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Whispers in the Woods: A Short Story Collection
Whispers in the Woods: A Short Story Collection
Whispers in the Woods: A Short Story Collection
Ebook223 pages3 hours

Whispers in the Woods: A Short Story Collection

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For fans of Stephen King, The Twilight Zone, and Edgar Allan Poe comes an exciting new short story collection.


Novelist Dana Gricken weaves twenty dark and engaging tales of fantasy, horror, and science fiction in Whispers in the Woods: A Short Story Collection, inspired by some of the greatest short story writers on the planet. With three chapters ranging from deals with the devil to robots taking over the world to cannibal aliens, this collection has a little bit of everything that will delight, thrill, and terrify.


These stories were whispered in the woods long, long ago. And now, they're finally yours.


Can you hear their call? 

PublisherDana Gricken
Release dateJun 17, 2024
Whispers in the Woods: A Short Story Collection

Dana Gricken

Dana Gricken is a multi-genre author from Ottawa, Canada. She has written many novels including fantasy and mystery and has more books coming out soon. When not writing and reading voraciously, she enjoys watching Star Trek, hanging out with her cats, cooking and baking, spreading kindness online, and playing video games. Check her out at

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    Book preview

    Whispers in the Woods - Dana Gricken


    I WROTE MY FIRST SHORT story when I was six years old. It had aliens, spaceships, and cats, everything little me liked.

    As I grew up, I didn’t lose my love for short stories. They were fun, quick, and imaginative, letting me get down all my wildest ideas on paper. They were a warm-up exercise until I was ready to take on full-length novels. But even now, after writing over fifty novels, I still enjoy a short story. If done right, they’re read swiftly but stay with you for a long time.

    That was why I decided to finally release my own collection of short stories—twenty of them in the genres of fantasy, horror, and science fiction. Bite-sized stories that you could take with you and read on the way to work or school without having to make the commitment of reading a lengthy novel. I wrote dozens of short stories over the past decade and chose the ones I thought were my best for this collection, and one day, I hope to publish more.

    These stories were whispered to me—some during my waking hours, others while dreaming. And now, I’d like to share them with you and pass them on.

    So, if you’re like me, the kind of person who reads short stories for the thrill of it, be prepared to be shocked, entertained, and amused. These stories were mine once, but now, they’re yours. And maybe they’ll even inspire you to write your own—to let your imagination soar free.

    Welcome to Whispers in the Woods: A Short Story Collection.

    Table of Contents:


    Chapter One: Fantasy

    Feed the Beast

    Open Season

    The Doorman

    Chapter Two: Horror

    The Fortune Teller

    The Sleepwalker

    Yesterday Again

    The Femme Curse

    Dear Diary

    The Duplicator

    Chapter Three: Science Fiction

    The Chosen Child

    Gods Among Men


    Dinner Is Served

    Burial Ground


    Happy Pills

    Swipe Left to Kill

    Mother Knows Best


    The Harvest



    Here you’ll find stories of dragons, magic, brave heroes, and incredible powers too

    A world of make-believe and imagination is waiting for you.

    Feed the Beast

    THEY CAME IN THE MIDDLE of the night.

    They took me from my bed, placing a bag over my head and chains around my wrists. I tried to struggle, but they were too strong. Much stronger than me.

    The next thing I knew, I was thrown in the back of a van with a thud. The van jolted forward, then I went slamming into the side of the vehicle. I felt someone reach over and rip the bag from my head and the bright light of dawn hit my eyes.

    I was lying next to a woman, chained just like I was. Her hair was as red as a rose and she was wearing her pajamas. They must’ve taken her in the middle of the night as well.

    She gave me a small smile, but I could see it in her eyes—she was just as terrified as I was. I looked up and noticed the metal boots of several tall soldiers, the same ones who had freed me from the bag. They looked down at us with a mix of pity and remorse but said nothing.

    I knew exactly who they were—soldiers from the Order of the Beast. If they had taken me, my time left on Earth was going to be short.

    The van came to a screeching halt. Seconds later, the soldiers were lifting the two of us up, dragging us inside the castle. The arena was a few meters in the distance and I saw curious civilians crowding around it to see who would be the next sacrifice.

    The Beast inside the pit of the arena roared, filled with fury and hunger. It shook the ground beneath my feet and I gulped as the soldiers continued to drag me inside with the others.

    We were thrown at the feet of the Emperor—middle-aged, greying, and adorned with a gold crown and a robe. He sighed and walked closer to us, lifting our chins to look us in the eyes.

    And so they have arrived, the Emperor said. Do you know why you’re here?

    I nodded. I have a pretty good idea. Why don’t you tell me your version?

    Beneath our city of Ethos lies a terrible Beast—one that eats humans to survive, he replied. When we built this city, we built it on his lair without knowing. A century ago, we made a deal with the Beast—we would offer a sacrifice every month to appease him if he swore to leave the city alone.

