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I'll Try Anything Once
I'll Try Anything Once
I'll Try Anything Once
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I'll Try Anything Once

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About this ebook

Mitchell J. Moritz.

Accomplished magician.

While performing a death-defying escape...


That's when the adventure began.

Join Mitchell, a "128-year-old magician,poured into a 16-year-old body, and given god-like powers," as he faces demons, a love life, and homework.

Witness as Mitchell's friends in discovering their inner heroes.

Release dateMay 17, 2024
I'll Try Anything Once

Michael Mathison

Michael Mathison, a Piscean and a Dragon. Sensitive and empathic. According to his mother, he was reading cereal boxes at 3 years of age. He loved reading fiction and comic books, taking adventures into imaginary lands. His love for reading evolved into a love for writing. When he was 10 years old, a relative asked him to write a short poem to sell pickled eggs at a local drive-in. When he was 15 his writing exploded as he attempted to make sense of the world around him, and his relationship to it, and others. He wrote poems when he encountered beauty or sadness. He wrote prose when he desired to understand motive or situation. In high school, he joined the Drama club and took drama as one of his classes. As he told others, "I took Drama because I wanted to understand psychology, but did not want to learn the technical terms." Michael took part in the school production of Our Town as part of the sound effects team. Here he received the nickname "Cricket". Michael entered his poems for consideration in each year's yearbook. In 1978 his poem, Keep the Rumour Goin' was published. In 1982 Michael attended the University of Calgary, and graduated in 1988 with a BFA in Drama. During his time at University, Michael finished his last Mitchell J. Moritz story and continued his free-form style of writing. Ending with the poem, What is it, Really? Michael moved to Oregon to live in the high desert with his new wife. 6½ years later, divorced, he returned home to Calgary. His grandchildren of his 2nd wife rekindled his desire to publish his poems and short stories. Michael brought his poems out from storage for them to read. He discovered his words still spoke to him, and his grandchildren. Personal Note: I treasured those lunch hours, sitting in the drama room, reading my latest pages to my friends gathered around. I loved when I would reach the last page, and have them ask, "What happens next?" I fed off of their interactions, their feedback on how a poem made them feel, or how a story excited them. I hope to share that awe with you.

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    Book preview

    I'll Try Anything Once - Michael Mathison

    I'll Try Anything Once

    Tales From the Drama room

    By Michael Mathison

    Victoria Sypher (Cover Illustration)

    MJM Publishing


    Copyright © 2018 by Michael Mathison

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    First Printing: 2018

    ISBN (Paperback) 978-1-9994426-2-0

    ISBN (E-Book) 978-1-9994426-3-7

    MJM Publishing

    302 Skyview Ranch Drive N.E.

    Calgary, Alberta T3N 0P5

    Table of Contents

    The Devil Made Me Do It.....................................14

    A Duel with Death.....................................................56

    The Death of a Man-The Birth of a Legend...68

    Star Child......................................................................92

    The Night the World Lost A Hero....................107

    The Gathering..........................................................107

    Cult Woodstock.....................................................130

    Space Invasion........................................................147

    Planet Al....................................................................192

    The Return................................................................204


    Once Upon A Romance........................................243



    Something Evil This Way Comes.......................368

    For All Those Who Have Gone Before..........400

    A Moment Of Introduction................................400


    Heading Out.............................................................417

    Prophet vs Mystic..................................................428

    Thinning the Herd...................................................430

    Phantom vs Seductress........................................431

    Darcy vs Dungeon Master..................................434

    Professor vs Mistress............................................438

    Prophet vs Mystic...................................................442

    Darcy & The Professor........................................443

    Mitchell vs Paulitom...............................................445



    When Gods Go Mad...............................................459

    A Birthday Gift For All............................................481

    Future Shock...............................................................501

    When Empaths Collide............................................521


    Our story.......................................................................522



    To the friends of my youth.

    Thank you. Without your interest and support, I would have never achieved my dream.

    Story Descriptions

    The Devil Made Me Do It

     Mitchell signs a pact with the devil to become the ultimate magician.

