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The Serpent and the Son
The Serpent and the Son
The Serpent and the Son
Ebook207 pages3 hours

The Serpent and the Son

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About this ebook

What Does Lord Jesus say about the Serpent? "I saw Satan fall from heaven" and "he is the old serpent, called the Devil or Satan who deceived and deceives the people of the world."
What does the Lord Jesus say about the Son? "I Am He," "I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life," "I Am that I Am," "I Am the Seed of Abraham,"and " the son of David" and "the Son of Man." 
What is the Lord Jesus asking you right now? "Who do you say that I am?" and "If you deny Me before men and women, I will deny you before My Father..." Matthew 10:33.
What did Peter say about the Last Days? "In the Last Days there shall be mockers saying, 'Where is the promised Coming of the Lord ... nothing has changed,' but they willfully ignore that the Lord is not slow to keep His promises but He is patient, and not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." Have you availed yourself of this eternal opportunity? This offer expires when you do.
What does God say about Abraham and his Seed? "Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel shall be cursed," Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; you will be blessed!"
Release dateMay 26, 2024
The Serpent and the Son

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    The Serpent and the Son - Robert Stonepillow


    Whether you are a Russian Oligarch, a Texas oil man or an Arab son of a Sheik, you can’t take it with you. Job said it well: Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I shall return. The LORD gives, and the LORD takes away. Blessed be the Name of the LORD. Though He slay me, I will trust Him. The LORD will share His glory with no one, and rightly so. We, the sons and daughters of God, adopted as we are, are meant to glorify Him. The Lord resists the proud but draws nigh unto the humble.

    A heads up to you champions of Lucifer (aka Satan, the serpent from of old, Beelzebub), or to quote Jesus (that’s always a good idea), the lord of the flies, (etc. etc. et al.), you fans of the devil have already lost. If Lucifer had any glory to share (he doesn’t), he wouldn’t. Lucifer is all about Lucifer, just like you are all about you. When he has you where he wants you, in Hell, there will be… no kindness for you! (No soup either.) That may be good. If there were soup in Hell, it would be too hot forever.

    Anyhow, this story is my sad attempt to drag a few hapless fools from the grip of a trip to the gates of Hell from which there is no return ticket. What will your final destination choice be?

    Hell’s final frontier, the Lake of Fire? How do I know about the Lake of Fire? Jesus told us! Maybe your preacher is too weak to preach on Hell or doesn’t think Hell is real. Maybe your preacher doesn’t believe that the Holy Bible is The Inspired, Infallible Word of God. Maybe your pastor or pastorette thinks they are smarter than the Lord Jesus.

    You will jeer at your preacher in Hell when you get there because he or she deceived you. It’s called the entertainment ring. My non-Biblical research indicates that this will happen. It is also the ring of failure and eternal heartbreak.

    There is no happy party in Hell. What is it that Jesus said? Where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched (Mark 9:44-48). Jesus said this three times. Do you think he means, Where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, and, Where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched?

    If Bibles haven’t been outlawed yet in the USA, grab one and look it up for yourself. Context?

    But, after the entertainment, the momentary relief of seeing someone in Hell that is worse off than you are, you’ll go back to your four by eight (or 2 X3 foot cell in Hell [this is speculation as to room size]) hot cell in Hell and regret your foolishness. You will also pray that the devil/demon jailkeepers will ignore you for a while. Or will they sense your prayer and despair and your now empty hope and sensing rebellion, and will they be attracted to you?

    It’s useless. You have reached the point of no return (P.O.N.R). You willfully died in your sins. You had a choice. Like the elder brother of Jacob, for you, no place for repentance was found. Cowboy (or cowgirl) change your ways this day, or someday you will ride…trying to catch the devil’s herd…yippee ay-oh! yippee ay…uh oh… oh no.

    Have you willfully rejected the foolish things of the world so that the worldly wise would accept you? On judgement day, the books will be brought out. Like Jacob’s elder brother Esau, no room for repentance will be found for you.

    Of course, you could opt to keep your name in The Lamb’s Book of Life instead. Look it up! There’s only one Book of Life, there are many books of death written about you, every sordid detail and every false motive. The Lord God Jesus doesn’t forget your sins. With your repentance, He chooses to remember your sins no more.

    Did you just say, I haven’t sinned? That’s impossible. We were born sinners, and that’s why we need the Lord Jesus, our Savior. If you say, I’m not a sinner, you have sinned again, as Scobee Doo used to say, rut-row.

