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Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era: Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era, #3
Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era: Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era, #3
Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era: Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era, #3
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Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era: Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era, #3

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In the original dark forest, Wu Yu wakes up; he has traveled through time. Surrounding him are a group of naked, scar-covered savages.

They wear only animal skins on their upper bodies, making Wu Yu wonder if he has entered the set of a prehistoric movie. However, soon Wu Yu realizes that he has not only traveled to the primitive era but also integrated the memories of a young boy named Yu into his mind—he has become the holder of the tribe's mystical power, a disciple of the Wizard.

The tribe faces a sneak attack, and amidst the blood and gore, they must continue to survive. Wu Yu, faced with this sudden change, how will he lead his people to break through the encirclement, from weakness to strength, becoming an unshakable presence in the tribe?

The cruelty and beauty of the primitive world, the coexistence of mystery and the unknown, and Wu Yu, holding the power to rewrite it all.






After Wu Yu and the others returned to their territory, the two groups naturally stopped arguing. This was because they had turned their attention to Wu Yu, directing the brunt of their complaints at him.

 They did so because they felt that Wu Yu, the Shaman of the Flame Dragon Clan, was easy to talk to and seemed to treat them well. He had never threatened to kill or harm them.

 This was somewhat akin to the saying, "Give someone a little sunshine and they'll blossom." Or, "Treat someone well and they'll take advantage of you." To put it more seriously, they were taking liberties.

PublisherZhou Yan
Release dateMay 26, 2024
Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era: Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era, #3

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    Becoming a Wizard in the Primordial Era - Yu Shu Shu

    Chapter 144: Primitive Myth

    Wu Yu quickly returned to the stone cave and saw Little King Kong staring at the spider egg sac that was placed in the corner of the cave with a look of terror on its face, not moving an inch.

    Following Little King Kong’s gaze, Wu Yu saw that the egg sac was shaking non-stop, as if something inside was struggling to tear it open.

    Seeing the egg sac shaking from time to time, Wu Yu knew that the spider inside must have hatched. He guessed that the young spider inside was trying to tear open the egg sac to get out.

    He did not know anything about how spiders were born.

    Little King Kong was terrified because it felt that the egg sac was shaking for no reason, which scared it a little.

    After learning this, Wu Yu comforted it, telling it not to be afraid, as this was the beginning of a life.

    He was also curious about what this newborn spider would look like, so he sat on the stone stool and watched the egg sac with Little King Kong, their eyes filled with anticipation.

    Unbeknownst to them, the egg sac stopped shaking after a while.

    They watched until their eyes hurt, and by evening, when they were hungry, they still had not seen the young spider tear open the egg sac and come out.

    Little King Kong kept yawning. Seeing this, Wu Yu hurriedly took it to Fu Niang to suckle.

    After Little King Kong had finished suckling, they returned to the stone cave and looked at the egg sac. Not long after, Little King Kong fell asleep.

    Of course, the egg sac remained the same, and it did not even shake anymore.

    Wu Yu therefore concluded that the young spider would not be coming out anytime soon.

    What he did not know was that when young spiders were born, they would not come out immediately. They would remain inside for several days, shedding their skin twice, before emerging from the egg sac.

    Just as he had replenished his energy, Xue hopped into the stone cave and said to him, Witch, I seem to feel like an Energy Palace has formed in my mind.

    When Wu Yu heard Xue say this, his jaw almost dropped in shock. Could it be that because Xue’s head is small, the Energy Palace formed quickly?

    Then, he shook his head and laughed at himself in self-deprecation. That thought was simply too ridiculous. He asked Xue a few questions about the problems that could arise when an Energy Palace formed. After receiving her exact answers, he concluded that Xue had indeed formed an Energy Palace.

    Thus, he encouraged her, Xue, continue your cultivation. Besides your father, do not let anyone else know. Otherwise, some might become jealous, posing a threat to your life.

    Xue nodded her head as if she understood but also didn’t, saying, Wu, when will you teach me more characters? I have learned all the characters you taught us.

    After saying this, she tilted her head in thought and then added, Wu, what’s the use of knowing these characters? Is it just for writing one’s name or for registering a household?

    Hearing Xue’s words, Wu Yu realized that she was beginning to thirst for knowledge. It seemed that the literacy lessons needed to be improved. Otherwise, just recognizing characters was no longer attractive to them.

