing.

    In fact, they never thought that children mature earlier than they thought.

    I still remember when I was five years old, my mother took me to play under this tree, and she didn't prepare to take me home until nightfall.

    Actually, I knew why my mother was sad that day, but I didn't say it.

    If I tell her, my mother will be even more sad.

    That day, my grandmother earnestly persuaded my mother to agree to marry a 60-year-old single man in the village with me.

    First of all, the old man had several acres of land and was rich, but had no descendants.

    Will be good to me.

    Secondly, it would also allow my mother to forgive my father, so that he could remarry and continue the Han family's lineage.

    My mother didn't say a word, her eyes were red from crying, and she took my hand and walked out of the yard.

    I still remember that night, my grandma's face looked grim when she saw my mom brought me back again.

    She glared at my mother fiercely and turned back to the house.

    Until late at night, I could still hear quarreling coming from my grandma and grandpa's room.

    My mother lay next to me and cried.

    My dad didn't come back all night.

    I can't control adults' affairs. My dad is always like this. Sometimes he doesn't come home for several days.

    My mother seems to have gotten used to it.

    In fact, she knew better than anyone that my dad was just out fooling around .

    One year when I returned home, I contracted a nasty disease.

    Whenever something happens to my mother, she just cries alone and doesn't dare to cry out loud.

    When I was very young, I started thinking that one day, I would take my mother away from home.

    but now.

    In the night wind, I knelt down on the wild grass. It seemed like it was too late for everything.

    I just grew up today and my mother can't wait for me anymore.

    Her thin figure was suspended in mid-air, with her head lowered and her two slender hands hanging on both sides.

    I saw that her eyes were open, and they were bloodshot .

    Drop by drop, blood flowed from her heart, dyeing the green grass red.

    Under the moonlight, it was warm and anxious.

    I couldn't cry anymore.

    I have thought of countless possibilities, and I have also considered that my mother might really die before me.

    But the situation before me was something I had never imagined.

    Mom... I wanted to cry but I couldn't, my heart was so clogged.

    I killed my mother...

    I tiptoed forward, hugged my mother's legs, and carefully took my mother's body down from the rope hanging on the branch.

    My mother's body was still soft, but there was a big dark hole in her heart.

    I couldn't breathe and covered the wound on my mother's heart with my hand.

    Her heart disappeared, and I frantically searched for it with my hands next to the pool of blood where my mother had left it.

    I don't want my mother to die without a complete body.

    Let the grass cut my fingers and let me cry heartbreakingly.

    I can't find anything, I feel sorry for my mother.

    I held her horizontally in my arms. Her body was so light, as if she had lost all weight.

    Step by step, I slowly approached the dark figure opposite me who still had a smile on his face.

    It's you... My voice was hoarse, and the sound coming out of my throat sounded like the roar of a wild beast.

    That voice is not mine.

    I am sure.

    But now, I am no longer in the mood to think about these things.

    Having lost my mind, I held my mother's body and approached the source of evil.

    You killed my mother! I roared, and my voice echoed in the air.

    The dark shadow shook his head silently, and seemed to be saying something, but I couldn't hear a word.

    In the distance, a group of voices were heard.

    I looked back and saw a group of adults in the village, holding oil lamps in their hands, rushing towards me.

    How would they know where I was and what I was doing?

    I was full of doubts and didn't dodge.

    He just hugged my mother tighter in his arms, slowly backed away and asked, What do you want to do?

    The group of people seemed to have become bolder as they saw that there was someone in my arms who needed protection.

    Someone threw a lighted kerosene lamp at me.

    I dodged subconsciously, protecting my mother's body What on earth do you want to do?

    The torch still burned my clothes and my body was in pain from the burning, but I held on to her without letting go.

    Behind the crowd, I saw the dark figure who had been smiling just now, but the smile on his face had long disappeared.

    It is like a bystander, watching everything coldly.

    Kill him! Kill him before he kills us!

    The person who spoke was Uncle Zhang who I just met on the road.

    This wretched man disgusts me.

    I stared at his face and he stepped back with his head down in fear.

    I saw the village chief's gray beard glowing white in the firelight.

    Seeing Aunt Zhang's cynical look, he gritted his teeth.

    I also saw my father’s face. He looked sad, his body hunched over, and he was looking at me eagerly.

    I laughed, not because I was born to laugh, but for some reason, the people in front of me looked so funny in my eyes.

    Including my dad who is timid and in a dilemma.

    The burning flames had already reached my upper body.

    I seemed to have lost my sense of pain. I put my mother on the clean grass beside me and said softly

    Mom, wait for me, I'll be back soon.

    It started raining, and it seemed that even God couldn't stand my current situation.

    The rain poured down on me.

    The fire was gradually extinguished.

    The oil lamps in the villagers' hands also gradually went out .

    Everything around fell into darkness again.

    Come on! Come and kill me!

    The moment I saw my mother die in front of me, my heart died completely.

    It turns out that eighteen is not the death date of my body, but the death date of my soul.

