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Human Companions Guide Dogs: Accompanying each other series, #1
Human Companions Guide Dogs: Accompanying each other series, #1
Human Companions Guide Dogs: Accompanying each other series, #1
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Human Companions Guide Dogs: Accompanying each other series, #1

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About this ebook

A Labrador guide dog.
The author is not a researcher. Most of the articles he writes are to satisfy his own imagination. There are no blind friends around. Many plots can only rely on imagination. Please forgive me.

PublisherLil Mosset
Release dateMay 26, 2024
Human Companions Guide Dogs: Accompanying each other series, #1

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    Book preview

    Human Companions Guide Dogs - Lil Mosset

    Chapter 1

    When Jacobs was hit by an oncoming truck, he was thinking that if there was an afterlife, he would definitely not be a human being because being a human being was too tiring.

    For a person who has money, power and fame firmly in his hands, life is really tiring. He took over the family business at the age of 20. It was obviously a mess, but there were still a group of people watching. When he made the company flourish, some people said that he had taken a huge advantage.

    Jacobs really didn't think he was taking advantage. His life goal at the age of fifteen was to live a carefree life with his stock dividends every year. Unfortunately, his father passed away, the company was in financial trouble, and there were a lot of holes waiting for him to fill. He was only twenty years old and he was working himself to death. What made him most depressed was that those relatives who lived the life of his dreams envied and hated him all day long. Jacobs really wanted to sigh to the sky. He was willing to change, sincerely.

    Unfortunately, those relatives are a group of people who can only make decisions behind the scenes but have no ability. If he really hands the company over to them, the company will go bankrupt before he can receive dividends for two years, and he will still be working hard.

    Fortunately, he was smart and finally got everything on track. He hired a personal management company with a high salary. After handing over everything, he ignored the green faces of his relatives, happily drove his sports car, and thought about where to go for fun tonight. He was only 27 years old.

    Who knew that he really didn't have the life to enjoy a peaceful life, and was hit like this. Traffic accident? He wasn't that stupid. Maybe he saw that there was no hope of snatching it from him, so he took the risk in the end. After all, if he died, some people would take the opportunity to take the position, and who would be in power by then?

    There were only a few people who did it, including the eldest brother, the second sister, the aunt, the uncle, and the uncle who interfered. Jacobs was too lazy to guess who did it. Anyway, they were all dead, so whoever wanted to be the chairman could be the chairman. There were only a few people, and no matter who was in power, they would not be able to suppress the rest. By then, the company would surely fall apart, and the murderer behind the scenes would definitely suffer the consequences of his own actions. He was too lazy to even think about revenge, and these things had nothing to do with him anymore.

    To be honest, Jacobs is definitely not an ambitious person. He likes the fun of Tao Yuanming's rural life, not busying himself like a spinning top. He was only 27 years old, but he was hospitalized several times for gastric bleeding due to drinking. When he washed his face in the morning, he could occasionally see a few silver-white strands in his black hair. Jacobs felt that it was not worth it to spend his life doing such a tiring thing. It was really not worth it.

    So, I don’t want to be a human being in my next life. Even if I’m a trampled weed, at least I can enjoy the sunshine and rain quietly.

    But when he found himself unable to even open his eyes, huddled together with a group of warm and soft little things, sucking milk instinctively but unable to make even the cry of a human baby, Jacobs thought, it is better to be a human!

    Unfortunately, he had no choice. God probably answered his wish. He and his four brothers and sisters squeezed into the mother dog's arms and fought desperately for milk. Jacobs, who was once a human, wanted to show his noble character and not compete with these puppies for food. Unexpectedly, he heard someone say, Why doesn't this little black dog want to drink milk? Can it live long?

    Take care of it and see if it lives long, then we'll dispose of it.

    Deal with it... Jacobs hurriedly pushed left and right, rushed into the mother dog's arms, and grabbed the nipple that belonged to him.

    Dog milk tastes pretty bad, but strangely, even though I’m emotionally repulsed by it, my body exudes a sense of satisfaction and I’m extremely excited.

    So, he is still a puppy whose body and mind are not coordinated, and it is a difficult task for him to survive.

    The above is what Jacobs thought a month ago.