    A Duel with Death

     This is my first story with Mitchell, a magician's story with a twist of the mystic.

    The Death of a Man/The Birth of a Legend

     Mitchell dies while performing an escape and receives a marvellous gift.

    Star Child

     An alien from a distant planet seeks Mitchell as her last hope.

    The Night the World Lost A Hero

     While holding a séance, Mitchell's friends are kidnapped. It is up to Mitchell to save them


     A continuation of the above story.

    Once Upon A Romance

     My first love story. Mitchell meets a girl who cannot believe in love.


     A computer personality in the form of a calculator draws Mitchell into another adventure.


     Paulitom makes Mitchell's ex-girlfriend a pawn in his game.

    Something Evil This Way Comes

     Mitchell meets a prostitute. He tries to change her life until Robert appears on the scene.

    For All Those Who Have Gone Before

     Mitchell and a few new characters set off on a quest to defeat Dominic and free their souls.

    When Gods Go Mad

     When the pressures of life get to be too much. Mitchell turns his back on his duties, and it is up to Nancy Reed to stop him.

    A Birthday Gift For All

     What is the ultimate destiny for mankind? Barb finds out when Dominic and Paulitom set a trap.

    Future Shock

     Mitchell investigates the gift of prophecy as he helps a girl bothered by uncontrollable visions.

    When Empaths Collide

     What is an empath? Mitchell meets one and in the process discovers a bit of himself.



    I'm thrilled you're here, whether you're methodical and reading in order, curious about the stories within, or seeking a captivating author quote.

    Let's begin with a question: Have you ever felt angry about an unsatisfying movie ending, frustrated when a girlfriend inexplicably left you, or that the world is unfair? Fantasized about being someone stronger, brighter, better? Me too.

    In writing, I found an outlet to process those feelings by creating Mitchell J. Moritz. As an empath, I struggled to grasp others' emotions. By recreating them through Mitchell, I gained insight into friends, enemies, and myself.

    Mitchell embodies both strength and gentleness. Despite his wisdom, women still perplex him. He is an admirable yet flawed character I identify with.

    My stories have sparse descriptions so you can envision them in your own town, with your imagined sounds and settings. At their core, the emotions resonate universally. Despite evil and injustice, hope and love persist. When things go awry, another chance awaits.

    Inspiration arose from friends, who named the book and characters. While reading aloud, they'd ask What happens next? as the characters drove the story. To Have you written a...? my response was always, I'll try anything once.

    I invite you to follow Mitchell's journey—from magician to rebirth and beyond. From battling demons to moments when only love prevails. I hope you laugh, cry, and above all, come to love Mitchell as I do.


    Michael Mathison

    The Devil Made Me Do It

    IT WAS A NIGHT ONE dreads entering. Before you step outside, you anticipate the stinging sensation of the icy rain hitting your skin and the biting cold wind chilling you to the bone. This was the night of Mitchell's umpteenth try-out.

    The pavement glistened under the streetlights, its surface wet and reflective from a passing storm. In the theatre, the sound of angry voices echoed off the walls. Filling the space with hostility with the words, Throw the bum out! and, Make yourself disappear!

    The curtain gracefully descended, muffling the sounds of the audience, while the magician quietly exited the stage. Just like the previous attempts, this try-out turned out to be a complete failure.

    The magician's name was Mitchell J. Moritz. With the words of a silver-tongued agent prodding him, the amateur magician yearned to transform into a professional illusionist.

    You can do it! You've got what it takes, and remember, I get forty percent. his agent was fond of saying.

    Mitchell gathered his things, his movements heavy with the weight of a new sorrow. He had to admit to himself he would never be more than just a 'lover of' magic. As he shuffled from the building, he could feel the cold concrete beneath his worn-out shoes. His heavy case of tricks banged down the steps when someone knocked him down.

    Sorry, Mitchell mumbled, his voice barely audible as he dusted off his clothes.

    There's no need to apologize, the man reassured him. I was looking for you. Little did I expect our meeting to be so sudden. His eyes were a mesmerizing shade of deep green, with a hint of crimson. An unspoken presence that filled the air overwhelmed Mitchell. He had no words other than a blank, bewildered stare.