    A loud thunder struck.

    The ancient tree behind me was cut in half.

    In the night sky, I heard a sharp laugh.

    That laughter was not mine, but it seemed to come from my throat.

    The villagers pushed my father out and made him stand face to face with me.

    With the corner of my lips rising, I walked forward and leaned over to look at my dad.

    He fell to the ground in fear.

    I heard my beast-like voice asking, Tell everyone, how did my mother die......

    Chapter 7 Who killed the person?

    My dad was so frightened that he couldn't even stand up, his feet slipping in the muddy water wet from the rain.

    However, none of the villagers behind him were willing to come forward to help him.

    I laughed out loud, ignoring my father, raised my head, and looked at the villagers with a gloomy face.

    These are the people I knew when I was a child, and they are the people who once rolled their eyes at me.

    They are all people who have greeted me.

    If you don't tell me how my mother died, all of you will die!

    The crowd began to get restless.

    The village chief looked at me expressionlessly. After a long while, he spoke to the people behind him Come on! Today, either he dies or we die! He has been possessed by an evil spirit. Today, he must die!

    The village chief's words aroused the villagers' fighting spirit.

    They swarmed in as if they were injected with chicken blood.

    Their feet were on my dad, and he screamed loudly, but no one paid any attention to him.

    It's not me who is crazy, they are the ones who are really crazy...

    The fire gradually burned into a piece, and I stood alone in the flames, welcoming their upcoming crazy hunt.

    The dark figure was standing next to me, his mouth opened and closed, but the voice came from my mouth

    You see, they won't remember anyone's kindness. In their hearts, there is only themselves...

    I squinted my eyes and didn't move.

    The first few big men who rushed up thought that I was young and weak, so they came at me with hoes in their hands.

    I sneered, stretched out my hand, and grabbed the heart of the person running in front.

    I tilted my head and smiled miserably.

    In fact, I feel more pain than anyone else. Now, I have become an evil spirit abandoned by the whole village.

    Even my family doesn't want me anymore.

    So, what do I have to be afraid of?

    In the sky, a group of crows flew by, making everything around them seem even more ethereal and terrifying.

    I pulled my hand out of the man's body, and the blood dyed my heart red.

    Murder! He started killing again! someone shouted in horror.

    The villagers who had just agreed to rush forward together became scared again when they saw my actions.

    The heart was beating in my hand, and I squeezed it hard, causing it to burst.

    With a bang.

    Who else... I raised my head coldly and looked at the mob.

    Everything that happened today was forced upon me by them...I didn't want to do this.

    They hunched their bodies and gradually retreated. My father collapsed to the ground and was crushed by their feet again.

    I sneered and approached the group of people covered in blood.

    Ask me again, who killed my mother?! I roared.

    No one answered me and it was quiet all around.

    There was only the sound of falling rain and fire burning the grass.

    In fact, I don’t know why such heavy rain did not put out the fire next to it.

    The firelight illuminated my face.

    Someone mustered up the courage to shout, What are you standing there for? Kill him!

    No one dared to move.

    The corners of my lips twitched, and I casually threw the heart that I had just crushed to the ground.

    The uncle who had just lost his heart fell to the ground.


    This is my father's voice, and I can hear his pain.

    I slowly turned around and looked at my dad.

    I found that he was holding an axe in his hand and approaching me step by step.

    You shouldn't be alive in this world!

    Those were the last words I heard my dad say that night.

    The next moment, the axe in my father's hand fell on me.

    I twisted my head, but the pain in my body was not as great as the pain in my heart. I held the axe in my father's hand with one hand.

    Slowly, I moved closer to my dad.

    My dad was terrified and let go of the axe handle Dafang, don't blame me... don't blame me...

    Blood was oozing from my mouth and my teeth were stained with blood.

    As I laughed, tears started to flow.

    My mother...who killed her......

    Even if I die, I want to know the answer.

    If I have to say that I killed someone, then the first person I killed was the fellow villager who rushed up to me and wanted to kill me.

    Are you afraid? I am afraid, but no one believes me. Isolation and hatred make me lose my mind.

    Before I got the answer, a group of people came up from behind, holding axes, mowing knives, hoes...

    Countless sharp weapons pierced my body. I lowered my head and saw blood gushing out of my body.

    It hurts.

    I reached out my hand to my dad Dad... Dad... save me...

    I saw panic in his eyes. Instead of coming closer to me, he kept backing away.

    Behind him, I saw my mother's body still lying quietly on the grass.

    Blood flowed from my eyes, and a mouthful of blood spurted out and spilled on the green grass beside me

    Properly...bury my mother...

    As soon as I finished speaking, I was hit hard on the head again.

    I grinned and felt so dizzy that I couldn't stand still.

    There seemed to be a hole in my head, and I felt something cold on top of my head. Blood flowed down my forehead and dyed my eyes red.

    My left blind again.

    Everything is blurry.

    Everything around me in my right eye was filled with blood.

    I don't know who

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