    The woman scoffed. So, we’re the Beast’s next meal? Lucky us. Don’t we get a say?

    I’m afraid not. Now, we don’t offer sacrifices without guilt, the Emperor replied. And the names are chosen at random. Believe me—we wouldn’t do this if there were any other options.

    The names are chosen at random? I asked. What if your name is called, Emperor? Why haven’t I ever seen you in the pit?

    He looked offended. I simply haven’t been chosen yet. The name drawing is fair—and I would sacrifice myself if it came down to it.

    Why did I doubt that?

    The Emperor snapped his fingers at the guards. The soldiers of the Order will escort you to the arena now. Godspeed, my friends—and thank you for your sacrifice. You may die knowing you’re keeping others safe.

    The woman started to shout obscenities at them, but they weren’t listening. I said nothing, knowing there was no point as they dragged us into the arena outside.

    The arena was large and circular with a hole in the ground. Covering the hole was a metal grate, preventing the beast from breaking free. I could see its tentacles moving around below us, trying to grab our limbs.

    I had never seen the Beast before, though I had heard about it. Apparently, it was the stuff of nightmares. I backed up instinctively.

    Don’t fight it, one of the soldiers said. The more you struggle, the angrier the Beast gets. It’ll be over before you know it.

    The soldiers took the cuffs off us. The woman tried to lunge forward and attack them, but they removed their guns and aimed them at her. After she backed down, they opened the trap door to the pit.

    Go on, the soldier said. Jump in. Don’t make this more difficult on yourselves.

    Well, at least I’m not going alone. Silver linings, the woman said, looking over at me. What’s your name?

    Alistair. Alistair Kane, I replied. And yours?

    Rana Pierce.

    It’s nice to meet you—

    I didn’t even have time to finish before the soldiers pushed us down into the pit. We fell with groans, then I heard the grate above us lock in place. The soldiers ran, getting out of the way like cowards.

    We had fallen into the mud, and I could feel it smeared across my skin. It was dark, humid, and smelly in the pit as I tried to feel my way around.

    I heard a growl. My head whipped around, trying to see anything in the darkness, but nothing was there—yet. The Beast was playing with its food. Playing with us.

    Where is it? Rana asked. I can’t see anything! Oh God, it’s going to hurt when it eats us, isn’t it?

    I picked myself up and helped Rana to her feet. Don’t worry, Rana—we’re going to survive.

    What? How can you be so sure?

    I reached for my dagger, relieved when I still felt it in my pocket. Because I always sleep with a weapon—just in case.

    Her eyes widened once she noticed the dagger in my hand. Are you crazy? You’ll never be able to kill it, especially with a dagger!

    I shrugged. Maybe not—but if I’m going to die, I’m not going down without a fight.

    I grabbed her arm, keeping her close to me as we walked through the underground pits. I could see small slivers of light peeking through the grate above us, illuminating the dingy and dirty pen. The beast was there somewhere, waiting for us to walk into its trap.

    There was another growl. In the darkness, I saw four sets of eyes—bright and yellow, just like the sun I’d never see again. It looked at the both of us and licked its lips.

    The sunlight through the grate hit the creature at the right time, highlighting its strange features. I noticed what it was—a giant worm with two tentacles. It had two mouths, a large protruding tail, and scales across its snake-like body.

    Two more meals. It’s about time, the Beast said. I’ve been waiting a whole month, as per my deal with the humans.

    You’re wrong, I replied. You’re not eating us today. We’re getting out of this pit alive.

    The creature laughed and its rumble tremored the ground. You’re a feisty human. I like it.

    Wait, Rana said, looking at me with wide eyes. You...can talk with it? You understand the Beast?

    I furrowed my eyebrows. Yeah. You can’t?

    No—it just sounds like growls to me! she replied, then gasped. Do you know what this means, Alistair?

    I shook my head.

    Well, you really should have paid more attention in history class. You’re a Speaker! she cried. It’s the legend! A seer once told of a person who could communicate with the Beast. Centuries ago, it was a Speaker that made the deal with the beast. I guess you’ve got that power too. This is good! You can try to reason with it—tell it to stop killing our people!

    You’re mistaken, the Beast replied. I can’t be persuaded. I will take what is mine, what was promised to me. I will feed.

    The creature lunged at us, then Rana and I dove out of the way. I landed in the mud again and my dagger flew out of my hand. Rana was the one to reach for me, pulling me to my feet and handing me my dagger.

    Talk to it again! she cried. Tell the Beast to leave us alone.

    It can understand you too, you know, I replied, looking up at the creature. Hey, Beast? Any chance you won’t eat us for dinner?

    It snarled and attacked us again, its tentacles shooting fiery acid at the two of us.

    After we dodged out of the way, I sighed. I guess there’s no talking him out of it.