    You were? his voice filled with disbelief.

    Yes. I'm Dominic Belial, he introduced himself, extending his hand towards the other person. I was told you might need help with your magic career.

    What career? Mitchell exclaimed, his tone tinged with frustration. I'd be lucky if they'd let me in to watch. His shoulders slumped as he turned and walked away.

    Mr. Moritz. Dominic smiled, his voice filled with warmth, as he kept pace with Mitchell. If you wish, he said, his words hanging in the air with a hint of mystery, I can make you the greatest magician in history. Mitchell stopped, his mind racing with possibilities. In fact, I could make you greater than Houdini himself.

    How? Mitchell asked, his voice laced with genuine curiosity. As Dominic blinked, his eyes transformed, expanding with a vibrant red coloration.

    It's easy when you're a fantastic agent like me, Dominic declared, his smile amplifying his self-assuredness. All I want, he pulled a rolled-up piece of paper from his pocket, is to have you sign this ... contract. Mitchell removed the red ribbon and read the document.

    In exchange for fame and fortune as a magician, I consent to surrendering myself to Mr. Santana Scratch for his personal uses. 'His personal uses'? He probably wants free shows or something.

    Or something. The side of Dominic's lip curled up slightly as he presented a pen. Mitchell spread out the contract and signed his name in blood-red ink.

    When can I begin? he asked eagerly, his voice filled with anticipation.

    Tomorrow, Dominic instructed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. Show up here, Dominic said, motioning towards the building, and ask for Andy. Dominic walked away and again turned back. Oh, he added, don't bother with sleight-of-hand. It's so obvious.

    All right. Tomorrow. Mitchell headed for home.

    He arrived at the theatre the next day and felt a sense of excitement in the atmosphere. He glued his eyes to the stage as he passed the seats, his hunger for it was evident, as it had been on numerous previous occasions.

    He reminisced about his childhood, when he would eagerly visit this theatre to witness the mesmerizing spectacle of the finest vaudeville acts. With every passing year, his resolve to become a magician and perform on the same stage grew stronger. However, no matter how much he practised and dedicated himself, there was still one vital magic ingredient missing. Confidence. Mitchell continued, his heart pounding in his chest, afraid of being detected. Two quick questions later, he spotted Andy, the stage manager, frantically coordinating the production.

    I am Mr. Moritz. Mitchell J. Moritz. he introduced himself, feeling his impending failure. Could you tell me my performance number?

    Yes, yes, Mr. Moritz, Andy spoke, flipping through his papers for reference. Oh, yeah. Here you are. You're fourth up, Andy said, and then smiled.

    Fourth up? Aren't amateurs put in the tenth or fifteenth slot? Mitchell was confused.

    Compliments of Mr. Belial, sir, Andy said, unable to think of anything else. Mitchell shrugged his shoulders, feeling the weight of the world on his back, and retreated to a corner to practice in solitude. A full sixty minutes had elapsed before the curtain finally lifted, signalling the start of the show.

    The first act was a ventriloquist, captivating the audience with his skilful puppetry and witty banter. The second part of the show featured an energetic and dynamic dance routine followed by an uproarious slapstick routine, complete with exaggerated gestures and comedic falls. Each performance was an impressive Belial production, leaving the crowd in awe. Mitchell's turn was up next, and he felt his stomach twist with anticipation. With every step, he could feel the eyes of the audience on him as he made his way to the centre of the stage.

    Ah-err, Mitchell's voice echoed through the air, reaching into the vast expanse of infinity. I'll pull a rabbit from this seemingly empty hat, surprising everyone. He reached into the hat and found only silk. Damn! He cursed. They didn't set the prop.

    Mitchell carried on, grasping at the hat, trying to keep the patter going. He rolled up his hand, appearing to reach further into the hat than was possible.

    Come on, do it! yelled a large man. Mitchell looked at the exit, expecting a quick getaway when he saw Dominic standing there.

    Try again, mouthed Dominic, You can do it. Fear raced through Mitchell's heart as he reached into the hat once again. His expression shifted instantly when he felt the softness of fur between his fingers.