    A month later, Jacobs was lying in the cage, rolling around in the sun. The puppy's underdeveloped body and face made his every movement look adorable, attracting the attention of customers.

    That's right, his current identity is a Labrador puppy for sale in a pet shop, his facial features and body have not fully grown, his limbs and little paws are curled up and his belly is exposed to the sun, he is simply being shameless and cute, and he has completely lost the self-respect of a human being.

    There is no other way. Who says that being cute and adorable in a pet store means it is easier to sell for a good price? He is cute and the people who serve him are dedicated. Didn’t you see that he is treated the best among his five brothers and sisters? The days of having everything provided for him couldn’t be more leisurely. He could sleep until he woke up naturally every day, without having to worry about the company’s performance, employees’ work, and stock market fluctuations. After he turned 20, Jacobs could only dream of such a leisurely life.

    Just accept what has happened. The sunshine is so beautiful. Let’s think about the future in the future.

    Unfortunately, because Jacobs was so cute and sensible, the people in the pet shop were surprised to find that he was smarter than other dogs. He could understand some words at only one month old, and he always looked at people with his big, black, bright eyes. The whole dog was full of spirituality.

    Such a good dog, the price is naturally high...

    So the brothers and sisters were sold one after another within a month. The most outstanding one, Jacobs, was still left behind. He was already two months old, and it would be difficult to adopt him if he was any older. The owner did not want to lower the price, so those who wanted to buy him, no matter how much they liked him, would choose other dogs as a second choice after hearing the price.

    To be honest, the pet shop's business was much better than usual this month with Jacobs being cute. The owner was no fool and he naturally discovered that it was this Labrador puppy that attracted the customers. He didn't want to sell such a money-making dog, so the price went up instead of down.

    The shop assistant asked worriedly, will anyone buy it at such a high price?

    The shop owner said, I don't really want to sell it. This Labrador is so nice and smart. If I raise it as a breeding dog, I might make more money than I do now.

    Jacobs: ...

    Looking at the dog girls in the pet store and the cute girls who came to buy dogs on the street, he really still liked humans. His body and mind could not be reconciled. What if he was used as a breeding dog in the future... For a moment, Jacobs felt that life was hopeless and he lay in the cage without any anger at all.

    The pet dog had a mental illness and was a little anorexic. He became thinner in two days. The owner was a little worried when he recalled that the dog had a poor appetite when it was just born. As a result, he did not dare to ask for too high a price. Fortunately, a father who came with his son to buy a dog bought Jacobs at half the price in the past.

    Jacobs was thrown out of the cage and held in the arms of a 16 or 17-year-old boy. He rubbed against the boy named Broeck with peace of mind, and he didn't have to worry about being forced to go on a blind date with a dog girl for the time being.

    As for the problems of castration in the future... In fact, most people would not have the heart to castrate their pets. He just needs to use his reason to restrain himself from running around in the spring. He doesn't like female dogs anyway.

    The man who bought him is called Leclercq, his son Broeck, and his wife Declercq. They belong to a well-off family. The three of them live a happy life in harmony, and the pet dog in the happy family also lives a happy life.

    It was Broeck's wish to have a dog. Jacobs knew from their conversation that the 15-year-old Broeck had passed the entrance exam to a key high school in the city with excellent grades. Leclercq agreed to Broeck's request to have a dog in order to reward him. Broeck's family was not bad, and he lived in one of the first high-end residential areas in the city. The two-story high-end villa gave them enough space to raise a dog, so Broeck chose a large-sized Labrador. Leclercq didn't say anything and directly bought the dog, which looked a little skinny.

    I was a little worried that the dogs sold at a discount by the pet store would not grow long, but it turned out that this puppy had a very good appetite. It became plump and plump in just two or three days, with shiny black fur all over its body, which made it particularly lovable.

    The whole family loved Jacobs very much, but it was Broeck who took care of him.

    Leclercq is a strict father who knows how to educate his children. He told Broeck that since he wanted to raise a dog, he had to take care of it himself and not complain about being tired or troublesome. This is not just a dog, it is a life. Since Broeck has become his owner, the weight of this life must be borne by Broeck himself.