    Come on! Rana cried. There has to be a way out of here!

    The Beast thrust its tentacles under the mud, trying to trip us up as we ran through the pit. We were running down a large corridor that stretched on for miles, and I feared we’d never find an exit.

    In the distance, there was a flicker of light. We were getting closer to the surface now—I could feel it. The corridor was getting brighter and I could feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.

    But then we came to a dead-end. I could hear the Beast following us, its tentacles causing little bubbles to appear under the mud. It would reach us any minute now.

    No! Rana cried. This can’t be it!

    A tentacle poked out of the mud, pulling Rana down. She screamed and tried to pull it off, but it was tightening its grip around her neck. Her face was turning beet red.

    Get it off! Get it off! she cried. Alistair, do something!

    With one swift stroke, I used my dagger to cut off one of the Beast’s tentacles. It cried out in pain and let Rana go, then she was able to rise to her feet and kick the creature in the stomach.

    With the Beast weakened, we searched the end of the pit. I felt around the walls and the ground, still in the darkness, for anything that could help us. I wanted out—and I wanted revenge.

    I heard something click, then a small hole opened above us like a secret door. There was a note attached to the door which read: FOR THE EMPEROR’S QUICK GETAWAY.

    Rana gasped. They must’ve set this up for the Emperor to escape in case he had to face the Beast. What a cheat!

    I shook my head. There’s no time to talk now. We’ll confront the Emperor later. Let’s just get out of here!

    I climbed through the hole first, pulling myself up with my arms. I reached a hand down at Rana, gesturing for her to take my arm to safety.

    Come on—I’ll pull you up! I cried.

    She was shorter than I was, so she needed to put her foot on the wall to hoist herself up. As she did that, she slipped on the mud and fell to the ground.

    The Beast was right behind us, and I could see its tentacles at Rana’s head. She screamed, trying to claw her way up the wall again.

    I reached down as far as I could, feeling around for her hand. I caught it and pulled it up—only to find that it wasn’t attached to her body.

    The Beast had torn her to pieces with its large mouth of a thousand teeth, spraying blood across the walls of the pit. She was being eaten alive one limb at a time.

    One down, the Beast said. One to go. Such a tasty meal, humans are.

    The Beast saw me and tried to reach for me, but I was too far away. I threw Rana’s arm at the beast, knowing there was no hope for her, then rose to my feet.

    I was standing in a narrow passage with only a torch to guide the way. I had hoped it was sunlight but that was wishful thinking. I ran as fast as I could, covered in mud and blood, until I came to a wooden door. I pounded on it, and after a minute, it opened.

    A soldier stood there, his mouth agape. did you get out of the pit?

    I pushed him out of the way. That’s not important. I know your secret. I know you set up an escape so the Emperor wouldn’t be killed if his name was drawn.

    A cluster of guards swarmed me. I thought they were going to kill me until the Emperor pushed through the crowd. 

    Soldiers, restrain him, the Emperor said, then the soldiers grabbed my arms.

    Rana was a good woman, I said. She tried to help me—and the Beast killed her for it. You said the sacrifice was fair? You’re wrong. There’s nothing fair about any of this.

    I spit in his face and the soldiers gasped. The Emperor didn’t seem too upset about it, using the sleeve of his silk robe to wipe it off.

    The Emperor nodded. So, you know my secret. Yes, I created a secret tunnel that would spare my life. I would do anything to survive—like you proved by leaving that woman behind to save yourself.

    I didn’t leave her behind, I said through gritted teeth. I tried to take her with me. The Beast got to her first.

    Or so you say. But it seems we’re at an impasse, the Emperor said, sighing. I can’t have the people knowing my secret. Would you be willing to make a deal? The Beast is fed and I could agree to let you go, promising to never sacrifice you again.

    The only deal I want is that Beast to die, I replied. It’s terrorized Ethos for too long. Too many innocents have lost their lives. The deal must be broken.

    The Emperor sneered. Do you think we haven’t tried to kill it? That our soldiers haven’t died for it? It isn’t that simple, Mr. Kane. It needs to feed—and this is the only way to stop it from destroying our city. Human sacrifices, just as we promised centuries ago.

    You sure about that? I managed to slice off one of its tentacle, I said. It can be killed. Just give me a chance!

    The Emperor shook his head. The tentacles will only grow back. The Beast can regenerate its limbs—even a severed head. We’ve already investigated this.

    Then I’ll do it again and again until it can’t regenerate anymore, I replied. Look, the Beast said he’s expecting two meals. We can pretend we’re giving him another sacrifice, then I’ll be waiting to stab him again.

    The Beast...spoke to you? the Emperor asked, wide-eyed. You could understand him?

    Yeah, that’s right. Rana was surprised too.

    No doubt. Surely you’ve heard about the legend of the Speaker, the Emperor replied. "My might be the only one

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