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From love to hate... and back
From love to hate... and back
From love to hate... and back
Ebook227 pages3 hours

From love to hate... and back

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First love is so bright, reverent, desirable, and can be destroyed by one careless transgression. How do we survive betrayal and believe that life does not end there? How to stay alive when the heart is broken? A second love as a gift of fate to help heal the wounds on the heart and make us believe that happiness can still exist. But once again, one careless misunderstanding destroys everything that our heroine so carefully kept in her reborn heart. And how to survive a new betrayal? And how to believe that life is not over after another betrayal? Our hero is a strong-willed man for whom women are hunters for his money. But she appears, shattering all his ideas about women and the foundations of life. She makes him so angry that he wants to kill her. Can they find common ground? Is love possible between them? Let's see together.

Release dateMay 27, 2024
From love to hate... and back


Dzimis 1989. gada 22. decembrī. Absolvējis Rīgas Juridisko koledžu. Profesijā nav strādājis, bet apguvis programmēšanas prasmes un pašlaik ar to nodarbojas. Kopš 2022. gada ir personīgā uzņēmuma vadītājs, kas nodarbojas ar transporta pārvadājumiem, kā arī programmēšanu. Dzīvnieku, īpaši suņu, mīļotājs. Born 22 December 1989. Graduated from Riga College of Law. Has not worked in the profession, but has acquired programming skills and is currently working in it. Since 2022 he has been the CEO of his own company, which deals with transport transport as well as programming. Lover of animals, especially dogs.

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    Book preview

    From love to hate... and back - EDGARS AUZIŅŠ

    Chapter 1.

    - My little drop, I wanted to say for a long time that I love you very much! I've been looking for you for so long, you're the only one I want to love! You became the meaning of my life, my world, the air. Marry me?

    Igor took a lilac-colored velvet box from his pocket and held it out on his open palm.

    - Droplet, I beg you, make me happy. I promise I will be the best husband in the world to you. You will never regret it when we get married.

    The girl sat red in embarrassment, not looking up from the table. It seemed to her that everyone in the restaurant was looking at them, pointing and laughing, which made her want to become so small and invisible. At this time, two waiters in snow-white shirts, bow ties and black pants approached the table. One held a huge bouquet of red roses, the other a bucket of champagne. At Igor's sign, they placed flowers in a previously prepared vase and a bucket of champagne on the table and stopped at the table in waiting poses. The man nodded to them, the waiter took a bottle of champagne, opened it with a soft pop and gracefully poured the bubbly into the glasses. Igor continued to hold the box in his hand and look at the girl, tensely waiting for her answer. At this time, a violinist approached them, who began to play a very soft melody with such enthusiasm, as if the violin itself were singing about something personal.

    The girl was ready to fall on the floor. She was not ready for that when Igor invited her to a restaurant today. And her outfit for the restaurant didn't really match the moment - a simple dark blue dress with a high collar, decorated with a knitted collar, the same knitted cuffs on the long sleeves, old simple black shoes with low heels. She really didn't want to come here, but the man persuaded her. And now she was sitting next to a handsome man in an expensive suit, a snow-white shirt, to whom all the free women of the restaurant were looking sideways, whose eyes could read: And what did he find on this mountain. ? I'm her best.

    - Pilite, I was recommended one restaurant, I want to go there with you, check if my advertisers are not lying. We'll just have lunch, don't worry, you're the most beautiful," the man said, hugging the girl around the waist.

    When she agreed, she didn't even imagine that Igor, her man whom she had been dating for almost a year, would propose to her. And now she sat red-faced with excitement and shock, afraid to move. And outside the window, apple trees and lilac bushes were blooming wildly, swaying their branches in the light wind, as if persuading the girl to agree to the proposal.

    - Drip, are you against it? - the man became worried when her silence dragged on.

    She couldn't answer because of her excitement, trying to swallow her tense lump of words, she simply nodded her head in agreement.

    - Honey, did I understand correctly that you agree?

    She nodded again, biting her lips so hard she was afraid she would bite them until they bled. The man opened the box, took out a beautiful ring, took the girl's hand and put it on her finger. And at this time, the visitors sitting at neighboring tables, who had been watching what was happening for about five minutes, started clapping, which made the girl blush even more. It was not until ten minutes later, when the waiters and the fiddler had left their table and the others had returned to their conversations, that she was able to look up at the man who was staring into her face with intense attention and expectation.

    - Drip, are you upset? - asked Igor.

    No, she shook her head, it's all so...unexpected.

    - Why, Droplet? Have you really not seen that you are very dear to me during the year that we have been together? I have been waiting for a girl like you for so long and I really want us to become a family, I love you so much. Just trust me, I will love and care for you. Well, do you agree to be my wife?

    I agree, she finally managed to find the strength to smile. Only I would like you to make sure to meet my parents and ask them for my hand in marriage. This is very important to me.

