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Witchity, Glitchity, Boo: Hex Falls Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #3
Witchity, Glitchity, Boo: Hex Falls Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #3
Witchity, Glitchity, Boo: Hex Falls Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #3
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Witchity, Glitchity, Boo: Hex Falls Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #3

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A magical showdown.
That ends in murder.
Does Violet know enough magic yet to reverse her little boo boo? Or will she be arrested by Sheriff Wilkes?


It's bad enough finding out you're a witch, let alone finding out you're a specialty witch—a divergent, so to speak. Only this divergent witch has a hefty price on her head that the magical community has been waiting to collect, since her birth. Family secrets are blown wide open as Violet accidentally finds out exactly who and what she is, much to the dismay of her distraught aunts Kit, Kat and cousin Viv.

Meanwhile, nosey neighbour Edna Dumfries gets a little too close to the action, during a crash course in spells with drunken Auntie Connie, where things go terribly wrong, resulting in a whoopsie! murderThe mistake may end Violet's bewitching days before she even gets started. Especially with bumbling Sheriff Wilkes in charge of the investigation.


Witchity Glitchity Boo, book 3 of the Hex Falls Cozy Mystery Series, is a humorous full-length paranormal cozy mystery.

Hex Falls Cozy Mysteries:
Hopeless Pocus, Book 1
Bedknobs & BroomHilda Sticks, Book 2
Witchity, Glitchy, Boo, Book 3
Abracastabra, Book 4
In Charm's Way, Book 5
Witchity, Glitchity, Glamour, Book 6
The Poof! Is in The Pudding, Christmas Novella ~ To Complete the Series.

Release dateMay 25, 2024
Witchity, Glitchity, Boo: Hex Falls Witch Cozy Mystery Series, #3

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    Witchity, Glitchity, Boo - Ruby Rivers


    "A re you seriously just going to continue to paint this girl every day like she’s the Mona Lisa , or are you going to come up with a more permanent spell to deal with the problem, Kat?" Cousin Viv snarls, standing in the middle of the kitchen, looking on, long-faced and perturbed, as Aunt Kat busily applies a fresh coat of sparkly, sticky protection glamour to my outstretched arms—for like the umpteenth time this week.

    It's not the easiest thing in the world, you know, Viv, Aunt Kat snaps, her magical paintbrush pausing in the air momentarily. I’ve been working on it day and night, but it’s proving to be quite difficult. She arches a brow, slinging Cousin Viv a most scathing look. It's not every day one must come up with the spell to ward off one’s own coven, you know.

    Cousin Viv’s gaze narrows.

    You have to admit, it's quite unusual, Aunt Kit jumps in quickly before there’s a row. Aunt Kit, ever Aunt Kat’s loyal defender.

    All this fuss, over me. A once mild-manner mortal and now a wanted witch—Violet Imogene Vance.

    Well, I'll give you that. Cousin Vivian sighs, giving up the fight. That almost never happens. What about you? She turns her inquires to me. How are your powers coming along? Do you feel them coming in?

    Well, my nose has been extra itchy lately, if that's what you're asking—I wriggle it—and my arm muscles are killing me. I reach up to rub them and get smacked.

    Oh, that's a good sign. Cousin Viv’s serious expression morphs into a wide smile. That means they're getting stronger. What about your fingertips? Any sensations there? She cocks a curious brow.

    More twitchy than normal, yes. And extremely tingly. I wriggle them, and small pink sparks twitch between my nail tips.

    Oh… Cousin Viv sounds excited, her eyes glowing in anticipation. It won't be long now, will it? She looks at the others to share her excitement. Though it’s best not to get our magical carriage before the unicorn, she adds, flattening the moment, then draws nearer, tapping her fingers on her crossed forearms. I haven't felt her force field of abilities strengthening. Have either of you? She turns back to my aunts again.

    Kit and Kat look at each other and shake their heads and drop their smiles.

