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Bedknobs & BroomHilda Sticks: Hex Falls Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #2
Bedknobs & BroomHilda Sticks: Hex Falls Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #2
Bedknobs & BroomHilda Sticks: Hex Falls Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #2
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Bedknobs & BroomHilda Sticks: Hex Falls Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #2

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A rich and famous Countess.
A murder mystery dinner gone wrong.
A real life game of Clue with ghastly consequences. 

Things appear to be going well for Aunt Kit, Kat and Cousin Viv's new paranormal B&B endeavor. Until, Countess Hildegard Beauregard Van Hilton shows up in town and winds up dead.

Could the girl's first-ever Hex Hall Murder Mystery Dinner Party be their last?
Worse, Cousin Viv has been pegged as the killer.

Will Violet be able to expose the real murderer in time to save Cousin Viv, and stop the twisted game of real life Clue from killing the rest? With suspects dropping like flies, Violet is rapidly running out of time.
What a moment for her to have to hide her magic!

Witch nerves run high in this fun-filled, twisty, whodunit caper—based on original board game Clue.

Bedknobs & Broomhildasticks (Hex Falls Cozy Mystery Series, Book 2, is a light and entertaining, often downright zany full-length paranormal cozy mystery, featuring moments of slapstick humor. If you're looking for a serious witch read, this is not it. Otherwise, welcome along for the ride with Violet Vance, her talking fox familiar Reggie, and the rest of her outlandish, but loving relatives.

Hex Falls Cozy Mysteries Series In Order:

Hopeless Pocus, Book 1
Bedknobs & BroomHilda Sticks, Book 2
Witchity, Glitchy, Boo, Book 3
Abracastabra, Book 4
In Charm's Way, Book 5
Witchity, Glitchity, Glamour, Book 6
The Poof! Is in The Pudding, Book 7 ~ Completes the series!

Release dateMay 25, 2024
Bedknobs & BroomHilda Sticks: Hex Falls Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #2

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    Book preview

    Bedknobs & BroomHilda Sticks - Ruby Rivers


    "V iolet? Vi-o-let? Where are you, Violet?" My Cousin Viv’s voice trills as she poofs into my kitchen, inside a waft of golden witch smoke.

    She still isn’t knocking.

    "Violet? Violet, dear! Her voice grows higher and higher as she searches for me, the tendrils of her witch smoke curling off through the slats in my shiplap ceiling, as she solidifies. Oh, there you are. She bursts into a giant smile as she slams into me coming out of my bedroom. My bedroom. She rocks back on her heels and clasps her hands to her chest. I just had to come down and tell you the big news." Her eyelashes bat rapidly.

    Whatever this is, it must be important. I’ve never heard her this excited about anything before.

    I’m sorry, were you sleeping? She takes in my pajamas and mussed-up hair.

    Maybe just a little. I show her with my fingers then glance at the clock. It is just seven thirty.

    What is it? What’s the matter? Reggie rouses from sleep at the foot of my bed. He rubs sleep crusties from his eyes and glares out into the room.

    It just Cousin Viv, I tell him.

    Ohhhhh, he groans, and falls back to sleep.

    I tell you. I’m loved around here, aren’t I? Cousin Viv makes a sour face.

    Of course you are, Cousin Viv. Now what did you want to tell me? I fight to contain a yawn, but I did just wake up.

    Oh yes. I'm so excited. She re-clutches her hands and grins like a goon. I had to pop down and tell you the news, right away!

    Yeah, I got that part. So, the news?

    The countess is coming. She breathes out the words, her eyes flashing wildly.


    The Countess of Austria!

    Wow, they still have those things?

    Countess Hildegard Beauregard Van Hilton, that is!

    She says this like I should know who she is.

    She shrieks giddily and bats her lashes. The world-renowned and leading authority on all that is elegant—the famed fashionista princess, the queen of style! She squees and clutches her hands, now beneath her chin.

    Oh, of course, that made it so much clearer.

    Whatever are you talking about, Cousin Viv?

    You don’t know Countess Hildegard Beauregard Van Hilton? Her voice drops an octave, and her mouth falls open.

    Mmmm. I squint an eye and look to the ceiling. Nn-oo. I shake my head.

    What? Her eyes pop, saucer wide. But you must know her. She stamps a foot like a child.

    Mmm, sorry, I don’t.

    But how can you not? Don’t you ever look at magazines, watch television, or listen to the news?

    As little as possible these days, actually. I tilt my head. I'm trying to avoid all the spread of toxic negativity, until the world turns back into a reasonable place again.

    "Well, you’ve certainly a long wait for that," Cousin Viv tuts, folds her arms, and turns her back.

    Okay, so, anyway… I flick away the thought. Who is this famed fashionista-countessesy thing?

