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The Rejected Moon: Book 2 Becoming the Queen of Hybrids
The Rejected Moon: Book 2 Becoming the Queen of Hybrids
The Rejected Moon: Book 2 Becoming the Queen of Hybrids
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The Rejected Moon: Book 2 Becoming the Queen of Hybrids

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About this ebook

Mira Savera is a daughter of a beta. She was born perfect and everyone admired her. She's kind, beautiful, smart, and the most powerful in her pack.
She has everything she wanted until that fateful day happened.
She's accused of betraying their pack losing half of their population including her parents and their alpha and luna.
Werewolves loathed her and they thought that killing her is a show of mercy so instead they abused her.
Mira took it all hoping that her mate would come to save her, but will he?
Hope gone, secrets unravelled. How long would Mira last in a whirlwind that keeps pushing her to the bottom of her life?

"What would they think if they realized that the Mira they used to abuse before is the same princess whom they are now going to serve? Moreover, how are they going to react?"

Release dateMay 27, 2024
The Rejected Moon: Book 2 Becoming the Queen of Hybrids

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    Book preview

    The Rejected Moon - Selene Souchon

    Chapter 61

    Leila's POV

    It was Mira. Mira is the Princess. Mira is Callie Cisneros.

    My mind went short at what I saw. How? How could she be the princess? She's weak, she doesn't even have a wolf. How the hell did she become a hybrid? Am I dreaming? Is this a nightmare?

    The last time I saw Mira, her body was filled with scars. Her body was so thin from the lack of nutrients and you can even see her bones sketched onto her skin. Despite all of that, she got a sharp tongue, and she's brave enough to even talk back at us sometimes, but she's too weak that her scent was closed to a human.

    The girl who's walking down the middle couldn't be her. Her skin is so white and creamy and it's impossible that she had suffered beatings before. However, her face, her eyes and anything about her shouts Mira. She's definitely Mira.

    Adam! I thought worriedly. Would Adam leave me now that he realized his mate wasn't the same weak person he knew before? Would he replace me now that he found out that his mate is the queen?

    I stared at his face and like me; he was surprised too, along with Logan and Jace, except for Inggrid. She was teary-eyed.

    I stared back again at Mira's and her eyes met mine. She was staring at me with an emotionless face, which I remember all too well whenever I passed by her or ridicule her.

    As fast as her eyes landed on to mine, she removed her gaze from me and looked at the front.

    She knelt on one knee and bowed her head before the three men who was waiting for her to arrive.

    The first one was holding a crown that was passed on to the rulers before her and was placed on a red pillow. The second one was holding a long, thin metal staff. Lastly, the other one was carrying a golden staff laid with rubies.

    Is her majesty willing to take the oath?

    Yes, I'm willing.

    Do you solemnly promise to rule the kingdom and remain your loyalty with it and to take the wellbeing of your kingdom first before your high interest?

    I solemnly promise.

    Do you promise to rule with a heart of just and keen to do what is right. Not only for what you seemed right, but to also what should a person in your position must do. You will take the right judgements and think of your people first.

    I solemnly promise.

    I now proclaim Callie Cisneros of House of Cisneros, as the Queen of Hybrids. He proclaimed and placed the thin metal staff on top of the both of her shoulder and her head, lingering there for a minute.

    Everyone clapped their hands and smiled happily for the new queen, but they were cut short when she raised her left hand stopping the person from placing the crown on top of her head.

    No, sir, he muttered.

    The crowd went silent at her words. Although, my real name was Callie, I've been called Mira all my life. I wish that you proclaim me as Queen upon the name I've grown up with and not with the House of Cisneros, but of Crimson Coven.

    I felt Adam's breath hitch inside his throat at her words. Who wouldn't if they realized that the person that they've been mistreating and abusing all these years was now the Queen.

    The person smiled in relief at her words, for everyone thought that he disagrees with some of the oath she had taken as a queen. I now proclaim Mira Cisneros of Crimson Coven, as the Queen of Hybrids, he repeated his words and just changed the name. He also repeated the same things he did earlier with the thin metal staff.

    Everyone clapped their hands one again, but my body was frozen solid to even move an inch. It was like a cold water was poured on top of my head upon hearing Mira becoming a queen."

    The crown was placed on top of her head and she took the scepter with her right hand. She then walked forward and sat on the throne and smiled at everyone.

    Her smile irked anger and annoyance inside of me.

    This explains why wearing turtle necks were prohibited and why the invitation I received stated that Lunas must wear red dresses. She sabotaged me and she's doing this for revenge. I clenched my fist in anger.

