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Court Session
Court Session
Court Session
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Court Session

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"Mr. Adrian Parker." I shook the client's hand and patted his shoulder.

This was the third time he met Adrian in person. When he accepted the commission, the trial was very close, so Cruz only had time to meet with him twice to exchange some views on key issues.

Adrian, now 69 years old, does not give people the feeling of being old. Even though he is an heir abandoned by the Parker family, one can still see the result of good upbringing and elite education.

Although he had white hair, it was meticulously groomed. Wearing a tailored suit on his upright body, he looked like he was not attending a trial but a necessary banquet.

Adrian smiled at me gently "Lawyer Stewart, thank you for coming." He knew something about the family's situation and was very grateful to me for still deciding to defend him at this time.

"Remember the four steps I told you?" I recalled the defense plan prepared by Cruz and whispered to Adrian.


"Then, do it this way. The first instance will review the facts and the application of the law. You should pay special attention to the pre-trial investigation stage. They will ask you about the entire incident in detail. You should be mentally prepared." If you want to defend your innocence when the evidence is irrefutable and the public has a preconceived notion that you are guilty, you must not only impress the judge with the law, but also impress the 12 jurors sitting in the jury box with reason.

"Everyone stand up." The bailiff announced loudly to the audience.

The audience stood up to show respect to Judge Annette Ann Tony as she entered the courtroom.

PublisherLucia Wolfe
Release dateMay 26, 2024
Court Session

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    Book preview

    Court Session - Lucia Wolfe

    Court Session

    Chapter 1 Adrian Parker Trial Opens

    Mr. Adrian Parker. I shook the client's hand and patted his shoulder.

    This was the third time he met Adrian in person. When he accepted the commission, the trial was very close, so Cruz only had time to meet with him twice to exchange some views on key issues.

    Adrian, now 69 years old, does not give people the feeling of being old. Even though he is an heir abandoned by the Parker family, one can still see the result of good upbringing and elite education.

    Although he had white hair, it was meticulously groomed. Wearing a tailored suit on his upright body, he looked like he was not attending a trial but a necessary banquet.

    Adrian smiled at me gently Lawyer Stewart, thank you for coming. He knew something about the family's situation and was very grateful to me for still deciding to defend him at this time.

    Remember the four steps I told you? I recalled the defense plan prepared by Cruz and whispered to Adrian.


    Then, do it this way. The first instance will review the facts and the application of the law. You should pay special attention to the pre-trial investigation stage. They will ask you about the entire incident in detail. You should be mentally prepared. If you want to defend your innocence when the evidence is irrefutable and the public has a preconceived notion that you are guilty, you must not only impress the judge with the law, but also impress the 12 jurors sitting in the jury box with reason.

    Everyone stand up. The bailiff announced loudly to the audience.

    The audience stood up to show respect to Judge Annette Ann Tony as she entered the courtroom.

    Good morning, everyone. You may take your seats. Judge Annette entered the jury and said to everyone, Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defendant Adrian Parker is charged with the murder of Charles Ross. The defendant pleads 'not guilty'.

    After briefly introducing the positions of the prosecution and the defense, Judge Annette looked at the prosecution and asked, Prosecutor, may we begin?

    The first person to appear is Prosecutor Iglesias, a well-known fat white man who hates evil. Probably due to the long-term pressure and the all-night work on this case, Prosecutor Iglesias has heavy dark circles and bags under his eyes.

    Good morning. Prosecutor Iglesias walked to the podium with a stack of documents and began his speech seriously The evidence we have presented proves beyond a doubt that Adrian Parker deliberately shot Charles Ross and brutally dismembered and abandoned his body.

    Please look at the photos. Iglesias took out two 12-inch photos, which showed enlarged photos of Charles Ross's gunshot wound and his body cut into pieces. The whitish pieces of flesh had some residual red in them, and there were white maggots that had not yet been cleaned out.

    Iglesias showed the photos to the spectators and the jury, and some of them turned their heads away in dismay.

    This is what Mr. Parker did to Charles Ross, Loggins slowly left the podium and walked towards Adrian in the dock, holding the photo. He cut from skin to bone, tore off skin tissue and muscle, sawed off bones, and crushed internal organs.