    Cousin Viv dives back into her former spirit. She's like a Kardashian, only better. Less mouth and more style—and definitely more grace. She sniggers. And when the countess wears a tiara, it actually stands for something! Her voice pitches up high again.

    Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so giddy and full of cheer.

    Gee, Cousin Viv, I didn’t know you were this into royalty.

    I’m not, she says. But this is Countess Hildegard Beauregard Van Hilton of Austria, for ghoulsakes! She loses it again, giggling.

    Okay, this is definitely a side of Cousin Viv I’ve never seen before.

    And I can’t say that I like it. It’s rather scary.

    I can’t believe you don’t know who she is. Cousin Viv pouts. I thought for sure you’d be impressed.

    I am, I lie and immediately reach for my phone and Google the woman. A string of hits comes up. Now I’m amazed I don’t know who she is. My eyes widen at her info on the screen. Cousin Viv, you didn’t tell me she is a huge YouTube star.

    Only the biggest fashion-guru influencer in all the universe. Cousin Viv clutches her waist and waggles her hips, speaking proudly as if she were her child.

    Ah, that explains it. I stare down at her stats on my phone. I've never been that into fashion, so of course, she’d fly under my radar. Says here, she’s the literal queen of good taste in clothing.

    Which I am not.

    Outside of Target’s high-end line, I would not be the person to go to for fashion suggestions. Truth be known, I’d much rather redress a couch than try to find something to flatter my frame. Clothes shopping and I are just not the best friends.

    Clothes shopping intimidates me.

    I don’t really have an eye for clothes, like I do for fabric.

    Like I always say, give me a stick of bad-looking furniture, and I’ll turn it into a silk ear. Or is that a sow’s ear? Or silk purse? I tap my lip.

    Are you listening to me? Cousin Viv scowls. She’s been prattling on about all the things they need to do to get ready for her visit as I’ve been daydreaming. I only tune in now. The whole place will need to be professionally cleaned. Scoured spic and span from top to bottom. Not a thing out of place. We can’t miss a trick. She paces, wringing her hands. "We must make sure all the tables tip properly and that her tea leaves are read accurately. No. She turns and continues pacing. Not leaves. Cards. Definitely cards. She casts up a long, lone, stern finger. And no cheating this time."

    Was there cheating?

    She’s ordered the best murder mystery package we have, you know? Complete with party favors and a séance.


    Yes, you know, where we fake that we talk with dead people. Or sometimes, we actually do.

    I know what it is, Cousin Viv.

    Well, then… She scowls. Heavens, we’ll never have enough time to get ready for this. She’ll be here Saturday night.

    This Saturday night?

    That’s the one.

    Wow, they don’t have a lot of time. Good witchness, Cousin Viv, I’m sure everything will be just fine.

    Fine will never do. She spins around. It has to be perfect. Absolutely perfect. This is Countess Hildegard Beauregard Van Hilton of Austria, you know!

    My ghoulness, I’ve really never seen her like this.

    She writes that the séance must take place during bewitching hour, of bewitching day, and not a moment before.

    Well, what better time for a séance than that?

    She’s ordered the deluxe package experience there too.

    "The one with thrills and chills."

    You got it. Viv nods.

    Interesting. I tap my chin.

    We simply must deliver. Our reputation depends on it. She writes that she expects her guests to be sufficiently frightened, but for us to use our professionalism to make sure everyone’s safe.

    As safe as you can be with a family of vampires and witches.

    We are to create the perfect balance of doom and gloom, and decorum, whilst providing an experience that looks and feels authentically real.

    Whilst? Really? I suppose. She is a countess.

    Oh, I’m so nervous, but at the same time, so excited. Just imagine, an honest-to-goodness countess will soon be gracing the floorboards of Hex Hall. My cousin playfully punches me.

    Yes, I’m imagining. I rock sideways, rubbing my arm.

    It’s almost too good to be true.

    Seems that way doesn’t it?

    Oh, isn’t it grand!

    The grandest.

    And of course, you’ll have to come too.

    Wait? What?

    Don’t look at me like that. We wouldn’t dream of not inviting you. But you’re in luck, you see, 'cause it says right here on the invitation list she sent me. She materializes the email out of thin air. "‘Please ensure the sheriff is invited along his ‘plus one.’ You can be his plus one!" She grins.

    Hold on a minute, here. First, I don’t think I really want to come, and— I stop myself, scowling. She invited the sheriff? Let me see that. She passes the email to me. Sure enough, there’s his name. Don’t you think that’s rather odd?

    I dunno, why? What does it matter if he’s there?

    It doesn’t matter; it’s just curious. I stare at the words again. What would a famous countess want with a local sheriff at her party?

    I dunno. Maybe she found out he was hot.


    I squint and read the instructions again. I don’t mean to sit on your birthday cake, Cousin Viv, but—I wince—don’t you wonder what a woman like that would want with an establishment like yours?

