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Eternal Garden
Eternal Garden
Eternal Garden
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Eternal Garden

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The prototype is the First World War, so readers may have questions: the military uniforms of Violet and the Major in the original work are gray, the Major himself wears flowered epaulettes, and their helmets are also full of German style, which should obviously be They are Germans, but why do I insist on twisting them into French?

     In this regard, I think that although Violet and Major Gilbert seem to be German in terms of clothing, not to mention the color of Violet's hair and eyes are more like a Germanic, but from the logic of the plot , Violet and Gilbert map to France more reasonably.

     The first is the name of the protagonist group. Major Gilbert's surname is: Bougainville . This surname obviously comes from the French navigator Bougainville in the eighteenth century, and the Bougainville Island in the Pacific is named after him. In addition, there is indeed such a Gilbert in the history of the French Army, but he is most famous for proposing the strategic idea of "French Fury" when he was a captain, that is, launching an attack regardless of all costs. This idea influenced France Quite profoundly, the "Seventeenth Plan" formulated based on this idea caused France to suffer a heavy setback at the beginning of World War I. The surname of post office owner Claudia Hawkins is very British, but the name Claudia has an obvious Latin style, and common French surnames do have the same root as "Claude". Violet's name comes from English or French, because the German word "violet" has nothing to do with violet (French is violeta).

     In the side story, the female aristocrat whom Violet met: Elizabeth York, who is completely British from the name, and she married into the family of "Count Nivelle". Nivelle is indeed famous in history. The commander-in-chief of the French army in 1917 was General Robert Nivele (some books or materials also translated him as Nivele). The reason why this general became the commander-in-chief of the French army is that Because it has a deep connection with the United Kingdom and facilitates coordination of relations, it can be explained that the younger members of Admiral Neville's family married British people.

     If the names of the protagonists are related to the fact that the author is not familiar with common names in Germany, then the war situation further shows that Violet's country is closer to France.

Release dateMay 25, 2024
Eternal Garden

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    Eternal Garden - Paicual Heiboap

    Eternal Garden

    Chapter 1 The Hot Winter (1)

    THE DEPUTY BATTALION commander looked down on the new staff officer to some extent. This lieutenant, who had just graduated from the Saint-Cyr Military Academy, exuded an unpleasant model aura all over his body - whether it was his exquisite appearance or the moral code he practiced, these were things that were of no use in war.

    The battalion commander Mathieu admired this lieutenant very much. He once said to the deputy battalion commander who had experienced the bloody battle of the Marne River with him

    If I had to choose someone to represent French youth, I would vote without hesitation for Lieutenant Jean Denelle.

    Perhaps because the air had been scorched by the artillery fire, the Meuse province was not cold in late February.

    If you climb up to the roof of the farmhouse and look up at the sky, the quiet night sky and the bright stars can make you forget all your worries. If you can light a kerosene lamp to echo the countless bright spots on the Milky Way, it would be the best thing for poets or lovers .

    If the edges of the night sky hadn't already been dyed red by the gunfire.

    The farmhouse was packed with a company and a half of soldiers, their eyes were dull and their breathing was heavy. The soldiers occasionally raised their eyes to look at each other, hoping to get any information that could comfort themselves from their comrades' eyes, but it was in vain.

    There was another group of people in the farmhouse a group of gorgeously dressed but haggard women. They were socialites who had been evacuated from the city, hoping to comfort the brave soldiers with their dresses. But at this moment, I'm afraid no girl could arouse the hormones of the soldiers.

    We can't go on like this! Colonel Mann, the regiment commander who was on patrol, was very dissatisfied with the current situation. We must find a way to boost morale. Where is the cadet in your battalion?

    I'll go find him right away. Major Mathieu saluted his superior, then turned around and found Lieutenant Jean Denelle's signalman , Where is the lieutenant?

    young signalman thought for a while and then replied slowly Report to the battalion commander, he may be reading a German book on the roof.

    A German book?

    This morning I saw him buy a book written by a Prussian, um... 'Water of Memory...' from the bookstore in town.

    The major felt that his patience had reached its limit. He slapped the signalman and said, That's Remembrance of Things Past written by Proust, you idiot! This book belongs entirely to France!


    Seeing the panicked expression of the signalman , Mathieu sighed, patted him on the shoulder and left. He understood why Lieutenant Jean Denelle chose a soldier with dyslexia as a signalman it was obvious at a glance that this signalman was only fifteen years old at most, and the recruiting officer dared to accept him!

    These beasts might as well drag the little girl to the battlefield!