    Jacobs nodded secretly. Leclercq's ability to educate children is far better than his father's. No wonder Broeck was able to get into a key city university with the highest score in the city. He is not a nerd, but likes sports very much. With Leclercq's words and Broeck's eyes full of youthful vitality and tenderness, Jacobs is sure that his future life will be very happy.

    As expected, Broeck is a regular teenager. Although it is still summer vacation, he does not sleep in every morning. Instead, he gets up at 5:30 and takes Jacobs, who never urinates or defecates anywhere—oh, now Victor. Although Broeck is an excellent teenager, his naming ability is quite average—out for a run. Jacobs is a puppy after all, and it will be very difficult to run with him for a while. Broeck also pays attention to Victor while running. When he finds that he is tired, he holds him in his arms and continues to run while listening to English with headphones.

    What an excellent child! Jacobs curled himself up into a comfortable ball in Broeck's arms. This embrace gave him an unprecedented warmth. He couldn't help dozing off every time he was hugged.

    Well, that’s because puppies can’t help but consume their energy and need sleep.

    Dogs grow faster than humans. In less than a year, they can stretch their long legs and run faster and longer than their little masters.

    Now, let him sleep peacefully for a while.

    Wait a minute... what does the young master mean? Has the mind and body really begun to unify?

    Jacobs, lying in the doghouse, opened his eyes alertly, but slowly closed them again when he glanced at the calendar on the wall.

    In August 2005, Jacobs was only seventeen years old. Not only did he reincarnate into a Labrador, he also went back ten years.

    Ten years is the life span of a dog. He would not have had time to save himself by August 2015. Even if he could still live until then, he would be an old dog who could no longer run.

    Forget it, let him use his limited life to enjoy the limited days in the future.

    chapter 2

    Jacobs is very popular in Broeck's home. Broeck is a careful and gentle child. He always pays attention to Jacobs. He can find out the slightest movement of the puppy at the first time. In the week since he came to Broeck's home, Jacobs has not urinated or defecated indoors. Even in the middle of the night, as long as he calls a few times, Broeck will get up and carry him out to relieve himself.

    It's just that Broeck's night blindness is very serious. He almost has to walk by feeling when he gets up at night. Jacobs is a little worried about this. But he has also heard that adolescent children will have mild night blindness because they grow too fast and lack nutrition. Jacobs is not a doctor, so he doesn't know if Broeck's condition is serious, but seeing that his vision is normal during the day, he is not too worried.

    Since the Labrador puppy was always kept very clean by Broeck, Leclercq was very satisfied. She was proud of her son and also liked this cute dog. Only his wife Declercq didn't like animals with hair very much. Every time she saw Jacobs, she would complain that it would be troublesome to clean the house when the puppy was shedding. In fact, the family hired a part-time worker to clean the room, so Declercq would not be tired at all. The part-time worker didn't dislike Jacobs and always secretly fed him meat. However, the aunt didn't know how to take care of dogs, and the meat she fed him was over-oiled and over-salty. Jacobs had diarrhea that night, and shamefully couldn't control his body and defecated in his own clean doghouse.

    Jacobs was so ashamed that he secretly climbed out of the doghouse in the middle of the night and tried to drag the doghouse with his petite body, trying to throw it into the yard to destroy the body. Unfortunately, as a puppy, his ability was limited, and Broeck was awakened by the noise he made before he climbed to the windowsill.

    Victor? Broeck sat up from the bed. Jacobs felt that there was a slight pause when he stood up, probably because he couldn't see clearly.

    The boy groped his way to the window, and just as his hand was about to touch the doghouse, Jacobs excitedly whispered, Woof!

    Broeck touched his head and asked, What's wrong? Did you pee in the doghouse?

    Woof... Jacobs lowered his head in shame, it was more shameful than peeing, he had diarrhea.

    Jacobs is a relaxed and lazy person, not a serious person. When he was working, he didn't care about his appearance unless it was a formal occasion. He didn't have the habit of being picky. But even if he was sloppy, he had never encountered such an embarrassing thing. He was in his twenties and almost 30, so this was definitely a black history. He shrank his head and avoided Broeck's hand.