    Cousin Viv scowls, heavily.

    Well, that didn’t come out right. Let me rephrase, I say quickly. "Don’t you wonder why a woman of her wealth and stature, who could go just about anywhere in the world, would choose your— albeit lovely but humble—establishment, in the middle of absolutely nowhere?"

    That sounded better, didn’t it. I gulp.

    Well… Cousin Viv's eyes flash with fiery objection. Why, obviously she chose us for the ambiance, she snaps. That and the fact that she writes she selected our venue over hundreds of others, specifically for its remote location.

    She said that?

    Right there. Cousin Viv points out the line, stuffing the email under my nose. Plain as day. In black and white.

    Wow, something is definitely fishy here.


    B ack to you attending the party. You simply have to be there—Viv begs—it’s going to be the event of the century. Well, at least for Hex Hall. You will do us the honor and attend, won’t you? You won’t disappoint? She pouts as I frown. Besides, who else will be there to keep us out of trouble.

    Well, there is that.

    But I’m no good at these things; you know that.

    No better than we are. She shrugs.

    True. Cousin Viv and my aunts Kit and Kat have never been much for pomp and circumstance. And throw Auntie Connie into the mix, and who knows what number of things could go wrong?

    Should I mention Auntie Connie? No, stay out of it, Violet.

    I bite my lip.

    Oh, please say you’ll come. It’ll mean so much to me. We simply can’t go through with this without you there. It wouldn’t feel right. She presses her hands to her chest.

    Oh, all right. If it means that much to you. I sigh. But I assure you, I won’t like it.

    Woot! Cousin Viv leaps and claps her hands, and her shoes make a little whooshing sound.

    Again, the strangest behavior I’ve ever seen from Cousin Viv.

    Of course, you need a dress.

    I’ll what? My heart pounds.

    Why, of course, darling. You can’t expect to show up to a party, with the fashionista princess, dressed in your old work duds.

    I hadn’t thought of that. Of course I wasn’t going to the party until a minute ago.

    I knew I shouldn’t have said yes.

    Okay, now I’m officially frightened.

    Don’t worry, we’ll find you something. Cousin Viv reads my troubled expression. You just leave that all to me. She pulls me close, tenderly squeezing me against her. "Oh, and do you think we could borrow that zany next-door neighbor of yours, for another magic trick? You know, to put under a spell and bring her back out, like we did the night of our grand opening?"

    What? No! I shout. "Absolutely not. Things have just finally died down after the last magical sideshow fiasco."

    Oh, but please…

    You do know Edna Dumfries walked around town for a week after, clucking like a chicken, due to Aunt Kat's less-than-stellar attempt at erasing her memory?

    Now, you can’t go blaming Aunt Kat for that. Cousin Viv shakes a finger. It was something that other witch did that caused all that confusion.

    Not to mention her insisting, to anyone who’d listen, that she was rescued by a real, honest-to-goodness vampire. I cross my arms.

    Yes, yes, I suppose you’re right. Cousin Viv rolls her eyes. The incident did cause a little kerfuffle among the townies, didn’t it?

    "A little kerfuffle? Are you mad? My eyebrows leap up my forehead. They still think the woman is completely certifiable."

    Oh, goodwitchness, they thought that before we arrived. We can’t be blamed for that.

    I don’t care what you say; it’s not happening. I stand my ground. I know how this goes. If I give them a witchly inch, they’ll take a warlock mile, and the next thing you know, it’ll be a magical circus all over again. You promised me, along with the aunts—we all agreed. No more displays of open magic around the mortal population. I shake a stern finger at her. Just imagine what would happen if word got out that the paranormal activities that go on here in Hex Falls were real, not fake.

    Wouldn’t that be a good thing? Viv arches a brow. I mean, what does it matter if Hex Falls ends up to be really hexed? Wouldn’t that just make the townspeople's efforts, vis-à-vis tourism events, all that more credible, thus lucrative?

    You’re really not getting this are you? I glare. Need I remind you of the Salem witch trials?

    Cousin Viv’s face falls. Oh yes—that.

    "Yeah, that." I glower.

    So, not even a teensy-weensy bit of magic, just to impress the countess? She pinches her fingers together indicating how small.

    No. You promised, Cousin Viv. You gave your solemn word. Besides, I'm sure the countess will be just as impressed by your fake magic as your real stuff. I set my chin high and look down my nose at her. She is, after all, only human.

    Cousin Viv scoffs and rolls her eyes. But it's Hildegard Beauregard Van Hilton! She stamps her foot.

    I don’t care if she’s the queen of Zaire. You and the aunts promised me you’d make every effort to keep your paranormal identities a secret while living here, so I could go on living as normal a life as possible.

    Yes, but that was before you became a witch.