    What do you mean, force field? I look at all of them.

    We should be able to feel a vibe when you’re around. Your own frequency of magic, so to speak.

    It should be knocking us a little off kilter whenever you’re around, Aunt Kat clarifies.

    Off kilter? I say, sounding mortified.

    Nothing drastic. Just enough that we have to use our own magical strengths to right ourselves by leaning into it. Especially in the presence of a new young witch. She smiles as I frown. Not that I’m not feeling yours, I am, she’s quick to soothe. It’s just… it’s nothing to write home about yet. She smiles again.

    Raising a hand, she demonstrates the ability of the power by pressing her palm in the air toward me, and it vibrates ever so slightly.

    And that’s a bad thing, then? I ask.

    Absolutely, Aunt Kit blurts, then raises a hand to her mouth. I mean… yes. For now.

    What they’re both bumbling around to say is, Cousin Viv interjects cheerily, sweeping forward, the vibe should be getting stronger every day now, as your powers come in, until one day you’ll wake to find yourself glowing.

    I’ll be what?

    Glowing. Aunt Kat pauses to smile up at me.

    Oh, but don’t worry dear, no one will see it but you, Aunt Kit quickly adds, grinning.

    Great, I say aloud, sounding weary. Just what I’ve always wanted—to glow. And just exactly how long does this phenomena last?

    Oh… about an hour, give or take a hundred thousand. Cousin Viv taps her chin.

    What? I twist.

    Stand still, please, Aunt Kat sings and I straighten.

    The good news is, once it happens, you'll be safe, and all this worry will have been for naught. Cousin Viv raises open palms to the ceiling, her eyes shining.

    You’ll also know when you’ve finally reached full power as you will begin repelling people, Aunt Kit says.

    All people? I gulp, my mind immediately jumping to Jeremy. Surely not!

    Well, not necessarily mortals per se… Aunt Kit utters slowly, then bites her lip. Though there has been the odd case of long-lasting revulsion reported⁠—

    But it is very rare—very rare—don’t worry, Aunt Kat says.

    But there will be looks, Cousin Viv cautions. Strange ones. Throughout the community. For a while. Within the magical community, you’ll know straight away that they know because they will have to take a step back in your presence. She smiles. Happens with all new witches. It's like a warning sign, one witch to another, to respect your personal, magical space.

    I see. I breathe uneasily.

    My goodness, no need to look so contrary about it. It’s all natural. Aunt Kit goes to swat me playfully, then stops herself short of messing up my glamour. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.

    I frown, my mind still stuck back on the repelling thing. So… if someone were, say, magical themselves, and you didn't know it, that could be a sure way of telling?

    Certainly it could, Aunt Kit answers cheerfully.

    Why do you ask? Cousin Viv frowns.

    My mind skips again back to Jeremy. Our last meeting at The Bottom of the Cauldron when he touched my hand, and I swear sparks flew.

    Should I tell them? Or just keep the secret until I’m sure?

    No reason. Just curious, I say.

    All finished. Aunt Kat’s bright singsong voice snaps the moment, changing the subject quite eloquently back to the issue of my glamour.

    Looks pretty good, wouldn’t you say? She spins me on the circular moving platform I stand on, seeing my sparkling reflection go past in the mirror.

    Ah, you missed a spot, Kat, Kit tells her, and she stops the platform so quick I nearly topple off.


    There? Kit points, then commands the brush to fix it.

    Thank you, Kat says.

    Anytime. Kit grins.

    I look down at the sparkling sheen on my skin that will soon begin fading. At least to the human eye. Thank you for your skills and time as always, I say, stepping down from the platform, feeling the bottoms of my feet immediately adhere to the floor.

    Now, that should last a good five hours this time. Aunt Kat raises a finger. I’ve made a small improvement in the spell. She eyes Cousin Viv bitterly out of the corner of her vision while smiling sweetly at me. Just wait for the glamour to set and you can be on your way. I know you’re a busy, busy girl these days, and I hate to hold you up like this, but it’s best to let the glamour completely dry before leaving. Won’t take but a few more moments. I’ve improved that part of the process too.