    He walked through the barn and came to the dark compartment. It was so quiet here that it seemed like another world. If the major didn't know what was happening in the east, he would probably have mistaken the rumbling sound for a train stopping a few hundred meters away from his home at midnight.

    The dark compartment was suddenly illuminated by an oil lamp, and the major saw the anxious daughter of the farmer. Although she was worried, her face was ruddy and healthy. Mathieu secretly thought that if the Germans broke through the Meuse River, she would probably become as depressed as the socialite outside.

    While in the hospital, Mathieu heard British soldiers complain that French girls were unenthusiastic, malnourished, and unattractive. The criticism from the Allies was really annoying to him as a Parisian.

    But he had to admit that the British were right. He was hungry, worried, and even heartbroken by the death of his loved ones... No matter how beautiful a girl was, she could not bear the destruction of her appearance by such a cruel fate.

    If the Meuse River was breached, if Verdun was reduced to rubble, if Paris fell, his beloved wife's delicate hands would become rough and her rosy face would become sallow... He could not tolerate such a terrible thing happening.

    The farmer's daughter did not expect another officer to appear here. When the light illuminated Mathieu's face, he also saw the girl's astonished face.

    Is Lieutenant Jean Denelle up there?

    The Lieutenant is on the roof, Major, and he seems to be in a bad mood. The girl quickly realized that she had said nonsense. Who could be in a good mood at this time?

    Thank you. Mathieu nodded and reached out to climb onto the ladder. The box of the telescope hit the ladder with a dull sound, and he quickly reached out to protect it.

    Wait a minute, Mr. Major— the farmer's daughter suddenly spoke.

    Anything else, miss?

    Will the Germans...attack?

    Major Mathieu looked her seriously in the eye and replied, They must not pass.

    Thank you! May you all return safely!

    The major nodded and climbed the ladder.

    The sky was beautiful, so beautiful that it was hard to believe that the world was still in the midst of a boiling war. When the major climbed onto the roof, he found Lieutenant Denel holding his helmet and reading.

    in memory of our passing age?


    Denel was about to stand up and salute, but Mathieu stopped him You don't need to salute at the front line.


    Mathieu looked at the young officer and found a place to lie down beside him, enjoying the last bit of peace Do the students at Saint-Cyr Military Academy also like reading so much?

    I'm not much of a reader, Major, but Remembrance of Things Past is a rare good book. Although I find Proust's narrative confusing, his description of waiting for his mother to come upstairs and kiss him really reminded me of my mother.

    Perhaps because he was nervous, Denel was particularly talkative today. Mathieu lay down beside him in silence , ready to chat and listen to his subordinate's talk.

    But unlike Proust's mother, my mother would come to my bedroom every night to kiss me, rain or shine, even if I was asleep. But more often than not, I was not asleep. I just felt that such passionate maternal love was a bit embarrassing for a 'man'.

    Mathieu chuckled, remembering that his wife treated their son in the same way, even though little Robert was still an infant.

    The last time he went home, he saw his wife kiss Robert's pink cheek when she woke up in the middle of the night. Embarrassingly, the overly passionate motherly love woke the little man up from his sleep. He waved his small fists and cried loudly, echoing in the quiet night sky like an air raid sirens. He fell asleep only after his wife bribed him with breast milk.

    Denel smiled bitterly and sighed What's regrettable is that if I had understood earlier and knew that those were my mother's last moments, I would never have pretended to sleep to defend my ridiculous self-esteem.

    God! The warm picture in Major Mathieu's mind was suddenly torn apart, What's going on?


    Mathieu's heart seemed to be stabbed. He quietly reached into his pocket and took out the photo that he treasured. Denel continued to talk to Mathieu in the sky My mother's story may sound sad, but it happened a long time ago. Even now, when I see the photo of my mother, I don't feel anything special. Proust's description is just to remind me of the past.


    To be honest, Major, to a man as vulgar as I am, the sound of your steps coming up the stairs reminds me of my mother more than the letters in the book do.

    Oh! I'll just take it as a compliment. Mathieu turned his head and glanced at the young officer who was reading again in the light of the artillery fire, and asked, Why do you suddenly want to buy such a book? Do you want to go to the battlefield with the brilliant French literary poetry?

    No, Major. Denel turned the book back to the first page without leaving any bookmarks or marks (he really didn't like reading), and then a yellow envelope fell out of the book, causing Mathieu's eyes to widen.

    Who is this?!

    My father. Denel could no longer maintain his calmness, and his voice began to tremble.