    Well, nothing’s changed. I cross my arms. I may now be a witch, but I’m still a mortal too. And I’ve decided to try and follow my mother’s last wishes, and go on living the life she wanted me to.

    Pft! Cousin Viv rolls her eyes. Good luck with that. Magic is now in your blood.

    Half of it. I glare at her sidelong.

    Oh, phooey. She tuts and throws a hand in the air. It's just so hard you know, to refrain from conducting paranormal activity, being who we are. She looks up at me sadly, batting her long, spidery lashes, sparks involuntarily crackling from her fingertips.

    I know, and I’m sorry for that⁠—

    But of course, you’re right. It’s far too dangerous. She crosses her arms and the crackling stops. But technically, we only swore off open displays of public magic. She glances at me sideways. We never said anything about private incantations.

    Cousin Viv, I said no. I glare. We don't need any more trouble around here.

    A witch who doesn't want any trouble; now there’s an oxymoron. Cousin Viv turns her back.

    You’re not going to goad me into this. It’s bad enough Uncle left his mark on Mrs. Dumfries’ neck⁠—

    He what? She spins around. Mark? What mark? She frowns.

    The bite marks that were left on Edna’s neck that she claims proves she was rescued by a vampire?

    Why, that’s preposterous. Your uncle would never do that. Unless she were buxom and blonde.

    Again, not the point. I shake my head. The point is, they were there. Two prong-shaped puncture wounds on the side of her neck near the base of her collarbone. She’s been running around town showing off ever since—to everyone.

    How do you know this? Viv blinks.

    I saw them myself, the other day. Of course, the wounds are scarred over now, but still…

    Why didn’t you tell me before? Viv sweeps toward me, looking worried, her face several shades paler than before.

    I-I dunno, I stammer, dropping back. I guess because I only just found out myself. Her brows lift. The other day, when I walked into the Bottom of the Cauldron, and caught her bragging about them to a couple of ladies.

    Oh, no. Viv draws breath. The coven.

    The coven?

    She stares past me at nothing in particular. They’ve left their mark. She focuses worried eyes back on me. It’s a sign of a witch’s intention to return. To finish whatever it is she’s started. It means you’re not safe. And neither is your neighbor. She begins to pace the floor.

    But how can that be? I mean, the wicked witch—she’s dead. Uncle Harold's seen to that.

    He did, yes. But she was backed by a powerful coven. A coven who is after you. Of course, you’ll never be safe until your powers are fully in, and possibly not even then. She turns, pacing. I should have known. I don’t know what I was thinking. She wrings her hands. I should have known they’d return.

    She squints. When a witch leaves a mark like that, it’s like a dog marking its territory. It signals to other witches to back off. That the kill is hers. But in the event of that witch’s death, the prey becomes open season again. Fair game for any other witch to collect on her behalf.


    The scratch to your cheek and the bite on Mrs. Dumfries' neck, they are an indication that the witch was not finished with you. They mark the witch’s intention to return and claim you both as her prize. But now that she can’t, because she’s dead, it’s a live signal to all other living witches that she’s been scorned, and you are fair game to be hunted. To be taken down on her behalf.

    I gulp.

    You mean, though the wicked witch is dead, I’m still giving off a scent.

    A stronger-than-normal one.

    Great. I swallow. And Uncle Harold?

    May have to answer for his crimes.

    I gulp again.

    I’m afraid it’ll only be a matter of time before the coven comes looking. Viv turns around, her eyes flashing wild. We need to get you to Hex Hall immediately. She grabs my arm and launches me across the room. We must get Aunt Kat to mix you up a protection glamour. It’s not safe for you roam these streets alone anymore. She clutches me hard, about to spin.

    Wait, I stop her. What about Mrs. Dumfries? We can’t very well just leave her here unprotected. What if the attacker comes back?

    Mrs. Dumfries is not my concern. Cousin Viv yanks me forward, and I pull back.

    But she has to be. We got her into this trouble. We’ve got to get her out.

    There isn’t time, Violet.

    Then we’ll have to make time. Because I’m not leaving her.

    What is the matter with you? Viv scowls. What has that woman ever done but cause trouble for you? The wretched, nosy thing⁠—

    But she’s still my neighbor. My gaze flares.And I won’t see harm come to her. I swallow. Besides, how’s it going to look if one of the locals ends up dead, right outside my back door? You said yourself, the coven will return to finish business. Isn’t it likely they’ll track Mrs. Dumfries right back to the very same spot where the first witch left her? If so, that will mean they should return to the same place to try to finish her off again, at the Devil’s Stain at the side of the falls, right outside my window. I point.

    Cousin Viv glances there then purses her lips. Your mother was right; you’re too smart for your own good. And too kindhearted, to be a witch.


    Iagree to go to Hex Hall with Cousin Viv after she agrees to conjure up some form of temporary protection for Mrs. Dumfries, so we don’t

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