    Spring blossomed in her soul, the centuries-old ice that had pressed her heart had melted, she wanted to love and be loved. But she still did not believe that this man loved her until the very end, and certainly did not think that he would be ready to propose to her. They had never talked about their feelings before that day. She caught his gaze, but she couldn't even imagine that he felt anything more than just friendship for her.

    Since her school days, she did not believe that she could find a man who would love her, the lesson of life was too painful for her. Capitol never considered herself a beauty capable of conquering a man like Igor. She saw the way women were looking at her, knew that many would want to get closer to her, but for some reason he chose her. Doubts crept into her soul and at the same time she was happy. She had loved him unrequitedly for a long time. And it seemed to Capitol that all their meetings meant nothing to Igor, that they were just good friends and there was no point in hoping for anything more. And now her heart was beating in the hope that she would be happy.


    Capitol met Igor at work and at school. In the summer, the school director Svetlana Vasilievna called her back from vacation to work.

    - Kapochka, our sponsors decided to carry out minor repairs in some classrooms, including yours, before the start of the school year. Come, please, we need to discuss the color of the walls with you, and there are other small things. You also said something about some of the equipment and shelves. So while there is a chance, we have to revive it all, otherwise when our sponsors will fork more. See you at school tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

    The school where she worked was built in the 1950s, and her office had not been renovated almost since the school was put into operation. At times plaster fell from the ceiling for the children, paint flew in chunks from the walls, and the window frames were so dry that a constant draft came through the cracks. Despite the fact that the regional city where the Capitol now resided was located in the southern region of Russia, it was still quite cold in the winter, and she and the students had to wrap themselves in warm clothes. If other classes were sometimes at least repaired, then her Russian language and literature class, which was located at the very end of the long corridor, for some reason was not so lucky. So Capitolia was excited, quickly said goodbye to her parents, where she spent her vacation, and hurried to the bus station.

    When she arrived at school in the morning, she was met near the porch by the school principal and a man who looked 35 years old, slightly above average height, dark haired, handsome and confident.

    - Kapitolina Maksimovna, meet me, this is Igor Nikolayevich, the director of the company, who will carry out repairs on our behalf. I will leave you and you will decide what to do with the office. I want to say that it has been decided to carry out a complete repair of your office," and Svetlana Vasilievna ran away.

    In addition to renovations, Kapitolina had long wanted to remodel the office she got when she got the job. First, she wanted to turn the desks so that the light fell on them from the right side. She also wanted to create a block of bookshelves that spanned an entire wall, because those two little old cabinets with creaky doors that were always ajar didn't hold all the books and manuals she wanted in the office. And I wanted to create a comfortable workplace for myself. She repeatedly thought about how she would arrange her office, and now her dream could come true.

    She extended her hand to Igor Nikolayevich.

    Hello, my name is Kapitolina Maksimovna, and she blushed.

    She was already used to her name making everyone smile, but the serious-faced man carefully took her hand in his and shook it gently.

    - I am very pleased. Now such an unusual and rare word. Reminds me of spring, he replied, seeing her surprised look. - It looks like a drop, like drops in the spring.

    She blushed even more at his words and hurried to take his hand away.

    - Let's go to class, I'll show you what I want to change.

    Only now did the man smile and nod at her.

    - Please, let's wait a bit. Now my workers will arrive, I wanted you to tell all your ideas directly to my master who will be in command here.

    He looked at his watch.

    - They should arrive at any moment. At most, within about five minutes. My Arseniy Fomich is very responsible," he looked around and smiled. – And there they come.

    A small blue minibus with a company logo on the side came around the bend and pulled up to the school porch. Six people came out of it, dressed in the same work clothes with the same company logo on their jackets. One of the men approached Igor Nikolayevich, greeted him, then held out his hand to Capitol and shook it very gently.

    We're ready to go, he reported. Orders Mistress, and winked.

    Capitol went into his office with the foreman and two other workers. Igor Nikolayevich followed them and watched as the girl enthusiastically told Arseniy Fomich about her ideas. He listened and nodded in agreement and even suggested something to make it even better. The teacher's face at that moment was so beautiful and spiritual that Igor could not tear his eyes away from it. In appearance, the most ordinary girl, no older than twenty, fair-haired, with the usual teacher's hairstyle in a bun on the back of the head, but her dark blue eyes sparkled with such unusual lightness and kindness that it was inexplicably long. - a forgotten feeling stirred in the man's soul, reminiscent of tenderness, enthusiasm. Then he noticed that her face seemed to be shaped by the loving hand of a talented sculptor, beautiful, very soft, as if glowing from within. And she blushed very nicely when she noticed his gaze on her.

    He didn't interfere in the conversation between the teacher and his master, watching them from the sidelines, but he felt the warmth of this girl envelop him, making his heart beat faster. When she said goodbye to the workers, he took the girl to the porch and offered to drive her home. She blushed nicely again and refused. Igor decided not to force events, because he would still have time to talk with her and get to know her better. He firmly decided for himself that he would definitely do everything to make this girl his.