    Thinking so, he said, Recognizing characters has many uses. For example, you can record what you say, describe your thoughts in writing. The deeds of people, rivers and mountains, the appearances of ferocious beasts, and more, can all be recorded with characters. Tell me, isn’t the use of writing extensive?

    After hearing this, Xue thought for a moment, blinked her big eyes, and nodded.

    Then, she said goodnight to Wu Yu and went back as if she had realized something.

    After Xue left, Wu Yu also lay on the beast skin, deeply contemplating some issues.

    After a while, he sat up cross-legged and entered a state of cultivation, practicing his Witch Power.

    Now that Xue had cultivated an Energy Palace, he, as her master, needed to work hard too.

    The night passed without incident.

    Early in the morning, Xuan came to his stone cave, asking how to use the Fragrant Earthworm.

    After thinking for a moment, Wu Yu decided to go with them and guide how to utilize the Fragrant Earthworm’s burrowing ability.

    Aside from the home being guarded by Yan and some Totem Warriors who were helping to build wooden houses, the rest of the Totem Warriors were divided into two groups: one headed to Shang Mountain to chop down Jade Phyllostachys Bamboo; the other went to lay down pipes.

    Huang accompanied Wu Yu, feeling it safer to be with the Wu.

    When they reached where the Fragrant Earthworm was confined, Wu Yu lifted the restrictions, and they all sat on its back, heading towards where they had left off the previous day.

    The ground speed of the Fragrant Earthworm was not slow, at least faster than Wu Yu’s speed, and not much different from that of the Red-Patterned Warriors.

    When they arrived, Wu Yu had it drill straight ahead along the direction of the pipe-laying, bypassing obstacles such as rocks and trees. Wu Yu and the others followed behind.

    To their surprise, the Fragrant Earthworm completely tunneled through the distance of nearly fifty kilometers in one morning. It even went straight through some small hills.

    Moreover, its burrowing speed in the ground seemed to be much faster than on the surface, just like a fish in water.

    Huang looked at the tunnel that the Fragrant Earthworm had dug, which was basically a straight line, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. He said that at this rate, as long as the speed of chopping Jade Phyllostachys Bamboo could keep up, they could probably finish laying the pipes in one day.

    At the foot of the mountain, Wu Yu had the Fragrant Earthworm dig a huge pool at the end point to store water.

    After it was dug, he had Huang and the others tamp down the soil to store more water.

    After doing all this, he confined the Fragrant Earthworm not far from the pool. In this way, the Fragrant Earthworm could use the water that seeped from the pool, which was a perfect solution.

    Then, he returned to the territory with Huang.

    When they reached the territory, Wu Yu first went to the charcoal burning site to take a look. Seeing that most of the firewood inside had burned, he taught the tribe member tending the fire how to seal the fire.

    Then, he went to the construction site, found some leftover wooden planks, and after planing them until they were very smooth and flat, he sawed them into squares and took them back to the cave.

    He wanted to use these smooth and flat planks to engrave characters, which he would use to teach Xue and the others to recognize characters.

    Of course, he was not simply carving characters on them, but rather carving complete mythological stories.

    He wanted these stories to inspire their wisdom and stimulate their thinking.

    As for what kind of stories to carve, he had already thought about it. He felt that the story of Journey to the West was the most suitable to carve for them, because the monsters and demons mentioned in it could be linked to the ferocious beasts of this world.

    He actually wanted to carve Classic of Mountains and Seas, but he was not familiar with the book and only knew a little bit about it.

    As for the story of Journey to the West, anyone who knew Chinese could tell something about it.

    Of course, the story he carved was not a complete copy, but rather incorporated elements of this world, replacing the Jade Emperor and Tathagata with Wu-like figures. Naturally, the monsters and demons all became real ferocious beasts.

    He named these stories Primitive Myth.

    Chapter 145 To Get Rich, Build Roads First

    After engraving a wooden plank, Wu Yu felt that this work was really not meant for humans.

    Engraving large characters was fine and easy, but engraving small square characters was a bit difficult. To engrave a random story, at least a hundred characters were needed.

    Alas, if only there were pens and paper, he sighed, lying on the beast skin and rubbing his aching arm from engraving.

    Unintentionally, he saw the remaining iron ore at the stone wall.

    The glowing red color immediately caught his eye, I’ve been smart all my life, but I’ve been foolish for a moment. If there’s no paper, I can use a brush to write on wooden planks or beast skins. Didn’t the ancients initially write on bamboo slips? I’ve also practiced calligraphy with a brush for a few days in the army.


    Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He got up and walked to the iron ore. He used a Fang Knife to collect the red particles on it. This thing could be used as a pigment after being crushed into powder.

    After collecting enough, he went to the charcoal burning site and scraped enough soot, asked Huang for some Vicious Beast Blood, scraped some tree sap from a tree, and mixed these four things together, stirring them evenly.

    After stirring, he felt that it was a bit thick, so he added some water. After feeling that the consistency was right, he dipped a wooden stick into it and casually wrote a few words on the stone wall.

    After it dried, he wiped it with his hand. It was not easy to remove.

    He poured water on it again and saw that it was not easy to soak, so he smiled with satisfaction.

    He had the pigment for writing.

    Now, he just needed to make a brush, and he could use it to write.

    He had some usable fur on the beast skin he slept on. He used a knife to cut some hard and soft fur.

    After selecting the straight and unbranched fur, he glued the roots together with tree sap and trimmed the tips with a Fang Knife, making a simple pen tip.

    Then, he found a smaller beast bone and ground the penholder himself.

    After grinding it, he installed the pen tip.

    Thus, a simple brush was made.

    He couldn’t wait to try it out.

    Well, it was surprisingly easy to write with, giving it a sharp tip, neat strokes, round body, and strong fur feel.

    Wu Yu thought about it. He guessed that this feeling was probably related to the fact that the fur had been nitrated.

    This pigment was dark black when written on wooden planks, and it looked quite good.

    In fact, Wu Yu knew that ink was made from carbon black, lampblack, and some adhesives. He felt that he could use these things as a substitute first and make them later when he had time.

    He didn’t expect that the result would be so ideal.

    So, he sat on the stone bench and wrote all the wooden planks he had made on the stone table in one go before stopping.

    Although his mythological stories were mainly based on Journey to the West, he also combined some of his own ideas and added some content about Nuwa, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, etc. from his time.

    Since he wanted Xue and the others to learn some knowledge from the mythological stories, he also added some popular science content.

    For example, creating fire by drilling wood and Shen Nong tasting hundreds of herbs. In his writings, all these figures were depicted as possessing the identity of a Wu (shaman).

    Of course, considering that Xue and the others knew only a few characters, the stories he wrote used the simplest possible words. Just occasionally, a few new words were mixed in, allowing them to not only learn something new but also recognize some unfamiliar characters.

    He didn’t use ancient texts like Three Character Classic or Thousand Character Classic for enlightenment education.

    One reason was that he could only remember the beginnings of these two books - At the beginning of humanity, nature was inherently good and The universe is vast and yellow - but beyond that, he was completely in the dark.

    Another reason was that he felt the content of those texts didn’t fit well with this era. This was the main issue.

    So, taking these wooden planks, he excitedly went to find Xue.

    It seemed he never tired of doing such things.

    Perhaps he wanted more people in this world to be able to speak and write in Chinese, to have more in common linguistically.

    Or maybe, he wanted to spread his knowledge this way, to accelerate the pace of civilization’s progress.

    Xue, upon receiving the wooden planks inscribed with mythological stories, was so enchanted that she could not put them down. Her little face flushed with excitement, and she repeatedly thanked Wu Yu.

    He also gave the brush he had made to Xue, letting her practice the characters written on them before he left, and just then, he happened to run into Leng, who had been looking for him.

    Seeing Leng’s anxious face, Wu Yu asked, What’s the matter? Is it about the silkworms? It was natural for Leng to come to him regarding the silkworms.

    Leng nodded and replied, Yes. Then he said, The silkworms we brought back from Sang Mountain were fine until two days ago. Those little silkworms were eating and sleeping, and everything was fine this morning. But now, they’re all dead.

    Wu Yu thought for a moment and then asked, How did you care for them?

    The first few days, I didn’t tend to them. To make them grow faster, I sprinkled the mulberry leaves with some water this morning. I thought that just as people need to drink water and fierce beasts need to drink water, silkworms should also drink water. But when I went to look in the afternoon, they were all dead.

    Wu Yu had never raised silkworms either, so he was just feeling his way when he asked Leng to try.

    He pondered for a moment and said, For the first few days, you didn’t tend to them, and they were doing fine, but they died after you sprinkled them with water. I think the problem must lie in the water. Tell Ye to go with you to Sang Mountain again tomorrow morning and get some more, but don’t get any water on them this time, and don’t even get any on the mulberry leaves. We’ll see if they still die.