    Just because your now a queen, it doesn't mean that I'm afraid of you. You might win now, but I won't let you win twice in a row. I won't let you steal away what I worked hard for in the past two years that you were gone. I smirked evilly at my thoughts.

    I then turned towards Adam that is sitting beside me and placed my hand on top of his. I wrapped my fingers around his hand and circled my thumb upon his palm. I will not let Mira take what is mine.


    After the coronation

    Mira's POV

    I changed into a simple dress which also have the same color as the dress I'm wearing earlier. The even hasn't ended yet. There's still a banquet for the guests who arrived for the coronation. They will also stay here for a few days until they decided to leave.

    As their new queen and the reason of their visit in the Kingdom, I must talk to all of them and entertain the guests.

    As soon as I arrived at the venue the people flooded me and fought for my attention.

    The banquet was held outside under the moon, in the middle of the forest. Different foods were laid on the table that the even organizer had chosen herself. Everyone was enjoying themselves, talking at each other. Most of their conversations were about Leila's dress and the bandage at the side of her neck. I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation.

    That woman has no shame for wearing the same dress as the Queen. I could even tell that the wound on the side of her neck was caused by a mark. That Alpha beside her isn't even her mate.

    Oh quick! The queen is here, we must talk to her!

    I disrupted all their fun when they saw me coming to where they are. They were all dying to talk to me.

    I nodded my head to each one of them and laughed softly at some of the conversations I had. I wanted to talk to Edmond and his family, but this people were stoppping me.

    When the crowd around me started to disperse, I looked around to see where Edmond was when someone coughed behind me to gain my attention. I turned around to see Adam holding two glasses of wine. He bowed his head to me and I'm surprised that Leila isn't with him. She's been clinging unto his arm in the whole event.

    May I offer your majesty with a glass of champagne, he said formally.

    I took the glass from his hand and sipped. Can we talk... privately? He asked.

    I hesitated on my answer, what came out of my mouth got me unprepared, Fine, I muttered. I wanted to say no, but the bond that we had stopped me from saying so.

    We walked away from the crowd and signalled the person who was in charge of watching over me to stop following me.

    What is it? I asked when no one was around to hear us.

    Chapter 62

    12 years ago...

    The night after the rogue attack

    Adam's POV

    I wiped the tears off my eyes with the back of my hand and stared once again at the portrait of our family, which is placed on top of the fireplace. My mother was smiling while carrying me in her arms when I was a baby and my father was standing right beside her. It was an awesome sight that I couldn't tear my eyes off it. A sight that I now couldn't see because she's gone.

    My mother is gone. I could never hear her soft voice and hearty laughs as she jokes around us. I will never feel her touch at night as she caresses me to sleep. I will miss seeing her in the garden, taking care of her favorite flowers and I will surely miss her smile, that I can only see through the portrait in front of me.

    You couldn't tell that she was hurting from carrying me and smiling too long as the painter finishes his painting of us. She's a strong and brave mother, and she did her job as the pack's Luna. No Luna, would sacrifice her life for her pack. Only Alphas do that. Even though I couldn't accept her decision to fight with the warriors outside, considering that she's pregnant and not allowed for combat, I'm still proud of her selfless decision.

    Hot tears went out of my eyes when I remembered the way how she died. Her head was nearly cut away from her body at the deep cut she got from the long nails of the rogue who attacked her. He didn't care that my mother was pregnant and took her life easily, knowing that she couldn't defend herself. I swear that once I rise to power, I will kill all the rogues and avenge my mother and the warriors who died.

    Our pack had been kind and considerate to all rogues who pass by our border. In fact, some of the members of our pack were rogues whom we had taken in with kindness. They attacked us when we did nothing to provoke them. They disrupted the peace we have in our pack.

    Dad! Where are you going? I asked when I saw him walking towards the front door. I've been waiting for him to come out of his room. I was surprised when no tears came out of his face when he saw mom, but I know that deep inside his emotionless facade, he's sad and angry at the same time for what happened to my mother.

    Nowhere, he told me coldly.

    Can I come? Please.

    I'm going to do something important.

    I'll behave.

    No, stay here.

    But dad I- I wanted to tell him that I wanted to come because I needed comfort. I just lost my mom, and he's locking himself in his room and refusing to talk to me.

    I TOLD YOU TO STAY! Didn't you hear what I said?! I flinched when he shouted at me. He never shouted at me before. He always had a long patience when it comes to me.


    Next time don't inisist what you want! He spat before slamming the door shut.