    Capitol went home and remembered Igor. She saw him there in the classroom watching her. She could physically feel his gaze on her, which made her heart beat faster, but she tried not to show it. Capitol hardly forced herself not to react to his views and was able to agree with the foreman, who turned out to be an absolutely wonderful person and an experienced specialist, and discuss everything she would like to do in her classroom. They agreed to meet in two weeks and said their goodbyes.

    "Well, why did he look at me like that? - the girl kept thinking. - And why did you offer to make it happen? Did he like me? Well, it can't be, He's so handsome, and I'm so... ordinary. If he will want, he will have so many girls that he will have nowhere to put.

    As she fell asleep, she constantly saw his eyes watching her closely, penetrating her soul with his gaze.

    When she arrived at school two weeks later, most of the classroom work had been completed. The ceiling was sparkling white, the windows replaced, the walls painted a nice light peach color, the floor cleaned and freshly varnished. Arseny Fomich listened to her excited words with a smile and nodded his head with satisfaction. Now the most important thing remained - to furnish the office according to her idea.

    While they were talking, the door opened and Igor Nikolayevich entered. He shook hands with the foreman and gave her his brightest smile, which made her blush again to the very roots of her hair.

    What is wrong with me, Capitolia fumed, "why am I not reacting to this man like that? And why is he looking at me like that?

    She flinched again and managed to finish her conversation with the foreman, then said goodbye until the next meeting in a week and went out. Igor caught up with him on the street.

    Kapitolina Maksimovna, wait, he called her. – I wanted to give you something.

    She stopped and watched in amazement as he pulled a large bouquet of white and pink roses from the back seat of his expensive car. She was speechless when he walked up to her and held out the flowers.

    - Kapitolina Maksimovna, that too for you.

    He beamed with a smile and looked at her with his dark eyes with such tenderness that she was even more lost in her feelings and did not know what to do.


    She was not deprived of male attention, she was repeatedly told that she was beautiful, an Olympian aunt who took her after school, taught her feminine wisdom to look like a lady in her simple dress, taught her to watch. face to create a subtle make-up that accentuates her soft skin and the brightness of her dark blue eyes. They spent a lot of time talking which gave her so much life wisdom. Although the relationship between her and her mother was reliable, her godmother became her friend, the closest person.

    After graduating from college, she had several suitors, but she was not used to such broad signs of attention. After school, or rather, even after college, she tried several times to allow herself to communicate with men, but something prevented her from trusting these relationships. Each time she stopped them before even kissing. Every time she thought they might go beyond kissing, she felt sick. She couldn't bring herself to even think about getting into bed with someone. Someone else's hands on her body, someone else's lips caressing her - she felt unpleasant to the point of trembling. She didn't feel even close to the excitement, the desire for intimacy, the wild passion they write about in romance novels.

    No, she wouldn't even kiss without love. Even the arguments of some of her friends and acquaintances that sex is good for a woman's health could not force her to break her principle. And when she expressed this to her suitors, they simply abandoned her, some with disdain, others twiddling their fingers at their temples, others simply replying that they weren't even thinking about any serious relationship, just sex and nothing more and a girl. with cockroaches on their heads they are not interested.

    After the betrayal of loved ones at school, the Capitol froze all emotions and feelings. When I entered the philology department, I was happy that there were only a dozen guys in the course who were not even interested in her, considering her boring and gray. Her fellow students were constantly in active search and then energetically shared their impressions with their friends during the lectures. Capitol couldn't understand how you could so freely sleep with one, then another, and call it all the pursuit of happiness? Can girls really give their bodies so freely without mutual feelings? And I did not understand those guys who were so ready to choose a girlfriend for themselves in the same series of thirst for happiness, today with one, tomorrow with another, and all this was considered in the order of things. . In all this series of partner changes, where can there be real feelings? She always ignored the ridicule of her friends, who did not believe that she did not seek to meet guys, they called her eternal virgin, ice cracker, untouchable. The Capitol was unpleasant, but she went on and believed that she would meet her man, who was destined for her.


    Now she looked at the bouquet that Igor handed her and did not know what to say. Men gave her flowers, but such a huge bouquet was the first time. This bouquet was so beautiful that she bit her cheek until it hurt to keep from crying. She forced herself to take the flowers.

    - Thanks, but why? – That was all she could say, barely forcing the words through her dry throat.

    For meeting the most beautiful girl in the world, replied Igor with a smile, handing her a bouquet. – I would like to suggest you to go to a cafe. We could get to know each other better and talk. I don't want to lose you.

    But I'm not dressed to go to a coffee shop, Capitolia replied fearfully, feverishly remembering that today she was wearing her usual light gray linen skirt and a light white blouse with short puffy sleeves that made her look more tall. student than a girl his age.

    Trust me, you're beautiful in any outfit, the man replied with a smile again. - Please let me invite you. I know a very nice cafe nearby, owned by a good friend of mine. My team was doing repairs there. At the same time, appreciate our work.

    He smiled widely again, which made him so... handsome that Capitolia knew that just a little more

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