    The prosecutor briefly stopped in front of the defendant's seat, then turned and walked back to the podium We will explain the circumstances in detail and provide supporting photos.

    Common oppression tactics. I tilted my head and whispered to Adrian beside me, Don't be scared by them.

    Please ask Attorney Lopez to assist me in my explanation, Iglesias said as he pulled out new photos.

    Prosecutor Lopez stood up and walked over to Iglesias. Iglesias held the photo and gestured at Lopez, saying, In addition to the initial bullet wound, Mr. Parker repeatedly turned poor Mr. Ross over and over in order to dispose of the body. Starting from the back, then the legs, and finally the head. Iglesias made a throat-slitting gesture to Lopez.

    However, it is such a person who is still demanding a not guilty plea and trying to get away with it. Iglesias pointed at Adrian sitting in the dock and yelled.

    Iglesias then continued to take out photos of the fragmented, swollen, and whitened body parts, and told the people present which part of the human body it was. Many people covered their mouths in discomfort, and I felt like they were about to vomit.

    Although it is a common but very effective tactic, I applauded the prosecution in my heart. They first established the image of Adrian as a cruel, inhumane and perverted murderer in the minds of the jury, the judge and the people in the spectators' gallery.

    The prosecutor then presented the pistol used by Adrian to commit the crime, the axe and bow saw used to cut the body, and took out a scene model to simulate the process of Adrian killing Charles Ross.

    The entire courtroom was silent. It was obvious that everyone was shocked by what the prosecutor said. If they had only heard that Adrian had killed someone, then everyone would not be so angry. However, the emotions aroused by the prosecutor's description and the various photos and evidence made everyone angry and shocked by what Adrian had done.

    Charles Ross's daughter sat in the spectator gallery, suppressing her tears, which were particularly harsh in the silent courtroom.

    Defendant's defense attorney, you may begin. Judge Annette calmed herself down, cleared her suppressed voice and said to me.

    I want to say that my client, Adrian Parker, who is accused by the prosecution, is not a person without humanity. I stood at the podium, facing the jury and the spectators, and held up the photo in my hand.

    Please look at this, this is a photo of Adrian and his first girlfriend, which he had with him when he was arrested.

    There is also a photo of him and his wife when they got married. In the photo, Princess Adrian is holding his wife and smiling brightly.

    Also, this is a photo of him and his brother when he was a child.

    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Adrian is a flesh-and-blood, emotional person just like us!

    The first step is to reshape your image!

    This is Cruz's defense plan. In response to the prosecutor's portrayal of Adrian as a heartless and ruthless psychopathic killer, Cruz wants to reverse the image of Adrian left in people's minds by the prosecutor and turn him into a normal person who can cry and laugh, with flesh and blood!

    However, what made Adrian make such a mistake? Please allow me to sort out this case from the beginning for you.

    Your Highness, I request that I call the first witness, Mr. Adrian Parker. I turned and said to Judge Annett, and at this moment he heard a low exclamation from the jury behind him.

    Allowed. Judge Anat nodded and motioned Adrian to go to the witness stand to be questioned.

    So, let’s start your and my show and reshape your image!

    Mr. Adrian, something happened on July 4, 2003 that completely turned your life upside down. According to my statistics, from July 5 to July 11, 58 tabloids and magazines in New York published articles interpreting the shooting of your close friend and the disappearance of your first wife, and all of them suspected you of being the murderer. What do you think about this? I bluntly exposed Adrian's scars.

    It seems that Mr. Adrian Parker is in big trouble. My idea is not to be Adrian Parker. I want to change my identity. I feel my life is suffocating. Adrian fell into recollection, and emotionally fell into 2003 again, and those overwhelming reports.

    what's your plan?

    I want to... Adrian took off his glasses and said, I want to go to Galveston and disguise myself, and never live as 'Adrian Parker' again.