    On August 3, 1914, Denel's father was called up as a reserve, and he filled out the War Department forms like everyone else, which included his home address, of course. But Denel's grandfather had died in July of the previous year, and there was no one in the family to receive letters from him and his father.

    So the sons of bitches in the War Department diligently delivered the death notice all the way to the Meuse River front - if they could travel thousands of miles to the front to deliver the letter, couldn't they run errands in Paris to deliver it to my father's friend's house? ! Didn't Denel's father write down other relatives and friends?


    Mathieu really didn't know how to comfort young Denel, so he could only put his hand on his shoulder in silence.

    But it's not that bad. There was a letter from my father's comrades in the company in the envelope. They said he was hit by a grenade directly...quickly...without any pain.

    The major sighed, took off his helmet, and gently touched the young man's head like an elder brother rather than a superior.

    Denel did not let his tears flow. He nodded to express his gratitude and continued to answer his question I was very calm when I received the letter. I knew that it was normal to die in battle at this time. Moreover, I did not even know whether I could live to the next month. I thought that my father loved reading very much and he was the supervisor of the printing workshop. I should buy a book to commemorate him.

    That's the way it should be.

    Denel sighed and continued, Although I am not a devout Catholic, I do feel God's will.

    Mathieu followed Denel's instructions and looked at the few lines of small words and a seal under the cover of the book. It was still too dark, and even though the artillery fire dyed half the sky red, he couldn't see clearly what they were.

    Just as he was about to take out his flashlight to take a closer look, Denel explained The books were printed by Luxembourg Printing Company, and they were printed on August 1st. They were the last batch of works printed by my father in the company.


    The son received the news of his father's death before going to the battlefield, but he bought the books printed by his father on the front line, which was indeed a rare comfort. The major was deeply touched Jean, you and your father are the pride of France. When the war is over, I will definitely write about you in my memoirs.

    I believe in your writing skills as a graduate of the Higher Normal University, Major. Denel's eyes were bright, but his words were ruthless, But you should survive first.

    That's a problem. The firepower of the Germans last May was totally incomparable to what it is now. I was almost shot to death then. It's even harder to say now. Mathieu scratched his hairy chin, suddenly sat up, and showed the photo in his hand to the young man in front of him, But no matter what, I will still try my best. For them, I have to live!

    Your wife and son?

    Yes! Mathieu smiled proudly. He showed his most precious thing to this subordinate whom he had just met a few days ago, hoping to bring up a topic between men and divert some of Denel's mourning.

    How enviable, your wife is so beautiful.

    I think so too, haha. For them, even if the Germans have 10,000 howitzers, they can't kill me! By the way, Valan, where is your girlfriend?

    No, Major.

    Mathieu felt like he had punched nothing. All the preparations he had made before were wasted. He looked at Lieutenant Denel in surprise No?! Why not?!

    It's just... no.

    You have such bright and slim-fitting uniforms and dress caps with feathers, but you still can't find a girl. You are really a disgrace to the Saint-Cyr Military Academy!

    It's better to say that I didn't find it than to say that I couldn't find it. Denel whispered defensively, Besides, I don't have your charm, fashion, thoughtfulness, and knowledge... Although I was born in Paris, I am still a complete country bumpkin.

    Come on, if you were born in Paris, you are a Parisian. Even if there is war, the romance flowing in the hearts of Parisians will not be extinguished. Maybe you just lack a fairy-like girl to awaken the love in your heart. Mathieu deliberately led the topic to what men are interested in to divert Denel's attention, I have a suitable candidate.


    My wife has a beautiful cousin who is about to graduate from the Republican Girls' School. How about introducing her to you? Mathieu was impressed by his own wit and successfully continued the topic, although it came at the cost of betraying his wife's cousin.

    But considering that the man was Lieutenant Denel, Mathieu naturally thought that the gentle and introverted girl would be grateful to him from the bottom of her heart.

    That will have to wait until I survive...

    So you have to work harder to survive! Mathieu punched Denel. Let me tell you, although my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, her cousin is almost as beautiful as her. Even for her, you have to survive!

    Denel finally smiled (although it was extremely forced). He was not the playboy type of young man who was popular among socialites, but his particularly sincere smile made him exude a different kind of charm.

    No one wants to die, Major.

    In the past few days, Mathieu has been envious of his dimples. Although the deputy battalion commander thinks that such a simple and sunny boy looks innocent and is not suitable to be an officer, Mathieu thinks it is insignificant, and his battalion needs such a vase-like model officer.

