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Holds Tight: Witches of the Wildwood, #3
Holds Tight: Witches of the Wildwood, #3
Holds Tight: Witches of the Wildwood, #3
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Holds Tight: Witches of the Wildwood, #3

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In the thrilling conclusion to the spellbinding trilogy, the enigmatic town of Wet Waterfalls faces its darkest hour yet. As Jade and her allies finally unearth the source of the demonic onslaught that has plagued their community, Dylan returns from his inexplicable disappearance, his reappearance heralding more questions than answers. And it appears that Jade and Roosevelt have finally come to an understanding, their turbulent relationship forging a bond stronger than steel.

They continue to race against time to unravel the mysteries that threaten to tear Wet Waterfalls apart, the identity of their adversary remains elusive, and their motives shrouded in mystery.

Yuki remains in danger until they uncover the truth behind the demons that haunt their town. Prepare for a breathtaking conclusion filled with twists, turns, and the enduring power of hope in the face of insurmountable odds.

Release dateJun 26, 2024
Holds Tight: Witches of the Wildwood, #3

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    Holds Tight - Lulu M. Sylvian


    Oz looked at me with his big blue puppy dog eyes coming from his big puppy dog face as he sat in the middle of my bed, tail wagging.

    I guess your high wore off, huh? I crossed my room and sat next to him. And for the first time in forever, I ruffled his ears like he was some kind of dog and not a large frightening wolf.

    What are we gonna do? What am I going to do? I asked.

    I leaned my face into his fur and tried to not think and tried to not cry. I blamed the pregnancy hormones for putting me on edge. The truth was life was on edge all the time. It seemed like a real cop-out to blame it on hormones all the time. I was sensitive, must be that time of the month. I’m overly emotional, must be the pregnancy.

    Why couldn’t I just be sensitive and accept that? I was tired of being strong. I wanted someone else to be strong for me, if even for a minute.

    Oz whined and licked my face in serious doggy fashion. It wasn’t like him. Maybe he was still high, but the magic aspect of it had worn off. Maybe we’d never know what happened to him.

    I’m fine. I didn’t want his doggy breath or doggy kisses.

    I opened my door and he slithered out. I swear wolves must have extra vertebrae or something because there were times he did not move like a dog. I followed him out and leaned on the banister. I heard the exclamations as Oz appeared back in wolf form. I didn’t listen to the words; they were the same ones I had in my head.




    I was tired on so many levels. I stared into space, content to be where I was for a moment. Not moving, not caring.

    Are you okay?

    I didn’t notice Roosevelt until he was next to me. He towered over me, all man and muscle. Whatever it was that I had felt for him earlier in the day— hell, earlier before I stormed off to find solace with Oz— was gone. At least for now.

    I had no interest in seeking out temporary comfort in anyone’s arms. If they couldn’t stay, I didn’t care.

    I shrugged. There weren’t words that could describe the complete lack of emotion I was experiencing.

    Why does it matter? I turned to step back into my room.

    Roosevelt grabbed my arm, stopping me. It matters, Jade. You matter.

    I glared at his meaty paw around my arm. He was a big man with big hands. Not even ten minutes ago I craved his touch so bad I didn’t know how to behave. Now, I didn’t want him. I didn’t want Oz. I didn’t want touch of any kind. I lifted my glare to his face.

    Oh, I matter now? Cause I would have sworn I didn’t matter ten minutes ago when you were barking at me about eating peanut butter.

    Woman, do you think I would have been criticizing your choices if I didn’t care?

    You have a really weird way of showing it, if that’s the case.

    He pulled me into his space like a tractor beam on a spaceship. I couldn’t have gotten out if I had tried. As it was, I was too tired to struggle, so I let him drag me in. I didn’t fight him when he bruised my lips with a kiss I did not return.

    He let go of me so suddenly I staggered.

    I don’t get you, Jade. I thought you were hot for me?

    I gave him a level look. The disconnect in my head was growing wider. You only want me when it’s inconvenient for me. And when I do want you, you can’t be bothered. You only came up here to check on me because Oz is now on four feet and in a fur coat. The second he’s a man, you start pouting. Ya know, maybe if you had been nicer to me at all this afternoon then I would be feeling differently right now. I’m tired, Roosevelt. Tired of everything. Tired of having to second guess you, tired of Oz only being around once a month, tired of having to pretend that something strange didn’t happen to Dylan, and tired that I have to be strong enough to handle all of this on my own. I never raised my voice, never even whined.