    It's okay, the boy smiled gently at Jacobs, It's normal for Victor to wet the bed when he's so young. I also wet the bed when I was a child. There's nothing to be embarrassed about.

    Woof... But I'm twenty-seven now, Jacobs whispered.

    Don't worry, Broeck said, I'll hide the doghouse quietly without letting Mom know.

    Leclercq is a relatively tolerant father. If Declercq saw the dog defecating indoors, Jacobs doubted that he would see the sun tomorrow.

    Broeck secretly hid the doghouse in the corner of the yard in the dark, and then fumbled to wipe Jacobs' paws and butt. The process was quite embarrassing for Jacobs, but for the sake of hygiene, he endured it.

    At this time, Broeck also found out from the light that Victor didn't wet the bed, but had diarrhea. He rubbed Victor's head in confusion: Why did he have diarrhea? There shouldn't be anything wrong with the food. Did he catch a cold sleeping on the floor at night?

    Jacobs said nothing and refused to admit that he had greedily eaten the fat meat given by his aunt.

    Just sleep in bed tonight. You'll get up early in the morning, and your parents won't know. Broeck picked up Victor, rubbed the puppy's soft fur contentedly, and held the dog on the bed.

    Human beds are more comfortable than dog beds. Jacobs was silent for a moment, and he absolutely did not remind Broeck that he was having diarrhea and might continue to have diarrhea. He indulged himself and slept next to Broeck's pillow all night. However, he slept very vigilantly, often waking up to check if he had diarrhea accidentally. Fortunately, his body was strong enough this time and nothing happened again.

    The next day, Broeck secretly cleaned the dog bed while his parents were away. While cleaning the dog bed, Jacobs refused to look at what he had done. This is a dark history!

    However, because of their shared little secret, he felt that he and Broeck were much closer. The most embarrassing thing was seen by others, so what was there to care about?

    Jacobs was originally upset that a child became his master, but after this secret, he felt that he could accept this fact. Although Broeck was a child, he was very serious and responsible in taking care of small animals. He would definitely become a responsible person when he grows up. In addition, he was careful in his work, reliable and able to keep secrets. From an adult's perspective, Jacobs believed that Broeck would grow up to be an excellent child.

    Although he is no longer a human, I still want to recruit the grown-up Broeck to work in my company. It must be pleasing to the eye.

    Jacobs extended his paw and placed it on Broeck's palm as a reward, in exchange for a toothbrush bone biscuit.

    Mom and Dad, look how smart Victor is. He learned how to shake hands after just one teaching! Broeck showed off excitedly to Leclercq and Declercq. Leclercq nodded with satisfaction, while Declercq raised his eyelids and glanced at Jacobs, saying lazily, Have you been vaccinated? Don't spread rabies.

    Reborn as a Guide Dog Episode 2

    Broeck's enthusiasm was somewhat dampened, and he said obediently, I've already had two shots, and the next one won't be available until a week later.

    Yeah. By the way, Declercq suddenly said, I saw you brought the dog to sleep in your room at night. How unhygienic. Let it go in the yard tonight.

    Jacobs felt that he could sense the deep malice of the mistress of his house. He raised his head and looked at Broeck with a pair of watery black eyes. His tail wagged unconsciously and he stretched out his pink tongue to lick Broeck's palm.

    The sense of crisis allowed him to learn the essential skills of a pet dog without any instruction, and he used them without any sense of incongruity, taking a big step towards the unity of body and mind!

    Broeck was also reluctant to see Victor like this, and looked at Leclercq while holding the dog. The similar black eyes, watery eyes, and pitiful expressions of the man and the dog immediately touched Leclercq's heart. He raised his hand and touched the dog's head, feeling the cute little head rubbing against his palm, and his heart softened.

    Ahem, the dog is still too young, so let's keep it in the house for now. I'll go talk to your mom. Leclercq said.

    Dad, you're so nice! Broeck hugged Leclercq's neck and rubbed his chest. Jacobs, who was squatting on his shoulders, tried to grab Broeck's clothes, then leaned against Leclercq's chest and rubbed his father's chest with his furry face.

    Leclercq was struck by two fatal blows in succession. He hugged his son and dog, and his heart was melted by cuteness.