    Leng nodded and was just about to leave when Wu Yu said, Oh, right, make some boxes out of wooden planks, and then keep the silkworms in the boxes when you’re raising them. And pay attention to the temperature; it shouldn’t be too hot.

    As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xuan and the others returning from laying the water pipes, so he walked over and asked, How’s the pipe-laying going? Is the water flowing smoothly?

    Xuan nodded excitedly and said, It’s all good, Wu. With these Fragrant Earthworms, it’s easy to lay the pipes. If we can cut down the Jade Phyllostachys Bamboo quickly, we’ll probably be able to finish laying the pipes tomorrow.

    Just as Wu Yu was about to say something, Xuan spoke again, Wu, I think we should use the Fragrant Earthworms to make a straight road to Shang Mountain. That way, it will be much faster for us to get there. Then the Patternless Warriors can go with us to cut down the Jade Phyllostachys Bamboo.

    Wu Yu nodded in agreement, giving him a look of approval. In modern civilization, there’s the saying that to get rich, build roads first. He didn’t expect that in a primitive society where civilization hadn’t even begun to take root, someone would come up with this idea. It seemed this fellow’s brain was quite clever.

    Even if Xuan hadn’t suggested it, he would have had him do it anyway.

    He was going to build roads not only to Shang Mountain but also to the iron ore mountain, to Gong Mountain, to Sang Mountain, Horn Mountain, and Snow River, and even further. He was going to create a comprehensive transportation network.

    With that in mind, he said, Once you get the water down to the foot of the mountain, start taking the Fragrant Earthworms and get this done.

    So, Wu Yu told him all about the roads he wanted to build.

    Xuan wiped the sweat from his forehead, puffed out his chest, straightened his neck, and stood up straight, giving a standard salute and replying, Yes, sir!

    Wait, I have something else to tell you.

    After speaking, Wu Yu looked around and pulled him to a secluded spot.

    Chapter 146: Vitality, Lang Heng

    Wu Yu pulled Xuan to a secluded spot, leaving him bewildered and perplexed.

    In fact, the only reason he had pulled Xuan to a secluded spot was to tell him that Xue had already cultivated an Energy Palace, and to ask him to keep an eye on her safety at all times. That was all.

    Xuan had thought that he was going to tell him something special, so he breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he was pleasantly surprised.

    As a father, he was happier than anyone that Xue, his daughter, had achieved what she had today.

    With a look of joy on his face, he promised Wu Yu that he would absolutely guarantee Xue’s safety, and then suddenly thought of a question. Wu, he asked, how wide should these roads be?

    Wu Yu thought for a moment. In modern civilization, all roads were at least four lanes wide in both directions, so he should build an eight-lane road in both directions. Without thinking, he replied, At least fifty paces wide, which is about sixty or seventy meters. Then we can use it to transport iron ore, game, and timber, haha...

    Xuan nodded. He didn’t have any concept of roads, so whatever width Wu said was fine with him. There must be a reason for him to say so. Anyway, he didn’t understand Wu’s world.

    Suddenly, Wu Yu grabbed Xuan by the shoulder, scaring him so badly that he jumped and looked at him.

    Wu Yu didn’t notice Xuan’s expression at all but instead said excitedly, Last time you said that Fu Niang took you to a place that was full of things that bubbled and were black, and that it smelled bad and made your head dizzy, right?

    Xuan was secretly relieved to hear Wu Yu talk about this and nodded fiercely. Yes, Wu, I remember that place.

    Wu, hurry up and save his life!

    Just as Wu Yu was about to speak, someone shouted at him from afar.

    Even though the voice was shouting in a hurry, it was very pleasant to hear.

    It was Yu.

    She came running over, panting.

    When Wu Yu saw this, he hurriedly greeted her and said, Don’t worry, take your time and tell me. Who needs saving? What happened?

    Xuan also came over to greet her.

    Yu grabbed Wu Yu’s hand and said anxiously, There’s no time, let’s talk as we walk.

    Wu Yu felt very unnatural with Yu’s soft, boneless hand in his, and he wanted to break free, but he couldn’t, because Yu was holding on very tightly.

    Wu Yu had been in the army for so many years that he was not used to being led around by someone, especially a woman.

    In his previous life, when he went shopping with Yu Rou, they always kept a certain distance from each other.