    At first, I tried to understand his actions towards me. My mother, which is his mate, just died, and it's normal that he feels angry about everyone around him. I only wish that he would also thinkabout me. I also lost my mother too. I thought that he would go back to normal in a few days, but he didn't. He went worst day by day and my father that I used to now was gone. He died too with my mom.

    I never saw him laugh, never saw him smile, and stopped being a father to me. He stopped treating me as his son and treated me as an object.

    You got 89 in your science? my father noted after handing him my report card. I got a line of nine in all my other subjects, but the only thing he noticed was the number eight in my report card.

    It's just one point to ninety.

    Just one point! he shouted, making me lower my head. That's the reason why your stupid. You can't even pass a point to ninety!

    I gulped at his words. To him I'm nothing but a weak, stupid werewolf. I had never heard him say that he's happy for me. He was never proud of anything good that I do. Everything I do is nothing for him that's why I did everything I could to meet his standard. I studied day and night and there were times that I would skip meals just to hear him say Good, but it never came. I never even heard him call me son ever since. I wasted my life striving to meet his standards.

    Your lucky that you still have a father. I lost both of my parents in the attack, Logan answered after telling him my problems about my father.

    Everyone thinks that I'm lucky for not losing both of my parents. A lot of children were orphaned because of the attack. I don't think that I'm lucky at all in my case. Yes, I do have a dad but he's not my father that I used to have. He changed, and he makes me feel things that children shouldn't feel about themselves. He made me feel worthless and stupid.

    He ruined my childhood.

    Remember that he didn't changed as your father. He also changed as our uncle too.

    He's right. My father didn't just became hard on me. He also became hard to Logan and Jace. My father would always point out their flaws and mistakes. We are always wrong in his eyes.

    The attack didn't just take my whole family... In a way, it took away my life too.

    When my father told everyone that Mira was behind the attack and showed hard evidences to back up his claim, I immediately resented her. I was blinded by my rage and anger. She ruined my life! We were all good to her, but she betrayed us and ruined everyone's lives.

    I can't believe that I fell in love with her.

    I didn't lie when I told her that I like her under our gazebo surrounded by flowers. All the words I told her when I gave her the silver necklace was true. I liked her, but how could I like her no matter what, when she's the reason why my mother and my sibling died. I could never love someone who killed my family.

    I wanted to tell you that I also love you. I've been wanting to tell you that since you gave me this necklace and confessed your feelings for me. I love you so much that I wouldn't care if you weren't my mate. If ever I will find my other half, I will choose you over him. Even after everything, my feelings for you didn't change, Mira conffessed.

    I was surprised at the words that came out of her mouth. I thought the feelings I had for her were one sided. I didn't thought that she like me too.

    If she told me those things when we were little and when things weren't the way it is now. Would evreything change? Would I defend her from everyone after hearing that she's a traitor? Those were the questions I didn't know the answers of. But maybe, maybe it would affect my decisions and things would be different from what it is now.

    Chapter 63

    A week after Mira escaped...

    Adam's POV

    I drove to the where we used to live. The place where I grew up and holds the memories I had with my mother.

    I went out of the car and stared at the sight before me. The house I used to live is now lifeless, like the people who used to live in there. It was old and abandoned. The flowers that used to bloom and waft their fragrance around every day were now gone. The garden was now filled with dirt and orange grass.

    My father was so broken that he couldn't bear to live in the same place where memories of my mother haunt us every day. Aside from that, he hated flowers ever since.

    He took me and we moved to the empty rooms in our pack house. I had never seen this place again, not until now.

    Tears welled my eyes that were covered with my sunglasses. I raised my head and looked at the sky to keep my tears at bay and heaved a deep sigh. After recovering myself, I stepped towards the front door, the dry dirt crunching under my leather boots.

    I remember how my mother would get mad at me whenever I'd walk on the dirt instead of the cobblestone path. Now that she's gone, along with the flowers she loves, I decided to walk on the dirt, hoping that I would hear her angry voice yelling at me again. How I wish that I could bring back time, hug my mother and make her smile.

    I brought out the house key that I had since I was little. My father gave me this spare key because I insisted to have one before. Even though I haven't been here ever since we moved out, I had always kept this key inside my drawers. Wondering when will I be able to use this key again.

    The lock clicked, and the door creaked as I opened it wide and went slowly inside. The house was covered with dust in the inside and it felt empty. The things we used to have that were placed around the house are now gone.