    Jacobs wagged his tail happily, and suddenly...he felt something was wrong?

    Although he turned into a dog, is it true that he is so cute? If he continues to let his body and mind merge, will he fall in love with a dog girl sooner or later?

    Thinking of the six-month-old Samoyed girl in the community who was quite lively and wanted to pounce on him every time he saw her, Jacobs couldn't help but shudder. The white-haired girl was indeed cute, but she was really uninteresting!

    As expected, he could no longer let himself run wild on the road of how to be an excellent pet dog. Jacobs raised his head firmly and threw something to Broeck: Victor, pick it up.

    Almost at the same time, Jacobs reflexively jumped out and bit the tennis ball before it hit the ground. He ran back with his tail wagging and put the tennis ball in Broeck's hand.

    Victor is really smart. No wonder Labrador Retrievers are trained to be guide dogs. Their IQ is different from other dogs. Leclercq nodded with satisfaction. When he first bought it, he was worried that it would not grow well because of its poor health. Now it seems that he has made a good deal.

    Jacobs: ...

    He will grow thick hair in the future to completely cover his face!

    Except that he was becoming more and more like a dog, Jacobs' life was quite happy. He had completely realized his dream of living a life of idleness and waiting for death. Declercq was the only one in the family who looked down on him. However, the most authoritative person in the family was Leclercq. He was the mainstay of the family. Declercq was a full-time wife. She spent her days putting on makeup, shopping and playing mahjong. Broeck was a student and had no income. The economic base determined the superstructure. Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied Declercq was with Jacobs, as long as Leclercq said, Broeck can take good care of him. Victor is very smart, Declercq would remain silent. However, she seldom approached Jacobs.

    In fact, Jacobs also hated her. A dog's nose is very sensitive. Declercq always sprays strong perfume on her body. Every time Jacobs sees her from a distance, he can't help sneezing. He wishes she hated him and would avoid him when she saw him.

    Jacobs, who used to like spraying cologne, decided that if he could become a human again one day, he would throw away all the perfume in his house. That was not a manly smell and it was harmful to the nose.

    Compared to Declercq, Broeck had a very pleasant smell, which was the energetic scent unique to teenagers. Jacobs liked it very much. Every time he was picked up by him, he would take a deep breath, shaking his head like a pervert, looking very much enjoying it.

    His little master smells really beautiful...wait, why use smell? Eyes?

    Looking up at Broeck's energetic face, Jacobs sadly discovered that he didn't look as handsome as he smelled...

    Chapter 3

    Broeck had a very, very smart black Labrador, and the news spread throughout the town after school started.

    In fact, Broeck himself is not a person who likes to show off, and even if he brags a lot, it is impossible to make all the teachers and students in the school believe how smart this dog is, because hearing is never as good as seeing.

    Since the beginning of the first year of high school, students have to attend evening self-study classes. When Broeck was in junior high school, the school only occasionally arranged evening self-study classes for students before the high school entrance examination. At that time, because the children were young, there were not many people attending evening self-study classes, so Leclercq drove to pick them up at night. In high school, everyone attended evening self-study classes. In 2005, when the city was opened, there were not so many cars on the streets. Most of the students in the first middle school rode bicycles to school. One day, when Broeck was riding a bicycle back, his knees were bruised and the rims were crooked. It was said that he hit a street lamp post when he was walking on his own after separating from his classmates.

    According to Broeck himself, his eyes suddenly became blurry and he couldn't see clearly in front of him. When he rubbed his eyes, he bumped into a pillar. Leclercq was not at home when the incident happened. Declercq went to ask his mahjong friends and concluded that Broeck must have studied too hard and became nearsighted. He gave Broeck some money and sent him to get glasses and didn't take it seriously.

    Broeck went to the eye test the next day and found that he did have mild myopia of 100 degrees, so he got a pair of glasses. When Leclercq came back and heard that his son was myopic, he couldn't help but sigh, saying that the child studied too hard and damaged his eyes. But there is nothing to do, in modern society, the number of children with myopia is increasing day by day, and some people have myopia of 300 or 400 degrees in elementary school. This is a common phenomenon.