    After Yu grabbed his hand, she started running ahead, anxiously saying, Wu, our wolf, oh, no, Lang Yunduo is having a baby, and she still hasn’t given birth. She’s lost a lot of blood. You have to save her.

    When Wu Yu heard this, he wanted to say that he didn’t know how to deliver a baby, but when he saw Yu’s anxious look, he swallowed his words.

    It was better to go to the scene first and make a decision after seeing the situation.

    Before they arrived, they heard a woman’s painful cries coming from a cave.

    When they entered the cave, in the dim light of the torches, he saw a woman lying on a piece of beast skin with her legs spread wide.

    She was struggling desperately. The beast skin and her body were covered in blood.

    The women who were watching from the side hurriedly stood aside when they saw Wu Yu arrive, giving him enough space.

    When he saw the condition of the woman named Yunduo, he suddenly thought of the Giant Ape’s condition at that time, which was exactly the same.

    Yunduo was definitely having a difficult labor.

    He quickly walked over and first glanced at Yunduo’s cervix. It felt small, as if it hadn’t fully opened yet.

    There was a little hand in her cervix.

    When he saw this, he understood that she must be in a breech position, with her hand coming out first, which was causing the difficult labor.

    Of course, Wu Yu was not an obstetrician, but as a modern person, he still understood this common sense.

    So, he grabbed Yunduo’s hand, placed it on her pulse, and used his special ability to carefully diagnose the situation in Yunduo’s uterus.

    After a while, his face turned ugly.

    Because he saw that the fetus inside was relatively large, even if it was a normal birth, with the head coming out first, it was estimated that it would not be able to be born smoothly.

    Fortunately, the fetus inside was very tenacious and was still alive. And this little guy was a boy.

    The first thing he thought of was to perform a cesarean section, just like he had done with Little King Kong.

    But then he rejected the idea.

    Yunduo was not a Giant Ape.

    The reason he had been so bold as to perform a cesarean section on the Giant Ape was because it was about to die anyway.

    Of course, Yunduo could do that too. But after her belly was cut open, it was estimated that only the baby would survive, and Yunduo would definitely not. He was powerless even against the massive bleeding.

    At this moment, Wu Yu felt his own incompetence, and at the same time, he was in awe of the women of this era. They had to bear the responsibility of continuing life under such harsh conditions. He really couldn’t find any words to praise them.

    If I can’t cut her belly, can I cut her cervix? Use a knife to widen the cervix, and after the baby is born successfully, sew it up? This way, the risk is much less than cutting her belly. Wu Yu thought to himself.

    But there was no time for him to think any more. He immediately asked Xuan to quickly start a fire.

    At the same time, he sent Yu to call Leng over and asked him to bring a small bone needle and scissors.

    He also asked someone to fetch some water.

    Xuan quickly started a fire.

    The water was also fetched.

    He had originally wanted to boil some water, but when he saw the stone basin, he gave up the idea.

    By the time the water boiled, it would be too late.

    He took out his Fang Knife, cut a wooden stick, and asked Xuan to put it in Yunduo’s mouth to bite on.

    Xuan understood what this was for. He put the wooden stick in Yunduo’s mouth to prevent her from biting her own tongue in pain.

    After passing the blade of the knife through the outer flame of the fire a few times, he asked Xuan and the others to hold down Yunduo’s limbs.

    He walked into the middle and knelt down in the pool of blood.

    At this moment, he hesitated as he held the knife in front of the cervix.


    Hearing Yunduo’s painful groans, he gritted his teeth and shaved off the hair around the cervix without hesitation. He then began to cut it open from top to bottom until he felt that the baby could be born smoothly.

    Then, he grabbed Yunduo’s wrist, placed it on her pulse, and said to Yu, Come here, put your hand into the cervix, put the baby’s hand in first, feel for its head, and let its head come out of the cervix first.

    Yu was stunned when she heard Wu Yu’s words and pointed at herself.

    Wu Yu nodded and raised his voice. Quick, if you’re any slower, the baby will suffocate inside. Indeed, he could feel the little guy’s chest heaving violently.

    Yu glanced at Wu Yu and then at Yunduo, who was struggling incessantly. Biting her lip, she was about to reach out, but Wu Yu stopped her and asked her to wash her hands first.

    Yu quickly washed her hands and decisively put her hand into Yunduo’s cervix, adjusting the baby’s hand inside.