    Waves of sadness filled me, making my knees go weak and my lips tremble. I crouched on the floor and let the tears flow out of my eyes like running water. I let out a soft cry and hugged my knees, hoping to ease the sadness and loneliness covering my heart.

    I had always felt lonely and empty ever since the attack happened. There was always this void in my heart that I tried to fulfill with temporary happiness that doesn't even do much to make me feel things that I've felt before, when things were still normal.

    I got drunk, filled my pleasure with women, and hurt Mira for revenge, but all those things only pulled me deeper to the darkest pit of my life.

    I removed my sunglasses, wiped my eyes, and stared at the insides of the house once again. The painting on top of the fireplace is still there. That's the only thing that was left inside the house. I guess father didn't have the courage to throw it away.

    I touched the painting and felt its roughness under my skin. Seeing how happy we were in it, it made a smile crept out of my face.

    I stayed there just staring at the painting for a few minutes, not muttering anything. Looking at it made me reflect on my life. It made me realize what a fool I was.

    My wolf had stopped talking to me ever since Mira left. I could feel that he's still there, but he doesn't want anything to do with me.

    Night time came, and I know that I had to leave. I left the pack house without telling anyone where I'm going. I stood up and was about to walk to the front door when our dining room caught my attention.

    The long table and the chairs were still there, covered with dust. I went towards it and thought, when was the last time we ate here happily and complete? That's when I remembered the last dinner we all had together.

    It was when Mira's family came to visit us after we invited them for dinner to tell them that my mother was pregnant. It was also the night when I gave her the silver necklace and conffessed my feelings to her.

    Just behind the dining table, there's a glass door where you can see the small gazebo where it happened. I looked at it as the memories played inside my head like a movie.

    In sense of nostalgia, I went towards the gazebo and sat there for an hour.

    No matter what, I whispered.

    I wasn't lying when I told her that no matter what my feelings for her won't change.

    My feelings about her never changed in the past few years. When I heard that it was the same thing as her. I was surprised. I didn't know what to feel. The truth is, I still like her. I never stopped liking her.

    I tried my best to stop those feelings. I can't love someone who killed my mother and my sibling. I can't love someone who ruined my life. I tried to fight these feelings by hurting her. I did everything to numb out the feelings I had for her, but as I went on with my life and continued my wrong decisions and bad actions in life, It made me realize that don't just like her. I love her. What I felt for her when I was little wasn't a simple crush or an infatuation. It was true love, and it was too late when I realized it.

    She's gone. She left, and she's not going to forgive me. I damaged her, I broke her. The least thing that I can do is to let her go and stop looking for her... but I couldn't. I couldn't let her go.

    Adam, someone called me, making me look up to see who it was.


    I was surprised to see him her. Why is he here?

    I thought you'd never come.

    I stayed sient at his words. He went towards me and sat beside me.

    You come here often? I asked.

    I come here everyday, whenever I miss her.

    Then, why did we have to leave?

    He took a deep breath, You already met your mate Adam. I'm sure you know the answer to that.

    I gulped at his words. His mate is dead, but mine is still alive.

    You know what, I envy you. I wish I could be as strong as you and live with a chosen mate without holding on to my real mate.

    That's not true. I... I miss her too.

    Why did you reject her?

    What do you mean? She can't be the Luna of our pack.

    Of course, she can't and I won't allow that. But why did you reject her as your mate?

    I can't be mated to someone who killed my mother.

    And now? Why do you still look for her?

    I stayed silent.

    Everytime that Leila asks me the same question, I always answer that I look for her so that I could kill her myself, but I'm lying to myself whenever I tell her that.

    What do you suppose should I do?

    Remember how your mom would always tell you that Mira is perfect for you and how she wish that both of you will end up mates?

    Mom isn't the only one who thinks that. Everyone did.

    Son, I just don't want you to feel what I've been feeling for the past years. Let go of your mom and live your life.

    Chapter 64

    In the banquet...

    Third person's POV

    What is it? Mira asked coldly at Adam after seeing that they are already too far from the crowd.

    Mira could tell from his face that a lot of questions are running through his head.

    Adam indeed has a lot of questions to ask her. He wanted to know how she's been, where had she been for the past two years and what happened to her. Mira changed a lot, more than how he expected her to change.

    H-How are you? he asked. He couldn't help but to feel ashamed of himself.

    She laughed at his question, making him look at her.

    Your asking me how I am? I can't believe you're asking that! She mocked him, making him gulp at her words.

    "I shouldn't have approached her without thinking things out. I didn't expect that I would meet her. I especially didn't expect that she

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