    No one took it seriously, but Jacobs knew that Broeck had mild night blindness, and his myopia might make things worse. When Broeck went to study again, Jacobs was very worried. He took advantage of the fact that Leclercq had a dinner party and Declercq was making a facial mask in the house, and secretly ran out and ran all the way to the town.

    Jacobs was already six months old and weighed more than 20 pounds, which was considered a large dog. He ran to school avoiding cars and squatted at the school gate to wait for Broeck to finish his self-study so that he could accompany him home and avoid bumping into the pillar again.

    Jacobs was wearing a collar with Broeck's phone number and address on it, in case the dog got lost and someone found it and brought it back. He was obviously a domestic dog. When the old man at the school gate saw Jacobs, he planned to bring him in and call his family, but the dog was so smart that he wouldn't let him touch it.

    Finally, when the self-study session was over, students started to leave the school gate. Jacobs stood at the school gate like a guardian beast, waiting for Broeck to come out without blinking. The old man was afraid that Broeck would suddenly go crazy and bite the students, so he grabbed him bravely. Jacobs didn't want to resist because he was afraid of chaos, but he refused to let the old man in the duty room drag him away, and used all his strength to nail Broeck to the school gate.

    The sixteen or seventeen-year-old students were all curious. They couldn't help but gather around the beautiful black dog standing at the door. As Jacobs had grown up and became more and more dashing, the students only dared to gather around and point and talk, not daring to go up and touch it .

    However, Jacobs was gradually surrounded by students. He could not see whether Broeck came out of the school gate. He was anxious for missing him and could not help struggling and barking, hoping Broeck could hear him.

    The students didn't dare to approach him when he got angry, but the old man also called the school security officer, and someone would come to arrest him soon. Fortunately, Broeck also walked out of the school gate with a few classmates at this time, and couldn't help but go over when he heard the dog barking.

    Victor? Broeck rubbed his eyes. It was becoming increasingly difficult for him to see in the darkness. He could only barely recognize his own dog by its outline and familiar voice.

    Jacobs immediately leaped over like a bear. Although Broeck couldn't see clearly, he saw that the man and the dog coordinated well. He half-crouched skillfully. Jacobs put his two front paws on his shoulders, buried his face in his neck, and rubbed his neck.

    Broeck, your dog? The classmate stared at the dog with wide eyes, Isn't it here to pick you up?

    Maybe... Broeck was also a little confused. Did Victor miss him too much? After all, he had always been very close to him. They didn't spend much time together after school started, and they didn't see each other for a long time. Every time he came home from school, Victor was very excited. But... he couldn't find the school, and the school was so far away from home, and Victor had never been there before!

    Victor, are you here to pick me up? Broeck asked in confusion.

    Woof! I am worried about you. You must supplement your vitamins and trace elements and cure your night blindness as soon as possible so that I don't have to worry so much. Jacobs shouted energetically.

    It seems like they are really here to pick you up! The classmate asked in surprise, Does it bite you? Can I touch it?

    Victor doesn't bite. Broeck was a little happy and couldn't let go of Victor's neck.

    Such a clever dog caused a traffic jam at the school gate. When the security officer arrived, everyone dispersed, leaving only Broeck and Jacobs. The security officer shook his head and said, Don't bring dogs to school tomorrow. What if they bite someone?

    Broeck nodded repeatedly and got on his bike. Jacobs followed closely. He was no longer the 11-pound, weak puppy two and a half months ago. Now he could run a long way with Broeck!

    Woof! Seeing a stone in front of him, Broeck rode over it without avoiding it. Jacobs shouted hurriedly. Broeck stopped the bike and looked at him, then he could see the stone clearly in the shadow.

    Victor is so smart! Broeck said in surprise, and couldn't help but get out of the car and hug Jacobs.

    Woof! Jacobs shouted anxiously, Young man, this is not a question of intelligence. Your night blindness is very serious. Normally, people with night blindness can see clearly under street lights, but Broeck has a very hard time seeing things. You should go to the hospital quickly!

    Unfortunately, no matter how smart the dog is, it can't speak human language, so Broeck naturally didn't understand what he meant. He got on his bike and continued on his way. With Jacobs' protection, he got home safely.