    Galveston Island belongs to the Houston metropolitan area. It is close to the Gulf of Mexico and has beautiful coastal beaches and beautiful scenery. It is a good place for tourism and exile. In the small town at the end of Interstate 45 on the island, there is a sign that says 'Mile 0' (0 miles, or the end point). People who go there are all trying to lose themselves and escape from their past selves.

    What do you think about this matter? Who is forcing you to escape from yourself and leave New York?

    It's Carol Eddy. She intends to use the re-investigation of my case to further her work.

    Carol Eddy is the host of a talk show on Fox TV. She has always been ambitious to appear on the prime time slot of the TV station. In recent years, she has been constantly attacking various celebrities and politicians with eccentric and sharp words, thus becoming a public intellectual in the hearts of the people and being highly praised.

    Ladies and gentlemen, Carol Eddy forced my client to leave New York and exile himself. Adrian was driven out of New York by an ambitious woman who attacked him continuously. In order to fulfill her ambitions, she was willing to sacrifice Adrian, and even the words attacking him were unfounded. I turned to the jury and said loudly and indignantly.

    You can imagine how much mental pressure a person would feel if he opened his eyes every day and read articles attacking him in newspapers, on TV, and on the Internet, and heard malicious speculations and descriptions of how he killed his wife and close friends! I held up a piece of evidence in my hand and continued, This is the psychological treatment my client received in New York from July 6 to July 21 before he left New York, as well as a bill for sleeping pills. Ladies and gentlemen, Adrian received psychological treatment every two days on average, and needed sleeping pills to fall asleep at night.

    And the culprit behind all this is Carol Eddy!

    I looked at the jury members who were whispering to each other and nodding from time to time, and knew that the first step was already largely successful. The jury recognized and accepted what they said!

    What are you going to do about this matter? I continued to ask Adrian.

    I... Adrian paused awkwardly, as if he couldn't speak I decided to dress up as a woman, that is, I bought a long wig...

    Did you buy a skirt? I looked at Adrian's old face and couldn't help but imagine him wearing women's clothes. I had to secretly bite my tongue to hold back my laughter.

    No, I bought women's shirts and bags at Wal-Mart, I shaved my beard, and I can't speak because my voice will reveal my male identity...

    Before Adrian finished speaking, the jury and the audience burst into laughter. Apparently, everyone imagined what Adrian would look like in women's clothing. Even Judge Annette's facial muscles were shaking unnaturally.

    Finally, the solemn atmosphere in the courtroom, which had been affected by the prosecutor's description, was broken.

    At the prosecution table, prosecutor Lopez tilted his head and whispered to Iglesias Are they laughing at him?

    Iglesias nodded grimly. I have successfully changed the jury's impression of Adrian, making him more humane and more conducive to the subsequent defense.

    You arrived in Galveston and checked into the apartment there. Did you meet Charles Ross at that time?

    Chapter 2 Adrian Parker case reversed

    I started asking questions about how Adrian and Charles met.

    Yes, I was pretending to be a mute woman going out, and a man came out of the apartment next door and told me in the corridor to pay attention to turning off the lights in the corridor because that light was counted on his electricity meter. It seemed that I nodded and left. When Adrian mentioned Charles, there was a complicated look on his face, some nostalgia and some disgust.

    Was that your first encounter with Charles Ross?


    According to our investigation, Charles is a person with a bad temper and difficult to get along with. I said, looking down at the information in my hand.

    Yes, I would smoke in the corridor every day, and then Charles would come out and yell at me, 'Get out of here, don't smoke in the corridor.' Adrian made a gesture of expulsion to imitate the way Charles spoke, and it seemed that this scene had left a deep impression on him.

    So what's the relationship between you and Charles like going forward?

    We became good friends... When Adrian said this, a sincere smile naturally appeared on his face.

    Well, I said to the jury as I stepped down from the podium, pretending to stroll down the street, they became good friends, so imagine how funny it would have been if this tragedy hadn't happened. Bad-tempered Charles walking up front, biting people like a puppy, and Adrian smoking a cigarette in the back, smoothing things over for him. An odd combination, isn't it?

    So what's your daily routine with Charles?