    Wu Yu didn’t do it himself because firstly, he couldn’t bring himself to do it, and secondly, he needed to use his Soul Power for diagnosis.

    Having Yu do it was more for his ease of direction.

    After Yu adjusted the baby’s hand, Wu Yu started directing her, asking her to move her hand to the left, as it was the baby’s right hand that came out first.

    When Yu felt the baby’s head, Wu Yu instructed her to grasp it firmly and pull outwards.

    Yu bit her lip and decisively pulled the baby towards the cervix.

    Seeing the baby’s head, Wu Yu inwardly breathed a sigh of relief and told Yunduo to push hard, telling her that her child was about to be born.

    Upon hearing Wu Yu’s words, Yunduo exerted all her strength.


    Under her full force, the wooden stick she was biting on actually broke.


    At that moment, a loud cry of an infant resonated, echoing throughout the cave.

    Leng walked in at this time.

    Hearing this cry, Yunduo’s head tilted, and she fainted.

    Wu Yu didn’t attend to her but instead asked Yu to quickly pull the baby out.

    After that, everything went smoothly.

    After cutting the umbilical cord, Wu Yu had Yu clean the baby with beast fur and water to wipe off the blood, and then placed the baby on Yunduo’s body to let it find the breast to nurse. This was something he had seen in movies and TV shows.

    After placing the baby down, Yu also breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground, wiping the sweat from her forehead with her arm.

    However, Wu Yu called her to stitch up Yunduo.

    He asked Yu to do the stitching because he wanted to train her as a doctor. He didn’t want to be called for every childbirth, which would be embarrassing for him as a single man.

    The thread used for the stitching was, of course, the long hair from Yu’s head.

    Yu was indeed clever and seemed to have a natural talent for medicine. Under Wu Yu’s guidance and with the help of several other women, she quickly stitched up Yunduo’s cervix.

    After stitching her up, Wu Yu asked Xuan to get some Notoginseng powder for Yu, which she then sprinkled on the wound and gave some to Yunduo to swallow.

    Then, he took Yunduo’s hand and examined her. His tense face immediately broke into a smile after the examination.

    The examination results showed that Yunduo’s vital signs were very stable, and there should be no problems.

    After washing his hands with water, he instructed Yu on what to look out for and when to remove the stitches in a few days.

    After giving his instructions, he prepared to leave.

    Just as he stood up, everyone present knelt down and shouted Wu towards him. Xuan, Leng, and Yu were no exception.

    It was evident that they were sincere and heartfelt.

    In this era, childbirth for women was a dangerous matter.

    The reason why the population of the tribe had not been increasing was largely due to the problem of dystocia. Many women and children had died from dystocia, and even the Wu had no solution.

    Wu Yu was able to help a woman who had dystocia give birth successfully, with both the mother and child safe, which not only shocked them but also made them regard him as a god.

    At this time, Yunduo also slowly regained consciousness. Upon seeing her child lying on her chest, she could not help but raise her weak hands to embrace it. With tears in her eyes, she said to Wu Yu in a faint voice, Wu, can you give the child a name?

    Wu, please give the child a name. Everyone shouted in unison.

    Wu Yu said to them, Get up first. Let me think about it.

    Everyone stood up and looked at him without moving, waiting for him to choose a name.

    After thinking for a while, he said, I think I’ll call him Lang Heng. No matter what you do, you must persevere and not give up halfway.

    Yunduo repeated the name softly, Lang Heng, Lang Heng...

    Lang Heng... The others also followed suit.

    While everyone was reciting the new name, Wu Yu quietly slipped out.

    Of course, Xuan and Leng followed him out as well.

    Chapter 147: Snow Salt

    Wu Yu walked out of the cave and looked up at the two moons and the sky full of stars.

    His excitement about building the road had vanished after helping Yunduo give birth.

    His mood had also become very heavy.

    He did not feel the slightest bit of joy because he had saved the lives of Yunduo and her child.

    Survival in this world was too difficult. Without the Wu and the Totem Warriors, it would be extremely difficult for ordinary people to take a single step.

    It was even more difficult for women. In his impression, most women gave birth on their own, and they even bit off the umbilical cord themselves. It was no different from how animals give birth.

    In this world, there was no such thing as prenatal care or confinement after childbirth. After giving birth, some women would start working while still bleeding.

    Fortunately, there would be organisms that would emerge in response to the environment. Humans were the same. Although the environment was harsh, humans generally had good physical fitness. Illnesses such as colds and fevers were rare.