    Jacobs was very worried about Broeck's eyes, hoping that Declercq or Leclercq could find out what was wrong with him. But the two-story house and the car were not in vain. Leclercq was very busy and often came back after Broeck went to bed. Declercq was only concerned with making facial masks, skin care and doing yoga every night, and rarely cared about Broeck. No one in the family noticed his night blindness. Broeck himself was just a high school student after all, and he was in good health. He was the kind of person who would just drink some hot water and sleep for a cold or fever, and he didn't doubt that there was anything wrong with his eyes. He just thought that his myopic glasses were not fitted properly and his vision was a little blurry at night.

    In addition, there were street lights along the way from school to home, and Broeck's night blindness did not seem to be permanent, but it was just that he would see blurry occasionally, and the symptoms were not particularly obvious, so Broeck did not think much about it.

    Jacobs found that Broeck often tripped when he got up in the middle of the night, and it was difficult to find his glasses even with the lamp on. It was not because of the lack of light in the dark, but because he could not see clearly sometimes. However, he would only bark at Declercq and Leclercq. Once, Declercq was annoyed by his barking and threw his high heels at him. Fortunately, Jacobs was agile and dodged.

    He had no choice but to pick Broeck up after his evening study. However, after being watched on the first day, Broeck refused to let him go. When he sneaked over again the next day, Broeck tied him up at home.

    However, how could a rope tie up Jacobs? He decisively untied the rope and ran to school again. But this time he was smarter and did not wait directly at the school gate. Instead, he took advantage of the night to hide in the shadows next to the gatepost. A black Labrador took advantage of the dark night to hide in the shadows, and no one could find it. Only when the lights of passing cars occasionally swept by, you could see a pair of bright eyes reflecting bright light in the dark night.

    This time after school, Broeck looked for Victor at the school gate, but didn't find him. Satisfied, he got on his bike and was about to leave when he heard a low woof and his dog appeared at his feet again.

    Broeck: ...

    He looked at Jacobs with some regret, but when Jacobs came over, wagged his tail, and rubbed his face against his thighs, Broeck couldn't bear it. When Broeck thought of how no one took Victor for a walk after school every day, and how he was locked up at home all day, waiting for him to come home, his heart softened.

    Your dog is here to pick you up again. As the saying goes, three times does not happen, and the classmates are used to it.

    Shh... Broeck quickly got on his bike, Keep your voice down, or you'll get scolded by the old man in the duty room again.

    Don't worry. Several good friends laughed softly and looked at Jacobs with envy. They also wanted to have such a well-behaved and smart dog.

    Hey, dog, take him out to play on the weekend, so cool! Lin Sheng nudged Broeck with his shoulder. There happened to be a puddle in front of them, and Broeck didn't see it at all. He rode straight into it, splashing water all over himself.

    Woof woof woof woof! Jacobs barked at Lin Sheng ferociously. The boys were not scared. Instead, they burst into laughter: This dog really protects its master!

    Broeck barely rode over the puddle, turned around and patted Victor on the head: It's okay, we were just kidding.

    Jacobs whined twice threateningly at Lin Sheng. His Broeck couldn't see clearly at night, so could he please stop making such noise?

    Unfortunately, no one could understand him. The boys were careless. After two or three months of school, everyone went home together at night, and no one noticed Broeck's vision problem. Most importantly, because everyone was playing and joking along the way, others would often ride into ditches or hit pillars. Broeck thought it was okay for him to hit a pillar occasionally.

    Jacobs glared at the children in disappointment and found sadly that Broeck had no self-awareness at all. So he had to take on the role of a flower protector and secretly ran to the school to pick them up every night. Over time, Broeck no longer stopped him, and the old man in the duty room gradually turned a blind eye to Jacobs' cute attack.

    In this way, Broeck spent his first semester safely under Jacobs' escort.

    Chapter 4

    Jacobs initially thought that Broeck's night blindness was just a result of his rapid growth and lack of nutrition during adolescence, and that he could just take more vitamins. However, during the first six months, Broeck's seat was moved forward by the teacher, and finally only the first three rows could see the blackboard. Jacobs realized that Broeck's symptoms were definitely not simple night blindness.

    Broeck himself believed that his myopia worsened

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