    Yes, we watched TV together, some financial programs, talk shows, and then went for coffee, often at the coffee shop on the corner. Charles liked to put a lot of sugar in his coffee, as if it was never enough. Adrian said nostalgically.

    You're still going out with these disguises?

    No, I don't have those things with me anymore, I...

    Why not bring it? I waved Adrian off. He had to get the rhythm right so he could present what he wanted to the jury.

    Because it's too uncomfortable, and he once asked me why I wore these things, rented such a bad place, and pretended to be Marilyn Monroe. I said, I want to hide myself so that no one can find me. So far it seems that I have hidden myself quite well, and no one has recognized me. He smiled proudly, as if he thought he had accomplished a great job.

    And what did Charles say? Did he laugh at you?

    No, on the contrary, he said, 'Yeah, yeah, I've done that before.' He didn't say how he did it, but when I said I didn't want to be Adrian Parker, he said, 'Yeah, I've had that experience before.'

    I nodded and looked at Adrian with a nostalgic expression. Such expressions of true feelings are the most touching.

    This is the second step, changing the image.

    Do you have a gun?

    Yes, I had a Beretta 92F and a revolver on me when I was arrested.

    I pulled out the photos, the evidence photos provided by the prosecution when Adrian was arrested, two guns showing various sizes and descriptions Is this it?

    Yes. Adrian looked at it with empty eyes and nodded.

    Have you and Charles ever had a conversation about guns?

    Yes, I don't remember who brought it up first, but we started chatting about it. We both like shooting. He answered while making a gun gesture, and it was obvious that he really likes guns.

    Okay. Think back to June 7, 2005, and something happened. Can you tell us about it? I am very satisfied with the current progress. Adrian doesn't talk much, but he is a very smart person and a good defendant who can be shaped and packaged and presented to the jury.

    This is very important, people can always show others the side of themselves that they want to see.

    No problem. Charles came to me at my house that day with an eviction notice asking him to move out of the apartment. He was obviously very upset. Then I went to the bathroom and heard gunshots...

    Gunshots, okay, what did you see?

    I saw Charles standing there, and I said Were you shooting just now? Put the gun down, put the gun down quickly. Charles told me that he was just shooting at the eviction notice. Adrian described the situation while making soothing gestures, as if what was in front of him was not the court and me, but his apartment and Charles.

    He shot at the eviction notice?

    Yes, that's what he said.

    So what did you say?

    I was very scared at the time, and told him to go away and not stay in my room. He closed his eyes and a look of regret appeared on his face. If he hadn't said this, would what happened later have not happened?

    Did you explicitly tell him to leave and not come to your room again?

    Yes, I did, and I made it very clear.

    I nodded and said to the jury, We are dealing with a man with an unpredictable personality, a bad temper and a tendency to violence, ladies and gentlemen.

    So what happened on June 23rd? I continued to ask Adrian.

    That day, I returned to the apartment, opened the door and found that the TV was on. Adrian answered slowly, as if he was reluctant to mention this matter. Every detail took a long time to think before he could say it Charles was sitting in the chair, looking at me very angrily.

    Can you show us a demonstration? Adrian, show us what happened at that time. I walked out of the podium, waved to Adrian, and asked for a live playback.

    Then he imitated Charles and sat on the chair, and Adrian came down.

    I saw Charles pointing a gun at me and asking me to squat on the ground, Adrian said. At that time, Charles was facing me sideways and looking at me with hatred. I didn't know why.

    I said to him, 'Charles, give me the gun,' and stood up and walked towards him. Adrian stood up and walked towards me, and I cooperated and pointed the prop gun at Adrian.

    So what did Charles do? Did he give you the gun? I asked, looking at Adrian standing in front of me.

    No, I got closer to the gun.

    Okay, Adrian. I put the gun on the podium, stood up and said to the jury, Let's put ourselves in your shoes. One day, you come home, open the door, enter your home, and find that the TV is on and Charles is in your home without permission.

    As I spoke, I made a gun gesture with my hand And Charles Ross is holding a gun, so at this time, is it reasonable for you to be afraid? At this time, do you have reason to protect yourself?

    Step three, protect yourself!