    The 114th Regiment is no longer the standing regiment it was when the war broke out in 1914. Mathieu cannot guarantee that these new recruits will have the same patriotic enthusiasm as their comrades who have been buried in the ground, and will not hesitate to fight and will not hesitate to die... They need a role model.

    Having such an approachable officer who can be the elder brother of the young soldiers and the junior of the adult soldiers is self-evident in boosting morale. Mathieu does not need him to have strong command ability, but only needs him to be a role model - the model soldier who is the first to jump out of the trench in the hail of bullets, and use his personal charm to inspire his comrades in the same camp to sacrifice their lives.

    The power of example is infinite, as long as Denel can play the role he should play.

    By the way, Major, what do you want from me?

    It's nothing, just continue reading. Mathieu lied.

    I don't like reading, Major. As soon as Denel finished speaking, the sound of artillery on the eastern skyline suddenly became more intense.

    Denel interrupted his topic, analyzing the sound of artillery fire and giving his own guess The German heavy howitzers are in place, more than 210, at least two battalions.

    What about ours?

    This was truly an embarrassing question for the generals of the Republic, especially General Joffre, the Chief of the General Staff.

    Chapter 2 The Hot Winter (2)

    THE GERMANIC WAR MACHINE roared and roared on the French territory. The sound of heavy artillery was as shocking as the footsteps of a giant. The German Empire seemed to have materialized as an angry Goliath on the mountains, ruthlessly destroying the ant-like French soldiers.

    Denel once thought that as an artillery officer, he was already familiar with the roar of various war gods and was enough to resist the deterrence of artillery fire. However, when he witnessed hundreds of artillery firing at the same time for the first time, he still felt an indescribable shock.

    Don't let them get scared and pee their pants. The them the major was referring to were naturally the new recruits in the battalion.

    I'm going to boost the morale of the soldiers. Lieutenant Denel collected his father's death notice, carefully tucked it into a book, and walked down the stairs. Mathieu sighed imperceptibly and left the roof as well.

    The soundproofing of the compartment is really good. When entering the compartment, the sound of German artillery in the distance is almost drowned out by the sound of Mathieu's footsteps.

    The 114th Infantry Regiment, where Mathieu and Denel belong, is a unit with a long tradition and is one of the standing infantry regiments of the Republic. The regiment suffered heavy losses in the Battle of the Marne and was nearly wiped out. But fortunately, quite a few (about a quarter) of the officers survived, so the regiment was quickly replenished under the intervention of General Gallieni, the Savior of Paris, and then went to the command of the commander-in-chief to take orders.

    However, the newly replenished 114th Regiment suffered heavy losses again during the two Battles of Champagne. Especially in the Second Battle of Champagne, the stupid former regiment commander sent the entire regiment of infantry to the German machine guns and howitzers, like piglets. Entering the slaughterhouse, the horrific sight even stunned General Joffre, who was known for his slowness and ruthlessness.

    The 114th Infantry Regiment lost its flag within two hours. With 91 officers and 74 soldiers, the French Rage that had been outdated for a long time came to an end in a tragic way. Perhaps this disaster deeply stimulated Joffre, and he was more determined to make a large-scale change in the French command - the disastrous defeat of the 114th Infantry Regiment may have indirectly promoted the rise of General Philippe Pétain.

    After all, the population of France is only two-thirds of that of Germany, and it cannot afford for rigid officers to continue squandering.

    Major Mathieu, who was walking behind Denel, was the captain of Company B of the 114th Regiment at the time. Last May, he was shot down by a Maxim bullet on the Argonne Mountains . The bullet went through the inside of his left leg and almost took his life. Until now, Mathieu still walks with a limp.

    Denelle once read a report in Echo of Paris about a certain unfortunate soldier who, after recovering from a bullet wound to that unspeakable organ, reported to his superiors and asked to be sent to the most dangerous place to ensure that he could die for his country... Mathieu almost became the protagonist of the report.

    But God will not let a person always be unlucky. While he was recuperating in bed, the new commander killed the entire regiment in the September offensive, and Mathieu narrowly escaped.

    In November 1915, the 114th Regiment was finally rebuilt, and Captain Mathieu, the former commander of Company B, was promoted to the commander of the 1st Battalion. However, the soldiers added this time were either pure recruits who had not yet served three years of military service, or men over 40 who had served for more than ten years and were seriously out of date.

    To put it bluntly, the 114th Regiment was completely useless. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the regiment would not reappear in the French front-line combat sequence until at least June 1916.

    However, what is most lacking on the battlefield is surprises.

    The German Imperial Army was an army with a strong offensive spirit. They did not wait for the French and Allied forces

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