    With a triumphant shout of Viola!, Mitchell revealed a large red-eyed rabbit from his hat. As the show progressed, he couldn't help but be amazed by the intricate and daring feats he pulled off. Brimming with confidence, Mitchell took on the impossible for his grand finale.

    For my next and final act, he shouted, pausing to build suspense. I will produce several balls from nowhere. He rolled back both his sleeves and reached up into the air, and to his surprise, there was a ball in his hand. His other hand shot up, and a second ball descended from above. Mitchell increased his speed, causing a cascade of balls to rain down onto the stage. As he exited the stage, he yelled Thank you and goodnight! into the cheering crowd.

    Did you see? Mitchell shouted at Dominic, his eyes shining with childlike enthusiasm. I can do magic, but not the cheap tricks I used to perform.

    Yes, Dominic's words stretched out slowly, as if savouring each syllable, when he replied, it's only the beginning. I feel compelled to caution you. To continue enjoying this newfound power, you must practice relentlessly.

    Mitchell's melodic voice filled the air as he jaunted home, singing songs to himself.

    He slid his key into the lock of his boarding room and heard the satisfying click as it turned. Then the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, as if someone was watching him. He could sense it.

    His hazel eyes travelled from one end of the hallway to the other, revealing nothing.

    With a grunt, Mitchell drug his suitcase through the opening, feeling the resistance of the threshold. His fingers fumbled for the latch, trembling with urgency, as his body slumped against the door, forcing it shut.

    He made his way to his chair and closed his eyes, allowing the weariness of the day to wash over him.

    Without warning, his eyes sprung back open. He jumped to his feet, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the room, and sliced a few pieces of bread in the tiny kitchen area. On them, he threw a thin line of cold beef.

    Mitchell settled down with his sandwiches, his fingers eagerly flipping through the pages of a book of magic. With each bite of his sandwich, he turned the pages of his book.

    By the time mid-afternoon of the next day arrived, Mitchell's hand ached from the extensive amount of hand-written notes he had compiled. Looking for ways to put a modern spin on old tricks. As his eyes moved down the sheet, they halted suddenly, as if captivated by a particular section.

    That's the one, Mitchell giggled, his voice filled with excitement, as he then left for the theatre.

    As he approached the theatre, the sight of a pack of boys engrossed in a game of stick ball caught his attention. The rough terrain caused his trunk's wheels to rattle and shake before finally settling into stillness.

    Who here is good at climbing a rope? he shouted at the group. Noticing his presence, a couple briefly turned their heads, but they didn't pause in their actions.

    Who wants to make a dollar? he called out again, his voice filled with enthusiasm. The boys all stopped, their expressions filled with curiosity.

    Again. Who is good at climbing a rope? All hands rose.

    It's pretty high. A few hands went down. At least 18 feet. One hand remained.

    I don't have to rob anyone. Do I? the lad bleated.

    No. You're going to be in a magic show. Mitchell answered. Come with me.

    In the quiet solitude of the backstage area, Mitchell settled the boy into a worn-out chair, the familiar scent of stage makeup lingering in the air.

    Andy, the stage manager, approached Mitchell with notes in hand.

    Mr. Moritz. You are in fifth place. He stated matter-of-factly.

    Of course I am, Mitchell snapped back, instantly regretting his harsh tone. He attempted to apologize, but his tongue felt heavy and uncooperative. Mitchell stormed off, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any materials that could add flair to his grand finale. Mitchell returned to the boy, rope in hand, and carefully explained the lad's role and behaviour in the trick.

    The time for Mitchell's turn drew near, creating a sense of anticipation. With a quick rummage, Mitchell produced a tin of grease paint from his trunk.

    With a mischievous grin, he smeared the brown substance all over the boy's face, causing him to squirm and giggle. He skilfully painted two big ovals over his eyes, then meticulously created a monkey face with a pronounced nose. He spun the boy around, causing him to stumble, and swiftly tucked a short piece of rope into the back of his pants.