    I watched the jury exchanging opinions and knew that at this point they were beginning to lean towards themselves.

    In Texas, if someone is found breaking into their home without permission, Texans will generally shoot him or her directly instead of calling the police. Many previous Texas judicial cases also support this view, and the jury members are all native Texans.

    They would naturally feel that unauthorized intruders deserved to be shot!

    Adrian, what happened after you walked past? I returned to my position again, pointing the gun at Adrian.

    I started to fight for the gun in Charles' hand, like this. Adrian said, holding my hand holding the gun, and then the two of them started to perform a back and forth performance of grabbing the gun and grappling.

    I tried to grab the gun like this, and he pushed me like this, and then we fell down. Adrian finished his demonstration, turned his head to the side and said sadly Okay, that's it, that's it.

    And then what happened?

    Then the gun went off, accidentally...

    'Bump', is that it?

    Yes, it is. Adrian replied, covering his face.

    At this time, the judge looked at his watch and said, I think Mr. Parker needs to take a break. I will adjourn the court for half an hour.

    Well done, Mr. Parker. I praised him in the lounge. If you continue like this, I think there is a great chance that you will win the sympathy of the jury and find you not guilty.

    Milo, why are you so quiet today? This is unlike you. I looked at the assistant sitting next to me and said, Thanks to you for organizing the information carefully this time, it's great!

    Is this your apprentice? Adrian asked casually.

    Yes, this is the person who will surpass me. In Cruz's memory, he was very satisfied with the young man who was three years younger than him. He had dreams and passion, and he could eventually surpass his current self who only wanted revenge.

    Then let's follow the established plan and give the opponent a fatal blow in the end. Time passed quickly during the chat, and people entered the courtroom again to continue the trial.

    Does the defendant's attorney have any questions? If not, the prosecution will question the witnesses. Judge Annette asked, looking at the schedule. After getting my negative answer, she signaled that the prosecution could begin questioning the witnesses.

    Mr. Parker, can you explain the details of your struggle with Charles for the pistol? Iglesias motioned for Lopez to demonstrate again with him.

    Iglesias wrestled with Lopez in a very awkward position with a gun in hand Is this how you grab the pistol?

    No, you guys are twisted like spaghetti, Adrian scoffed.

    You mean, Charles twists like macaroni?

    No, Charles is very powerful, I mean you two twist like macaroni.

    Okay. Having failed to mislead, Iglesias gave up the demonstration and returned to the podium to continue, The defendant said before that he was a good friend of Charles and often went out with Charles. In fact, he was lying. The man in front of you is lying!

    According to our investigation, there were no witnesses who saw Adrian Parker and Charles Ross going out for a walk or drinking coffee together.

    Iglesias began to try to attack from another direction - attacking Adrian himself, leaving the impression of a liar in the jury's mind, thus completely denying Adrian's testimony.

    Iglesias's statement that there were no witnesses was true in a sense, for the dead cannot speak. Two witnesses who had offered to testify had been cleverly killed by enemies of the Parker family, and the rest had been warned not to testify.

    Fortunately, in order to deal with this situation, Cruz had prepared a written testimony early on and asked the witnesses to write a statement of their inability to appear in court. This testimony was undoubtedly more convincing, especially when someone had already died as a result.

    Milo, show me your testimony. I took the materials handed to me by Milo, stood up and retorted In fact, in court, we have it.

    As I said this, I walked to the center of the courtroom and raised the materials in my hand.

    here it is......

    The testimony was switched!

    I looked at the testimony in my hand in disbelief. Although the content was the same, it was a photocopy, and the witness's signature was erased! Unwilling to give up, I looked through several other testimonies, and all of them had been swapped, without exception.


    I glared at Milo who was lowering his head in the dock, then turned to look at Yarlin who was looking smug in the audience, as he shook some materials at me provocatively.

    You won't win! I promise!

    No wonder Yaerlin was so sure, it turned out that someone around him betrayed him!

    What is this? Defendant's lawyer? Judge Annett looked at me and asked in confusion.

    I'm sorry, Your Honor. I made a mistake just now. I put on an innocent

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