    He stared at me, and I could not read what was going on behind those sage green eyes of his. He closed his eyes, dark lashes rested on his cheeks.

    I wanted to be angry, but I just felt numb and worn down.

    We’ve had a long and mentally taxing day. I have more questions now than I did before we headed to the vortex. And whatever the fuck that was with Oz— I mean he jumped into the magic only to have it spit him out as a human— what am I supposed to do with that information? I crushed my palms against my temples, as if I could force my brain to work.

    He nodded. I didn’t know if I was making sense or not.

    When he let out a long breath and ran a knuckle down the side of my face, I thought I might break.

    I suck, he admitted and pulled me back against him. This time he held onto me in a strong surrounding hug. He rested his chin on my head.

    His chest jumped with a low chuckle. Fuck all that happened today. It’s going to take days to wrap our heads around it. And you’re right. I was a total dick coming down the mountain. You need rest, and I need to get my priorities restructured. I want you Jade, and I’m still used to the rules where you don’t mess with another man’s woman. Especially when you know that man.

    It was my turn to huff out a laugh. The bro-code is strong in you. Throw in some pack rules, and it all goes sideways, doesn’t it?

    I’m not pack.

    Neither am I. But we live in a pack world. Maybe that’s something to consider.

    The edges of my numbness began to fade with Roosevelt’s arms around me. Or maybe it was because he was warm like a heating pad to my weary body.

    I pushed against him to let me go. Goodnight, Roosevelt. And thank you.

    He crossed his massive arms and tilted his head to the side. Thank me? For what?

    For not chucking this in the trash just yet.

    He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. You are making this summer very interesting for me. I’m not ready to give up on it. Goodnight, Jade.

    He stepped back and then turned around. I was mad that Oz showed up. I was also mad at myself for blaming a man for something he clearly wasn’t aware that he had done. For the record, I don’t think Oz was aware that he was in his human skin. That shouldn’t have changed my behavior the way it did. I am sorry for that. I’ll do better.

    In a few long strides, he was in his room, and I was still in the hall staring at the empty space he left.

    I rolled over, something was off. I couldn’t tell what exactly, but I felt it. I scooted out of bed and opened my door. The Lodge was quiet, but something told me to go down the hall. I paused outside Bailey’s room. No psychic energy coming from in there. I think everyone was too tired from the night before.

    I headed the other direction toward Yuki’s room. The unease grew stronger.

    She should have been up and getting ready for work. But there were no sounds of her getting dressed or taking a shower.

    I knocked gently before I opened the door.


    I was greeted with a moan.

    I ran to her bed, expecting her to be limp but in the bed. It was empty.

    The toilet flushed, and Yuki stepped out of her bathroom. She looked pale and was wiping the side of her face.

    Are you all right? I asked. I climbed on her bed and crossed my legs.

    She sat next to me with a thump and rested her head on my shoulder.

    I don’t feel right.

    I placed my hand on her forehead to see if she was warm. Are you sick?

    I don’t think so. I think I just don’t want to go to work.

    Oh, yeah, I’ve had days like that. Can’t you call in sick or something? Keiko isn’t going to want you to cough all over her doughnuts.

    I can’t do that. You know I’m bad at lying.

    She was a fucking pro at lying to people who didn’t know her. But she never lied to people she knew. She couldn’t. She was laughably transparent when she tried.

    I’m going to go find some pants, and I’ll drive you in.

    She nodded and I scooted off her bed.

    I met her downstairs in the kitchen. I brewed a pot of the strong stuff. As I leaned into the smell that would give me strength to be somewhat functional, I thought about my caffeine consumption. I really needed to find a baby doc and get checked out. There were things I probably needed to be doing or not doing.

    I dropped Yuki off as dawn started to lighten up the streets.

    I’ll pick you up later.

    Her entire being slumped as she made her way into the doughnut shop.

    I drove back to the Lodge and climbed the stairs,

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