    Mitchell examined his work, then closed his eyes and waved his hand before the boy, creating a gust of wind that ruffled his hair.

    Mitchell's crude makeup mistakes vanished as if they had never been there. Taking its spot was a substitution that had a texture resembling fur.

    Now. When you see me put this hat on, you know what to do. Right? The boy nodded and Mitchell strutted onto the stage.

    Thank you for that applause! Mitchell's exterior radiated gratitude, but he couldn't ignore the audience's lacklustre response. Despite being bumped up in the rotation, it still wasn't sufficient.

    Now I will need a volunteer from the audience. Mitchell's eyes scanned the people who were looking at him. You, sir! Come on up. The man jumped up and sprinted up on stage. Mitchell shook his hand, feeling the calluses and roughness against his palm as he positioned him.

    And your name is?

    Jeb, the man replied in a monotone voice.

    Mitchell pulled out a deck of cards and fanned it before Jeb, the smooth texture of the cards sliding against his fingers. Jeb's hand hesitated over the obvious choice, making Mitchell's heart leap with anticipation, but then disappointment washed over him as it moved away and snatched another card.

    Are you absolutely certain that's the card you desire? Mitchell hoped to manipulate the correct card into place. Jeb simply replied,


    Okay. Look at your card, then show it to the people in the audience. Mitchell said as he closed the fan and shuffled and cut the deck, peeking at the card at the bottom of the cut.

    Okay. Place your card there.

    Mitchell gritted his teeth, feeling a surge of frustration, as Jeb carelessly shoved the card inside the bottom cut instead of placing it on top.

    As he tried to salvage this mess, he could feel the sweat forming on his palms as he gripped the deck tightly. One by one, his slight-of-hand tricks crumbled before his eyes.

    First, 'idiot' over there didn't pick the right card. Mitchell grumbled in his mind, Then 'stupid' couldn't put it back in the right place. I outta throw the deck in his face and see if he can find it. He growled in his mind.

    With a swift motion, Mitchell's hand flung the deck into the air, soaring towards the sky. While Mitchell pondered leaving the stage, a flurry of cards descended upon him and the man, adding a touch of whimsy to the moment. Startled by Jeb's cough, he quickly spun around to face him. Jeb had his fingers in his mouth, struggling to extract a tightly folded object. Jeb unfolded it, revealing a card.

    For the first time, Mitchell asked with honesty.

    Is THAT your card?

    Yup. Jeb said, as he stared at the thing in his hands. Mitchell gently nudged him, and Jeb gracefully exited the stage amidst a chorus of applause. With a renewed smile, Mitchell revealed his last trick, capturing the attention of everyone in the room.

    Within the world of magic, there is a legendary trick that is constantly whispered about, yet remains unseen by all.

    Mitchell made his way to the side of the stage. As he gathered a basket containing the materials, he was relieved to see the boy still sitting there.

    With purposeful steps, Mitchell returned to the centre of the stage and gently set the basket down on the floor. From within, he retrieved a necklace adorned with an intricate medallion. With a flourish, he held it up for the audience to see and gracefully placed it around his neck.

    Behold, he declared, presenting the medallion, this is the fabled medallion of power, then resumed his task with the basket. And this... He revealed the hat, raising it above his head for everyone to see. Is the hat of control. As soon as the hat touched Mitchell's head, the sound of excited footsteps filled the theatre, signalling the boy's arrival onstage.

    Lively monkey sounds accompanied the boy's energetic jumps. As the performance unfolded, the audience perked up, their eyes widening in disbelief as they mistook the lifelike monkey onstage for a real one. The monkey's nimble fingers plucked the necklace from Mitchell's neck, leaving him startled and empty-handed.

    Mitchell gave chase as the two ran around the stage, the sound of their hurried footsteps reverberating through the room. As the monkey reached the centre of the stage, it skilfully tossed the rope into the air, drawing gasps from the audience. As Mitchell covertly made a slicing motion with his hand, the rope became firmly attached to the catwalk. The rope appeared to be frozen in mid-air, defying gravity.

    The monkey's swift ascent up the rope left the onlookers bewildered, as it vanished. Mitchell

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