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The Lords: War of Horirrhim
The Lords: War of Horirrhim
The Lords: War of Horirrhim
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The Lords: War of Horirrhim

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In the shadow of looming darkness, the kingdom of Alordia stands on the brink of war. Led by the stalwart King Darvius Ironheart and his courageous companions, including the wizard Gladralph, the sharp-eyed Legomore, and the formidable Gwarf warrior Limglim, Alordia braces itself for its greatest trial yet. As dark forces gather and treachery lurks in the shadows, the company of Alordia must unite against the looming threat, confronting their inner demons and standing strong in the face of adversity. With bravery, unity, and unwavering resolve, they embark on a journey fraught with peril, facing battles both physical and emotional, as they strive to secure a future free from tyranny and filled with hope. In "The Lords: War of Horirrhim" the bonds of friendship are tested, alliances are forged, and heroes rise to meet their destiny in a tale of courage, sacrifice, and the triumph of light over darkness.



PublisherA L T Hughes
Release dateMay 27, 2024
The Lords: War of Horirrhim

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A truly thrilling read. Obviously inspired by Tolkien, but certainly brings a fresh perspective to the high fantasy genre.

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The Lords - A L T Hughes

The Lords: War of Horirrhim

By A L T Hughes

Chapter One: The Gathering Storm

The wind howled through the high peaks of the Grayfang Mountains, carrying with it the scent of snow and pine. In the heart of the kingdom of Alordia, nestled between rolling plains and steep, craggy hills, the great hall of Valedorn stood resolute. Its thatched roof glistened with frost under the pale light of dawn, a beacon of hope and strength for the people of Alordia


King Darvius Ironheart, a towering figure with a mane of silver hair and a gaze as piercing as the mountain wind, stood upon the balcony of the high hall, his eyes scanning the horizon. His kingdom was at peace, but the ominous sense of a gathering storm lingered in the air. The Carthani, ancient foes of Alordia, had been seen massing along the borders, their intent unmistakably hostile.

My lord, came a voice from behind. Darvius turned to see his trusted advisor, Caden, a wiry man with a shrewd mind and eyes that missed nothing. Scouts report increased activity along the River Therin. The Carthani grow bolder with each passing day.

Darvius nodded, his jaw set with determination. We must prepare. Send word to the commanders of the Gray Riders. Every man capable of bearing arms must be ready to defend our land.

Caden bowed and departed swiftly, leaving Darvius to his thoughts. The king's mind wandered to his family, his greatest pride and deepest worry. His eldest son, Eamon, was a fierce warrior, eager to prove himself in battle. Beside him stood his younger son, Lorian, a strategist with a keen intellect. Both were brave, but the weight of their lineage and the impending conflict bore heavily upon their young shoulders.

Darvius descended the steps of the high hall, the golden chamber echoing with the footfalls of warriors and the murmur of anxious voices. He made his way to the training grounds, where Eamon and Lorian were sparring, their blades clashing in a dance of steel and skill.

Father, Eamon greeted, lowering his sword and wiping the sweat from his brow. His eyes, a mirror of Darvius's, shone with determination. We are ready to fight.

Darvius placed a hand on Eamon's shoulder, then turned to Lorian. It is not just your skill in battle that will be tested. The Carthani are cunning and ruthless. We must be prepared for anything.

Lorian nodded, his expression serious. We will not fail you, Father.

Darvius looked at his sons, pride swelling in his chest. I know you won't. But remember, this war is not just about us. It is about every man, woman, and child in Alordia. We fight for our people, for our home.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its golden rays upon the plains, the people of Valedorn went about their preparations. Blacksmiths hammered out swords and armor, while farmers gathered their livestock and fortified their homes. The air was thick with the scent of earth and iron, a testament to the resilience and determination of the Alordian people.

Days turned into weeks, and the tension mounted. Darvius sent emissaries to neighboring kingdoms, seeking alliances and aid. Among them was Nyla, a skilled diplomat and childhood friend of Darvius. She returned with news of cautious support, but many were reluctant to be drawn into a conflict that seemed so distant from their own borders.

One evening, as the winter chill seeped into the walls of Valedorn, a rider arrived, cloaked in darkness and urgency. He bore the crest of Carthania and carried a message that sent a ripple of unease through the hall.

The Carthani demand our surrender, the rider announced, his voice trembling. They claim this land as their own and will spare no one who stands in their way.

A murmur of outrage swept through the gathered nobles and warriors. Darvius rose, his face a mask of calm resolve. Then they will find us ready, he declared, his voice ringing with the strength of ages. We will not surrender our home, our freedom. Alordia stands united, and we will fight until our last breath.

As the rider departed, Darvius turned to his sons and his people. Prepare yourselves. The War of Horirrhim has begun.

In the days that followed, Valedorn transformed into a fortress. The golden hall of Valedorn became the heart of the kingdom's defense, its walls echoing with the resolve of those who vowed to protect their home. The men and women of Alordia, from seasoned warriors to young recruits, took up arms, their spirits undaunted by the impending threat.

Darvius knew that the coming battle would test them all, but he also knew that the spirit of Alordia was unbreakable. As the snow began to fall, blanketing the land in a cold, silent shroud, the king of Alordia stood tall, ready to face the storm that threatened his kingdom.

And thus, under the shadow of the Grayfang Mountains, the stage was set for a war that would shape the destiny of Alordia and etch the name of Darvius Ironheart into the annals of legend.

The days stretched into weeks, and the weeks into months, as the conflict with the Carthani dragged on. Each passing day brought new challenges and hardships for the people of Alordia, yet their resolve remained unshaken. In the heart of Valedorn, King Darvius Ironheart continued to lead with unwavering determination, his presence a source of strength for his people.

As the winter deepened, the snows grew heavier, blanketing the land in a thick layer of white. The biting cold tested the endurance of both soldiers and civilians alike, yet they persevered, driven by a fierce determination to defend their homeland at all

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