    Take Yunduo’s case, for example. If this had happened in modern civilization, she would have probably died long ago.

    The existence of something must be reasonable. That was the only explanation he could give.

    He continued to walk, pondering over various issues as he did so.

    Xuan and Leng followed closely behind him.

    Suddenly, he stopped and said to Leng, When you have time, help me grind a set of surgical knives. Use the teeth of the Mad Python. I’ll draw the shapes and specifications for you later. You can go and do your work first.

    Leng left after receiving his instructions.

    Xuan looked at Wu Yu, waiting for his instructions.

    Wu Yu glanced at him and said, When you have time to build the road, build the road from Feather Mountain to the pool at the foot of the mountain first, and then build the road to Iron Ore Mountain. Take me to that place when the time comes. I want to confirm if that thing is what I think it is. You can go too. I want to be alone and think quietly.

    Oh... Then I’ll go first. Xuan replied in an understanding tone and walked towards his own cave excitedly. He was eager to see his daughter and son.

    On Feather Mountain at night, only the faint light of the fire from each cave could be seen. The sound of beasts roaring in the distance made Feather Mountain seem even more tranquil.

    Over the course of a day, another wooden house had been erected near a rock wall. All that remained was to nail wooden boards on it to keep out the wind and rain.

    If wooden houses were built close to the rock wall, there would be more than enough space to accommodate so many people, as the area was about two kilometers in radius.

    However, considering the long term, this place still could not compare to Sang Mountain. Not only was there water and mulberry trees there, but there was also a lot of land that could be used for reproduction.

    If they wanted to stop relying on hunting for food, they could only reproduce and engage in cyclical production. Only then could they completely change their situation of relying on the heavens for food.

    It seems that I have to find some pigs to raise as soon as possible. That way, we’ll have something to eat when the cold season arrives.

    Thinking about this, he could not help but sigh out loud.

    Wu, what exactly are pigs?

    Suddenly, a voice sounded out from behind him.

    He could naturally tell that it was Huang’s voice.

    Pigs are xi. Xi are called xi in the mountains and forests, but if we raise them ourselves, they are called pigs. If we raise a lot of them, we won’t have to worry about not having meat to eat. Wu Yu answered Huang’s question that he had always wanted to know.

    So xi are pigs. That’s no problem. After these few days, I’ll send someone to Shang Mountain to get some xi, no, to get some pigs to raise. Huang replied.

    Then, he said again, Wu, we’re almost out of salt. We have to go and trade for some. I want to send Xuan and Ye to go immediately.

    Oh, is the trading place far away? Wu Yu asked.

    It’s a bit far. Xuan and Ye are Orange-Patterned Warriors. If they leave soon, they should be able to return the day after tomorrow afternoon. However, if they ride the Golden Winged Eagle, they should be able to return tomorrow afternoon.

    It’s that far. Salt, a hundred monkeys licking the ground. Wait, we don’t have to go and trade for salt. I remember now. You said that there’s a Monkey Mountain not far from us, right?

    Huang nodded. It seemed that he had suddenly remembered something too. He said excitedly, Wu, I remember now. There’s a mural in the cave in the Misty Abyss that depicts many monkeys licking the ground. I said that this place was our Monkey Mountain, and you said that we could refine salt ourselves. I remember correctly, right? Wu.

    Yes, Wu Yu nodded. You prepare some stone hammers. We’ll go to Monkey Mountain tomorrow and see for ourselves before we decide.

    Just as Huang was about to leave, Wu Yu called out to him and said to him, Tell the Totem Warriors to intensify their cultivation. We need to produce a few more Orange-Patterned Warriors as soon as possible, otherwise we’ll be very passive when the rainy season arrives.

    Huang nodded and then left.

    Wu Yu returned to his cave, sat down cross-legged, and soon entered the state of cultivation.

    Next day.

    As soon as dawn broke, before the sun had even risen, Huang brought Ye and Jiangu out to Wu Yu’s cave.

    As soon as they arrived at the cave, Wu Yu walked out from inside. After cultivating his Soul Power, as long as someone approached his cave, he would be able to sense it instantly and could tell who it was from their footsteps.

    When he came out, Little King Kong followed him out and climbed onto his shoulder.