    Forgetting is a weakness or error. To quote the scriptures, He remembers our sins no more. This is an act of His will. Peter 3:2 tells us about the scoffers in the last days who willfully forget that the Lord is not slow to keep His promised return, but He is patient, not willing that any should perish.

    This tells us that the Lord respects our will and our eternal choice. Judas the betrayer and Pharaoh were warned, and they chose poorly.

    I’m not happy about your suffering, but I am happy because I’m just stating the facts, aka The Truth (about Jesus, to the best of my limited ability). Amen? Another word to the wise: Don’t trust and verify everything you see written on these pages. Make sure it’s not a cunningly devised fable.

    The fault finders of the Bible, who are servants of satan (formerly known as Lucifer), will ignore the Holy Bible’s grandeur and nitpick at its non-existent inconsistencies. His servants (serpents) have devised cunningly devised fables, aka worldly wisdom. Their lord satan encourages this foolishness, and Lucifer will laugh his woe-be-gotten ass off when they arrive under the authority of his failureness in Hell. What does that look like? We don’t want to know.

    Never forget that satan hates you and me. Why? As brilliant as he was at one time, he could only be a servant of the Living God, of Jesus and of sanctified humans. We are sanctified not by our works lest any should boast but by our faith that God raised Jesus from the dead and by confessing that Jesus is the Son of God… and then by bringing forth the fruit of repentance. You and I have a limited opportunity to be the adopted sons and daughters of the Living God, Jesus. Read your Bible, the T.O.S. (Terms of Salvation), as they say. This is a limited time offer.

    Faith and fear cannot reside in the same heart. What’s in your heart? Truth In the Age of Lies. A Portrait of Jesus is found in every book of the Bible. Amen? The Rabbit Trails that lead us to Jesus. God saw everything He had made, and behold, it was very good. Hear, O Heavens, and give ear, O Earth: for the Lord has spoken. I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against Me (Isaiah 1:2).

    Chapter 1

    In The Beginning

    "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me" (Isaiah 1:2)

    In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth. The Word was God, and the Word was with God. All things were made by Him. Through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, and the things that are seen are made of forces that are invisible.

    Light and darkness were created on the first day, and the evening and the morning were the first day. On the second day, water and the firmament were created, and the firmament was called Heaven, and it divided the waters. The second day ended.

    On day two, we see a progressive description of how the Earth came to be. So far, God has created Time, (In the beginning) light and dark, and now He has formed the forces, gravity, momentum, centrifugal force and the various atoms that are required so that the energy of the Universe can be harnessed to provide for the sun’s and planets and human bodies.

    Our body suits or tabernacles are required so that we human spirits can flourish in the temporary realm of the Universe, which we call matter. Note that matter is condensed and organized energy. Water or liquid is the most condensed of the three forms of matter. Liquid can’t be compressed.

    On the third day, the waters under Heaven were gathered, and dry land appeared. Note that God differentiates between the firmament and dry land. They are not the same. Plants and grasses are also introduced, as well as the DNA that allows plants to reproduce after their own kind. The design of DNA is miraculous, and not, as the atheist evolutionistas preach from their religious pulpits of academia, a mistake of mindless nature. DNA is the software that has been designed to interact with the hardware clay so that plant, animal, and human life can flourish.

    The third day is the only day that God describes as good twice. That’s why it’s called Tuesday because God blessed it twice. The stage is being set. Which came first, the software of DNA or the pre-designed hardware of clay? Irrelevant.

    On the fourth day, lights appear in the firmament of Heaven for signs and seasons and days and years. These lights are set in the firmament of Heaven to give light upon the Earth and gravitational forces so the Earth can be stabilized, regular and reliable so that it can flourish for millions of years.

    On the fifth day, God said, Let the seas abundantly bring forth life, like whales and birds, and these will reproduce fruitfully after their kind.

    On the sixth day, the land-dwelling creatures are created, each after its own kind. The design of DNA, upon investigation, is highly complex and specifically engineered invisible software designed to interact with the hardware of the Earth (clay) to allow creatures of all sorts to reproduce abundantly in the physical realm.

    An example, if you are a gardener hobbyist, you may have noticed and wondered about this: out of the simple dirt, or soil, if you prefer, countless numbers and varieties of plant life can flourish. Where does the Wisdom come from that allows this wide variety of flora to reproduce from the same ground? Just because this is common place, this doesn’t mean that it is not miraculous.

    When Darwin formed his theory of evolution, he had no idea of the complexity and predesigned flexibility of genetic material. The fact that original dog DNA can be bred into every dog breed, from a Great Dane to a toy poodle, proves that humans never evolved from mud by accident. The Wisdom of God is required in the equation. Also, you can’t breed dog DNA into a cat or a monkey.