    She mock-pats my arm so as not to damage the setting glamour, then turns and commands her paintbrushes to wash themselves in the sink. After which, with a flick of her fingers, she commands them to return to their appropriate resting places in their jars, on the shelves, magical twinkle dust illuminating their paths wherever they travel. I feel like I’m in a scene from Disney’s Cinderella.

    Well, that about does it, I say, noting the sheen fading rapidly in the mirror and testing my feet, which give way easily now from the floor. Unless, of course, there’s something else before I go? I cast Cousin Viv a wary look.

    Please, don’t let there be something else. I’m certain I’m already late for Sotherby’s—fourth time this week.

    No, no, nothing at this time. Cousin Viv fans me off with a hand. "Unless, of course, your powers come in. That, I want to know about, right away."

    Of course. I smile, fighting the strange urge to curtsy to her before exiting the room. Cousin Viv has always had a strange lordly hold over me.

    And everyone else, for that matter.

    She carries herself with an air that demands so much respect, I sometimes almost forget who I am in her presence. And that I’m related and not a servant.

    Well then, I guess I’m off, I say.

    To where? Her brow furrows.

    Murder Manor, to work. I point, calling the place by its more recognized name. It’s not likely they even know it by its official title.

    My goodghoulness, you’re not finished with that place yet? Cousin Viv’s expression sours.

    Nope. I turn and begin gliding through the rooms toward the front entrance.

    Where are you going now? Viv says.

    Why, to the front door, of course. I flash my eyes at her.

    You’re not actually thinking of walking there, are you? Cousin Viv scuttles after me.

    Of course I am, why wouldn’t I? I turn around on her, scowling.

    What I mean to say is, why don’t you simply pop there—on low frequency, of course? Cousin Viv raises a quick hand of caution.

    Because the sun is shining and it’s a beautiful day out. And I could use the exercise. I spin fully around to find the doorway now filled with the faces of all three of my relatives, poked out around the jambs, and staring at me concerned like.

    My falling stars, girl, you act as though you don’t have a price on your head and a coven after you. Cousin Viv twists her hands.

    No, I’m just refusing to allow it to ruin my life.

    I don’t, I say and check my watch. Not for at least the next five hours. Isn’t that right, Aunt Kat? I turn my eyes to her. Besides, it’s not like the walk won’t do me good.

    I’ve missed the gym twice over all this now.

    I turn heel, throw back the door and step confidently out onto the porch, before allowing myself to draw in a nervous breath, then turn my face into the sunshine,.


    Ireally shouldn’t provoke Cousin Viv like that. She means well, I know, but sometimes she just gets under my skin. Can’t a girl take a walk in her glamour, even though she’s a wanted witch? I gulp and drop down the front steps.

    But seriously, the whole notion that I’ll always be popping place to place for the rest of my life is preposterous. As a designer I can’t be functioning like that.

    What would my customers think?

    Not to mention, I made a vow to honor my mother’s final wish. Meaning, for the most part, I will remain a mortal—as per my mother’s best intentions. I will walk, talk, and breathe as such, keeping the use of magic in my life to the bare minimum. For emergency purposes only.

    Or to get myself out of a jam.

    My mother worked so hard to keep me safe from the dangerous of this life, it’s the least I can do. Besides, I enjoy being mortal. It comes easy to me.

    Unlike witchcraft.

    Which doesn’t…. No pun intended.

    Okay, maybe a little one.

    But it certainly doesn’t take as much practice, that’s for sure.

    I look down at my twinging fingertips, willing them to stop.

    Nor as much effort to control.