    So, they walked to Monkey Mountain. It was only five kilometers away, so there was no need to ride. Xuan and the others needed to use the Golden Winged Eagle and the Ironback Eagle to transport Jade Phyllostachys Bamboo. Water was also important. Although salt was a necessary component of the human body, not having salt would not kill a person, but not having water would definitely kill a person.

    They arrived smoothly at Monkey Mountain without encountering any fierce beasts along the way.

    Monkey Mountain had a radius of about five to six kilometers. From afar, it looked lush and verdant.

    Based on the location depicted in the mural, under Huang’s guidance, they quickly found that place.

    There was a place in this place that had not a single bit of vegetation. On it, at this moment, several monkeys were licking it with their mouths.

    These monkeys had completely black fur and were about the same size as a human being. Wu Yu did not know what species they were.

    When they saw Wu Yu and the others walking over, they were not afraid. Instead, they squeaked at them and pointed. When they saw Little King Kong on Wu Yu’s shoulder, they let out terrified squeaks and instantly fled into the mountains.

    Wu Yu was not surprised that these monkeys were afraid of Little King Kong. In the Misty Abyss, all the fierce beasts were afraid of it.

    When Little King Kong saw that the monkeys had all run away, it leaped down from Wu Yu’s shoulder, arrived at the place they had been licking in a few steps, and began licking the ground with its mouth as well.

    Wu Yu did not stop it. Instead, he confirmed from the information it transmitted to him that there were definitely salt components on this ground.

    Jiangu walked over quickly, and like Little King Kong, lay down on the ground and licked the crystal-shaped stones on the ground with his tongue.

    As soon as his tongue touched the stone, he quickly retracted it and smacked his mouth vigorously.

    Then, he shouted excitedly, Wu, this stone is really salt. It’s even tastier than the salt we traded from the Desert Sand Tribe!

    When Huang and Ye heard his voice, they both lay on the ground and licked the exposed stones with their tongues.

    The way they licked it looked exactly the same as Jiangu’s, and they began to smash the crystals with the stone hammers they had brought.

    Wu Yu picked up a white crystal that Huang and the others had just smashed out. He first looked at it before licking it with his tongue. Then, he said to Huang and the others, This is rock salt. It looks very pure. Each of you fill up a bag and take it back first.

    Very soon, Huang and the other three had each filled a bag with rock salt.

    Then, they hurried back to the way.

    On the way, he repeatedly told Huang and the others that the matter of the rock salt was only to be known to the Totem Warriors. They were not to divulge the matter of the rock salt on Monkey Mountain to ordinary tribesmen, lest unnecessary trouble arise.

    Sometimes, the speaker meant nothing by it, but the listener took it to heart. It was better to be careful.

    After returning to the territory, Wu Yu asked them to find several large containers, fill them with water, and let Huang and the others put all the salt they had brought back into them. They stirred constantly until all the rock salt had dissolved in the water before letting them stop.

    Huang and the other three did not ask about what Wu Yu was doing. They just watched silently.

    After it had dissolved, he asked them to find some thatch, spread it in thick layers on several empty containers, and let them pour the dissolved rock salt water on top.

    Finally, Huang could not help but ask, Wu, what are you doing?

    Wu Yu smiled and replied, Rock salt is easily dissolved in water. By doing this, we can filter out the impurities inside. Then, as long as we evaporate the filtered water, we can get the best salt. Just wait and see.

    Huang and the others nodded and stopped talking, focusing on their work.

    After Wu Yu had them filter it several times, he asked them to divide the filtered salt water into several containers and put them out in the sun to dry.

    Of course, this process could also be completed using heat, but he felt that it would be a waste not to take advantage of the scorching sun during the dry season.

    He felt that the salt produced by drying it in the sun would be even better.

    After finishing all this, Wu Yu took Little King Kong to suckle.

    Huang and the other three stared at the containers without moving, hoping that the salt of their dreams would suddenly appear.

    After Wu Yu had fed Little King Kong, he went to check on Yun Duo. Seeing that she was in good condition and that little Lang Heng was sleeping soundly, he was relieved.

    At this time, Little King Kong began to doze off, so Wu Yu carried it back to his cave.

    After putting Little King Kong down, he began to make paintbrushes.

    He made more than ten in a row.

    He then found a piece of wood and drew the shape of a scalpel with the paintbrush. After drawing it, he also felt that his stomach needed to be replenished.

    At this time, Huang rushed in and said to him excitedly, "Wu, the salt is out. It’s so damn white!

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