    It does prove that God fixed things so that they work. And so that they can be manipulated in creative ways by creative humans. Fred Hoyle was correct when he stated that it appears that, A super-intellect has monkeyed with physics.

    You don’t have to let the facts affect your belief system. Your right to be wrong doesn’t make you right.

    And God (Elohim, the Hebrew plural of God) said, Let us make humans in Our image and likeness. He made humans male and female. We also know that the Lord says, Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God.

    Every element that exists in the physical realm naturally has one of three forms: liquid, gas and solid. These elements are all chemically the same in atomic makeup, but they take different forms and perform different uses. A simple example of this is water H2O. Although it is a molecule, not an element, it illustrates how the state of a molecule controls its usefulness. Steam, liquid water, and ice have the same chemical makeup but perform vastly different functions.

    Similarly, our Creator, who operates as One God in three forms, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all equally God, is a triune single God. You could say that doesn’t make sense to you, but that doesn’t make it less true. This is inspired and prophetic knowledge.

    Twelve-dimensional logic is not sensible in the temporary four-dimensional universe where we currently reside.

    God created humans in His image and likeness, male and female. He blessed us and said, Be fruitful and multiply. God gave humans dominion over all the creatures that were created and the plants of the Earth for them to eat.

    And God saw everything He had made, and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Each of the six days of creation has a beginning and an ending. On the seventh, the Lord rests from His creation of the Universe.

    God was not tired, needing a rest. He rested from the creation event because it was complete. God also doesn’t designate an end to the seventh day. The simplest explanation for this is that the seventh day hasn’t ended.

    It is written, For a thousand years in the eyes of the Lord is as one day (Moses and Peter). This is not a one-to-one ratio. The prophetic year is 360 days, or as Daniel defines it, a time, which means that one day is 360,000 days in the eyes of the Lord. The seventh day hasn’t ended yet, so you and I are living in a seventh day.

    The seventh day is scheduled to end soon after that eternity begins. Where do you plan on spending your eternity? That is what this story, His story is about.

    Isaiah 2: And the loftiness of humanity shall be bowed down, and his haughtiness shall be made low. Our haughtiness (hotty-nesses) shall be made low.

    The serpent was more subtle than any beast the Lord had made. Jesus said, I saw Satan fall as a star from Heaven. How you have fallen from Heaven, Lucifer, morning star, bringer of light?

    Why was Satan cast from Heaven? Heaven was no longer his home, but he still had access to God on occasion (Isaiah 14:13-14).

    Satan’s five I wills.

    1. I will ascend into Heaven.

    2. I will exalt my throne above the stars (angels) of God.

    3. I will sit on the mount of the congregation.

    4. I will ascend above the clouds.

    5. I will be like the Most High. What inspired this rebellion of God’s most brilliant angel?

    God replied, You have been in the garden of Eden, every precious stone was your covering, you were the anointed cherub (mighty angel) on the holy mountain of God. Lucifer, you were perfect in all your ways until iniquity was found in you. Your heart was lifted up (prideful) because of your beauty (Ezekiel 28:13).

    Unto which of the angels did the Lord say, you are my son, I am your Father. The angels He made as spirits, and ministers (servants) of God and servants of God’s image and likeness, men, and women (Hebrews 1).

    By contrast, Jesus was the first of many brethren (and sisters, too) for male and female, He made them in the image and likeness of God. Did you know that we (righteous humanity) shall judge angels?

    You may be honest with yourself and say, I am not righteous enough for that. True, our righteousness is as dirty rags, but His righteousness is ours if we accept the unearnable gift of salvation by believing in the shed blood of Jesus. If we, Confess the Lord Jesus with our mouths and believe in our hearts God raised Him from the dead, we shall be saved. This is an act of faith, for without faith, we cannot please Him.

    The potential divinity of humans, and the kinship we can have with Jesus was more than the serpent could bear, and so he, the serpent, Satan, the dragon of old, rebelled, taking the 1/3 of the angels that were under his authority down with him.

    Satan hates humanity as he felt he was the proper firstborn and heir. Satan wants to be served and worshipped as God. This is not his God assigned task. Satan wouldn’t submit to the authority of the Lord God Jesus. Will you?

    Chapter 2

    The Fall Like Peas and Carrots

    And the loftiness of humanity shall be bowed down, and his haughtiness shall be made low (Isaiah 2).

    Jesus is the firstborn of many

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