    The air is cool, the day is bright, and the sidewalk pleasing beneath my feet as I meander my way through the center of Hex Falls, toward the steep hillside at the back of town, and the long, winding road that leads to the manor. I take my time—a Big Hairy Toe, my drink of choice, in hand, enjoying the sights inside the shop windows as I go. It’s like Halloween year round, here in Hex Falls.

    I’m not gonna lie, I kind of, sort of love that.

    I take another long, laborious, sip of my Toe and stop to admire a pair of adorably witchy-looking shoes in the window of Bunions And Bone Spurs. What a fantastic name for a shoe store in this place. Almost as good as Buttons, Boogers and Bows. The kids’ shop.

    I’d stopped by The Bottom of the Cauldron first, on the off chance I might run into Jeremy. I thought I might catch him on his way to work at the usual time, but he must have skipped it today. I find that hard to believe—the man is addicted to those Eye of Raven drinks—but there was no sign of him in the line, much to my chagrin.

    I ordered my Toe and continued on my way.

    I haven’t seen him since our last coffee—or Eye and Toe date—when we agreed to do it again, and it’s almost been a week. I’m sure he’s been busy and so have I, but I find myself yearning to hang out with him. Though I’ve resolved not to initiate the next move. After all that’s happened, I want to make sure he really wants to see me. Though I’m pretty sure he still doesn’t remember who I am—or anything about our relationship beforehand. But that’s okay. I love a good clean slate.

    Starting over is fine with me.

    I round the corner, toward the alley that leads to the hillside, and have to stop to catch my breath. An eerie feeling has fallen over me like a cloak. A quick look behind produces no followers, and I clutch my speedily beating heart. Okay… it was nothing.

    Or a problem?

    I check around some more, darting my face in and out between the cracks as I race buildings, searching, then stretch out my neck, peering across the street and surveying there. Something dark dashes away from my eyes. A shadow lurking, then quickly gone, as if dissolved through a shop window. Or a reflection in the window. I blink, peering around again, but find nothing.

    Perhaps I imagined it? Perhaps it was the sunlight crossing the window glass. I look up, shielding my eyes from it, then down. Whatever it is has sent a full chill up every knot in my spine. I shiver.

    Shaking the slight scare from my hands and shoulders, I turn and continue my journey, only to be pulled back around again by the same feeling seconds later.

    Peering over my shoulder, I pick up my step, almost racing now toward the little alleyway I pursued before. Breath rushes out of me. My heart changes its beat. Out of the corner of one eye, I catch a glimpse of the black thing lurking again. I whirl around, but nothing is there except a flash of dark shadow disappearing from the sidewalk. Whatever it is, it’s hidden between the buildings, one shop away from me.

    I turn and break into a slight jog. If it’s what I think it is, I shouldn’t waste another second and pop back up to Hex Hall, for the added protection of my aunts and cousin, as I have essentially no powers to fight anything with. But then again, it could just be my overactive imagination, which has really run amok lately since learning I’m being hunted by my own covenmates. I turn and check over my shoulder, and see another streaking flash of black lacquered light.

    Surely to goodness, if it were the coven, they would have attacked me by now.

    Unless of course, like a cat, they prefer to toy with me first.

    Oh my… I look again to see a shadow to my left, a shadow to my right. It pursues me faster and faster… creeping up on me. My double step becomes a triple, and so does the shadow’s. I’m nearly running when a hand reaches out and taps me on the shoulder.

    I whip around to see a full-grown man dressed in, of all things, a spider suit, complete with eight flailing fake legs. I can’t help it; the smallest shriek escapes me.

    Success! he shouts.

    What? I scowl.

    I frightened you.

    Yes. And you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Instinctively, I swat at him, my heart still racing.

    No, you don’t understand; that’s my job. He ducks away from my hand. I’m a Creep-O-Gram.

    You’re a creep, all right.

    No, like a singing telegram. Only I ‘creep’ instead of ‘sing.’ He raises his creepy little clawlike hands to me and wiggles his spider incisors, again.

    That’s ridiculous, I huff, drawing

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