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Intimate Worship
Intimate Worship
Intimate Worship
Ebook116 pages38 minutes

Intimate Worship

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Intimate Worship: How to Worship God from A to Z, offers an alphabetical guide, based on scriptural truths, to help us recognize sacred moments where we can completely surrender to God by acknowledging Him as Abba, Beautiful, Comforter, Deliverer, and many other revea

PublisherStage44, LLC
Release dateMay 29, 2024
Intimate Worship

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    Book preview

    Intimate Worship - Tuwania Johnson Levy



    ne morning while en route to school, an immense sense of worship came over me. As I began to worship Him, I found myself drawn in and deeply attentive to God. In that moment, I felt His presence all around me as I began to experience unexplainable peace and overwhelming joy.

    So, you know how sometimes when you are trying to worship and pray, and you hit a brick wall and just can’t seem to find the right words? Yeah, that’s basically where I was at. I was feeling frustrated because I felt like my worship was becoming stale and repetitive, like I was just going through the motion without really connecting with God. My worship started to feel predictable and uninspired because my vocabulary was limited!

    But then I realized that God didn’t need me to come up with eloquent speeches or fancy words to draw near to Him. He saw straight into my heart, past my frustrated state, and gently whispered, Go down the alphabet. I cannot tell you how I instantly knew what the Holy Spirit was referring to, but I did! That specific instruction took the pressure off me, and since, I’ve learned to simply worship Him by way of the strategy He gave. I now, Go down the alphabet.

    Since I have a guide, my worship at this point in my walk with Christ has become more fluent, honest and authentic. I no longer struggle with finding the right words each time... I simply. Go down the alphabet.


    Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24).


    e clearly read that the qualifications to worship God, must be in both, spirit and in truth. In spirit means to worship God with your whole heart and being. Our worship should originate from desire and sincerity, having a deep, intimate relationship with God, and showing gratitude for Who He is and not just for What He has done.

    In truth means according to His Word. Truth is always scripture based when it applies to worship because God’s words are the foundation of His character. The Bible, as God’s inspired Word, serves as ultimate authority to follow as we worship. When we center our worship on scripture, we are aligning ourselves with God’s will and allowing truth to shape our hearts and minds as we enter worship. By focusing on God’s character in scripture, we can eagerly trust in His promises, guidance, protection and provision for our lives.

    That morning, the Holy Spirit was drawing me, and the Word of God was my truth. He was seeking me that morning. He was right there by my side. The Holy Spirit is our helper; therefore, He helps us to worship God and reminds us of who God is so that when we worship, it’s honest and unmarred. When the Holy Spirit leads us into a deep, Intimate Worship that transcends our fleshly desires and limitations, it is truly a transformative

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